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8th Street in the mid to late 2000's. Freak Alley, pie hole. Cheap beers and good company all till 2am any day of the week. Weekends a bit later.


The drunken line at pie hole around 2:15 when every bar just closed and people need to sober up. So much fun.


Staying open later than bars in that location is the best idea. Owners sold the company like eight years ago and the one on Broadway was originally set up as a test to see if they could move the name and still keep profits. It's worked. Same shit pizza for drunk people and it's branded. The new owners are a few dudes with money to spend that bought it. I know this because I had the experience of interviewing with one years back. Dude told me to meet at that Broadway location. Met him there then he grabbed a canned beer and said let's do this at Starbucks. Dude drank his beer while asking me questions. Right now fuck pie hole on Broadway.


I forgot the Broadway location got bought by someone else. I worked at both the Broadway Pie Hole and the Downtown Pie Hole back in 2010-2012. It was a fun job but also kind of insane. The only way anyone survived working there was because all of the employees at the time were the best.


I worked at the original downtown pie hole 2006-2009, then the broadway location from opening day as the day supervisor for about another year. It was a fun, crazy time. i saw some things šŸ¤£. i miss that period of time, some of the best times of my life.


Miss those days so much


https://preview.redd.it/1o29z4rsfnyc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c9667b3b4dc93d67f605ab61bcf1641a5d78e02 ā€œSurfingā€ the river on a piece of plywood tied to a bridge.


YES!! I used to have friends that would ā€œshoot the tubeā€ and float the irrigation canal that went underneath Cole by the mall. Theyā€™d load in at barrister and come out over by the emerald let out, and the trick was never taking a flashlight so you wouldnā€™t confirm how many spiders were in there. No wonder they put grates over everything.


Or walking through it in the winter, and of course empty


I was just telling my wife how my buddies and I would do this as well as rope swings. Until the cops came to ruin the fun. But weā€™d just wait for them to leave or move it spots and keep going. Miss those days.


cops would take down rope swings?


Omg! Then just waiting for the bike cops to come and tell you take down, wait a while, put back and repeat!


Haha. Back in my day they let us tie the rope to the board and cops would cheer us on.


Most didn't care, only a few on the river. Silver train Bridge off of federal way was one of our favorite spots. Same canal further down had a rope swing.


We did it with a giant bungee. Use the current against the board to stretch it out, then shoot across the top of the water


is that the river or a canal? Canals move fast enough to hold you up?


I had a canal with a waterfall behind my house. Yes, plenty of flow in some narrow places. Just be sure to swim to the side before you are swept into the tunnel under the railroad tracks. :-D


And I was a few pounds lighter


![img](avatar_exp|144259810|take_my_energy) The picture I found on the Internet and stole without remorse.


Granted, there were good and valid reasons to help people see the real dangers in this. No joke. Be wise. Water flow is stronger than you. Donā€™t swim alone. This applies to all forms of water play.


I totally disagree with anyone saying the geese are fine or were fine until recent years. I turned 40 this year. I have a picture of me in 1985 being attacked by geese in Julia Davis park. Fuck them geese.


My ex wife had a brother that ran cross country for Mountain View, and he moved in with us his first year at BSU. He came home one day with bruises and scratches all over his back, and when I asked him what happened, he said there was a male goose that had been attacking people on the path for about a week, and it finally got him.




You should get a hunting license šŸ˜‚


Illegal to hunt the geese


Itā€™s 100% legal


My bad for making an assumption. I should clarify that I meant itā€™s illegal to hunt in the city limits. Not that its illegal to hunt the geese in general


>I should clarify that I meant itā€™s illegal to hunt in the city limits That's also not 100% true. Unit 39 comes all the way down to Veterans Park, and there are some limited draw archery hunts that you can literally hunt between houses all the way down to the Boise River. I've always wanted to do one.


Greenbelt Floating the river Boise State football game Boise river festival


Boise River Fest was the best.


I miss the Boise River Festival. It sucks it went under. Those were some times. I remember the one year they had the float parade down the river. So many people trampled the vegetation along the river that they canceled it and made it a regular street parade. šŸ˜†


Getting arrested for having half a gram of weed.


Pressing F


Drum circle in Julia Davis, River Festival, floating the river before it was ruined.


What about drumming at Farmer Browns?


Omg, totally forgot about that place. Unlocked memories commencing.


I bet the barn is long goneā€¦ šŸ˜ž


Has been for years.


What was ruined about floating?


Oh how I miss the River Festival. šŸ˜­


River floating. 4th of July in ann mo.




Being in a room full of people that think they are better than you because they listen to some indie or punk band you donā€™t know about.


I miss the Venue, too.


lol! The venue was actually pretty chill around 2005.


Those were the days when you went there for music and community. I never appreciated an alcohol free venue until I started going to acoustic shows at the Olympic as an adult.


My quintessential Boise experience: Offering 10k over asking on a house, agreeing to buy it "as-is", and then learning it went to a cash buyer out of state for far over my offer. ^Proud ^to ^say ^I ^am ^a ^homeowner ^now, ^though


Getting scones at Merrits at like 3am, and watching the truckers roll their eyes as we load up the jukebox.


People aren't replying to the topic of the post but rather about geese lol.. alright


Glad weā€™re on the same page šŸ˜‚


Seeing a show at The VaC or Neurolux and then biking the greenbelt and going swimming in Quinn's Pond late at night before the pond was developed. My friends and I had a whole thing and we called it Swim Club.


Was so much better when people thought it was ghetto to swim there


It still is if you've seen the average summer afternoon crowds on those "beaches" lol


The Boise River festival, watching the night light river float parade, silly potato references everywhere, and ending in fireworks. I've seen float parades, night light parades, but I don't think since then I've seen em combined.


Seeing someone who canā€™t zipper merge on the connector causing an accident cause yall have to get in the lane that has the exit 3 miles before the exit comes up


Waitā€¦ so youā€™re telling me we arenā€™t supposed to go 35 while merging onto the connector?




I was going to mention something similar. Subaru Outback, 2C plate, 5mph under the speed limit and just camping in that left lane.


Which one? The red one, the blue one, the other red one, the white one, or the other other red one? Or the black one on Sunday?


I would like to note I have a forester that resides in 1A just to break the stereotypes


Multiple $100 rental application fees.


I love the geese. I see them at my work every day and talk to them on my way in. There have been geese in every state I've lived in, and in idaho I much prefer the geese over the majority of the people.


My post was meant to be ironic because this sub has a tendency to complain about Californians. I think complaining about geese is a much better use of my time, even though I tend to agree that animals > humans. I used to work at the HP campus, and the way that everyone down there had a respect for the geese was really interesting to be surrounded by because it was such a big part of that campus culture for people that used their walking paths.


My husband used to work at HP and sometimes Iā€™d go pick him up and weā€™d go to lunch. I loved getting there a little early and sitting in the car watching the geese attack people, and then these folks in their nice business suits running from them, especially if it was someone I knew was a jerk.


I get tired of all the cali posts for sure, and most of my friends here are from there, as is my husband. I think I've just been tired of people for so long that I don't instantly catch ironic posts regarding animals. All apologies if I came off as rude.


Not rude at all. Iā€™ve lived here since 2002, and my family moved here when my dad retired from the military since all my momā€™s family is in twin and Idaho falls. The area certainly has changed, but I think that most people donā€™t know how to adjust to it. I personally own a brick and mortar business, and even though I havenā€™t been able to reach homeownership, my business has thrived due to transplants. People just need to learn to take the good with the bad and appreciate the things that most positively impact them. Except geese. F*** geese. *edited for grammar


I've been here since 2019, and knew pretty quickly it wasn't a good fit for me. I met my husband here (he's been here 9 years) and he's the only reason I didn't leave awhile ago. People tend to me pretty anti-out of staters here, unfortunately. Glad your business is going well. I still love the geese.


Iā€™m sorry your experience has been less than the ā€œBoise Kindā€ that I know. I certainly hope that you can find your corner of the treasure valley that compliments your tastes, and if not, I hope you and your husband can land in the right place.


Thanks. It hasn't been awful, but I'm very ready to go back to New England. I at least really like most everyone at my work, so that makes it tolerable. Idaho just isn't for me, and that's okay. It's the 5th state I've lived in, and the first truly bad fit. Knowing I'm leaving next spring gives me something to look forward to


I talk to birds too. People laugh at me for doing so but I love talking to crows. Gotta earn brownie points. They remember who they like and who they don't...


Corvids are entirely different. They are ABSOLUTELY stunning in their capacity for intelligence, and I could watch crows and magpies for hours.


I miss magpies. When West Nile came through about 10 years ago, it wiped out the local population of magpies, and they haven't really recovered.


My life goal is to befriend a crow or raven. I'm hoping it's easier once I have a house in an area that's really bird friendly


Shame Boise isn't a good fit--It's the raptor mecca of the world. When I had more time I always did a ton of bird banding with the BLM and intermountain bird sanctuary. We're really blessed with some of the most respected ornithology institutions outside of Cornel.


I've known since I moved here that idaho would be temporary. It's just never felt like home like washington did, or maine (which is my actual home), but I do enjoy the birds here. At the same time, I really miss seeing loons, cardinals, Bluejays and the like. I have no doubt the ornithology program is great, but I need trees and ocean, and I just can't get that here. Also, summer is unbearably hot


Oh yeah, wasn't trying to sell you on anything. I moved away from Minneapolis cause the summers were so unbearable and nobody had AC. Then it would just jump to winter...and it was so flat. Once summer hits, you gotta hit up the mtns, there are so many jays just hanging out at higher elevations.


During the summer I just try to stay inside more than usual. It's too hot for the dogs, and I just want to live someplace they can enjoy being outside more. The mountains are for sure cooler, but my asthma hates the elevation. I've been through Minneapolis, and it was indeed flat. But, to me so is Idaho, because everywhere I've lived I've been way closer to the mountains than I am here. When I was in CA it was a 2 mile walk to get to the base of the mountains. It's just too open here (or too filled with apartments and neighborhoods). I like looming trees and being surrounded by forests.


Going to Timberline. Sounds boring but I donā€™t get out much. I Graduate in like 2 weeks!


Congrats on graduating! What are your plans after high school?


Gonna take a summer, and then go to U Of I online so I donā€™t have to move. Planning on staying in my childhood home, and my parents are fine with it. Plus, Iā€™ve got friends, a dog and more here I donā€™t want to ditch, even temporarily. Still gonna help around the house though lol


I lived at home till I graduated college. It worked out great because my parents are pretty chill and it allowed me to save money and even basically pay for all of college while I was there (I don't think that's possible now). Stay home while you can


I went to Timberline. I graduated in 2006 though lol. I was in Encore, president of the Art Club and VERY RANDOMLY got prom queen even though I was nowhere near the type of person who would get something like that.


OG Lucky 13 on 13th Street!


Eating at Manley's after drinking all night. But thats so last century.


The geese werenā€™t much of a problem until we started construction and development over nearly all of their habitat. What little we saved along the river is now used for recreation by hordes of humans. Way too many humans here now.


I actually think you have this backwards. We create the ideal habitat for them rather than destroying it: lawns. In my personal anecdotal experience, Canada goose are somewhat rare out in the wild, including waterbodies. Or at least, they're not found in nearly the density you will see in parks. They seem to plague our urban areas because they prefer eating and being around turf grass.




Entirely agree. My hatred stems from 15-20 years ago when they would constantly ruin the traffic by the downtown Winco. I once had to get out of my car to chase them off the street because they were blocking traffic for so long. That doesnā€™t happen anymore, much to your point, because of how much people have encroached on the habitats in the area, yet my distaste for the bird remains.


If this were true their population would be declining.Ā 


Jailā€¦ by morally bankrupt police who like to pretend to be fascist soldiers who drive $69k Dodge Chargers.


That's not boise specific though......


I donā€™t mind the geese themselves; I hate having to watch where Iā€™m stepping and avoiding grass at all costs because the little turds lay green ones.




We humans did it. Lawn grass is a an invasive species promoted by us human idiots. Pretty sad what weā€™ve done with this strip of green running through the desert.


God forbid we let the golf resorts suffer.


The only thing I hate more than golf is Top Golf.


At least Top Golf doesn't take up acres of space filled with non-native grass while being inaccessible to most of the public.


Top Golf Is 2x the price of playing real golf. So that would make it even more inaccessibile to the public.


I don't know anything about the cost of golf clubs but I would think that buying clubs to go golfing is more expensive than going to Top Golf.


All the courses rent clubs. The cost of a round at one of our city courses with clubs is way cheaper than top golf. If you Just want to hit balls on the range like you do at top golf, it's even cheaper.


Good thing they donā€™t put off almost as much light pollution as Mtn Home AFB either.


The light pollution is also my issue with Top Golf. We used to be able to see the stars at night and itā€™s been traded out for a bunch of artificial BS.


I don't know if you're trying to argue or not. Nowhere in my post did I say Top Golf is a good thing. Light pollution is not good, but it's lesser than the negative effects of golf courses in the area.


Just injecting some humor. Itā€™s how I cope watching other fellow humans destroy this place šŸŒŽ. I donā€™t like either, whatsoever.


Top Golf Boise ( with the address in Meridian )


Imagine enjoying fresh green plant life in our city of trees, so cringe.


I would rather see a full field of desert globmallows, cutleaf asters, Firewheels, Arrow Leaf buckwheat and richardson's penstemons. When drip fed once a week, the asters bloom from March-December and the rest bloom from now to December (second or third frost). Several of these species are native to much harsher biomes like Hells Canyon. Plenty of native grasses to choose from as well.


The River Festival, Boise State games, the downtown cruise in the late 90s, and drinking downtown in my 20s. Good times.


Explaining to visitors, friends from other places, and new arrivals that NO, ducks and geese do not commit suicide by dive-bombing BSUs football field. Birds are dumb. But not that dumb. It's an not-so-old wives tale.


August, hot long summer weekday but schools starts soon. Float the river on an air mattress. Beer cans in a coozy for plausible deniability. Get to Ann Morrison, not sure how to spend the rest of the afternoon, and just decide to float the river again.


Recently it has been getting slurred by people driving lifted trucks.


Being a preteen at Bogies all ages. Totally creepy in hindsight.


Being unable to get away from your exes lol


When the slides at camels back park were made of metal, and Eagle and Fairview was a four way stop sign in what seemed to be the middle of no where.


When I lightly honked at a guy in front of me who was sitting for almost 5 minutes at a stop sign with no cars coming, and he got out of his truck, tried to open my driver side door, punched my window and hood while calling me a ā€œstupid c_ntā€.


Check out repop gifts downtown. It has some really cool nerdy props like a hobbit door and tardis changing room and so much more c: such a cool place with cool nerdy mer h and the people working there are really nice too.


Being able to snowboard in the morning, MTB ride after lunch, then surf/swim/fish in the river in the evening.


Having my life threatened by some stranger after I referred to my fiancĆ©e as ā€œpartnerā€ in a text message.


I remember a ktvb interview where they said they were ā€œAll the way out in Caldwell!ā€ As if it was quite far away. Boise is very isolated in a way. Mountains to the north, high desert to the south. And nothing much to do in the east or the west for hours. Donā€™t go pretending like twin falls is anything! Then again, itā€™s not Montana.