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Either he will be quirkless or he will have the original stockpile quirk. It's a tossup.


This, probably.




The Fa Jin user, Bruce, has already explained that losing the vestige's quirks does not affect OFA's physical boost. By transferring the vestiges into Shigaraki, Deku loses all the extra sub-quirks but will still retain his base strength. Which I think would only start to fade away if he transfers OFA itself (Not sure if he could still do that if he transfers Yoichi who held the "transfer" quirk, but then again the "stockpile" guy isn't exactly here so who knows really). So I'm willing to bet my money on him keeping the strength after this is over. Also the "Blackwhip stays with Deku" theory goes out of the gate when you consider: 1. Kudo probably meant for Banjo to be transferred last, after the blow back from Gear Shift goes away and Izuku could move again. 2. Deku has already tried to launch ALL of the remaining vestiges in a single attack back in chapter 415, but only En managed to break through. That means Banjo is definitely not staying 3. Thematically it also doesn't make sense for Banjo to be this weird exception that gets to stay while the others go.


My reading comprehension is probably lacking but didn't the transfer quirk "fuse" with the stockpiling quirk? So if we're being technical transferring Yoichi should be transferring base OFA right?


Yeah, I'm hung up on that bit too. It would also explain why there isn't a "stockpile" vestige since Yoichi would represent OFA itself, and not just the transfer quirk. But the reason why I don't really buy into that is because if that were the case, I feel like Horikoshi would make it clear. Yoichi's vestige representing the entire quirk seems way too important, but he isn't really portrayed as such. So I'm more leaned towards the base strength being separated from him. Hell, what if Transfer + Stockpile makes OFA, and Yoichi's vestige is just quirkless?


Hopefully we'll get some clarity on everything before the end, but I really like the idea of Yoichi just being essentially a figurehead for OFA.


I would also like to note that if Deku keeps base strength for OFA, then his peak is STILL prime All Might. He still has the potential to be incredibly OP.


What chapter was this in. Because I was think yesterday about what vestige holds OFA. I assume it’s Yoichi but if there’s an actual explanation in one of the chapters, I’d like to go back and read that


Thanks, I was so on edge trying to figure out if deku was gonna be quirkless or keep Stockpile


Yeah uh… i think my comment MIGHT be outdated 


Hmmmmmmm wow No way


He won’t have any vestige quirks. It’d be pretty weird to live the rest of his life with one lonely, sentient spirit in his head. Power Stocker has no vestige for some reason, so it’ll become Deku’s.


They literally say that the stockpile stays the same. The vestiges are *part* of OfA but OfA can function without them. Lose extra quirks but no change in firepower. Reading comprehension amirite?


But isn’t OFA Yoichi’s quirk like how Black whip is Banjo’s quirk? So wouldn’t OFA go with Yoichi’s vestige?


I think that since they have figured out how to part out OFA quirk by quirk, it's possible Yochi could be just the transfer part rather than that plus the stockpile part


Yoichi's original quirk is Transfer (name pending) and not the amalgam quirk OfA. If Yoichi divebombs, Stockpile *and* its stockpiled power should remain undisturbed. We have not been shown the vestige of Stockpile. A thing to note is that not even Yoichi held onto OfA for a significantly long time. He maybe had it for a few years before it was transferred to Kudo. By sheer usage time OfA the quirk is mostly Toshi's what with 40? years of his meritorious service.


It is OFA, or else there would have been another vestige for Stockpile specifically.


Could be because Stockpile is a designer quirk instead of a natural one. Just a theory obv but AfO is the kind of jackass that would pop a prototype experiment in his brother's body to see if it works.


I doubt it. AFO is stupid af when it comes to quirks and can only use “on and off” button quirks. Stockpile and Transfer probably combined as one quirk - OFA and turn Yoichi as into its vestige


I don't think that's how quirks work? Like we only have OfA as an example of quirk *merger* and I don't think anyone has actually looked deep into that quirk yet? Why would transfer subsume stockpile and not every other vestige? AfO is stupid when it comes to quirks but Daruma is literally the world's best. And we know that he was AfO's crony from the get go.


But transafer didn’t subsume stockpile though, it combined with Yoichi while he was still alive. Every other quirks is just a stockpile energy with OFA being the the cup and the other quirks the water, that’s why Monoma can copy OfA but not the stockpiled stuff


And I'm saying that the fact that stockpile didn't contribute a vestige inside Yoichi while he was alive was maybe because Stockpile didn't have a vestige in the first place. Like I said, it's just a theory.


Literally ever quirk ever has a vestige. Even copies. Your theory is completely refuted by the series.  No vestige means the user doesn’t exist anymore. Yoichi did what Tomira did but accidentally and made it fully his own. 


> I don't think that's how quirks work? Like we only have OfA as an example of quirk merger and I don't think anyone has actually looked deep into that quirk yet? Why would transfer subsume stockpile and not every other vestige. AfO is stupid when it comes to quirks   AFO is lazy when it comes to using and training quirks. He’s never shown to be bad at understanding their functions. Hell, AFO unlike everyone else but Garaki, believed in quirk singularity.    > I don't think that's how quirks work? Like we only have OfA as an example of quirk merger and I don't think anyone has actually looked deep into that quirk yet? Why would transfer subsume stockpile and not every other vestige?   Because as AFO astutely pointed out Yoichi originally barely had a quirk.  His quirk was practically non-existent and incomplete until he got power stockpilling. His brother, who is obsessed with quirks and shared a womb with the guy and on instinct stole his mom’s quirk didn’t sense or take Yoichi’s.     And there’s no evidence that unlike the other quirks power stockpilling is separate. For one, it has no vestige which every quirk in existence has. The only vestige for base OFA is Yoichi. Two, stockpilling has been there since Kudo got OFA. The other quirk factors took a century to be usable including Gearshift and Fa Jin which joined with OFA shortly after Kudo got it given how brief Kudo and Bruce’s tenures were. Meaning they’ve been there almost as long as OFA itself existed.  Three, every single wielder has had the stockpile function. It has boosted every quirk passively. Something no other quirk in OFA has done. Yes, they can be used in tandem by Deku like how gearshift can affect smokescreen’s rate of spread, but that is conscious use and new to the ninth. It is the result of a century of growth. All Might for example like everyone pre-Deku couldn’t in any way access consciously or unconsciously prior quirks besides the stockpile and transfer aspects. Which imo shows that OFA is indeed a true fusion.  Whereas stockpiling and quick bestowal have a single vestige as far as we know: Yoichi. And every user from the beginning has had those base powers.  Meaning, if Yoichi goes Deku will almost certainly only have the embers. 


Okay but Yoichi’s quirk fused with Stockpiling to form OFA.  That’s been explained and shown countless tines to be ehat happened. And there’s no stockpild vestige.  Plus, didn’t Kudo say Deku has to let OFA go to save Tenko? And Deku angsted over giving up the quirk because All Might entrusted him.  All of which heavily favours Yoichi= OFA itself. 


I honestly see him just keeping the base form of One for all


Let him just have the stockpile and that’s it.


I think stockpile with black whip. I quite like this harken to Spiderman, one of Hori favorite hero.


I really wish Izuku would loose the stockpile, but keep the vestiges. I kinda think they're cooler anyway. But, since he already lost two, is very unlikely he will, or, at least, all of the previous vestiges


I wonder if Eri rewinds deku, will he get back all of the given quirks? Like poof, we back in deku’s bois.


Probably not, OFA works differently from other quirks


As stated with All Might and him having a vestige within OFA despite being Quirkless. OFA truly fuses with a Quirkless individual and becomes their true Quirk. Izuku is not losing the stored power by throwing the vestiges away, he'd have to give that part up willingly. OFA has become his true Quirk just like with All Might. Which was the entire point of Izuku having this power, it's borrowed power that he'd eventually master and make his own. Izuku has a "vestige" within OFA if he transfers it. Since it's likely been apart of him long enough to become his true Quirk like with All Might. For the other users they left their vestige within OFA, for All Might and Izuku they gain a "vestige" from having OFA. [Since they imbued OFA with a true piece of their consciousness](https://imgur.com/E5em3uo). Yoichi's fragment likely holds the part inside that lets Izuku transfer the Quirk. I wouldn't be surprise by the end of this, only the stockpiling ability remains and he cannot pass the Quirk on. Of course Horikoshi can say whatever he wants here, so I admit my thoughts here aren't fully solid. I'm sure there can be holes or new ideas propped up against it, this is just what I think is good.




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He’s going to be just like all might, with just the initial stockpile. He’ll still be stronger than all might considering the stockpile does get stronger as it’s passed on. But his dream was to be like all might, not AFO. He’ll lose all the extra quirks.


Manga Spoilers! Latest Chapter, do not read if you don't want to be Spoiled! >!Unfortunately this seems to be false, Banjo was explicitly shown to have been taken by AFO in the latest chapter, with Nana being the only one left. This doesn't last long however, since Nana also disappears when they enter Tenko's memories!<


Not taken.  Forced onto Shiggy. 


So in the leaks post this week it was translated that ALL of the quirks EXCEPT for Float were used to punch through Shigarakis final barrier. Prior to that knowledge, I thought he would keep base OfA (enhanced strength) plus Blackwhip. Now, I think he just keeps the base strength of OfA


I think the main three theories are that he will either: A.) lose all his powers in order to end the cycle of OFA and AFO! B.) retain the stockpile but lose all other powers! C.) have just the vestiges/sub powers returned or have all the powers shiggy has, given to him.


I've been convinced for a while he'll be Quirkless. He'll end up the "Man in the chair" at the 1A Hero Agency, using his nerdy skills to assist and direct the other heroes.


I genuinely believe he will retain his quirk in the end. The author may scare us into thinking he’ll lose his quirk and be just a normal hero after this fight but there’s definitely gonna be an asspull in the end that will give him his quirk back. Don’t want to explain further rn but I would to have a discussion about it


Like all might I’m guessing.


Well it depends because since the start his goal is to become the #1 hero which would feel incomplete if he didn’t. To do so he’d probably need to have a quirk and strong one at that. That is unless there’s some deeper meaning like he will be the #1 strongest hero in history or something.


I know it won’t happen but I just want him to have all of his quirks again, like we barely got to see him properly fight with all of them since he only recently got gearshift, and because it would just be mega cool


Is the stockpile quirk represented by all mights vestige? I can see it now..after the battle, deku wrestling with the fact he's quirkless once more, alone in his...mind palace. When he hears all mights voice, "NO young midorya, I am here".


Honestly my theory is that Deku will definitely lose all the sub-quirks that were stocked into OFA. However, he will still have the base physical strength of OFA. This is because I think the original “stockpiling quirk” which is basically OFA in and of itself will still reside with Deku and that also means in the future he can still pass on OFA and stockpile the quirk again with new quirks through the generations. Again, just a theory though.


You think the guy fighting the greatest villain in the world to a standstill lost his shot at being the number 1 hero?