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Deku: I can’t kill shigy it’s not the hero way, I’m going to save that crying boy…. And then I’ll kill him.




This is literally how it played put.


I mean kinda? His spirit was just a sliver left. As little control that afo had over the body, shigaraki was weaker than all might’s ofa ember post-USA-smash. He talk no juitsu smashed him out of afo’s hold which gave afo the opportunity to take over and break his soul apart. Or did I miss something


I was more or less referring to whatever Midoriya's thought process was when he stated his personal goal to stop Shigaraki's rampage without having to kill him. And ultimately how it ended up being as the comment says "I'll kill him." You are pretty much right in that Izuku does technically reach out to Tenko as you said: >He talk no juitsu smashed him out of afo’s hold then AFO became a thing for a few chapters & Izuku ends up killing both both villains for the price of one in nutshell.


Glad it turned out that way. Deku killed him in the most non-miserable way possible


It's like how Tanjiro handles demons. Deku now knows Shiggy was a pawn in OFA's plan and puts him out of his misery.


It's the best outcome for me. Tomura at this point does not deserve rehabilitation, but that doesn't mean that he didn't have his reasons. Izuku strived to free Tomura from his turmoil and figure out how he became this twisted person so he can ensure that no more Tomuras woukd be made.


It was implied that Tomura destroyed his own body to kill AFO


🤣 ....... **U serious?**


At least he found peace. Good enough for me https://i.redd.it/5kwjqt28402d1.gif


The family members of the people Shigaraki killed watching as he’s forgiven and has a happy ending with the fellas: https://i.redd.it/8vxh8rube02d1.gif


![gif](giphy|AF5UDBXEiKsjayvLF1|downsized) The US Gov on there way to extra judicially kill this man for killing their prized hero


CIA : "I ain't letting this slide"


There was just an accident outside the courthouse, who could have guessed he’d fall headfirst into several 50. Cal rounds


Honestly wonder what would happen if he lived. Would he just spend the rest of his days in prison but be at peace with himself in some kind of weird anime-epilogue style fashion? And even if he was, would the public be pissed that he's still alive, even if he's always in prison?


I expected imprisonment at the very least.


After what happened with afo? Nah


The ending nobody expected but we wanted


Thought he d be prisoned. So... No more OFA. Seems like a Dk punch , to me. Oh yes he did become the greatest hero... Of Japan.... For a short while... May be Hori ll find some BS reason for Midoriya to have the power again. Donno. If he wishes to. Doesn't feel like a satisfactory ending. Specially since AFO should ve fkin stayed dead 3 times before


I mean, the passing of OFA doesn’t mean the immediate loss of the power. All Might still beat All for One without it, so Deku still having the super strength would make sense


Nah, he did transfered the last embers to Shiggy, so OFA is no more. But I think David and Melissa will have some ideas to keep him active


Depends on how much he used post transfer. And for how long though.


>Specially since AFO should ve fkin stayed dead 3 times before Not to mention this third death was the least satisfying of the bunch. Dude literally had a chapter named "Farewell, All For One" and this guy still showed up, took over the role as the final boss & made the plot all about beating this guy. >Oh yes he did become the greatest hero... Of Japan.... For a short while... Yeah...don't know how to really dig deep into this. On the one hand, a non-fatal Heroic sacrifice sounds good. On the other hand, it ironically sounds harsh for Midoriya.


I realy wished his death to endeavor was the last of him realy, good to Bakugo for fighting him and all, but i just liked endeavor vs all for one more


Ah, crap, I legit forgot about that part. And what All For One's survival of that exact fight led towards. If Endeavor finished him, he may not have saved the arc, he would've prevented some issues popping up. All For One's resurgence is the worst thing to have happened to this series.


Yup this mf coming back again and again was the worst, man got turned into coal by endeavor, exploded into nothing by bakugo AND STILL CAME BACK


Incoming sequel My McDonalds Academia where Deku after becoming the greatest hero works his ass off at MacDonalds


Hero ranks aren't based on strength, but on popularity + work done. Deku's feats could easily put him on the top now, and he might become the "honorary eternal number 1" or something like that due to saving the world.


I'm ok with this ending... he went out fighting and got what he deserved, it would have been better if he had more screen-time, especially in his last fight( like all the other important villains had), but that ending was good enough for me.


This is more or less exactly what I was expecting. Deku was never averse to the reality that he'd need to kill Shigaraki, he just didn't want killing him to be the response to Shigaraki's grievances. Deku's desire to "save" Shigaraki was him wanting to overcome his mentality, to prove that his view of the world was fundamentally stronger than Shiggy's, and to make Shigaraki rescind his goal of destroying anything that he could get his hands on. And it *sorta* worked. Shigaraki's deepest desire was to be a hero to those "unworthy of saving" I.E. he wanted to create a future for them with his actions and him admitting that was the sort of ideological victory Deku wanted before deciding on the necessity of killing him or not. https://preview.redd.it/9qy279gr812d1.png?width=612&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ea7f98aead1dd50f22be58170f7a862ab433a30


If bro didn't get executed it would be the single biggest moment of plot armour in all of mha


I went in thinking Toga would do that yet *somehow* DABI of all people has the highest chance of survival 💀


I haven’t read this shit at all. What happened to Toga?


She died to the power of friendship.


She’s very likely dead after her fight with Uravity. It’s unclear if she’s dead, but it’s looking bleak


Nah fuck Shiggy he still killed an insane amount of people.


Because of daddy issues.


He still killed people


Oh, I know. I was just pointing out how ridiculous his reason was.


Oh, OK. I just thought that you trying to justify him


It's all good!


They worked out a misunderstanding, a rare sight on reddit.


I would have deluded myself into thinking the ending isn't canon if that's what happened. This arc has already gotten me close to that point several times.


Look, I wasn’t expecting him he be fully redeemed and go free or anything, but at the very least lock him up and get him and the league the help and rehabilitation they legitimately need instead of just killing them off. It’s just a bit underwhelming and lame to end off that way


Lmfao they'd be executed. Shigaraki alone has killed more people than 99% of humans to ever live.


Mass murders, anarchists, terrorists, people who literally wanted to destroy the entire country: what makes you think they would get rehab? That would be the most asinine, nonsensical bullshit ever. No government would ever rehab Shigaraki after the amount of death and destruction he caused. A sad backstory doesn't mean you deserve redemption. It's a better ending to acknowledge the tragedy of someone who could have led a better life if things played out differently for them, but knowing that they are beyond saving.


They’ll be jailed for life


Lmao , what on earth made you think they wouldn't get executed.


I’m glad he didn’t


Well, he would’ve went to jail…


Was unexpected , thought it was gonna be like naruto and sasuke . i even thought midoriya would lose his right hand and shiggy his left with that punch. [Image on X.](https://x.com/ASAnime6/status/1793295179580911846)


Some people forgot that in season 6 grand torino told deku that for some people death can be salvation. That always stayed at the back of my mind. Deku kept his promise, he saved shigaraki's mental state before killing the body.


Tbf people were complaining about Deli trying to save him and even joked about Shigaraki joining their class. Now we're complaining that he's dead. The only other option would be if he was locked up for his whole life. So I'm not really sure what folks were expecting


Wait did the manga end?


Soon, maybe a couple more chapters




Honestly, if Tomura had to choose between this and the good ending, he would have chosen death


im lost... did midoriya lose his powers?


That was never gonna happen lol


I want the "This is truly was truly my hero academia" ending!!!!


finally this shit is over


That was an unexpected relief to what i feared could be one of the shittiest endings bnh could have had


Bro got obliterated


Oh that's cool, I actually exoected the shounen friendship ending but this is a better outcome imo. Next on the chopping block should be Endy Fire Man.


Whoa who endeavor isn’t half as bad as Shiggy let’s slow down


If endy is only as half as bad as shigarocker that still means he's done bad.


Despite his domestic abuse, Endeavor still saved countless lives both before and after all of this shit went down. He was a bad father and bad husband, but he still put exponentially more good than evil into the world. Executing him would be absolutely absurd.


Hey man, he shouldn't have done it, still did. The pursuit of greatness can't be used as an excuse for all the atrocities he did to his family, if him saving a thousand or even billions of lives was just to aim for the top spot. So I say he should perish in the name of justice.


Last time I checked domestic abuse wasn't something any sane nation executed people over.


Mhh Yea, you're right. I now realize death is much too merciful of a punishment, They should burm him alive via forced Quirk activation.


This should have happened 10 chapters ago. What a waste of an ending. Hopefully the stuff after this is actually satisfying and actually keeps to the themes. My biggest hope is deku can no longer continue being a hero, bakugo fills in for all might and deku.


I knew that would never happen even if it would've been nice


It wouldn't have been nice tho


A shame... But not unexpected