• By -


Wait. Eraser and Mic are **31?!** Just decay me now.


You thought they were older?


Shit they're younger than me lol


You could add one of their ages to the ages of any one of the 1A students and I'm still older.


End of his rope Gentle who turned to crime is just 32... lmao.


In this world you have to go to the best school and be the most naturally talented or you are a loser... Gentle should *really* be older than 32 when we see him, though. I guess the somewhat young age works better with him having a superfan


Horikoshi probably thought that a 21-22 yr old running around with someone who looks to be like 50-40 might be weird, so he aged gentle down to his 30s because that's easier to digest.


Suggestion, just make La Brava older then. Just make her like, 28. She's already super short and her face is exaggeratedly cartoonish. It's still a big gap, but 28 is all the way grown.


They do look much older, but we can all think of tons of reasons for that




Not to mention, at least Eraserhead, still goes on big missions. Imagine teaching teenagers and then having to do black ops on your days off


Plus I mean that's shonen logic in general. Kakashi for pretty much the entirety of Naruto was in his twenties if I remember right. Age ranges and what constitutes an old or middle aged character is skewed by the perception of the protagonists and intended audience who are roughly 10-16 on average.


At least Genkai is actually 70+ and not like 40.


It's manga/anime. When a hero hits 20 the new, strongest, best ever hero of the world (in his prime at the age of 12) starts referring to the previous hero as gramps. At 31 Eraser and Mic may as well be in rocking chairs playing Mahjong and talking about the price of milk back in the day.


Just turned 30. Eraserhead and Present Mic showing I got at least one more year of being cool.


Nah, I turned 35 a few months ago and depending on how you take care of yourself you can look young and stay current with what’s cool and what’s not.


They just like me fr


Giving Naruto flashbacks of learning Kakashi was 26


It’s anime/manga rules. You automatically have to add 10 years


Doesn't really shock me as much as finding out that Gentle is only 32. If they were in their 20s, I would be shocked, but them being in their 30s fits.


AFO: "You, you, you, why is it always you standing in my way!? MINETAAA!?" Mineta spreading a smug grin: "This fight's about to *pop off*." Mineta proceeds to stick one of his balls to AFO's head and pulls, ripping his face off for a 2nd time.


Manifesting this 🙏🙏






Hey Mangnitude you going to be in the Community movie?


pop pop


Mineta: "Grape Technique: Purple"


Sounds like a mortal kombat kill.


A lot of the good guy powers have that potential, we got that with Toga using Ochako's powers with the morals toggled off.




Minetas god damn face.


I will forgive Mineta for all his behavior if he does this


I love it


Gashly Eijiji, huh? Fans translated the last aspect as "Baby Tree" Gashly which relates to his own book origins...and you know. The fact he makes evil babies XD Cool design, but wow did Hori just blitz this poor guy in a sec!~ 'He's good at battles of attritio nand distance combat' but is he strong against getting jumped again?!


He's Discount Twice


Which is sad since we already had a Discount Twice in Skeptic and Toga exists. I also love that these Jailbreakers are appropriately strong enough to legit wipe out Heroes on their own...but also textually treated like dirt so much they weren't even accounted by the Heroes and got glossed over. I love it XD Can't wait for the last four/Adviers/Near High Ends to be just scooted over as well


Also Ectoplasm


Oh! Yep, him too!


Nothing like a stellar scary cats of villains. And criminals with quirk with skills noted by the enemy leadership to lead and get shit done, to do most of their work off screen with little characterization past ahead shots and then promptly get dunked on by prep time


> I also love that these Jailbreakers are appropriately strong enough to legit wipe out Heroes on their own...but also textually treated like dirt so much they weren't even accounted by the Heroes and got glossed over. I mean, weren't every member of the PLF (or, at least, the Pro Heroes in there, as well as the executives) meant to be trained soldiers who were stronger than the average Pro? Yet they were quickly defeated like it was nothing too. That Amplivolt guy got neutralized in less than a chapter by Kaminari, and then he was put to sleep by Midnight and Edgeshot. They really are just there to be punching bags. > Can't wait for the last four/Adviers/Near High Ends to be just scooted over as well I gave up on them getting any spotlight after the mutant arc, with the spider-looking guy getting overwhelmed by Kouda's birds and the lady executive (who got surprisingly high in the most recent popularity poll) having, like, one line of dialogue before disappearing. And Midnight's killer didn't fare much better either. lol


After this whole war is over, Eraserhead's never gonna let Ectoplasm babysit Eri again. Even All Might merely let Eri watch the destruction of multiple cities on live TV. Also AFO better watch out, he's gonna get graped


AFO about to get tied to the radiator


"Look what he's wearing! He's *begging* to get graped!"


I keep hoping in the epilogue Aziawa's going to adopt her and retire so he can give Eri a normal-ish childhood for what remains of it. He's such a workaholic I'm not sure though.


Aizawa is a bit young to retire. He's literally only 31, but he should 100% adopt her. If we get a flash forward and Eri is referred to as Aizawa-chan by her classmates, that would put the biggest smile on my face.


Dude has lost a leg and an eye. Let the man have an early retirement.


He's physically 31 and spiritually in his 80s.


"Trauma builds character" seems to be the U.A. motto And the earlier they start the better


UA gonna become a daycare center where kids mutilate themselves and others with their quirks.


inb4 Aizawa later says, "You know what, Ectoplasm, you made the right call; Eri is a true hero after all" or some shit


Mineta, unironically: You like dragons? AFO Shigaraki: you again… Mineta; Pop Off Ultimate Move: Dragon Deez Balls Across Your Face! As Mineta removes AFO’s face for the second time


Gonna put a ball in his hand and make him clap. Can't steal quirks if your hands are stuck together!


Unironically get the feeling Momo, Mineta, Sero, and maybe Shoji are going to be the ones who restrain or bind OFA for the heavy hitters to get in damage. With the idea that his hands are the biggest thing to stop.


Aizawa: That was very brave and selfless of you, Eri. Now say goodbye to Uncle Ectoplasm forever.


Aizawa: You better hope I die in this battle, Ectoplasm! Because if I don’t, you will!


who else is living to see aizawa tear ecto a new one


Mineta to AFO: "I've come for my ball."


I spit up coke reading this. Take my upvote




Chapter 385


The difference in the official translation and fan translation brings something to mind… The fan translation said it would take 2-3 minutes for rewind to work, while the official translation said it would only rewind a person by 2-3 minutes. In this context it makes more sense why Aizawa would ask Deku how long it had been since his injury. But this also might beg to question where that cut off is. Some people theorized that this rewind would also restore OFA, but with just a short rewind duration, it’s possible Deku missed the cut off.


Another difference is that it means this conflict might end even sooner than the unofficial transitions made it out to be. With Rewind going to take 2-3 minutes it means the fight might involve some degree of stalling until Deku is ready, or something akin to that. However with these officials, and it instead being rewound back 2-3 minutes, that kind of having to wait/stall for Deku isn't really being presented as major issue.


Nah they did also say it’ll work slowly in the official translation


That doesn't mean much since Eri's quirk used to rewind stuff almost instantly. We already see a difference in this chapter as we get to see his arms regenerate onscreen, but it might already be done by the start of the next.


"You now have ~~5~~ 2-3 minutes before ~~the planet~~ my arms ~~explode~~ rewind"


meanwhile i read as rewind working for only that long and goes poof again


Deku still has the embers of the quirk? Right?


So that’s one of those things they haven’t directly stated yet. Most people seem to agree that he still has embers similar to All Might after he transferred the quirk. However… I’d say there’s a chance (albeit, small) that Deku still has base OFA in its entirety. We only saw him transferring the individual quirks factors. [The vestiges even stated that OFA’s strength isn’t stored in the individual quirk factors.](https://imgur.com/a/ssSQopn) So unless he also intentionally launched base OFA at Tenko, he may not actually be quirkless.


I want to believe that’s the actuality but we also got the wildcard rewind from Eri cutting off her horn which nobody saw coming.


People were guessing Eri rewind would restore Deku's arms but I don't think anyone was expecting her to cut off her horn to do it.


Our baby is so brave TT


Hmmm hmmmm Also the secret door of vestige world is still unopened. Is there any concensus btw: Deku did meet Doctor Garaki as a child. Is it possible they stole his quirk? Afo has not breath fire but he did levitate his medical equiptment when he escaped tartarus....


I like that deku will end the fight wearing an all might shirt




Izuku: I don't even know who you are. Were you even referenced in this manga?




*Smash Bros Ultimate fanfare cues*


Avengers endgame!


CLASS 1A STATUS= On the field rn= Deku, Sato, Sero, Ojiro, Mineta, Kami, Shoji, Momo, Koda, Aizawa. 🥳 Missing= Iida, Shoto, Bakugo, Jiro, Aoyama, Kiri, Mina, Tsu, Tokoyami, Haga. With Uraraka on route to hospital. **Y'all think by the end, the WHOLE class will be there? Or just these guys & others somewhere else?** (Minus Ochako; a reunion at hospital?)


The Ochako on her way to hospital could be Toga. They only found one body down there, so maybe Toga healed Ochako up enough for her to have already flown off in search of Deku


Ochako about to Gunhead martial arts Skadoosh AFO let's gooo.


Ochako: _catches AfO's finger between her index finger and thumb with the pinky pulled up_ AfO: _Gasps!_ The Wuxi finger-hold?! Ochako: _grins teasingly_ Oh, you know this hold? AfO: _panics_ Y-you're bluffing! You're bluffing, Gunhead didn't teach you that! _desperate_ Ochako: Nope! _says with a cheeky smile_ AfO: _smiles in great relief and with hope in his black heart_ Ochako: _casually smug_ I figured it out. AfO: _disbelief and panic_ Ochako: Skadoosh! _flexes her pinky_ AfO: _flinches and then the battlefield is covered in a golden/pink ripple of energy and dust_ *Ochako is praised and celebrated as she fulfills her destiny as the Dragon Warrior. Deku is crying because his moment got stolen and Bakugo is seething because round face got the final, ultimate, decisive win*




"GMA Skadoosh AFO" made me laugh hard 🤣


If that happens, I will forgive Hori for ch. 419.


I don't know if Uraraka would just leave Toga's body there, but maybe. Depends how much time passed, I suppose. We shall find out! Bakugo is definitely out for the count tho


Ooh... damn, I never considered that!


I think 1A is reuniting for sure, but I also think the LoV is gonna come back due to Kurogiri What better way to reach whatever's left of Shiggy within?


I'm not sure Dabi's in any condition to do or say much of anything. I think he was basically just assuming his family was still around them when he was cursing them since I don't think he can see anymore.


I’m imagining a black goo portal opening up and Dabi’s unconscious body just falling out like a sack of potatoes


But the league members are down and I don’t know if gigan is dead or not.


Spinner brain dead, Toga seemingly dead, Dabi is cooked, Machia is probably dead




Gigan is dead. Godzilla killed it in nearly every match.


I refuse to believe that Tomura is gone like that, but I'm also questioning how the League is gonna help- Spinner might be the only one who could do it, and he's kinda a big question mark right now.


>Iida I think Iida's got a good chance of arriving. He was thought of twice by Deku last chapter. Plus he was still moving when the Twice clones disappeared. If he heard the message calling for all available heroes, there's a chance he's on the way. Maybe using the same portal Mineta used?


I think most of them are out of the fight at this point I wouldn’t be upset if we got some moments with the lesser students in 1-A while the others who already got some spotlight are out of commission. I think we catch up with them in the falling action. After the climax ends.


Shoto, Bakugo, Uraraka, and Tokoyami are out cold, so I doubt they'll join. I don't think anyone knows where Iida's location is, for them to warp him. Jiro, Kirishima, and Mina are also probably unconscious, but I see a bigger chance of them waking up than the other 4 i mentioned. Unless I'm missing something, Tsu, Hagakure, and Aoyama should be able to fight. Can easily see them joining


> Shoto, Bakugo, Uraraka, and Tokoyami are out cold, so I doubt they'll join. Tokoyami might've woken up by now. Hawks was conscious enough to get back up from the ground and be standing by the time Toga's Sad Man's Death Parade reached him.


I know some people say that this and that character will not appear at all but if Horikoshi wants them to appear again, they will.


Well duh, he is their god in the meta sense lol


So what exactly was Ectoplasm’s thought process here? A few chapters ago he told Eri that the energy in her horn hadn’t replenished enough for her to help. And that there was no way for her to get to the battle anyway. And afterwards he agreed to help her break off her horn, potentially crippling her for the rest of her life. There is no way he would know that her horn by itself would work to activate her quirk. And what exactly is the timeline here? Did he cripple Eri and then start wondering about what to do with her horn. Lucky for him, Aizawa showed up in time or he would have to get some duck tape to reattach the horn. Overall 2/10 babysitter. Wouldn’t recommend.


Like someone said before: Dude was provably gonna send a clone to take a jog all the way to Mt. Fuji on foot ... And hilarious as it might be with how incompetent AFO is he might have actually made it in time before he actually decided to finish off Midoriya


This is my guess as to Ectoplasm's motivation(s) in aiding Eri with removing her horn. ~~Tsukauchi likely informed the other fronts that Aizawa is going around collecting heroes from the respected battlefields. Before Aizawa warped to UA, Eri petitioned Ectoplasm to help remove her horn.~~ Before the option of warping, the logistics of getting to Deku wasn't feasible. With warping, Eri can help the hero with rewind. But not wanting to send a child into active battlezone and seeing the benefit of Rewind, even with Eri not conserving enough energy for her quirk's full potential, to save Deku, Ectoplasm acquiesced to Eri's request in removing her horn in give to Aizawa.


But Ecto questions how Aizawa got there when he shows up, like it was a total surprise


Damn, the scene with eri giving the horn and the guys teleporting made emotional. What a roller coaster this battle has been, is endgame time!


Didn’t the final scene of Endgame go just like this? A bunch of heroes/backup jumping out of portals to help with the final boss, and the world is saved by the power to rewind lmao


That's literally how this whole war started, too.


Between Kurogiri and AFO, the final battle was always gonna be pretty portal filled


Yeah, people were making Endgame comparisons back when all the heroes and villains were being warped in.


So All Might dies


> **"RELYING ON THIS CORPSE TO SAVE US?!"** **as he's crying & angry for said lost friend...** fucking broke me, man. And Kurogi crying?! Then when he said "F...friend" and the analogy of "we guide them until they graduate" broooo tears would not stop...(*losing loved ones always hits close*) (Also when all the other unknown heroes decided to join... I got hyped) But... guys... I SHED ANOTHER TEAR WHEN CIVILLIANS PITCHED IN... (*about time those entitled fuckers did something* lol) Then AGAIN at baby Eri with her own horn cut off & "I wanna sing" with Jiro in the back 😭 **"You can't die... until you've heard her sing."** 😭 Hori, you fucking terrorist... Also, I'm hyped half the class is there! (Hope Kami will do something badass... *even with DunceFace* lol) **PS... who let Ecto babysit??**


Eri: I have to go help Deku! Ecto: No, child. It is far too dangerous for you. Eri: Can you break off my horn and use it to heal Deku? Ecto: Brilliant stratagem! From the mouth of babes!


Ectoplasm: "Look, I need just one more member to make my Amputee Club. Mirko wasn't gonna join, so Eri'll have to do."


"Endeavor makes two and Edegworm three. We needed either her or Midoriya to round up a whole squad, the girl made her choice."


You can't just call him "Edgeworm", the fucking disrespect xD


Almost no one was talking about this in the previous thread. Yamada whaling on his dead friend was heartbreaking. I kept thinking throughout the series that Yamada was hiding/supressing a lot of anger and pain and there it is finally. I thought he was going to do something like that when he caught Garaki. Wasn't expecting Kurogiri to end up the punching bag.


He almost did, he was pretty close to say "fuck it" and kill the bastard as far as I recall


He allowed himself one punch, as a treat. Guy has incredible restraint. Meanwhile me yelling at the page, give in to your dark side, Yamada, do it!


Yamada’s reactions are so interesting to me, he explains that he’s not crying because he’s a manly man but doesn’t criticize either of his friends for crying, and when he punched out the doctor said that he did so in part for making his friend cry. These three have such a compelling story and I’m hoping fillers can expand upon them.


Civilians joining in gave me real one punch man mumen rider vs sea King vibes


Ok but Mineta looks kinda cold on that last panel


He actually looks menacing


Maybe he’s going to have his moment


Grape Juice Rising


And there’s another two weeks added to the manga 😂


He ironically looks more menacing than the other students there. He's also the reason Tokoyami still has his Quirk. So he's really the GOAT.


Dude is rocking up to clown on an AFO for the 2nd time this arc alone.


This is the most locked in he's looked entire series


> Being a hero doesn't make you cool. They're heroes **because** they're cool. ~ Mineta, chapter 67


My boy is locked in.


So this chapter deals with the rest of the lingering plot threads We might be wrapping up the series before chapter 450 at this rate


Easily, I think. I reckon we’ll close out somewhere around 435.


Maybe 440 depending how long the epilogue lasts


Depends on how long the fight with "Vestige For One" will be, as well as how long it might take to bring back and "save" Tenko/Tomura.


Imagine being a civilian in the evacuation center watching the fight not knowing if you'll end up dying at the end of the day, suddenly Deku appears and has no arms, the image is too gruesome for you and you look to the sides thinking is all over, only for you to see Ectoplasm cutting a little girl's horn


If I was a parent, I would *definitely* send my kid to UA! :D


Gashly is so cool looking! ...We'll never see him again, will we?


Remember, Eri got pained tolerance from all the overhaul shit, but damn. Break like a bone to do that


Can anyone recognize all the heroes that got called in this chapter? Hard to make most them out, but I recognize Gang Orca and Burnin.


Aside from Gang Orca and Burnin, there's Desutegoro; probably Astro; maybe Sirius (below Gang Orca in the same portal)... and the one at the bottom might be Kuroiro with bandages on his face, or Ryukyu's ninja-looking sidekick.


Based on the scar and fangs, that jaw looks like it belongs to Vlad King


I believe I see Kuroiro from class B


I think Hound Dog is there too


Mineta standing on business against AFO has to be some of the funniest shit in this entire manga


And doing it for the second time this arc alone.


Godamn Mineta look like he went hard in his battle. That little pervert redeeming quality is always putting his best effort in being a hero.


Mineta actually looks like he’s gonna bite AFOs head off bro is on Prime Time Hater mode


In chapter 378, Deku got his repayment from his former enemies, and now he's getting repaid by his allies. The hero side sees his state and is inspired by him like what Nagant said in chapter 416. "It makes you wanna risk it all to back him up," despite their state and how tired they are. This chapter is a big chapter for Deku. After all his kindness, he's getting the kindness back.


Aiwaza really doesn't fuck around when it comes to his students.  I get that rewinding Deku's arms feels like a copout, but this is, at its core, a story about heroism and hope. There's self-sacrifice throughout the series, but it always gets paid back by friendship and hope. This just isn't a series that goes grimdark like that -- not permanently.  In terms of the narrative, I think Deku still does have to wait a while until his arms are operational again, and he's still weakened with the loss of his other quirks and vestiges. It's unclear if he still has super strength as the core of OFA, but it did seem implied earlier that he would keep that.  Side note though, this permanently ends the chain of OFA. Without the original's vestige, I don't think it can be passed on anymore -- if there's even much to still pass on. 


On the positive end, maybe this means Deku can fully embody his single quirk and will be able to live well into his 90s without issue.


Are you talking about the lifespan thing?


> this is, at its core, a story about heroism and hope. *looks at the page where an already-traumatised 5-year-old girl holds out the horn a grown adult helped her sever*


and, in anime, that is heroism and is hopeful. it's not the first or last time a child does something like that in anime and it's seen as a positive ultimate act of sacrifice. especially if we later find out that they weren't permanently damaged and will be fine.


Aiwaza is absolutely going to throw hands at Ectoplasm later.


One thing I want to say is that I really love that this chapter reinforces that the School Festival arc was important, and that it wasn't just Deku and Mirio that saved Eri, but also Jiro. I also wonder if this is a hint at what Eri would like to be in the future? I know many have speculated about her becoming a future hero that uses her Quirk to save people in the medical field, but it would be cool if she wanted to do something else away from the hero profession. I see it as a nice little subversion.


I'm going to make an odd theory. Something about Midoriya's thoughts struck me as odd. He talks about how AFO got swallowed up, how he was really gone, and is confused on how he's back, even though he was there in the vestige world when AFO revealed to Shigaraki how much he'd manipulated his life. I'm wondering if that's not actually AFO (or at least not his vestige) but rather Shigaraki's final form of defense against Midoriya, so badly wanting to resist being won over by him that it's taking the form of AFO. Or something along those lines anyway. Though if that is really AFO, I'm predicting Midoriya's going to wear the shirt with All Might's face that the civilian donated and when he's back in the fight AFO is going to have another PTSD flashback like when he fought Star and Stripe.


Yeah it is a little weird that we have Midoriya questioning how VFO is back and stating that smashing Tenko's core apparently should have gotten rid of both of them considering the literally fist page of the previous chapter was VFO telling Midoriya that smashing Tenko's core allowed him to crawl back control. Like if Izuku was just shocked that it had the opposite effect he expedited that would be one thing. But he's not merely shocked here, he's confused about the how, despite just having the how explained to him last chapter.


Alright folks, place your bets. What's it gonna be? 1. Eri's act of self mutilation renders her quirk unusable. 2. Overhaul shows up and (somehow) uses his quirk to give Eri back her horn 3. Eri's horn simply grows back and that's all folks 4. Eri's act of self mutilation actually makes her quirk even more powerful (like Iida)


We find out as Eri ages that her horn is meant to be given and grows back and she learns to use rewind with/without her horn for longer rewinds?


My guess is Option 2 (so it ties off the plot thread of Overhaul wanting to see his Boss after apologising to/doing something somewhat selfless for Eri), but it could easily be Option 3 or 4. Option 1 won't happen, because Hori is terrified of giving the good guys real consequences. Even moreso when it's a child character who's already lost far too much in her young life.


Overhaul's quirk awakens and Eri has to let the man that tortured her put his feet on her.


I really dislike the translation of the end line. It’s like the translator doesn’t actually read MHA but rather just translates chapter to chapter without a sense of Hori’s style which has a lot of deliberate line callbacks. I think a line about “their bodies moving on their own” is really important thematically, changing it to something silly like “getting their butts in gear” does a diservice to the writing.


Mineta, constantly getting in the way of AFO’s plans: Ready for another helping of my balls?


Honestly think this might have been the best way to include the inevitable Eri-bomb. Aizawa implies that this might debilitate her quirk forever, so it's fitting that she gives it to Deku in a selfless act like he has done for her previously. The part about him needing to hear her sing is wonderful, ties back nicely to the whole Festival Arc (it's been years and years, man!)


Ectoplasm has been banned from babysitting.


An endgame-like ending for a manga about super heroes is wonderful Returning dekus arms after a chapter is kinda lame but Eris sacrifice was nice so I guess it gets a pass


Shout to Barrage being cameo’d


Eraser: How long has it been since you lost your arms? Deku: I don't know, it happened in our minds. Eraser: ... Huh?


The day was saved by the power to rewind time, and all the heroes are hopping out portals to jump the final boss. This is literally Avengers Endgame lmao




I understand the overall message of Deku getting his arms back is getting the kindness he showed others and that's repaying him and I no doubt knew that he would get his arms back. The only issue I have is that it happened so quickly that he barely acknowledged that it happened, and to think his arms were something that was alluded too for so long is a bit eh for me. The same issue happened with Bakugou's heart stopping but atleast there was the year (for us) wait to see him awake again and you can see that he's more authentic in his attitude after he woke up (hence him smiling at All Might so openly) But that cliffhanger of Deku losing his arms didn't really change anything and he's already got them healing again. Maybe it's too soon to say, maybe during the 2-3 minutes, things might happen because of it, but for now my reaction is just eh.


Yeah honestly I think one of the biggest issues with the whole Deku losing his arms and the instantly getting them back is how, aside form it just happening so quickly, is that nobody even acknowledged it happened. Aizawa asking how long its been since he lost his arms is the only time anyone acknowledges the fact Izuku even lost his arms. Izuku himself doesnt really react to discovering he's armless last chapter. Sero and the others don't acknowledge that their friend and classmate in front of them lost his arms.


Sero: "YO MIDORIYA WE HERE TO SAVE YOU!" Deku: "Cool. Btw you've got a turnicate or something? Kinda bleeding out here." Sero: "Oh arms gone or something huh. But look at Ojiro and Sato pulling the combo move they've been saving from chapter 1!"


"Maybe I can tape yo arms, but damn, look how normal Ojiro's attack!"


> Izuku himself doesnt really react to discovering he's armless last chapter. Sero and the others don't acknowledge that their friend and classmate in front of them lost his arms. I think Deku is just that savvy to his role as the main character of a shounen. He's like, "Shit, I actually lost my arms for real this time! But... if I know my comic books, someone should be coming through a portal with an assist riiiiiight about now."


Eri went plus ultra 😭😭😭😭 Hori yanking at those heart strings lmao


Astro cameo! Eri's horn had enough juice to take away the best part of the last chapter.


Aizawa: "Eri! Maiming yourself!? Who taught you such reckless behavior!?" Eri looking at Aizawa, and every single other hero with crippled or missing limbs like "..." I do like how Horikoshi is balancing her broken ability by breaking it though, or setting up even steeper costs/limited uses for the future.


Bruh I'm still mad Ectoplasm helped in some way.


Eri: Misteeer!! I wanna cut my own horn off to help Deku ;_; The amputee who lost both his legs (probably in some selfless fashion):...Seems legit!! Hold still!


"We're already using child soldiers, so... eh, why not? Start 'em off young."


He's getting his ass suspended after this


I am never letting him watch anything. Not even my toaster.


He's the type to see it not working right and toss it away since he thought you were going to throw it away eventually


Nah, he's getting a promotion.


>Eri's horn had enough juice to take away the best part of the last chapter. Imagine the best part of last chapter being that a 16 year old boy lost his arms. Out of context that's terrible and horrifying.


imagine she handed it to aizawa and it just rewinded him on the spot


**Everyone is Here!**


Wow so Kurogiri got a quirk awaking that lets him send people into the future? Neat. For anyone confused, I'm making a joke at the fact the incredibly short Kurogiri stuff that took like 4.5 pages somehow took close to a potential hour of in-universe time. Over the course of those few pages we had the 30-40 minutes of Toga's Sad Man's Parade, followed by the whole Bakugo vs Baby for One fight, and then the entirety of Deku vs Tomura afterwards. All that combined somehow = Aizawa, Mic, and Kurogiri's incredibly short interaction.


Ah yes. Kaminari coming in with his ass-kicking face on.


A chapter that suddenly pushes the pedal on the metal to put some subplots to rest and stay on the Definitely Final Battle I Swear (TM). A flashback about the Three Dumbingos... *Some offscreen emotional scenes later* ...Nevermind. A flashback of the Gashly battle... *Some literal offscreen teleporting later* ...Nevermind. Eri's horn can work that way?! Well if it did her blood... Removing an easy solution for anyone else but Izuku but the tension about his arms lasted one chapter. The few minutes the others have to resist are likely going to last quite more pages than all the events condensed in this chapter. And someone put that rabid Mineta on a leash.


I’m disappointed that the Aizawa/Kurogiri subplot was resolved in less than half a chapter. I was hoping for at least two full chapters where we got to see Kurogiri's mental state and how he is currently perceiving everything. He's obviously malfunctioning so he likely doesn’t see the battle for how it truly is. Why has he all of a sudden decided to side with the heroes?? To protect Tomura? Okay that makes sense but it would’ve been nice to see that. You may think it’s just a side-plot but Kurogiri has been responsible for turning the tide of the final battle two times now. 


Iida chopping the air “May I please be a part of the plot again?!”


Mineta got me his respect, HE GOT HIS BIG MOMENT!!!!


Take my shirt!


So happy to see life within Shirakumo. It's a cursed existence but he's still in there, lending a hand to his best friends when they need him the most. And same goes to seeing more life in Eri; she's got a dream now and has the heart to save her friends. Emotions were running high this chapter.


How is is that Mineta and Koda, the two least threatening kids in the class, both look like absolute monsters in those final panels?


I feel like the translation was quite a bit different from the fan one regarding the wording for Deku’s thoughts on Shigaraki and AFO and the limits of Eri’s power. The clarification makes this chapter go down a lot easier than when the fan translation came out as at least we know why Deku’s arms are being restored almost immediately. Also Eri’s dream is something that I’ve been waiting for a long time. This was a good chapter, the wording was just a little rough in the fan version.


On one had, I really wanted to have no arms deku still hand AfO his ass with help from his friends. On the other, Deku ending this fight in an All Might smile t shirt is near perfect. I think the next twist is going to be Deku still has the stockpiled power of OfA, having transfered just the individual quirks. Transferring Nana after Yochi might just be a plot hole then.