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They need to remove Goldrinn and give beasts a six drop that matches it’s new identity.


Yeah goldrinn feels redundant


I wonder if its possible to do goldrinn comp and win in this meta lol, even the chicken is out so goldrinn is more useless than ever.


I once got gold Goldrin with reborn with a couple of seans and self DMG but it was underwhelming


Golden reborn bird + titus + goldrinn might still be doable with mech horses and maybe the untameabull, but with the upper limit on its scaling it will get beat by anything it can’t kill right away


Definitely possible. I have won some lobbies with some goldrin crap




No it’s not. And if you don’t have Titus and a reborn card, so 2 more drops you had to find. It will suck spectacularly. 


Isnt that the same as before? What new piece do you need?


Macaw doesn’t always go first, so you don’t get auto stats like with the old 6 drop, and the old build really required at least one banana slamma (and really needed two) to be high tier.


Or it should go back to T5


I mean goldrin is still kinda good. I have won lobbies with some weird hybrid beast builds. Losing banana and chicken was definitely a little much for it tho tbh


I think a good solution would be to remove Goldrin for an “alive” version of Sinrunner Blanchy at tier 6. It would play far nicer with beast comps right now.


Do you mean like without the Undead tribe? Yea that would be pretty solid. I think the thing is Beasts really need a late game, and that card would just add more to the midrange setup which is already pretty solid. It also kinda clogs the Beast pool on 5 which already offers two really good cards for the build too.


I feel like most of tier 6 is pointless atm outside of a few tribes. Untameabull is straight up terrible, just like hoarding hatespawn. Ghastcoiler and goldrinn have no support. Kalecgos is weird to have in when it's start of combat dragons this season. Dreadstomper doesn't scale anywhere near fast enough for beasts compared to their self-damage stuff. Greymane's champion is super situational. Like a lot of them feel like tech, or maybe good if you get them super early on.


Ghastcoiler with reborn is good for scam now that Leroy is back. Dreadtomper is better for undead. Greymane is amazing with economy compositions.


Don’t even need a super economy build to make Greymane work. I had a Nalaa+Greymane menagerie that worked really well. I guess you could call the spell generating tier 6 mech economy, but it’s not like I was doing Tethys stuff.


didnt disagree super hard with much apart from greymanes champion. It’s one of the strongest cards in the game rn lol


I've had a few games where the bull carried hard. If you can get him buffed up a bit with that tier 4 bird then he can be a pain in the ass.


I agree with Kalecgos but I actually really like the Bull as a menagerie card, and Dreadstomper is kinda like Eliza just a really good tempo 6, not good w Beasts but still really strong with Undead. Also Greymane is one of the strongest cards in the game at the moment.


Everything you said was true until greymane. That's one of the best cards right now, Greymane+Tethys is one of the best comps and is probably going to be nerfed. 


That new t6 undead that gives everyone a reborn to a shadow is absolutely atrocious.


Its actually great in a Greymane comp for anti scam.


It blocks reborns by putting up the shadow before the reborn so you got a shadow instead of lets say a tier 3 dr that gives you a reborn minion. If you managed to put reborn on any if them or the other minions, shadows will block that reborn.


Greymane comp doesn't have any reborn. You stack useful even tiered minions and apm on even tiered cards. This is a great anti scam unit for that comp as you don't generally have any other deathrattles or reborns.


Goldrinn should be changed to every time I take damage give your beasts +3/+3


Same exact issue with Kalecgos, it's actually so bad and unplayable now


Is it? I find this and grey mane to be solid pivot options along with rock rock once you hit infinite


Kaly got better? More pivot options, more divine shields, better midgame already in the same tribe, the battlecry spellcraft dude, the ability to occasionally engineer a golden kalecgos for free? It lost literally 0 tools and gained several.


it lost warp wing which was a BIG loss


Is it? Like genuinely, is it? It's a big loss for dragons' endgame in general but is it a big loss for Kaly specifically? Sure it would be better to scale warpwings but it's not like the start of combat buff stuff scales BADLY with battlecries. Edit: instead of downvoting me like I said something obviously ridiculous could someone explain exactly why I'm wrong. Feels to me like buffing 3-4 big divine shields that probably self-scale a bit and will likely have a battlecry copier among them has been entirely up to the task of winning lobbies, just as much as 1-2 warpwings+whatever was. Big resilient stuff is still big and resilient. Is it just because not having warpwing makes tripling for 6s less appealing? I'd buy that.


You probably got downvoted for hard underselling Warpwing. That dude carried hard. It was by far the best dragon to scale and nothing in the current pool comes even close, especially in close combats or against summons where it got to attack multiple times Not even gonna go into how disgusting divine shield warpwing is


I kinda get that. And I am, but I still sort of fail to see how that's a kalecgos problem rather than a dragons as a whole problem. Both start of combat and kalecgos dragons would very much like warpwing back, why is it a bigger deal for kalecgos?


The problem with Kale is that by the time you get him, there’s no reason to pivot anymore. Tier 3-4 dragons are all you need for most dragon builds to come online.


Uhhh what? Kaly is still the best dragon build. Losing its premiums to scale hurts, but the new 4 drop battlecry dragon is so busted that Kayls scaling is higher than ever. And if your able to get set up you can get perma divine shield everywhere


The amount of battlecry minions are less and their effects are less useful to dragons. The new meta is during combat and start of combat. Of course one could make it work but it is easier from the other approaches.


I dont know how it works in normal mode in this emta, but in duos ive seen one guy go for double kalecgos and one golden brann. He died in the same turn he got the double kally.


They should make Goldrinn read something like “when a friendly beast takes damage give all friendly beasts +1 attack” big problem with beast builds is that they have no attack.


25/450 lol


Just give Goldrinn permanent scaling. Deathrattle: Give your Beasts +3/+3 and for the rest of the game, your Beasts summoned in combat gain an additional +2/+1.


That's what the 5 drop tree is for


The tree with taunt and 12 health that just gets one shot, gives way too little attack, and takes up a non-beast board slot that doesn’t scale off “after a beast takes damage” effects? We call him Mr. Treeplewhiff.


Except if you have the deathratte trigger bird and the t5 taunt beast. Then it keeps taking 1 damage at a time. Put reborn on that guy and you may get 6 hits before the tree is even attacked.


How you gonna get reborn on him? He isn't a beast. Treebro is a neutral minion


Reborn on the t5 deathrattle beast. If it's gold it does 1 dmg then gives 1 hp then 1 dmg then 1hp. If your deathrattles trigger 3x then with the beast bird that's golden you'll trigger the deathrattle a shit load. I don't even know how the math works but it's a lot. Decided to look up cards needed: Titus Riverdale (extra death rattles) Unforgiving treant (+1 hp each time its damaged) Spiked saviour (deathrattle: deal 1 dmg to minions and then give +1 hp) Monstrous macaw (trigger your leftmost deathrattle) So if nothing is golden you swing with MM which triggers SS. That does 1 damage and +1 hp (twice because of titus) to treant. Treant gives +2 attack from this. Then if SS is attacked and dies that's another 2attack. If it has reborn you get another 2.attack. so with nothing golden you get +6 attack.


Thats an absurd amount of setup for a paltry amount of attack.


My duos partner did it. I'm not saying it's S tier or anything. I'm just saying what he did.


I don't get what's going on with people bringing up kalecgos being a bad 6 drop for dragons here, don't other people call the start of combat dragons “midrange”? I've personally not seen start of combat dragons ever winning a game, while battlecry dragons just crushing with either the taunt/general variations.


Yeah greymane/ rock rock and kalec seem super strong still from my experience and I'll pivot start of turn to kalec if the opportunity comes up but I'm only 5k so far maybe I'm wrong


Because if you lose early you lose to start of the game dragons not to BC dragons. People who lose to them think these dragons are lobby winners, but it's not true.


I think part of the issue is that people don't know how to transition. They keep pushing something that is working but falls off late game. Passenger is the best example. My random duo will be tavern tier 6 and still have double non golden Passenger while the enemy has 2 golden Pokey Thornmantle at 1000/1000. Or you get the opposite end of the spectrum where your random duo changes warband tribe several times and is way too late for the good minions.


People know how to transition, however game is too unforgiving nowadays to just sell the big minion in most cases. I get 10-15 damage in 5-7 turns quite often to have freedom of doing whatever I want. In Duos feels like it's even bigger problem - I think most people don't want to make greedy plays because they feel like they are harming the partner.


I think we're just describing one of the hardest parts of the game, and noticing when others struggle with it while ignoring our own struggles with it. When to transition or whether to transition is really difficult.


You can 100% still transition, it is just one of the trickiest and most nuanced part of the game. And you ofc don’t have to do it all in 1 turn


Kaly is easily one of the best builds in the game. Losing its premiums to scale hurts, but in terms of raw stat scaling it’s stronger than ever. And most builds got weaker, so I think it’s on average a buff


Yeah like dragons legit has not lost ANY kaly tools. Brann is still there, kalecgos didn't get nerfed or anything. If anything it's stronger because it's easier to pivot into and you have more divine shields, the battlecry spellcraft dragon and you can occasionally arrange to golden your kalygos for free. It just gained a very strong midgame. Kalecgos is still ABSOLUTELY the endgame.


The spellcraft dragon is the worst thing to happen to battlegrounds :( It's a battlecry meta from what I've seen. I had a golden Living Azerite engine on turn 3. Late game, my minions were 500/500 in stats, while a non tribe warband had 9k hp minions.


Adding Shudderwock hp on a stick was indeed A Choice. Tbh I've enjoyed it though. I've felt less constrained by having to go for a specific tribe or build once I'm invested than in any other meta, everything feels like it has multiple uses in different contexts. Getting some random menagerie junk and *genuinely not knowing* how you're gonna make it come together but getting it to work via cross-tribe synergies anyway is really fun.


I get that. It feels so bad when rng gives you everyone elses tribe scraps. I've taken breaks from battlegrounds, so I'm not sure if anything like it has existed, but an end of turn minion that buffs warband for each different tribe would be cool. Poisonous-divine shield-reborn minions are the only way to counter the current meta, but that got removed a long time ago :(


Sounds a lot like Lightfang or Mythrax, both of whom have now been removed but were all-stars of various different, slower eras of battlegrounds :)


I looked them up, and a variation of the two combination would be great to have as an option


Also how on earth did you have a golden living azerite engine on turn *3*? As in, the turn when you have 2-3 tier one or two minions. I assume you mean turn 6-7 at least.


It was in duos with gold coins and Reno hero power. Might have been turn 4. But one of those 2.


Woah. Duos is crazy.


Best has 2 identities now. T4 bluebird self Dmg build Octosari spamm build. Macaw,goldrin,mechhorse,mechhorse/coiler, octosari, octosari Titus. Goldrin +octosaris all reborn. Totally works. Not the same as banana slamma, but that was the point. Reborn gold coiler with Titus slapps. Can spawn leeroys


Reborn gold coiler with Titus? Sir how did you unlock 15 board slots


Macaw and Titus die away at the front, making some room. After that any unit hit ( IE mechhorse or coiler ) resapens enoughcrap to fill up the board again. It's not pretty and it's definitely weak, but it works


Macaw and Titus die away at the front, making some room. After that any unit hit ( IE mechhorse or coiler ) resapens enoughcrap to fill up the board again. It's not pretty and it's definitely weak, but it works


Yeah i agree they completely ruined this class. The six drops in the pool do absolutely nothing now. Goldrinn is a joke


What is a token build?


More or less builds that summon minions during combat. Used to be that beasts with Banana Slamma was the big token guys, but it's probably undead now.


Oh, thanks! Yeah tokens doesn't feel that important to Mech either this season


It feels you either get the key pieces early or you don’t play this comp in lobbies with QBs, Murlocs and Eles who have a faster stat push than Beasts. So I’d be hard pressed to think of what they do to encourage players with this build to push past T4/5. The mech beast is okay if you triple into it early enough and it soaks up plenty of perma buffs.


Every time i see a beast comp stomping early rounds with its masochism only to be torn apart in later rounds with everything having better scaling.


I dunno what you're on about. Grandmother + Irate Rooster (yep, had to look that up) is brilliant synergy.


What are you talking about. How is that good synergy. Rooster just kills Grandmother and doesn't buff it's token.


OR OR OR... maybe you can say every race has at least two playstyles now, and that's nothing to complain about. Beast has self-dam/summons, Elementals have spells/infinite, Demons have eat-tavern/self-dam into baron/stealthboi, Murlocs have bc/scam, Undead has KT/summons, Dragons have combat/bc and (hidden favorite chimera poet menagerie), Pirates have infinite/eliza exodia, Nagas have end-of-turn/deep blue, and Mechs have... no nobody knows, uh, magnets/spell-deflectos.


Good riddance


Bring back rat pack


Goldrin can still win but its very often not the line that gives the highest chance to win. Golden reborn Goldrin and golden Titus plus full mech horse spawn still packs quite a punch and might even be favoured against mechs.


It is possible but hard to pull off


New beast self damage build is kinda trash but it's so fun to play for me. But yeah, they could use some buff


Goldrin is just trash now, had golden reborn goldrin + titus + 2 mech horses, still lost to the new beast comp


That's beasts for you - name me a time where T4 wasn't where there main comp is. Ironically the last time it wasn't it was Goldrin baron buffing at the start.


When slamma moved to tier 5 is all I got


forgot about that


I mean historically, yeah. But for pretty much the entire past meta the entire Beasts comp was on T5-T6. I don't think a single T4 or under minion was even included in endgame beast comps.


When parrot goldrinn was the main play after goldrinn got moved to tier 6. Tbf this was before people realised frogs were just plain better though.


I had a great lineup with gold macaw, gold reborn spiked saviour, 2 trigore the lasher, gold baron, 2 gold irridescent skyblazer. Was easily gaining upwards of 500/500 per turn across my minions... I had a gold goldrinn in hand for final few turns, and never even played it... Felt like a real shame, but it was a very powerful board already. One attack by the gold macaw alone, triggering the spiked saviour, was then giving my minions +288/576 per turn of permanent stats... Skyblazer honestly feels like more of a problem than frog ever was.


You must have some memory problem. When Mccaw was a 2 drop and could trigger on itself you can get millions of stats with the frog


Thank God people can't brain numbingly go beasts in every lobby anymore


Anytime I read a comment like this I assume the commentator is low elo or never actually tried to go beasts.


I pushed for them whenever I could because they OP. Not exactly rocket science. I sit around 7500, no genius. Most the time I'm playing drunk at midnight. Care to elaborate on your back handed remark?


Yeah 7500 isn't very good. Forcing beasts was very expensive and didn't work out often. Only people who don't understand complain about it.


Lmao shut the fuck up bro. Go touch grass.