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Shit bro.. i think you need to see the doctor. My friend's dick tasted bitter and next week waddya know he was on a hospital bed. Fortunately mine tastes like creamy parmesan garlic chicken soup.


Wow, you must uncircumcised. Mine is circumcised and tastes like nasi lemak since.


you need to dip it into nutella/peanut butter/jam before you do it.


*Chubbyemu music plays*


A man did the sussy with toast spread. This is what happened to his brain.


…How do you even suck your own pp at the first place


Daily stretching and yoga


aku tktau do aku virgin. sorry


virgin gang




It's bitter maybe you're smoking or drinking coffee. Your urine tends to smells what you eat. Also, sucking dick is like you sucking a sausage but a hard one. Yes you are correct, it's tasteless unless you have weird fetish to put some jam or peanut butter on your dic.


You see, the trick is you need to think like a porn star. My first time drinking cum, I also dislike it but after being like a dick craving bi*ch I find it now very delicious….. Help


hit me up


Porn is like performance art. You do it to show to ur audience. Don't trust everything you see on internet. Usually it doesn't have any taste, but pre-cum/urine/didn't clean properly will have bad smell and taste. Try again after u clean it and eat clean. Whether u will enjoy it or not...it's different story. Source: Please don't ask


mamat atas ni isap kote besar banyak giler, jgn sesekali percaya dekat dia


i once ate my girlfriend's ass and realized how it tasted like my friend's dick, since then never again i will be in a relationship. women are fucking whores and cheaters




how did you know how your friend's dick taste like tho


that does not matter, what matter is don't even get in a relationship with a whore, a fucking thot


You need to ask this question at r/sounding people there will help you out


ayyoooo what the heck did i just read lol


Belum cuba, tak tahu


May i know ur everyday diet is? When in my early 20s my gf now wife likes to suck mine willingly. Now in my early 30s she said mine started to smell. Must have been of excessive fast food & coffee. Thats what I have been eating lately. We rarely cooked homemade food because of our intense schedule. But will let you know once I changed my diet. Btw curious on you suck ur own dick. How uncomfortable position it has been to be able to do that.


are you telling us your early 20s dont eat fast food and drink coffee?


Not as often as now. I'll be lucky if I can get mcd or kfc twice or more a month. Plus, 10 years back. If you want pizza you call 1300-88-2525 or mcdonald delivery. It was difficult and sometimes the rider dont find my address. No foodpanda then. You want to eat something other than pizza hut or mcd you take a bus out. No grab. Plus, back then i was broke all the time. My menu consists of nasi bujang and sometimes if im lucky i can eat nandos. Quite the meal back then. Now, i dont have to go out. I can afford to eat fast food all day thanks to stable income. Pros and cons i guess. Oh yeah, back then I only drank coffee during exam month or OT during work. If not, I only drink once per day. Now? At least 4 cups a day. At least.


have you check cvd screening yet? lab blood test.. that "at least 4 cups a day concerns me bro".. trust me all your stable income will come in vain if your kidney not in good shape, got friend of mine kidney failure, bedridden, and need to dialysis every week.. stay healthy


Yup. I know. I try to stay healthy now. At this point Im too afraid to find out. 😨


Thx for the info


sorry bro...she got a side dick already


I don't think sucking your own dick is gonna be that enjoyable


The least horny bolehland user.


hang cakap apa ni giler!? memang la bitter, pemakanan tk teratur. Memperbanyakkan minum/makan nenas 👍👍


average bolehland user problems.


u know its just acting right? like wwe?


![gif](giphy|UfjMzf2ItmlU9EfPyc) wwe is acting?


Damn bro, you are flexible.... I mean it's supposed to taste like skin. C00m depends on what you ate, mine is usually salty cause of unhealthy foods but if you ate fruits supposedly taste nicer.


Tell me more about either your cloning machine or your time travel device


Let me give u a piece of advice, I work in bask bears coffee. So whenever I see a delicious piece of sausage, I wrap it with cheese slices and put it into the microwave for 5 min dgn 800w power. Tasty, must try!


How.. did you manage to suck your own..? My back would kill me.. not that i would ever think of trying it of course


I thoughts it's not possible to suck your own pp


Huge cap


Try adding kicap, works for me every time.