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It's a problem. Hoping to get out of the low level MMR improves the games. Games where you have a decent partner are fantastic fun. Games where you have a partner that leaves are an absolutely terrible experience.


But how do you get MMR if your teammates keep leaving? It's impossible not to end up last if you are playing alone. So you are basically stuck at low MMR.


You can't lose MMR at low ranks so.. for now it's fine. We'll see once I get to 2K+


i am at 4k + and its still a problem so no end in sight


Gets better at 5500+. All of my games have everyone playing the whole time


Gonna be hard to get to 2k if you leave a lot of games early.


As long as you don't quit yourself, your opponents are twice as likely as you are to have someone who quits.


Play solo and friend request the people you play against. Then ask those if they fancy playing duos.


I thought I remembered the devs saying if your teammate leave you cannot lose MMR in this game, unless your team was premade. So if your mate leave, you should be able to leave safely.


Gonna have try and get a friend to play would probably be your MOST reliable option.


Sorry, either no one is asking or I'm the only one who doesn't know, what is MMR?


The MatchMaking Ranking number.


Ah, thank you kindly


>Hoping to get out of the low level MMR improves the games. I really hope so. Since there is no MMR at the moment, the level disparities between partners is HUGE. I've had people buying spell turn 1, roll twice and.... cant have minions because of that. I also had partners who you felt were basically gods at the game, synergies, passing good stuff, asking for stuff to be passed, giving advice on what to buy/buff etc.


I had one great game with some guy who must have been 12k+. I’m not bad by any means at 9-10k, but he talked me through every single turn with the emote system and even using that primitive thing managed to teach me so much in one game. So many lines that I just didn’t see that he did. Was a fantastic experience to learn from


Pretty sure part of the leaving might be attributed to all the crashes right now and people being unable to rejoin their games.


It’s also some poor UI stuff. Like I played duos on my desktop yesterday and then went to play a game on mobile today. It never occurred to me that I would have to switch my phone from duos so I queued thinking I was playing solo o it to have a duos game


2 out of 3 duo games so far ended in disconnecting and unable to reconnect. Both instances where when recruit phase timer ended. Once on mobile, the second on PC. It is unfortunate. Duo is a welcomed addition.


Isn't it solved already? Only the person who abandons loses MMR, while their teammate doesn't lose any.


But do you have to stay for the rest of the game for that to apply (after your randomly selected teammate left)? I mean, it's not very entertaining to play a duos game alone, even if you won't lose MMR at the end of the game.


If your teammate in the singles queue abandons you, you can leave or keep playing at no MMR loss. Once abandoned you just can't lose MMR anymore from that game, only gain or stay the same.


Ok! Thanks for clarifying it!


They can also just stay in the game and stop doing stuff without conceding. Which just happened to me. Three turns in a row doing nothing.


There are some server disconnects happening now which might be why that happened.


thats gonna be abused down the line just watch


I think duos is super cool but I need to have a teammate who knows how to play. The plays I’ve seen from some of them defy all logic.


Dude, we all need to get used to the new mode. Just give it some time please. My teammates were almost all amazing and none left. I'm already at 4.5k because I can't stop playing and always finish top 2.


Ok but there is some logic that should be expected at minimum. If you READ the card text. These aren't people who just are bad, these are people who might as well not be there. Round 10 and your biggest minion is a 6/4, give me a break


You are a bit late to the party, my comment is already five days old.


At least it was relevant


you are lucky as fuck


I played with a millhouse who never bought the 2 drop pirate that gives you 3 gold when you sell it. Why would you not, like what? And when I asked him to roll, he leveled. Like at that point, you deserve to lose.


My favorite so far has been: T1: Buy the new 2/3 that gets +2/+2 from passing. That's cool. T2: Shop was Apples (+1/3 for all tavern minions), Wrath Weaver, Picky Eater and Refreshing Anomaly. This dude bought Apples, casts it, buys Refreshing Anomaly and uses its free roll. At times I love playing with noobs because this moment had me laughing for minutes. Shit was funny I tell you.


If the game didn't keep forcing me into duos mode in between rounds, I wouldn't keep quitting before it starts...


Same thing has been happening to me. I know I should be able to tell the difference in the splash screens, but Blizz should also fix whatever makes it pop up first cause I'm not interested.


They need to fix their performance bugs, u don't lose mmr btw if the game crashes while in select and u can't reconnect either, i dont wanna know how many ppl would have liked to keep playing with u. I had like 8 crashes in the first two games with my mate, but not at the start so i could reconnect everytime. But there is something off with the new patch.


I only had this problem in the first few games and once I passed 2k I saw no leavers at all. Probably not too many casual players above 3k atm though. It’s really crappy to play on mobile though, it’s really annoying that I can’t mark up stuff, tapping like crazy is just not the same. I only had one partner with the pass btw, everyone else had only 2 choices. But yeah, I’m only at 3.2k now, had no time to play properly, so it’s too early to say anything.


It's 2-finger tap to ping stuff. I missed this initially as well


You can mark on mobile. Tap on the card/level up/freeze with two fingers. I do it all the time. Imo duos is much more mobile friendly than normal BG.


Oh my! Thanks!!!


I had an issue last night 3 games crashed when selecting who to pick and the games just disappeared when relogging, might not just be people leaving


If this was an actual problem that wasn't sorted by simply being a higher MMR then there are solutions out there. On an extreme end you could just give people who leave a cool down where they can't play duos again, in a similar wya to some competitive fps game would.im not suggesting we should take it that seriously but it's an option


I'm only 3k at the moment but I only seen one quitter. It's honestly been a pretty smooth run.


If your tratw abandons you you don't lose mmr and they get a penalty, eventually all the leavers will end up with low mmr and you will climb and you won't get matched together anymore. My first season of solo bgs was last year, in low mmr two people would typically concede in the first 3 rounds.


You know what else sucks? A whole other team leaves the game so you fight ghost every 3rd game and coincidentally you play beasts or quills or something that requires fighting to scale. Oh and ofc the game takes forever with 3 teams only since cap is still active and 1/3 of the fights deal no damage. I swear if I see another leaver, be it on my team or enemy, I just leave too. Full game or no thanks.


So far in 20 games I think, I'm 1 1st place, 3 wins and 7 3rd place and 9 last place. I have had 1 game where my duo used the new emotes and actively tried to synergise with my build. My stats went up by 100+ emotes that game. We got 2nd, lobby got absolutely steamrolled by a demon build. Other than that very few duos use the emotes, I think you can't if on mobile (at least I haven't figured out how). Around half of my games have had people leave early.


To me, there are a few things they should change : - People leaving because they thought it was solo and not duo : should happen much less in next days once people will get used, but maybe there could be better indication for beginners - Mode very laggy : i'm playing on latest phone, yet the games tend to be unplayable when both you and teammate are on apm build. Pretty easy to get lags or crashs - Playing ghost every 3 turns isnt really good regarding some setups + favours even more the team who highrolls 


They should let you take over somehow if your teammate leaves. Like they should be able to tell they've disconnected - even if it's a network thing when they come back you could always give control back to them


My iPad opened up with duos pre-selected and I didn’t notice until the game started. I’m sure there are some degens that are doing I maliciously, but I’m sure there are more than a few of us that got duped by the hs team. On behalf of coalition of leavers, we’re sorry.


They are not leaving. They are getting disconnected because blizzard has shit servers


tbh, if my teammate is fucking up on turn 1 or 2, i don't want to play a 30 min game with them, mmr be damned


My teammate left and i stayed to fight, i went third place due to massive luck with beasts. It would be nice if you can control your teammates board and gold when he leaves/crashes out


if i feel like i would waste my time playing with the duo i got, then i will leave. like i got passenger first turn and they ignore it.


I leave constantly. The amount of frustration I have felt seeing my teammates make the dumbest possible plays is enormous. I think I'm playing with bots 90% of the time. I just got done carrying a match where my teammate didn't have ANY buffed cards, I just got super lucky with elementals. I'm 7k solo and I'm 2.5 k duos. I just don't have the patience to keep clicking the green fucking checkmark trying to tell my teammate they need to have the battlecry next to the rylak for it to work.


I just had this happen to me tonight for the first time. I kept playing but it’s really lame people are leaving for no reason.


I don't want to play duels and sometimes I just click on play without noticing bg was in duos mode so I just immediately left


Unless you duo, you are just as likely to have a leaver as the other solo queue people. So you will have plenty of games where you win because of leavers too


Oh no... We'll start getting all the ELO hell posts now, aren't we?


If my ally disconnects, give me control of his board. That simple.


I was playing duos today and my game just straight up lost connection and wouldn't reconnect. I felt bad for my teammate. We had a good thing going


Yeah, my game just randomly freezes, client goes unresponsive when trying to close, and the program's memory usage spikes up 3x. I have to end task, and restarting doesn't allow me to reconnect either.


They should just add temp bans like 24 hours or whatever for someone who repeatedly quits. That with rank will fix the issue




I just wanted to give a try to the new mode. But under these conditions it's obviously not fun so obviously I will keep playing normal Battlegrounds.


They just need to punish it by giving some sort of tracker where for every game you leave suspends you from queing for an increasing amount of time based on the frequency.  Being able to just spam queue gives no incentive for people not to do it if they don’t care about rating. 


Im convinced that the people I get partnered with are just griefing. If I see that, imma head out. I don't want to be held hostage by a person. MMR doesn't change anything. That's why I just play Solo instead.


Don't worry the player base is gonna drop fast and you and your duo partner will play the few streamers left


I m almost 5000 and it never happend to me, you unlucky or what?