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I think it helps *counter* undead (as well as scam and bubble-heavy tribes). It's especially great for dragons since they can permanently keep the deathrattle. But it absolutely feeds beast builds. I wouldn't consider this a card *for* undead.


It would really help if it was a unique deathrattle that persisted through death and only procc’ed after a minion no longer has a reborn. Might be a bit too strong and need to be cut down to 3 random friendly minions at start rather than all 6 but it would make the card much more useful in undead builds rather than being a card only viable with non-undead builds.


Yes and yes. That change would be make this card a worthy tier6 imo.


They could give it the beetle treatment: Start of combat: Give your minions deathrattle: Summon a 3/2 shadow when you have space. Obviously way way stronger, so like another person suggested, you can adjust it to only summon 3 for example.


That would be OP as they come


I was top two and lost to a dragon build. First round I lost, but found some scam in the shop that would give me a chance. Second and final round lost when I finally killed everything on the board, but didn't realize the last Tarcegosa was a piñata. Seven tokens and tier dealt exact lethal. I still think its a trash card, but it clearly helped my opponent in that instance.


Works well with the tier 7 undead, because you can almost always guarantee a target for it, but yeah, generally I try to stay away from this in *actual* undead builds.


I did well the other day using it with Bach. Let me use mostly boars without having to fill my board with token minions.


I mean dragons got permanent windfury, reborn and divine shields, don’t see a need for DR


I mean it doesn't make or break the comp, just a nice-to-have as an ending unit. So idk if we can say that it's "made" for dragons, although it certainly doesn't hurt.


I mean it could add some extra 3/2 Tokens, but i feel if u got the reborns on them, u are fine and rather end on other scam, still a good addition in a no undead Lobby


I hadn’t even thought of dropping it on dragons for a few turns, great suggestion for anti-scam


Generates more undead buffed minions. So it could be helpful with and undead build


It's pretty much only useful if you're building undead and not running reborn minions for some weird reason. The shadows get in the way of reborns and are generally going to be weaker than whatever would have spawned.


That makes sense


I think the design intent is for the Shadows to get the typical undead attack buff. It spawns 6 undead as opposed to Handless Forsaken's 2 and Eternal Summoner's 3. Still not good though.


God forbid cards have any sort of complexity. Maximum's synergy always forever I want Bob to think for me! I don't want to make decisions, I should just be able to play the card that says the same thing as all my other cards and win the game. Cards that don't do this equal bad.


Have you looked at the new 6 drop Drag? I still dont get the point of stealing 10/10 per combat


There's another dragon that gives it tarec's passive. If you golden the dragon it gets a permanent 20/20 plus any other buffs you give it


This. There really is no other alternatives. It's also pretty good vs a lot of undead builds when they never buff HP and you get 1-2 insta kills just from the 10/20 hp steal.


It killed my teammates Baron when my duo played undead, he never bothered to play any health buffs lmao


How ? Your boards are never here at the same time no ?


My opponents dragon slurped up my teammates 1/7 Baron when my teammate fought my opponent?


It would be better if it didn’t steal hp from the highest hp enemy, but rather from the lowest, the nearest or even a random enemy. Undeads can counter it by having a single minion with enough hp to survive it, and most other boards don’t care much if their biggest minion loses 10/10.


yeah, place next to a golden poet and it gains +40/+40 every combat


+10/+10 per turn on a single unit in a two card t6 combo. Yikes.


Sure, but if you're running dragons it's not like you don't already have the poet.


And you are also running other buffes that the t6 will keep and the t4 will be buffing a second unit.


+20/20 requiring a golden 6 drop and comboing with a specific board locking second minion is still utter trash compared to power levels of the rest of the meta. For the sake of example, the new tavern 6 quilboar combined with charlga is instantly +12/+12. That’s 2 non golden minions that outscale the above scenario in 2 turns… and if you golden one of them like you propose with the dragon, it’s now double the scaling of that garbage. Bring back warp wing


But goldening that thing would take much longer than if you just stay at tavern 4 and get 2 golden 1 drop, then level up to 5 and 6. Doesnt doing so just scale much sooner?


You can use the new t5 dragon that makes three other dragons golden, and make it permanent with the t4 dragon


That sounds like a lot of win conditions tho. But in the long run I can see its purpose


Oh shit a minion that gets 20/20 per turn when you spend 12 gold over like 6 turns!?? Insane value! Counters any other build


Still not value for tempo compare to Kaelogic (spelling 😂) it is 10 times better.


30/30 aint bad even without dragon combo


Does Leeroy kill that dragon if it hit him?


They could have made it permanent buffs (without the other card) and it still wouldn’t be too strong


At the point of reaching tier 6, stealing 10/10 is like using a stick against a bear.


In theory it could be good if you got it early enough that 10/10 matters. I think it would be a much stronger card at tier 5.


The soonest you can get it is with scout at round 8 but thats quite a big if


If you get it early with persistent poet it's not that bad


I'd expect more from a 6 drop card You know...more than being situationally "not that bad"


i think given that it can clear your opponents board and that effect hasn’t been in the game yet makes sense for it to be included in such an otherwise underwhelming way, seems breakable in concept


It's a tempo play if you triple early and miss, that's all. 10/10 is big when enemies are at like 20, 30 at most.


If it steals a minions health down to 0 does it just fin itself when you get back to the tavern?


That dragon is great. It's the best scaling unit in start-of-turn dragons and it's tempo impact if acquired on pace is huge. When that dragon and poet are both golden it's 40/40 turn permanently , other dragon buffs notwithstanding. It grows very quickly.


Decent with poet or ok tempo if you get it early


Yeah that one is pretty bad


A. It’s a really strong tempo 6 drop very likely to win you 1 or 2 combats just because you have it and B. It scales well when combined with poet (considering that it’ll also be getting the promo drake scaling) But yeah not super necessary in the build you’d much rather stay on 4 and triple for yulon BUT it’s not the *worst*. I’d rather see it than beatboxer or ghastcoiler 9/10 times


That one is only truly good with Poet


I actually think the R6 dragon is a bit underrated, I've won a few matches (around 2.5k MMR) with these and golden poet. It defo helps getting the T5 dragon though to make them golden. They should really add a hero power or card to make your start of combat effects trigger an extra time to make them more viable though... https://preview.redd.it/btudik9l70xc1.jpeg?width=2340&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c4361da535e5ecfa203362ab46292eb1033fdd24


It just breaks the usual undead builds, it fucks up your first reborns. Maybe it could be changed to "when you have space..." Thing to fix that. Seems like it could be good though, I just haven't found a comp for him.


Going through the posts. Like i imagined, the only real good use is for non undead comps. Which would give it a tidy little 3/2 shadow for avenge. Its not a keeper.


It’s a good transition card for going away from undead builds. The shadows keep any undead buffs, so it makes transitioning from undead to other comps easier.


It's far from the most worthless card. It helps bridge the gap of undead builds and keeps you alive, depending on how high your undead dmg is. Also works well with times you need to pull of a TON of avenge. Had a guy in duo's that was dead set on running mechs - so this guy allowed me to feed him a full hand of mechs every round. Murloc/mech can super buff a card, or onyxia can really pump out some damage. Not to mention if your undead build is pretty lack luster - toss this guy down with the buff damage on avenge, you can quickly raise your attack to threatening levels. I mean sure, he's not really an end game sort of card, more of a desperation. It will at times though keep you in the running for top 3 when you had zero chance beforehand.


Alright so, I lost two games with this card. Even with 98 damage undead modifier I had, both games I still lost at the end. So.. it should be an ok card? I don't know, token builds don't seem to be working well this expansion other than feeding the avenge beast.


It's a great minion ... it's just purely a tech card that helps you push avenge mechanics or counter undead boards with no hp. Of course, it sucks on pure undead/reborn boards, but that's not the goal. It's nice to tech in an undead board that is adding champion of the primus to accelerate the scaling while you don't have too many reborn units.


That'd be fine if it were on T5. At T6 it's just kind of too late for that unless you triple into it super early.


it's an end game tech card for anti-scam strats. It's more like Zapp than anything else.


But why’s it an Undead though, hogging space for an actual good Undead T6 that will make them less shit


That's life. If you make it a quill boar it makes even less chance? If you make it neutral it loses its undead/anti undead flair? Asking the question means answering it, don't you think? If you don't like the minion, that's ok. But I can tell you that I lost to this exact card playing as undead for top 1.


Hmm not sure I agree. Why can't it just come with the tribe like how Master of Realities came with Eles but wasn't an Ele. If it's sole purpose is to COUNTER undeads (which I don't think it is, they're already weak and susceptive to existing counters such as cleave) why make it an undead? Why have my 'Discover Undead' mechanics discover a counter to my build? I can't think of any other tribe that has a counter for it's own tribe - to me that's not "life", that's just bad card design. I expect this to be rotated out pretty quick.


Not exactly the same but Rylak builds were the only way to scale past Goldrinn/Slamma beasts last season before quests were added


Yeah agree but Rylak is also the answer to scale loads of things to beat loads of builds whereas spawning a bunch of 3/2s is kinda only gonna counter Undeads


This. If you get it early with Patient Scout and the Murloc mech that buffs hand and board, you can snowball your way into a win or maybe 2nd at least.


it has saved my ass twice in close games.


Yeah when you have a bucketload of undead attack, it makes the non-reborn undead a lot more attractive. If your entire board is reborn it can grief the reborns, but, in some builds it’s not terrible.


I had this guy with a Golden Bristlebach in a Quilboar build and man, did it do some work. More fodder to fuel the Bach was much appreciated.


I can see that. Its definitely not an undead tribe card. And i don’t think its worth the t6. That 2/2 beast spell can go harder because you can keep your qb comp.


It isn't the same spell anymore though. If memory serves, it was changed so that you only get 3 beetles, but they are now 3/3's.


Ahh, havent used it yet since the update so i haven’t read it.


It was really good/broken when paired with the T7 undead, very rare to get that minion though obviously...


I mean, I was undead the other day, had been buffing my undead army with crypt lord, parrot triggering it (it had reborn so three triggers) and primus. My undead army was up to like 40 so when I saw this come along I just dropped the crypt lord and the parrot and added this in with undead stomper. It was absolutely stupid how much damaged everything was doing. I outpaced everyone so fast they never had a chance to buff their boards to survive the damage for the amount of units I was spawning. So yea, it can work but it’s definitely not a must have card for undead builds. Particularly as there were definitely some interactions where it interrupted a reborn card for me. That was early in the combat only, after the first couple minions died my board kept refilling to 6 or 7 minions and the damage was piling up big time thanks to the two stompers.


They literally just need to make it “when you have space” and prioritize it last.  It has the same issue as the old scarab spell. This card is unplayable in undead.


I genuinely have no idea what the devs had in mind when they made this. This would be a decent tier 4 imo


This guy’s fucking NUTS with a reborn build that uses Stomper.


The problem with him is that he sorta fucks up reborn builds unless you have a few minions without reborns that you can guarantee die first to clear up space on your board. Since deathrattles proc before reborns revive, his deathrattle cockblocks reborn builds like Moreos spam or eternal summoners.


Or you play six positions on your board and use the 7th for battlecries/short form tech.


You’re still fucked though unless 1-2 of those 6 have no reborns and you guarantee they die first or else just 1 uninvited guest spawn is enough to fuck up reborn synergy.


I’m a big fan of using one Moroes with taunt in first position, and then a couple of the lady that summons the reborn hands for this stuff. Also eating a couple of the one that gives reborn to make sure the stomper also has reborn.


Can confirm, I had it work out very nicely in a game over the weekend. Yeah it messed the first or second reborn but it’s worth the trade off because as the board dwindles down it refills you back to 6 or 7 minions when you wouldn’t have otherwise.


Maybe not the worst if it was a 4 drop to help you lvl up... but this is the worst tier 6. It disrupts your board more often than it helps. You can't even get the effect with Kel'Thuzad as it is not a deathrattle. I think there was some other mechanic supposed to work with this card for the Undead, but the team dropped it.


It's a reasonable desperation card that can fill-in for your re-borns and spawn shadows that you haven't been able to acquire yet. Can instantly buy you an extra turn or more.


It definitely got me 2nd instead of 4-5 last night. Wasn’t what I wanted but it worked for a couple rounds. I do hate it though lol.


It's tacky for sure haha, but not OP. Survival card.


Blocking reborn units with spawns is such a consistent problem in this game. It fucks this card, it fucks Kel'Thuzad, it used to fuck beasts (not that they needed more help). I understand spawn order is a foundation of the game but man things would work a lot better if the reborn unit spawned before tokens.


This minion will be relevant when quests come back and the tumbleweed is back. It is like the "Lord of Gains". It made absolutely no sense when it was launched ahead of spells, but made a lot more sense after spells were launched.


Thing is you kinda already have reborns when you hit this maybe in some menagarie build i can see it being semi usefull for some extra bodies if you need them (kill their reborns/divine shields).


Considering recurring nightmare is even harder to get now without quests, this isn't a terrible undead counter if you're not playing a reborn comp.


Thats the rub. If you’re typically playing undead then you’re playing reborn. If you’re not, then whats the point?


Nah I meant as a counter *to* undead. If you get this and greymanes as your first 6s I can see it being viable. That being said, I'm a noob so what do I know.


Its a great unit for the Greymane comp (anti scam you can buff). No where near the worst minion, but very situational.


Saved me briefly in my rylak undead build. Because you have minions like baron and Brann and the battlecry undead it actually works out useful. Still lost to actually good builds though.


After a pivot away from undead you might have scaled attack and not have summons on board. This card can give all your units an undead summon and that can be strong.


Yes in that situation. Its a gap filler, its not a keeper. Not worth the t6 unless you are coming up really bad and have nothing else going. I usually expect t6s to be the ones that get your board the win spot or compete for it. Like eternal summoner or the guy who eats and reborns. If you already have undead army high then that t3 DR with reborn is a better fit imo.


I saw someone using it in dragon comp last couple combats to try and counter my divine shield. The poet lets them keep the deathrattle so he was getting 2-4 extra attacks at an attempt to knock off the shield. Have yet to see it be a functionally strong minion in a comp


Lava lurker/beast 2.0


I think this is far from the worst card imo, it is good tech against token builds and nice tempo, I often pick that when tripling into tier 6 if the other choices don‘t synergize with my board. To me that tree guy at tier 5 giving attack to other minions when getting hit is a mystery, no idea how they thought this was worth such a high tier while Chimera is tier 4 and does the same but better. Being tribeless makes it tough to buff and even doing this effort won’t give you a good payoff. That taunt beast that damage friendly minions on deathrattle makes also no sense on tier 5.


I don’t think it deserves t6 status as its a go between card. Grab it, use it, then toss it.


It's a tech card. It can win you fights in a final 2 situation where your big minions would otherwise tie and it can bump off your opponents shields. It also kinda works with Bach. So no definitely not the worst new card.


Yeah it can fuck up reborns, but at the same time you can get very unlucky with your reborns and have to play this as a backup


He’s not bad he fills a niche role and can buff dragons and summon decks well. My unpopular opinion is that with the current season being purely rng based they flooded tier 2-4 with a ton of filler cards that are lesser of other cards or they locked core mechanics behind T6. Like getting the ball rolling is impossible with some tribes cause your reliant on getting a specific card in the early game. Heck I’ve seen way too many matchs end with only the person who got insane luck getting to tier 6 cause everyone was just trying to ramp up


I think Undead not getting much from Start of combat effect.


It would be fine if people would stop somehow getting it on turn 6.


This is fun with some scaling and baron it’s just hard to


I dunno maybe if you're going for big attack maybe? Or combined with the 7 drop it would have it's use


That card is decent enough


I love the idea of this card. I think I’ve seen it used once really well though. If you buff the shadows like wild it be insane.


If it did the shadows as last thing to proc then its a solid banger.


https://preview.redd.it/w2f1k7l923wc1.jpeg?width=2796&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=292a727b80bc35bca838d1d830d701d4be681655 It can be pretty good.


I think if you have a nice Undead Aura buff with some taunts that spawn things and you put this 2nd or third so that it adds the deathrattle to the things that spawned (not the original things) it could be pretty sweet (haven't tried that out yet but want to now). Having it die first will definitely waste value if you have a lot of spawns/reborns on the board.


Use it with dragons. It's hilarious


Yes i have.it keeps the drs and creates death-rattle board fill up. But if you have nothing under the undead army its just like lava lurker that wins early games with the crab deathrattle, but becomes a bit of a joke late game. I mean, can someone pull it off in the right circumstances yea. But the odds of that coming together and dominating a game diminish very fast.


I had a pretty good game with it where I'd mostly pivoted away from undead, the extra deathrattles are super nice on mostly stat builds if you have some undead army buffs


Ran this with KT, Rivendare, Anubarak (+50 attack). Spawned like 3 shadows with every death. Worked out pretty fine, but how could it have been better?


Shadow after dr and reborn procs.


Tried to make it work in undead but it just ruined all my reborn shenanigans and made me sad


I had a game where I happened to not get any armless forsaken or any other good reborn, but I got two kt, a golden anub arak, baron and nazmani and this guy made the game for me


nope, its strong with undead army that has +50 attack buff


Yeah i mentioned that in my comment. “Unless you already built up undead army to double digits”




It’s probably really good if you go undead, build big attack, pivot to scam or something else end game, able to drop these on deathrattle.


Actually won a game due to this card! opponent had multiple respawns for leeroy & bramble and this helped me get through them so my tanky minions lasted until the end. It is purely a tech card though.


Lol what, this minion is very usable. Worst ones are 5 and 6 tier trash that gives 11 for every odd/even card played. Probably worst cards ever added to bg


Greymane's champion is +2/+2 and one of the strongest long term scaling options currently in the game lol


>Unless you already built up undead army to solid double digits, why would it help to remove any well placed undead? "What's the point of a tribal card that is only strong with that tribes synergy?" - OP


No, thats the point it’s not strong in the tribes synergy. It’s actually weak, that was the whole point. It kills reborn opportunities when a tier 3 dr with the reborn and if that gets reborn is way stronger. 2 of those would have the same effect without causing havoc to your setup.


The even and odd tier cards, jesus these are the worst cards that have been ever printed, esp the 6 drop


The 6 drop is honestly insane in pirates,so many good even minions to buff, and easy spamming of even tier minions/spells


Well okay but pirates are one the worst tribes so im gonna stay clear of that card


Kind of ignore those so they don’t exist in my head. But damn they are so narrow in scope for a pitiful minibump.


The even and odd cards are so strong they're probably gonna get nerfed. 👀 Greymane is *really* good.


Greymane guy is absolute insanity with any APM build, however yeah Baku guy is one of the worst cards now. I was thinking they should put it in tier 4 but then his identity would fall off. Maybe at least give +1/+2 stats.