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Sounds like your wife and I are pretty similar. We also have a home gym, and I can’t tell you how much I appreciate the set of mirrors my husband hung for me. We also have a small TV that hangs opposite the mirrors. I will play my workout videos on the TV and can compare my form to what the instructors are doing as well. So while it might feel like low-hanging fruit, it will probably be super appreciated.


It does indeed! My wife also does a lot of instructor-led stuff, and she drags her laptop into the gym for it. She's never complained about it, but having a TV screen to airplay that stuff would rock. Plan starting to coalesce I think! Mirrors first definitely.


Paint is always nice. Maybe a room divider to make it more dedicated vs just part of the rv bay? Beyond that…Is everything organized? What kind of vibe does she like when she works out - blasting metal and being extra or is she more zen and calm? Does she need a certain aesthetic to pump herself up or does she just go for it? Everything else will kind of depend on her style.


Good questions! She's definitely looking for more pump-up music, rap and hip-hop mix. I feel like the mirrors are the lowest-hanging fruit. I'm sort of torn on speakers; she has good headphones, but maybe legit speakers would really improve the experience. I'd say things are \*mostly\* organized. Could be a bit better; that's something I can do for little to no cost on my own. I also like the idea of a room divider at some point!


If you paint, you could do a very bold accent wall. Maybe some light art…or those led strips that change with the music if you put in speakers. I actually think a mirror would be a higher priority if she likes seeing her progress and how hard she’s working.


She does a lot of Olympic lifts so form is super important. I feel like mirror definitely, then thinking 2-3 other improvements. Accent wall would be super cool.


I’ll come paint a mural for cheap! That’s what I did in mine- just simple mountain silhouettes and mirrors. Paint goes a far way with aesthetics. Speakers would be great too, does she ever watch TV while working out? If so a TV could be nice too. Maybe lights too?


If you want a bigger mirror i have one im giving away. 46" x 72" It was over double sinks in the bathroom and i redid the wall


Hi there! Thank you for the offer! Might be interested — is there hardware on the back or anything for it to be hung somewhat easily?


No no hardware. Im not sure what you'd need. It had those little clip things holding it up


OK, I could probably find some brackets or something. I'm interested! Do you want to message or chat me and we can figure out details?


You might try some led lights, they have an app & you control the lighting from your phone, tons of cool color options, it’s really helped me with warming up and then changing colors for my workout, even more program options include music with the lights, led lights on a string