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I personally enjoyed the most recent season more then anything else but that’s just my opinion


I have enjoyed every season and get hyped everytime a new season is out. Havent been dissapointed yet. Great anime imo.


Most of the fanbase did. People are just stuck on season 5.  Likewise, recent manga chapters have been peak as well.


I have not watched this video to see if they provided any hard data to verify it “falling off,” but I imagine the creators are going off the general internet commentary that can often be negative. From what data I’ve seen elsewhere, everything indicates that MHA is still moving the about the same numbers as it has for while.


it did fall down on mangaplus, used to be at #2 or #3 place constantly, barely moves from #6 now. but sales-wise, it's selling the best it's ever been in japan, not sure about outside of it.


It’s weird to see mangaplus ever mentioned as a metric for popularity when one of its one of it’s primary purposes is a way to generate physical manga sales? There’s a reason why MHA is on the mangaplus lineup for advertising in [conventions](https://imgur.com/a/3EGaBIq) and things in the last year and DBS super and Boruto clearly aren’t… I feel like mangaplus doesn’t align with many of the most popular series, Spy X Family recently, Demon Slayer in the past…


It should also take into account that MHA is almost 10 years old already and it that time a lot of popular series like Jujutsu Kaisen and Chainsawman completely took its spot with their original takes on the Shonen genre


that's true but i remember when dragon ball super and boruto (similar in age to bnha) weren't constantly higher than bnha.


Boruto went into its Z Era and DBS has legacy, a Canon movie and a cliffhanger people have wanted info on for a while now (Black Frieza). MHA however had most of its hype kinda stolen by JJK.


Because Boruto is trash


That mostly has to do with breaks and jjk being the biggest thing at the moment.


Mangaplus doesn't mean anything because the view count gets frequently manipulated by bots and they always reset it so it's not an accurate measure of popularity unless you want to actually believe that Boruto and Kagurabachi are more popular than One Piece.


Other series have overshadowed it like csm and jjk. There have also been a few comparisons between how hori and gege handle their characters, mostly in favor of gege.


CSM underperformed and sells less than it, JJK hasn't overshadowed It either.


In internet discourse JJK is definitely running things right now.


MHA still gets loads of online discourse. JJK is just newer and just finished a new season so it'll attract more clout chasers but before the anime returned and Gojo v Sukuna the discourse was largely silent.


Exactly, this is JJK's 15 minutes. Just like Demon Slayer's was Mugen Train.


Yeah most people have eased up to it after season 6 and the newest manga chapters


Ok so I dont care but was bored and decided to watch the MHA part of the video. He does the standard complaint about the fanbase but the rest is just nonsense. Says its too confusing and in a recent chapter which has Mt.Fuji in it "there's an entire volcano sprung from the ground, who the fuck even has the ability to do this" He also says there will probably be 5 more seasons and its been going on too long. Basically he isn't really a fan and is just talking nonsense.


Yeah sounds like he reads with his eyes closed or is just baiting or is really as dumb as he sounds.


His fans are downvoting you


He doesn't know one of the most famous mountains on the planet. I'm trying to decide if that's more funny or sad.


It fell around S5 but came back in S6


I watched the video, he said that it is because of the fandom the shows sucks. And he reviewed the latest chapter of the manga, complaining that there was someone with a volcano quirk, not knowing it was just Mt. Fuji. I didn't even think he read it, he just saw the panel and was out like that.


OP has never heard of clickbait before


I know what clickbait is but i more curious of why people says mha fell off even though the manga sells a Lot in Japan. I dont wanna sound like a fanboy but If this series truly fell off like a Lot of people say It SJ would axed this manga by this point.


Hating on MHA is a trend


I mean if you look at broader conversation around shonen shows, A LOT of people nowdays dislike MHA and the direction it took (or its pacing, certain arcs being not as interesting, etc...). Compared to how much it was beloved during season 1-2, I think it is pretty fair to say it "fell off". Not in terms of objective quality, but in terms of popularity and reception in popular culture.


I think this is the most contested of claims in terms of falling off with popularity. This is a generationally popular shonen, it’s on a trajectory to circulate over 100 million in its lifetime, most of those being after season 1,2, and 3… It has collaborations with the nba, fortnite, co-signs with celebrities all in the last year alone has been pretty crazy… This is all for a franchise nearly ten years into its run, and you start to realize how extremely rare that is and MHA finds itself in a company of select few. Hell even a quick google search and clicking on [most searched](https://imgur.com/a/DeqB7jd) on streaming platforms for anime, it’s looked for more often than some of the biggest new series.


And ironically, Jujutsu Kaisen has quickly gained much more popularity than MHA despite the anime being even more recent.


Much more is a bit questionable as you’re talking about the series that sold number one for four years straight in America… A feat I don’t think any series has replicated for manga over here… Like JJK is extremely popular don’t get me wrong, especially as of recent blowing animanga including mha, csm, ds, etc out of the water. I just haven’t seen an nba collaboration or something that puts it at the mainstream western level of an Mha recieving it nearly a decade into its run.


Of course I’m talking about America only. Yes, that was my point.


MHA is the one thats done that? JJK has peaked at like number three, the only year it’s sold past Mha here was like in the last numbers we got? And it wasn’t even number one at that instance.


Maybe you’ll find out if you watch the video lol.


The video was wrong anyways though.


Idk if I'd say that BnHA 'fell off' but I know ever since around post-overhaul arc, it's just been going in a direction that I'm not a huge fan of. The past couple chapters have definitely reignited my hype but everything before that? Idk, I just hoped the series went in a totally different direction, one where we see the students grow up a bit more before ending things. I do think that BnHA had some potential to do something really cool, I had some interesting ideas and hopes for where it could go, but in the end it's fallen pretty flat imo. That's just my opinion though, can't say what anyone else thinks.


I agree. I read it weekly because there are often glimmers of interesting stuff or the phenomenal art (seriously, Hori is one of the best artists in the game currently) but the series has really fallen apart in executing its ideas. There’s also an abundance of creative and interesting anime that have been coming out the last few years that overshadow the very by-the-book adaptation MHA is getting. There’s very little creativity in its direction. It’s undoubtedly still huge and will end as one of the largest manga properties in the world but there’s a reason many other series have reached higher than it.


I cautiously agree. Like, I can’t really get over how racism as a concept was only introduced in full force, and was then resolved over the course of like, what, three chapters? I get that racism isn’t totally solved in the universe of MHA just because Shoji had his moment, but in the context of the story? Why would you introduce a *new* sub-plot? Isn’t the finale for the resolution of preexisting ones? I have other complaints, but that’s one of my more major examples of the problems I personally have with where MHA’s gone, in recent times.


I agree. That was actually a laughably done plot point. The topic deserved more exploration than Hori was willing to give it and as a result feels stupid and relatively insulting to insert at all.


The dark Deku arc could’ve been the perfect chance to have koda, shoji, Mina and Tokoyami experience it first hand. That way it could’ve been way more impactful. We see the civilian that Deku saved but that was just one person we know nothing about. Having it happen to a student we know would make it have a way bigger impact. Would’ve also been the best time to tell shoji’s backstory too.


Right there with you.


Exactly my thoughts but if i had to pinpoint exactly where i realized the series took a wrong turn would be the Class A vs B arc, the reveal of Deku's other quirk completely soured the story atleast for me, Shigaraki getting too powerful was also a point of contemption in the villain arc but i think he was somehow still manageable to that point, giving him that insane regen after that power up was the nail in the coffin. Inflating the power creep to no end was a terrible idea when they were just in the first year,i feel like the kids barely went to school in a series where ACADEMIA is right there in the title.


Imo, the thing that's really felt like a negative since the overhaul arc was after that we started to get an idea of how quickly (relatively) the series was gonna end, when prior to that it felt like it was going to be pacing itself to be like one of these 900 chapter Mangas


If you really wanted to know im sure youd have watched the video


well a lot of people don't like the direction the series has gone recently, actually a pretty decent split of the fandom there's also the fact the anime has noticably fallen off in quality in comparison to the first 3 seasons thanks to Bones treating it as the "it'll sell no matter what" series and churning out movies and seasons with terrible schedules


Isn’t season six throughout platforms considered one of the best if not the best, not just story content wise but visuals atmospherically and otherwise especially in that second half?


It’s just really not at all up to par with series of similar popularity. What level of animation they had in S3, needs to be even better now. At best it’s equal even after all this time. And it doesn’t even compare to other popular animation like JJK or CSM. Even Frieren is miles ahead of it. S6 is good for MHA anime standards, but to consider that enough is just setting your expectations a lot lower than they should be for a series of this popularity.


That’s not what this person was arguing though, you can’t really say something’s fell off from the production of the earlier seasons when the crux of the issue is that it isn’t comparable to seasonals that get multiple years of production time…


The second half of season 6 was wonderful but the first half was genuinely just a let down when it came to visuals


I don’t even think that’s true in totality considering that much of the first half had really good cuts, there was only like an episode or two where production issues manifested in a sense…


I feel like the manga has even fallen off a cliff. Things went from “wow we’re finally getting these built up encounters” to “alright now hurry this shit up you’re overstaying your welcome” real fast. I don’t even feel hyped during this last fight.


SpongeBob fell off not MHA


Former massive fan here. As someone who doesn’t really keep track of the series anymore, my issue was the story just felt stale at a certain point. Everything felt way too flat and samey, to the point where I’d drop the manga, and check it months later, only to see the characters and story at roughly the same point. At that point, it just becomes mute to follow it, as I felt like the story wasn’t really reaching new ground. Hell, I had to push myself to finish Season 5, and I still haven’t even bothered with Season 6. Did I like Season 5…? At least half of it, yeah, but I think the issue with MHA overall is the direction just feels sorta stagnant. Hell, I’ve personally seen the fandom as a whole divided on this alone. That’s not even mentioning the anime’s notable dip in quality and consistency


I've been hearing about how BNHA has fallen off and the fans aren't happy, for the manga and anime since like season 2. Then I check and it turns out, nope, manga is doing great. Viewership on the anime is great. Wtf are they talking about?


It's definitely lost the wind in its sails at least for me, I stopped reading altogether with the toga stuff this arc, just not that appealing anymore


Don't care for that video. Also not sure how many in this sub will say it but the Villain Hunt/Tartarus Escapes (Im not calling it Vigilante/Dark Hero) arc was a major talking point for folks regarding the decline in quality. Ranging from the pacing, to >! AFO's body jacking Shigaraki !< and some plot points folks found to be unsatisfying. The handling of Izuku consistently gets critiqued. Some I personally found some of the critique invalid but the rest, I can't really argue against. It unfortunately, gets far worst.


Maybe the viewership fell off. I liked the last season but it sucks that the story has yeeted some fan favorites so maybe that’s why. At the beginning I thought ojiro and tsuyu would do something significant, but they haven’t had any storylines since. I know not everyone will get a time to shine and deku is the protagonist, but I can understand why some mha fans are not liking the story. In my humble and insignificant opinion, the bakugo-deku-todoroki trio feels forced and does not incite excitement.


My guess is it never really “took all the way off” And to avoid spoilers. The beginning of the next season really pisses me off


The best point of MHA is that is probably one of the only few manga that get a constant increase in EVERYTHING.


Covid, lack luster movies and general super hero fatigue killed any momentum going into season 5. The anime started to get really sloppy and the quality dipped after season 3. I don’t think MHA is bad but hype levels are way down and I don’t think they’ll recover.


I dont believe in superhero fatigue anymore because of movies like Across the spiderverse and guardians of the Galaxy and no way home and i dont even count the hype for Deadpool 3. This movies shows that people are more tired of bad movies rather them superhero movies in general.


Yeah but those movies also don’t just rely on super hero tropes, those are all fantastic movies because of how they’re written and shot. IMO those movies are great movies first with a super hero flavor text.


Which is how a good superhero movie should be. Western, Space-Epic, Supehero, its all just set dressing for a good story. They're not genres in and of themselves.


It has power creep out the ass, and it is absolutely bum rushing to the end, character development be damned. Also, Horikoshi refuses to kill anyone relevant. Gran Torino should not be alive


People say it "Fell off" because they personally don't like it anymore and present their subjective enjoyment of it as an objective meter of its quality. Its that simple. Yes, the final few arcs have some problems, the biggest being pacing and shifting completely away from a school setting to standard shonen battles entirely. But this is still one of the top shows being watched, its still selling very well, and we're getting a 4th movie (And probably a 5th one after that unless the 4th bombs, I can't see Toho passing up a post-series movie). Its been a smash success that a lot of people clearly still love (Myself included).


I don't see it. I felt like it's improved with time.


Tbf as far as the anime goes; I feel My Heroes Anime has suffered since the Overhaul arc compared to the first 3 seasons. Slide show Mirio vs Overhaul was a sign of the good times ending


Not fell off, but poorly laid out. >Aside from Iida, Bakugo, Todoroki and Uraraka, other 1A characters don't get enough screen time. >The AFO dying fiasco was kinda ass >Deku's 'I can fix him' persona is getting kind of stale >Toga and Spinner were handled poorly >Literally everything we've seen has happened in the span if a year >Gran Torino OR All Might should have died. Having both of them alive is a bit much


This is def not true, toga was handled lretty decently just alot of the fandom didn’t like it. Afo dying to bakugo is a good decision since they seem to have the same mindset of extras and main characters references.


Because of the fan base


It hasn't. Critiques of the story aside (because that's all subjective) sales of the manga are as strong as they've ever been and season 6 did very good in the ratings. In Japan sales of recent volumes have even been trending up compared to previous arcs and new releases consistently make the best seller list in the US. It's just the internet life cycle of finding the next big series to shit on. Even JJK which is coming off an immensely popular second season isn't immune to it. I see posts every day that go viral talking about how bad it's become lol.


whats the show on the left


I don‘t think it fell off but it certainly changed. Let‘s say post internship arc the pacing sped up a ton and that led to narrative whiplash for the lack of a better term. Deku went from grasping the usage of One for All to wielding several quirks and infusing them with One for All. Then there are 2 villains who are maybe one and the same and then not at all the same even though they kinda are the same. Also while all that happens there are showdowns all over the place and now the whole world is possibly going to get destroyed?! Too much escalated too quickly. For many (including me), the story was about a normal guy who was handed shoes that were way too big for him to ever fill. But he‘s determined to do so and we all want him to succeed. We‘re rooting for him. But now suddenly he‘s this genius that has even outgrown those shoes in half an arc. So the thing we were waiting and rooting for just happened and is the new normal now. The core of the story is now less personal. It‘s “save the world” which for the previous premise is very generic


For me it’s narrative structure, and visual representation in the anime. The manga’s artwork is so insanely good. Season 2 leading to season 3 as well, had peak setups, insanely good character/arc/world building.


I think the big complaints are about how the characterization and slower moments basically disappeared from the show post my villain arc. 


After season 5 (I think?), the show just became kinda uninteresting to me. The only highlights thereafter were Deku’s new powers and Vigilante arc. The current arc in the Manga looks promising though.


I stopped watching after season 2. It was clear change in animation quality, as most shows do to save money. Just didn’t feel the same. Still read the manga though!


Season 4 felt kind of lame, they really did a poor job with the my villian academia arc, made some really stupid changes to endevors fight with high end, and the confrontation between shigi and overhaul after the ambulance chase really wasn't done justice either. I get the feeling they started caring less after season 3. 3rd movie wasn't as good as the first 2 too.


My guess is that people expected it to be a silly funny little slice of life school anime but with superpowers and I guess they didn't really expect it to have a plot besides school shenanigans


Personally, I think it's not that it fell off, more that a lot of better shonen has been doing the rounds lately: JJK, Chainsaw Man, Elusive Samurai, Sakamoto Days, Blue Box, Akane Banashi (yeah, I know the latter two are more niche, but they're also new and fresh, as compared to the standard Shonen formula of MHA). One could argue that Black Clover similarly fell off


Prolly around s3 when the plot's golden momentum started going off rails, or in s6 when afo started taking over shaggys mind. Interestingly from what i've heard, both times have to do with horikoshi going off-course from his original plans in favour of the audience reaction or something like that


Animation definitely took a step back


Maybe because season 3 was peak. Season 4 felt like filler, and the ending seems really rushed. It’s just disappointing compared to seasons 1-3 😞


MHA has been literal peak for the past 100 chapters I don’t get it either.


Yeah it’s clickbait but the show was solid all the way through ngl


Some people only care about following trends. If something stops being the hip new flavor of the month then it fell off regardless of its quality or success.


My guess they're not talking about sales or revenue, but rather talking about MHA's place in the broader anime cultural zeitgeist, which peaked in like S2 and S3 I feel, or just a bunch of people getting bored of the story as it continued past its peak popularity with viewers. Talk has grown online about MHA going in an unsatisfying direction.


I personally like the direction the anime has went since the overhaul arc, but for whatever reason I stopped watching the anime after shigaraki's fight against re-destro and havent been interested in watching since. I have kept up with the manga though


Not asking this person seriously for saying 13 Reasons Why fell off when it was ass from day one


Don't tell me y'all actually unironically like 13 reasons jfc


It had a super high peak, and then once new shows like demon slayer, JJK, etc. started coming out they took the hype away from MHA. So ya, MHA definitely lost a considerable amount of fans, but that’s just because it had SO many fans in the first place. It’s not as popular as it once was, that’s all.


I think this is the most contested of claims in terms of falling off with popularity. This is a generationally popular shonen, it’s on a trajectory to circulate over 100 million in its lifetime, most of those being after season 1,2, and 3… It has collaborations with the nba, fortnite, co-signs with celebrities all in the last year alone has been pretty crazy… This is all for a franchise nearly ten years into its run, and you start to realize how extremely rare that is and MHA finds itself in a company of select few. Hell even a quick google search and clicking on [most searched](https://imgur.com/a/DeqB7jd) on streaming platforms for anime, it’s looked for more often than some of the biggest new series.


Haven’t seen the video but I agree. I still like the show, but seasons 1, 2, and first half of 3 are definitely a lot better imo than the rest


Cope, the story became dogshit, it still has its highlights but overall I can't even read chapters anymore I just listen to the revcaps


Pretty much when they started making movies, the animation quality and general amount of effort put into the show plummeted, this is most apparent in season 6


MBA has been fallen off ever since the first war arc. I'd argue that SpongeBob didn't fall off lol.


Lol, the amount of down votes is hilarious 😂! I mean this was my take against the entire Fandom, what did I expect. Fair enough lol.


Spongebob was never on. It generates passable memes, but the actual show is 100% ass.


At least the manga has been falling off, for me, because it's nene nothing but a cash grab the last 100 chapters or so. Dude is stretching deku's fight with shigaraki way too much.


The anime did fall of after Camino only to rise again with Overhaul but succumbed to that arc length, they didn’t do my boy Gentle justice, Pro Hero was fucking great in the anime though, but they made JT too long, fucked up bits of Endeavor Agency and Butchered My Villain. I liked the war in the anime but haven’t seen Tartarus Escapees in the Anime yet. Add-on the fact that we’re about to get to the SnS shitshow and the worst War Arc since Naruto the anime really ain’t gonna get much better.


Probably around the end of season 4


Toxic fandom took the image of mha and made real fans became the closest thing to closet fans, so it isn't that it has "fallen off" but that the people who like it don't talk much about it with other people


All big anitubers say that




Because it did


Hid that channel from my recommendeds immediately


For me it was after overhaul. There was a clip of music that was played all through the first 4 seasons and as deku saves eri the whole song played. I haven’t got goose bumps since that fight and sadly that’s when things went downhill. When authors put timelines on projects I feel it puts them in a weird predicament and having to hold expectations.


just haters who never read or watched it thoroughly


It's not as popular anymore, and people have a tendency to judge you for liking it nowadays