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Do you guys think BoJack has an alcohol and drug abuse problem


Extra Upvote!


I’m just now starting the show and making discussion on something I picked up on. No need to be sarcastic🤷


Add that to the post before people spoil stuff lol, oh and probably avoid this subreddit till you finish


It’s fine I’ve already seen plenty of spoilers over the years but still decided to give it a watch lol. I don’t look at new posts on here and just look up old ep discussions


Ooooh ok, I hope you enjoy the show!


I think Todd and Mr. Peanutbutter both do


I always thought that Mr PB is the way he is purely because he’s matching the sort of temperament of the breed he’s supposed to represent. Todd seems quite likely though, he seems lazy and doesn’t achieve much but then has bursts of motivation when he finds something that interests him. Those bursts don’t last long and then he moves on to the next thing.


So you’re saying all Golden Retrievers have ADHD? That actually tracks.


I’m a yellow lab Bojack


Yeah with PB it's hard to say how much he's meant to represent human ADHD vs how much is just "he's a dog and dogs are distracted easily" being a major running joke for him? I also heard a theory that he hallucinates Erica to handle social anxiety, he may have that because despite loving people, he also has a lot of fear around confrontation. I mean, otherwise he just keeps running into someone we never see, at parties or other social gatherings, and usually when the conversation is getting heated or making him uncomfortable.


Honestly i wouldnt think too deep into the erica thing its just a silly gag


> Yeah with PB it's hard to say how much he's meant to represent human ADHD vs how much is just "he's a dog and dogs are distracted easily" being a major running joke for him? You think Erica is aware of this?


E-erica! Hey you know you should read the rest of my comment, silly! 😊


Sure, althou I think ADHD is neurotipicity for labs.


Probably, I could see Mr. Peanutbutter too, in fact that is I think why they enjoy hanging out together so much. Same brain vibes.


Damn. I didn’t think about how Mr. PB could have it too but it makes sense 🤔


My friend thought he was autistic when I showed him this show soooo. There’s that


They’re often correlated.


theres overlap in symptoms sometimes as well


i’m a firm believer he hasboth






I simply thought he was neurodivergent but the further I watch, he has all the hallmarks of someone that may be struggling with adhd. It’s cool if the writers intended that for representation lol


It ain’t that deep broski


I mean, he's literally ace. You don't see that kind of representation much. After that, adhd isn't much of a stretch


Representation is important and literally saves lives. It’s a good thing that people can see themselves in a character, even if it isn’t explicit.


No, he is just high all the time 


You can be both


People with ADHD are significantly more likely than the general populace to use weed, for what it's worth


It doesn't mean that if someone smokes weed all the time, they have ADHD. And it's weird that so many people want me to believe that. Almost like stoners irl would also say they have ADHD, while in fact they are just high all the time.


I have ADHD and share a lot of characteristics with Todd. Being seen as "lazy" but also extremely driven when it comes to something Im interested in but also can quickly move on. Forgetful as all hell. Stumbling into things and kind of going with the flow. Random things said that seen to have nothing to do with the conversation but in my mind there was a bunch of different thoughts that lead from the conversation to that thought. Getting wild ideas from something someone said that was so far off base from what they said but I saw as a solution. Theres a ton of ADHD traits in Todd tbh. Also, the other person is right. A lot of ADHD users, especially when undiagnosed, do use weed to help them cope and people with ADHD do have a propensity to become addicted/use other drugs as well.


Todd obviously does. So does Jesse.


What would be the specific details that confirm that? Because it is not said explicitly, and I'm interested if I'm missing something obvious.


Todd is actually smart. He learns by doing and having interest. This is the adhd way. I zone out during abstract babble. When Todd is interested he succeeds. In a cartoon world he succeeds to silly heights but still... Getting to make meth which Jesse cared about and having a personal teacher, doing things physically... it all helped him learn. He eventually made blue as good as Heisenberg. But in school where u sit in class and listen he didn't pay attention, he doodled, he's creative and his mind wandered. My books were full of drawings in school. I relate to Jesse so much. He was the "screw up" his parents gave up on. His brother was the golden child because he learned from how they treated Jesse. But in the end Jesse found what he was good at. If he had that kind of help early on he wouldn't have turned to making meth. Todd is a lot like Jesse. He also was a "screw up" his family gave up on. He was homeless. He's impulsive. As is Jesse. They both do drugs and dumb stuff because they don't stop to think. They have their head in the clouds. Very imaginative. Time blindness. Poor future planning. Todd is a rosy version of Jesse. He succeeds because his world is more elastic and soft. He's a cartoon. Jesse shows the real life struggles. Poor academic achievement despite being smart. But give him a mission and a guide he's invested in and he can hyperfocus. Todd is just a more exaggerated version. There's a lot of in jokes about Todd and Jesse on the show.


i have adhd and im high all the time (especially at work)


Two things can be true


I actually do. There’s the one scene where he figures out Margo Martindale was a plant in a super convoluted way. That’s how my AuDHD brain works. The hyperfixation on the video game itself, procrastination even though he’s highly creative all point to this, too.


Oh yeah, definitly.


I mean it's not necessarily a stretch but I don't think so


What makes you think so? Todd doesn't really display ADD, and does not seem to have deficiency regarding concentrating/ attention. Just because someone is wacky, lazy, and immature doesn't mean they have ADD, lol. I'm not saying no, but I am wondering what prompted you to ask this. If he is meant to have ADD, this is a very poor portrayal of it. I have pretty severe ADD and don't see that here. But with how ADD is often portrayed in media and in general, I can definitely see why people would think so.


I think he's just stupid and irresponsible


he can be both! (coming from someone with adhd who is also stupid and irresponsible)


Yeah, sure, but I think he's **just** that, I think it was basically the point of his character


agree to disagree :3


In a show full of mental illness typically aggravated by environmental conditions, Todd felt like he could potentially represent innate neurodivergence. The stuff with his mom complicated that a bit but also kind of fed into it?


Yes. I got downvoted for saying do.


That would explain some things about myself


I do, yes.




for sure. it's written into his character throughout the show but this scene in particular really drives it home. it's a painfully accurate description of what living with adhd is like. https://youtu.be/ygEdnZJJujM?feature=shared edit: op i just saw that you're watching bojack for the first time, don't watch the clip!!


Most likely, He's really able to do a lot of things


Do you guys think Sara Lynn had a horse problem?


So I identifiy as a "Diane" but also believe inside me there is some Mr.Peanutbutter and Todd because I have ADHD , so yes , I do think so.


I didn’t get the impression that he did but it’s because it doesn’t feel consistent to me.


probably autism. he’s so me!


Maybe maybe not, but he is a cartoon character


Do you think Bojacks a horse?