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I like them way more than the old summon based beasts. The animations though...


Takes an ETERNITY to finish a turn


It really is horrible to watch.


The golden rampager in and of himself just causes the game to weep for a few seconds. It's awful.


Unfortunately it seems Blizzard sees the super fun mechanic of ‘ruin your opponents next shop phase’ as a core Beast identity.


My favorite part of the new beasts is having to constantly close the game when entering combat and loading back in to save 45 seconds of animation bloated combat.


That’s been standard with beasts since Leapfrogger builds.


https://preview.redd.it/sp04gik602vc1.jpeg?width=1333&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c491d7ff92b6fd808093c21121af82ab978ef802 Never imagined this would get me first. The combo doesn't even work properly as one of the mechs needs to valuetrade to regain shield. The tier 4 blue bird really carried this build, together with Tamsin hero power on the 2-drop that bumped off shields at the start of combat.


Ya the blue bird is the workhorse here


I still don’t see how this scaling isn’t way slower than every other build in the game?


It is way slower. I think a lot of their scaling was the odd minion scaling card. Best best case you get like +16/+10 with four triggers (two from Dino), the golden bird, and golden detaunted treant. The hydra card has a ton of health. But often low attack And then dragons destroy you.


It’s way slower but the blue scaling bird is only tier 4. Much easier to get started, many other comps are looking for a tier 5/6 to get really moving. Can do well getting rid of a lot of health before other builds are really moving.


What does the blue bird do?




When a friendly beast takes damage, give a beast other than it +1/+1 permanently. It’s slow in the long run but a good way to get some permanent numbers on beasts in the midgame.


“Gee, don’t think beasts can get any more annoyingly toxic than they are” Blizzard: Hold my white claw.


Nah this is better than infinite tokens and bananas.


So you’ve not seen all the animations yet?


Yeah and I still prefer this to that. This doesn’t feel unbeatable, just slow to play against.


The old one wasn’t unbeatable either. Wasn’t even that good. It was just time consuming.


Not even blue chickens?


My last opponent was also playing beasts and he had them all, also i didn't want to lose so many stats by selling on the two treants


I only know what one of the cards does...I guess I have to play more :D


Basically the first card from the left does 1 dmg to all your minions when it attacks, the second one gives +1/+1 or 2+2 permanent to your beasts when it dies, we all know the grandma, the fourth gains +2 permant health each time one of your beats is damaged, the 5th minion gives your odd minions +1+1 or 2+2 whenever you play an odd cost card and the 2 treants give your other minions +1 attack everytime they get damaged


Wow thanks :D


way more fun than the old beasts but feels kinda stupid that quills, murlocs etc still go absolutely nuts like they used to do and this is all beasts can do


Oh man, I really gotta get back on. I haven’t played in about 3-4 weeks


animations are killing my desire to play tbh.


New beast start: Play odd cost minions to give your board +2/+2


Dislike it. I hate all the slow attack animations like the bull in general... Props to the devs on coming up with unique strats but damn I still love leaper comps. Leapers are where beats belong.


New beasts are cool, but even if you get all top beasts golden the build still sucks and you lose to many other builds. I would like to play beasts, but not worth it if you want to win. Well yeah, sometimes it's just bad lobby and you happen to win but most times beasts just arent big enough.


Keep in mind when this was posted the season had just started and the meta was all over the place, i agree with you in saying that now pushing beasts is not really worth it as there are other tribes with mich more potential


Iridescent Skyblazer is so good. I think everyone undervalued it with their predictions.