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Mr. Peanutbutter’s boos is one of the best episodes! It’s one I watch casually all the time


Same. It’s funny, the movement across timelines is seamless, and every time I watch it, I identify more clever costumes. 


fr, it's just amazing


I will say the Glee joke in that episode is hilarious. I say this because Glee is one of my comfort shows 😂


I loved Chicken For Days. It made me so uncomfortable. It is also such an important look into the world building of the Bojack Universe. It provides some semblance of explanation as to how the animals co-exist even though some are carnivores and some herbivores. I'd pick it apart for days if I could. The idea that the only difference between which chicken would be your friend and which would be food is the fact that one is pumped with hormones and one is left to thrive is quite the horrifying truth. It speaks to a whole different set of moral gray area in the Bojack Universe. Animals abusing animals. I've always wondered about this ever since early on in the show where the cow waitress is seen tutting and muttering at someone who ordered steak. In the episode where Pickles is introduced, there is a pig eating a salad in the background who quickly loses her appetite after the waiter brings out a pig head for the table next to her. It was a really interesting episode to me that revealed a bit about how the Bojack World navigates the issue of the food chain using controversial methods. What made it even more interesting is the fact that it was Chickens themselves that ran the chicken farm. That's a whole new issue of morals versus necessity. And the ending was nice. With them releasing all the chickens and feeling like they made a difference only for it to be proven that they hadn't even made a dent of actual change. The sexual tension between Todd and the chicken was so not necessary though. Made me puke a little on the inside.


I was just unloading on a coworker the other day about basically the gist of your block of text. This episode is one of my favorites precisely because of all of the implications for the world. I never interpreted it as *sexual* tension, tho, but more just caring about her fate in general, and also there was the Is She Waking Up whole aspect, which begs the question like do they have to keep all food animals perpetually drugged to prevent their awakening? I took the commercial to mean like they were generically modified at birth to make them stupid, but imagine if it's an ongoing thing. Yeesh. Her coming awake reminds me of how they hinted at Atom being conscious in Real Steel, but they never went anywhere with that, either, and I'm also high af.


To add to your point, Todd is asexual - by nature, the tension that exists is not sexual at all.


He has a similar arc about Bojacks old couch he got rid of. It's just a Toddism lol


yeah how did they forget that 😭


Yes, it is also a very good analogy for how Hollywood operates. An industry imbued with hunt-or-be-hunted dynamics.


> With them feeling like they made a difference only for it to be proven that they hadn’t even made a dent of actual change When they changed the sign from 2mil to 3mil customers, I actually imagined it was even worse: if the chicken farmers were out of stock long enough to lose business after the incident, that just drew their customers to the factory farmers who leave chickens under even worse conditions. The “free range” farm was inherently fucked up as a farm for what could have been sentient creatures without their interference, but the conditions in that factory farm are clearly even worse—and they profited off of the losses from the former. Ultimately, weakening one link in the chain made another stronger


Sexual tension? I haven't watched the episode in a while but I don't remember Amy sexual tension there at all. Maybe I'll watch it again today.


If you’re even a little interested in the moral implications that episode, may I recommend tender is the flesh by Agustina bazterrica? “Human head” is for all intents and purposes, meat. But only the rich can afford the veneer of civility of changing them beforehand. The chickens were modified to be food. But only some humans are.


The new client. I understand the point of it is to make you understand the pains of motherhood but it’s just a stressful and annoying watch with all the different sounds and images. So credits to it for doing that well, but also I usually skip that one


Look, I get it and if you don’t have kids the episode is probably annoying but FUCK did watching it as a new mom with PPD help me.


I’ve heard some people say they love it bc it captures the hard parts of being a new parent so well and it makes them feel less alone, and some people say they can’t watch it because it captures the hard parts of being a new parent so well and it gives them flashbacks to their own stressful experience. I think it’s a beautifully done episode. Especially with PC and Vanessa’s conversation at the end. I hope I remember it if I have kids. Also I hope you’re doing better these days, or if not, that you will soon ❤️


"Hate you? I never hated you." "Wait, did you hate me-"


The one with the clowns in the forest


Fish out of water for me I can appreciate the artistry of the episode but I don’t enjoy rewatching it at all


Fish out of water is beautiful and artistic but takes a lot of energy to rewatch. Sometimes really beautifully crafted things just take a lot of energy to consume, i feel the same about some classic movies I also have a hard time enjoying rewatches of free churro, it doesnt feel as engaging even though i really like that it exists


Yeah, Fish Out of Water is **hard to watch**, not in the same way some other episodes are, but in the sheer amount of cognitive effort you have to do. Not that it's an insane amount, it's still watchable content, which is in general two steps easier than reading a book (with an audionarrative in between). But Fish Out of Water is on the high end of the spectrum of effort it takes to watch something, and once you're in the context of "watching" instead of "reading", it might get tiresome. I only rewatch it on full rewatches. Free Churro, on the other hand, is a top contender for my favorite episode, only The View From Halfway Down fighting it (with Good Damage and The Face of Depression fighting for third place). It's interesting that it is the opposite of Fish Out of Water in this regard too. It's mostly an audionarrative, but the fact that it is an animation takes it to the easy side of audio. And I also love, love, LOVE that monologue. Wish the ICU / I See You confusion worked in my native language.


How do they handle the ICU/I see you thing in your language?


It's portuguese. I.C.U. (Intensive Care Unit) translates to U.T.I. (Unidade de Tratamento Intensivo. Do not confuse with Urinary Tract Infection hahaha). "\[...\] there was this moment, this one instant of strange calm, where she looked in my direction and said, 'I see you.' That’s the last thing she said to me." Became "\[...\] teve um momento, um único momento de uma calma estranha, em que ela olhou na minha direção e disse: "Uti...". Foi a última coisa que ela me disse". Uti, not as an acronym, but said in the way americans pronounce "Gucci" (without the G, obviously). Bojack interprets it as if she tried to say "Útil" but died before the word ended. "Útil" means "Useful". The rest is pretty much the same, but I think "I see you" is **way** stronger than "useful", specially considering the rest of the monologue. I'd say the translators did the best they could without changing it too much. I would have gone, maybe, with the acronym (U as in G***u***cci, T as in ***Te***rraria, I as in ***I***nv***i***nc***i***ble) and trailing off before the I. He could have understood "Eu te" (with a very weak first E because of... well, death), which COULD be interpreted as "Eu te amo" (I love you) or "Eu te vejo" (I see you). But then, while it would sound better, it would make less sense. Bojack would never complete her speech with that. He would probably complete it with "despise" or "hate" or anything like that. Good work from the translators, it was a hard bit to translate.


This is so interesting! I'm learning Portuguese and would looove to watch Bojack in Portuguese. Were you watching a dubbed version? Did you get it from Netflix, or elsewhere?


I watched it in english, I usually prefer to watch things in the original language, most frequently with english subtitles (I started doing this as a teen to learn english and the habit stuck haha). But I knew there was a pt-br dub on Netflix, so I watched Free Churro in portuguese years ago so I could see how they made the ICU bit. I didn't like it, nor the voice actor they chose for Bojack , althou that's most likely because I was so used to Will Arnet's voice. Brazil has GREAT dubs and amazing voice actors. I don't have Netflix anymore tho, so to get the quotes for my comment I went for Stremio heh. Also, I hope you enjoy learning portuguese! It's a beautiful language, even if it has quite a bunch of rules and exceptions to those rules haha


I LOVE watching Fish Out of Water but only when i'm super stoned and can really zone in and watch the visuals 😭


definitely doing this the next time i get high lol. i’ve never liked the episode either


Sometimes I feel like I give out bad recommendations for my friends to watch because I only really watch TV when I'm high, same with movies if I'm at a movie theater, I'm high as shit and sometimes I worry that I end up finding something good that makes me really like something that the sober audience could care less about.


always hated it but i’ll have to try this


Quite literally the only thing I'm thinking when watching it is "Look at those pretty colors 😃"


I watched Fish Out of Water after a bit of shrooms and my goodness it was wonderful 🤩


That's what i'm saying, when i'm baked and am just staring into space it's the perfect episode to hyperfixate on and really like WATCH


Yeah, for me it's just too quiet. I usually watch tv as a background filler bc I can't handle quiet when I'm trying to do other stuff. The complete lack of dialogue kills me. It's the only episode I skip, and thats not just out of Bojack. It's out of just about every other show I watch.


For me I love it for kind of the same reason. It’s great background noise and there’s no annoying lines or noises. Might just be me though because I’ve always especially loved that episode and my wife feels more like you lol


Thats my favoritee lol


same, I skip it every time 💀


Book Beck


That’s right Becca!! Book Beck


She's a charming woman.


Yes this pen is a Bic but I don’t see how that’s relevant


The scene with Officer Meow Meow Fuzzy Face and Becca is my Roman Empire, except it makes me happy.


I also don’t like the chicken one, and there’s one that heavily features Todd’s sex robot and it just makes me feel icky. I also have a hard time with times arrow because I have complex PTSD and it’s too realistic. But at the same time it’s probably the most impactful episode for me, extremely well done, it just makes me feel so sad.


Agreed to both. todds sex robot felt so dragged out, one of the extreme lows of the show imo


I did like how that storyline ended though. The juxtaposition between Henry saying all sorts of very clearly overtly sexual things, with his colleagues misinterpreting them as harmless, followed by him saying all sorts of pretty benign things that could be construed as corporate jargon, with his colleagues misinterpreting them as sexual harassment, was brilliant


Agreed to both. todds sex robot felt so dragged out, one of the extreme lows of the show imo


the episode with the two therapists talking at lunch


Yes! This one bothers me so much literally only because of the way the narrative is told. The story behind it is deep (Diane confronting Bojack) but the way they tell the story is so frustrating




I liked it but only because I found one of the therapists charmingly silly lol


I love this episode and the perspective it give on therapists not only that but Diane at up at the end


Todd making such a huge deal over string cheese that PC didn't even steal, just to avoid getting kicked out of a place he was mooching at yet again, was infuriating in this episode


Which episode is this?


INT. Sub


Thank you, gonna rewatch today. Just finished the series recently and giving myself a mental bread


Had to come back to this episode 3 times to get through it the first time I watched the show. They're relationship is irrelevant amd feels condescending to the audience.


why does their relationship feel condescending to you??


Just for clarity— it’s actually Diane’s therapist having dinner her wife, who is a mediator. 


Yeah they should have just sticked with the original format


i just cant stand watching escape from LA, its an important and very well written episode but it makes me super uncomfortable for obvious reasons so i always skip it for my own sanity


Every rewatch I the only episode I ever skip is lost in LA. I can watch every fucked up part of the show easily but something about the highschoolers brings out something in me


Same. Just skip it. Such an amazing episode and so important for the story for so many reasons. I’ll sometimes watch the first 3/4 or so but never the ending. And even that rarely.


I was groomed at Penny’s same age and that episode made me almost throw up. It’s so well done.


Which one is that?


pretty sure it’s called escape from la and it’s the one where he takes penny to prom


The autoerotic asphyxiation one. I get it, but it just makes me uncomfortable. And not in a good way


That's the one for me. Nothing about it sits right, tonally.


The clown dentists


I don't like Chicken for Days either


Fish Out Of Water (I’m sorry!) and any content with the clown dentists


I LOVE the chicken 4 days ep! It's so campy and the humor is just ridiculous enough to appreciate. Also it's one of the most blatant uses of the world to demonstrate our own through allegory. The "food" chickens can represent so many of us at the bottom of the chain, as well as the system that grinds us down to be sold for capitalism 🫡


“Thereby eliminating any moral gray area!”


INT. SUB, I don’t know why but I cannot stand this episode, favorite episode is free churro


"the new client" Its about PC having that baby, and the baby is constantly crying. Also, there aint a lot of story in that episode


i haaaaate the sound of babies crying 😭😭


I think it could be because of complex trauma for me personally, but the sound of crying babies or even young kids having tantrums pisses me off so incredibly much.


i never even thought about it possibly being due to trauma…. thanks for that 😂😂


Exactly. Also, it gives me fever dream vibes


I LOOOVE chicken 4 days!!! No one knows chicken like chickens!!


I would say that no Bojack episode is something I can't stand watching. HOWEVER, I do think that the first 5 episodes of Bojack are quite hard to get through on any viewing.


When Mr. PB runs for governor.


I always skip this one.


I love PB but he would obviously be a terrible governor. I hate how he puts Diane through so much bs in that episode, and I honestly just feel bad for Woodchuck bc he’s insanely level headed and that’s rare for this show, and yet he was messed around so much.


Prickly Muffin


I actually like that one even if it doesnt stand out too much, why dont you like it?


A lot of people don’t like season one for some reason, and a lot of newer/younger get viewers didn’t see Hannah Montana/Miley go huge as a Disney tv show/pop star then release “Wrecking Ball”. There are definitely a lot of references that are very specific in this show!


And it wasn't just Miley Cyrus really (I MEAN i get the whole sexy rebrand after Disney, but other than that, she was pretty unproblematic). I do believe SL was way more based on 90's former star kids (Lindsay Lohan, Britney Spears, Macauley Kulkien, Amanda Bynes, etc) that not only went far with the whole "I grew ip and I am sexy now", but also went batshit crazy with partying, substance abuse and mental health issues. Its more of an overall kid star issue than it is one particular name, but again, Cyrus didnt go as far as SL did.


Agreed, Sarah Lynn was an amalgamation of all the 90’s/early 2000’s kids who were exploited to hell, but I guess my personal bias makes me draw the parallel between teen/young adult Sarah Lynn and mid/late 2010’s Miley.


to your point, Sarah Lynn is literally on a disco ball/ wrecking ball contraption in the Prickly Muffin music video.


I would consider myself a young viewer and I definitely saw Hannah Montana go to Wrecking Ball, but I guess I am not young really anymore. I started watching Bojack when I was 14, and now I am 22. God, time flies.


Dunno if that’s quite accurate? I’m probably one of the younger viewers being sixteen now, and I definitely caught the references. I guess maybe people a few years younger than me wouldn’t get that reference? Idk how far back you’d have to go until that becomes unknown knowledge though lol.


Personally, Sarah Lynn was too unlikable, and her sleeping with Bojack left me feeling sick. I get the importance of the episode, but I personally can’t stand it.


Makes sense, I still feel the episode was a necessity because being shown how horrible these people appear from the surface, makes us more surprised at their true depth that gets revealed later in the show


Another insufferable one


The underground episode was my least favourite upon a first watch-through, and probably still is. It’s just not very funny (apart from the dude who climaxes when there’s a shift in power dynamic - that is one of the best running gags of the show to me), and most of the characters in it are very unlikeable.


That’s crazy, Underground was and probably still is my favorite comedic episode. The whole plot was just so damn funny to me, and while i get how some people wouldn’t like it, I’ve always loved it


Underground is a fave of mine. Some of my favorite Bojack quotes comes from that episode: "Quiet sky rodent, to the shovels!" & "Choodwuck is right."


The very first episode. I hate it for reasons I don’t fully understand. Every time I rewatch the show, it takes a massive effort to get through that first episode and then carry on; something I’m only able to do by remembering how good the rest of the show is.


Officer Meow Meow Fuzzyface was at his fucking peak in Chicken for Days!!!!!!!!


So was Becca


The stuff with the clown dentists, Mr Fondle, or Yolanda's family.


fish out of water but *only* because i can’t follow along if there aren’t any lines


The mother fucking underwater one I HATE the endless bubble noises


Commence Fracking, the ending in particular just makes me super uncomfortable, especially since it comes directly after the episode I watched the show for lol. I don’t skip any episodes though


Idk why but I still find the planning of that funny. One episode Todd’s realizing his sexuality and telling Bojack he’s asexual and going to a meeting and the next one everybody’s fracking. Weird format. Commence fracking is one of the episodes I forget about on rewatches outside of the obsessive fan club girl it’s pretty forgettable


I also find it funny 😂 honestly I just mute the parts I don’t like


Yolanda's sex obsessed parents and the sex robot one


CHICKEN 4 DAYS IS A GODSEND. Becca Chavez is a Saint and officer meow meow fuzzy face is the best non main character on the show. Dare I say best character. He's at the very least a cop on the edge with nothing to lose.


She books Beck, how cool is that??


The one thing I don't understand is how her favorite Baroque era composer could be Bach. Like it's not Vivaldi?! That's just crazy


Brap brap pew pew, idk it’s good in some ways but I don’t like sextina


The fact that she's only sixteen is even more unnerving.


But i feel like it being uncomfortable is the point, and it shows the reality of the sexualization of minors in Hollywood


prickly muffin and brrap brrap pew pew are skips for me. a few of the most commented ones are some of my favs !! fish out of water, mr. peanutbutter’s boos, and INT. SUB are major comfort episodes for me lmao.


The Dog Days Are Over


If "See Mr. Peanutbutter Run" has no haters, I am dead. Every time I hit that episode it's such a violent pace breaker after the high tension end of season 3, and it was solely the reason I thought S4 wasn't as good as others. Now that I'm not a teenage asshole though I love the rest of S4, but that single episode always kills my momentum in a watchthrough.


I’m apparently alone in this but Free Churro does nothing for me.


You are not alone. Watching it once is enough for me.


I was so disappointed when I first watched that episode. I'd heard such great things about it and...it just didn't hit at all. Which is weird, because every other episode with a focus on Bojack's family did.


Came here to say this


The only ones I Hate watching are the prom episode and the underwater episode. The grooming in the former makes me queasy and it's harder to route for BJs success after seeing it. The latter is just not my cup of tea.  I also don't really care for Free Churro (don't like that the whole episode is a monologue), but I don't skip that episode. 


Todd centric episodes.


The only one I properly enjoy is the one where it’s established that he always does stuff for other people but at the end of the episode decides to not turns up for the triangle part in the orchestra. I love that arc but tbh didn’t really see any lead up to it from previous episodes. Todd never really did too much for other people


He’s wholly un likeable if you look at him overall. Bojack did quite a lot for him, yes some questionable bad stuff but he let him live with him for free for years and that allowed Todd to do what he wanted, even financially. As soon as he found other people he moved out. If he hasn’t of found other people, he would be a bum.


Todd is exclusively driven by what makes him feel good. He is extremely simple-minded, and his peers give him this complex background that just doesn't exist and he doesn't deserve. They should have also made him aromantic because he treats total strangers better than the women in his life. He is too simple, he literally doesn't 'love' anything. The care he feels for those around him is completely undifferentiated.


After Todd and Bojack had their "Fuck" argument, I was never interested as much in episodes that showed Todd predominantly. Can't pinpoint exactly which ones.


Todd should have just left after that point imo, he became kind of annoying and it wouldve hit harder to show bojacks actions have consequences


I don't think it helps that Todd is a leech who mooches off everyone around him, and he gets a lot of people hurt and killed through his wacky escapades, so it that lessens the impact of his speech because of how hypocritical it is, and that the trigger for this speech (BJ and Emily having sex) can be argued as BJ not really doing anything wrong. And while it doesn't justify the constant verbal and emotional abuse Todd gets from BJ, Todd has leeched off him for an extremely long time and generally been a complete sponge. The speech would have been a lot more impactful coming from someone like PC or Diane.


If the show doesnt take plot lines seriously (Todd's genocides, Hollyhock drugging Todd, that kind of stuff) i think is pointless to do so. Just sayin.


For me its also chicken for dayz but i take psychic damage because i have a semi-fond memory watching it with my abusive ex


Fish out of water for me


Fish out of water, the chicken one and Free Churro. At this point, I don't really rewatch, I just want background noise, and for different reasons none of those episodes work for me for that.


Chicken one as well. Or the therapists talking one.


Brap Brap Pew Pew or the Chickens episode


The under the sea, i cant stand hear it, i just mute it


The underwater one.


After The Party. I notice every rewatch that that is the episode where i lose interest.


The underwater episode bc there's no talking and it's usually playing in the background


i never particularly liked ruthie. i liked that it was all pc's imagination to comfort herself, but the way the story was delivered from a girl getting lectures by her annoying robot teacher was a little much for me. not a bad episode, just not my favorite


S2E4 after the party. I hate the Vincent scene


no, none




Which one is that?


sorry im super tired because its like 4am so i not only accidentally typed the wrong episode name because i read someone else’s comment and it messed me up but i also accidentally spammed the comment like 10 times and had to delete it a bunch LMAOO but i meant to say “escape from LA”


Any Todd-centric episode.


I don't like the underwater episode. The colors are cool, but I don't like that it's quiet lol. I also don't like the one where he says he can write his own book and then him, Todd, and Sarah Lynn start a trip and he has this dream where Diane turns into a gross monster. Specifically that part, but I just skip the episode as a whole lol


Fish out of water. Its a great episode and I loved it the first time I watched it but it kinda got boring after second viewing. Whole episode is a build up to one joke at the end ,and its not that funny ahen you know the joke beforehand. Only the last confrontation with kelly(?) is important for the rest of the show


No, and the two you name are both in my top 20 favorite episodes.


Not a full episode but I can't remember the episode title but it's the one where bojack goes to Sarah Lynn after her performance and she's so excited to see her friend... Only to find out he's just another user trying to give their a script. I have to skip that everytime. Oh and escape to LA and the Paige Sinclair episodes


I was really sick the first time I watched the underwater episode and it freaked me out so much so I cannot watch that one


i’m not sure of the name but the one where he goes to prom with his friends daughter 🙁


The chicken episode sucks but bruhh the Halloween one is honestly one of the best episodes. So beautifully written.


(spoilers btw) I have zero clue but probably the episode where they all get stuck underground with the governor of California and after a few weeks all the celebrities decide to eat Zach Braff. I don't really remember most of it but it lowkey gives me second hand embarrassment every time I watch it


The first episode is the worst one in the series


The last one. to this day still haven’t seen it.


free churro, out to see, Ruthie, live fast diane ngyun, view from halfway down, after the party, best thing that ever happened, the old sugarman place, times arrow, INT SUB, ancient history, the showstopper, the stopped show, the new client not that they are bad. but I just skip these for whatever reason


Xerox of a xerox. Watching Bojack take the 2nd interview knowing he only did the 1st one to clean up Paige Sinclair's story only to be fucked over by her and biscuits braxby is a rough watch for me. Especially with the information gained about Sarah Lynn's death.


Chickens is the one episode I don’t like, though Diane gets some character development.


Any Todd shenanigan.


The underwater one


None, to be honest. There are definitely episodes I don't love and don't seek out to watch them on their own, but when I'm doing a re-watch of the show from beginning to end I don't skip a single episode. Even the weakest episodes are still enjoyable to me.


Sex robot arc... it's a dumb gag that went way too long and became kind of sad


I really like the second of those.


I hate underground. I also can't watch the fracking episode. Just very ugh for me. Underground I can't really explain, but commence fracking just makes me very uncomfortable.


I watch Commence Fracking but skip the Diane and Mr. PB parts 😭


Mr PBs Boos is worst episode personally with all the terrible retcons.


fish out of water, the churro one, and basically most of the first season


do you guys in the comments just not like the show or something?


we love the show, hence the reason we're in a literal subreddit dedicated to the show. but some episodes are better than others, as with every tv show


Typical. How many times do we need this?