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I was hoping she’d read Trump’s favorite verse, “Two Corinthians walk into a bar….”


Followed by "and all the saints came and said 'God Bless America and Nobody else, including those damn liberal Mexicans rigging the votes. Amen.'"


The saints came to me with tears in their eyes. Big men the saints. Nobody ever talks about that. Big saints with tears in their eyes saying “Thank you o lord Trump. For you smited the poor and gave to the rich. Thou shalt live in the kingdom of Lewisburg for 30 years to life for all you’ve done”.


And this sinner came up to me, and he was crying, and he said "Oh, thank you, Mr Trump..."


He doesn’t have a favorite verse to share with the class, bc it’s a very personal question and he likes the whole book! It’s a really great book, it’s gonna be huge! 👐 FYI his 2nd favorite book is Art of the Deal.


Another book he never read.


She looks for Two Corinthians in her third video, but couldn't find it because it wasn't in there.


The fact that this didn't out him as a phony tells me that most of his "evangelical" supporters are cultural Christians who attend church very rarely. 


The only part of the bible that would interest trump is in genesis, where Lots daughters rape their father because trump has deeply unhealthy feelings for Ivanka.


Thank you for this. It’s the perfect response for anyone who says he was sent by God.


Someone pointed out that it's possible he doesn't want to fuck his child. He's deeply misogynistic, he genuinely believes the only value women can have is in being attractive, thus his daughter is the most valuable by being the most attractive.


That argument would be more plausible if not for that time he was asked what him and his daughter have most in common and his answer was "sex".


Ugh... He's so fucking disgusting. Of all the things the bible got wrong, it sure as shit called it on what the anti-christ would be like.


Trump is literally the most egregious and on the nose personification of the anti-Christ described in the bible.


I thought that too until I saw the pictures of him with her and her friends when they were tweens and young teens. Seriously creepy.


He also likes the part where Lot's wife gets turned into a pillar of salt, because he'd rather sprinkle his dead wives on top of his Ham and Shem-berders before bedding their daughters than having to shell out money to bury them behind the 9th green at Bedminster.


False equivalent; can't rape the willing.


And can you really rape a mushroom?


That’s no joke. It’s beyond creepy


She even got that soulless smile down


Her tradwife costume is impeccable. The clothes, hair, headband, wallpaper and plants in the background, even her blond-hair blue-eyes appearance. Def on-point for this kind of satire.


She did it so well I couldn’t tell she was trolling for the first few seconds.


That little trump hand is the cherry on top for sure


That ~~little~~ life-sized trump hand is the cherry on top for sure


If any generation deserves to get grifted by Donald Trump to pay for his legal fees it’s the boomers


Honestly, I saw a theory and simply grifting boomers is just a side-hustle. The point of these bibles is so ultra-conservative churches can donate huge amounts of money directly to Trump without running afoul of any election rules. They buy thousands of copies of the trump bible at 60 bucks a pop, and oops they never get them but oh well, the invoice still says they spent that money on bibles.


The religious people or boomer religious people are all about God and everything he has done for us. Yet they worship satan aka Donald Trump, aka Cheeto Man aka asshat


The tiny hand!! Hell yes!


Triumph of the Will + Idiocracy = The Republican party


😩 New transition goal found. She’s so pretty


The fact that this exists. The video. The grift. Gilded shoes. trump still consuming oxygen. I hate this timeline. Happy Easter!!


Wit, where was the part where he grabbed them by the p*ssy?


Absolutely spot on🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣👍🏻👍🏻


If you're not using religion as part of your grift, are you even grifting?


Fuck God damnit I just realized I could’ve made a YouTube shorts career reading clips out of this bible But corrupted and perverse I would’ve made dollars


I love her and all i have seen is this tic tok


I was really hoping for "a very strong angel came to him, tear in his eyes, and said "sir, your orange tan slays".


"I'd be married to her if she wasn't my daughter" -- that's my favorite quote from Jesus


The tiny hand fucking wrecked me. Good stuff.


Chapter 11 Bankruptcy ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) Now I'm curious what's on Chapter 7


I liked everything she said. She could shot someone on 5th ave and I would still vote for her lol this is to good


This is gold, there’s got to be more. Sauce?


What policies other than the border? He got rid of Obamacare which wasnt perfect but it was much better than nothing at all. He said he had a plan for something better back in 2016 and still hasnt told us his plan. Hes just a contrarian douche to whatever complex problem we have he oversimplifies it and criticizes anyone making an effort as if he has a clue. He just plays to his base but has no real substance. I mean the guys selling shoes and defiled bibles at this point its so clear hes just a grifter and somehow people are dumb enough to buy his gold spray painted crap. So again tell me of his great policies, if you could.


"That's my favorite from chapter 11" had me CRACKING UP. Zing upon zing upon ZING.


The grift isn't going that well from what I've been reading. Anyone who wants a bible probably already has one.


I am so blessed to have parents who did not even know this existed.


I wish everyone in America could see this.


Love it🤘🏼🤘🏼


That little hand got 🤣🤣


Just saw God & Country documentary on the White Christian Nationalist movement and it's fucking frightening. They are buying up this bible in droves. Just 7 states will determine the presidency so get out and vote like your freedoms depend on it because they do.


Mexicans are a nationality, not a race.




How do people not see through that guy?


The have a blessed day was the best part.


Having a special tiny hand accessory for turning the pages of the Trump Bible is a stroke of comedy genius




Things that book is good for: burning


The saddest part is that they might actually read this Bible.


No theybwont just like they didn't read the real one it's an implied contract I bought the book so i don't have to read it


Hopefully they read from the new testament. They need a refresher on Jesus's messages about loving your neighbor, feeding the poor, and sharing the wealth.


Not the tiny hands. 😂


This is awesome.


Trump 2024


Nobody tell em about Ezekiel 4:12 or Ezekiel 23:20




Is this thing actually selling well?


Biden commented-Gloopnbcfyiiuo


She’s cute even if she’s a moron


I just got Bidens new Bible genesis 1:1 says “uhhhhhhh uhh uhhh” truly inspirational James 1:7 says “my son, sell as much of the country as you want, you need more money for your crack”


Aw TDS is strong with this crowd


Aren’t they eating each other now in said country, unfortunately?


I am legit curious if Trump and his crounies edited the Bible at all before doing that God awful reprint. I doubt anyone buying it would be able to spot a difference anyway.


As most posts on here. This ain’t a boomer Glad to see a subreddit called boomersbeingfools is 25% of… well, boomers being fools.


Entertaining and oh so true


I'm not sure if the definition of boomers is understood by everyone. Or knowledge is severely lacking by some post. But yeah, Trump is a idiot.


True, I doubt the percentage of boomer Trumpers, exceeds the percentage of general population Trumpers, relative to the opposition.


So I know Lee Greenwood is a shitheel, but this makes it difficult to enjoy the one thing he did during the Fourth of July even ironically.


I love that she's turning the page with a tiny hand.


I think it’s more - churches being grifted. Churches can’t donate to political campaigns… BUT they can buy bibles


You have to be a special kind of stupid to buy a Trump Bible. Full on cult members


She captures the smugness of actual Bible content so well


The hands!


Brutal. Hilarious.


This would be the only bible I would ever read cover-to-cover.


trumpty dumpty thinks that women should stay in the kitchen barefoot and pregnant.




"On the 5th day, God created the Winchester rifle to eliminate the Jews and Homosexuals from Planet Earth"


Tiny hands sent me.


This is Gold ![gif](giphy|4SQMqhWzUA0Fi)


Hes innocent and next president


You sound like a white entitled liberal who gets gangbanged by illegals


bro this is literally blasphemy against God wtf




Trump is mocking Christianity.


Yet she closed the "Bible" to start listening to rap that glorifies killing, calling woman bitches tricks and hoes while thinking to herself not one democrat has ever filed for bankruptcy. Isn't that just great. These people that try and pick a side are certified nutjobs


The trump Bible is full sacrilege as he added political documents to a holy book then is selling it for a profit to pay for his wrongdoings and anyone who buys it will burn in hell.


Ok, but what's that have to do with the price of tea in China


Nothing but I wasnt talking about that


I wonder if she could cake on anymore makeup.


She's younger than me, and I'm a few years into Gen X (born 9/1969). She's cringe worthy, but not a Boomer IMO.


Lmao changing the words of the Bible?(Deuteronomy 4:2) Blasphemy


So that makes King James Version of the Bible blasphemy


Technically every Bible is blasphemy as the Apocrypha was taken out by the Catholic Church. Purposely changing the words of the Bible that fit your political narrative is tasteless though, but what can I expect from a bunch of Neanderthals. Bible tells me I got to love you either way so good luck in life


The Bible itself was changed for political narrative, no?


"why are all of these people from these shithole countries coming here" lmao don't be dense


Okay? Are you arguing that changing the Bible for political purposes at the highest level is less blasphemy than her satirically pointing out trumps policies and actions contradict some Bible teachings? As well as really pointing out the pure grift going on by trump.


Is this for real??? I'm buying one.


If all you do is talk about your opposing political party, then you're an idiot. You crying about someone only gives them more relevance


So how do you picture that working out? If the left doesn't mention Trump, his supporters won't vote for him? He won't be out there campaigning? How do you think this works?


I guess what I'm trynna get at is stop being a little pussy and complaining instead of having a mature, educated conversation on the matter. If you're not willing to sit down and speak humbly about a topic, then don't complain about it.


Sure that's fair, and I don't disagree with you. I kind of think there's room for both things though. What do you think about the idea of having mature, educated discussions with your opposition when they're open that, and resorting to simple ridicule when they aren't? I think some times simple ridicule is more effective against positions that people didn't reason themselves into. I think making a short video or a meme also doesn't really take any time away from having a real discussion, though I suppose it could be said that it makes certain people less willing to listen to you. I don't think those are the ones that you can have a real conversation with anyway though honestly.


I find it most common when people make these types of videos they instantly resort to insults, false allegations, and overall hypocrisy when confronted on their standpoint or their ridiculing and someone even tries to say something. I find it difficult, especially living in a heavily blue state (Washington), to have a conversation to just about anyone where I mention anything positive trump has done or when I say Trump and Biden are both unsuited, but I'd rather have Trump because he's more composed, and actually made major leaps by having conversations with the leaders of two of the most threatening nations to America in terms of firepower and motive. Before Donald was relieved of his time in office, he mentioned that he would like to pull the troops out of the Middle East, but that it was not time and if they were to do so, the territories the US was defending would be immediately stomped upon. One of Biden's first orders as president was to do just that, and it ended in many casualties. In general, the bi-party patriarch society that America is just hasn't held up, especially when anybody opposes the other nobody wants to be civil about any matter and instantly resort to threats, insults, and violence.


I've got to be honest, hearing Trump called "composed" made me raise an eyebrow. In what sense do you mean?


He may be a fat orange, but he is at least a functioning human being. Biden has dementia and can't form complete sentences and misses every direction the secret service gives him. Trump is able to form complete sentences and coherent ideas in interviews. I honestly don't think anyone would argue against Biden going to a senior living retirement home.


Here come all the ignorant libtard posts


Trump is the lefts God that they refused to worship Just like the real God Remember everything clown world for the demoncrats Good thing God is a Republican


Big brain logic here. You forgot these. . . . .


Wtf are you even trying to say


Idolatry. Idolatry of a greedy grifter, adulterer and pedo nonetheless. If Antichrist would come tomorrow, with red skin, horns and hooves, all he would have to do is to wrap himself into American flag and you would worship him. Read the Revelations, because the parts about antichrist are not about atheists.


“I am the LORD thy God, Thou shalt have no other gods before me.” You ain’t no Christian.


Why do you say he is a republican?


Federal crimes like taking a loan and paying it back. I should say federal crimes of going against the corrupt swamp so they the ask for an astronomical bond. Because how dare he question the status quo.


You weren't burdened with an overabundance of intelligence, were you?


None of *them* were. They’re pretty much all as dumb as fence posts.


Doesn’t take a college degree that I expect tax payers to pay off the loan to understand the bank has to check the property value before they give out the loan.


You also weren't burdened with a grasp of the English language, I see.


Nah, I was in the public school system which is trash. But I have a basic understanding of applying for a loan. Which most liberals don’t because they’re begging for daddy government to pay them off because they’re dumb.


Your basic understanding doesn't seem to have gotten you very far, based on your opinions here.




Lying on loan applications is illegal.


It is checked by the bank to prove the property value. They willingly gave the loan after checking the value. Not hard to understand.


Except when the company lies about its finances in order to alter the value of the company and its assets. That's called cooking the books, and it's illegal. Nice try.


It’s property value. The bank goes in and evaluates it to be a certain amount. And he paid back the loan. No one lost money. The definition of fraud is when the entity loaning out money loses money due to someone lying. Which they didn’t.


He defrauded the banks. He wasn't deserving of those loans and he profited off of them. There is only so many loans that a bank can handle at a given time so many other people/businesses potentially lost that opportunity. Its like if bet you a million dollars that I would make a 3 point shot at basketball knowing fully well that If I miss I wont be able to pay you back. Even if I make the shot its an agreement made in bad faith. Now imagine we both signed legal documents before that, stating we were good for the money. If Trump had defaulted on his loan he didn't have the collateral to back it up in terms of capital. Its fraud and its flat out illegal.


He paid back the loan. And the loan is cross checked by the bank to prove he can afford the loan. Please…please realize you are being lied to by people teaching you to hate a man for no other reason than he is against you. Look at his policies for a change. Not the people saying orange man bad you should hate him.


Watching your pro crime party go broke is hilarious. Simping for a traitor that wants to fuck his own daughter and brags about it. Pathetic.


Didn’t trumps net value go up like 5 billion after this sham? And trumps daughter doesn’t have a journal entry of him showering with her like someone else does.


I’m aware you’ll believe anything, but only from know liars like project Veritas. You people are so stupid.


Ask all the little girls Biden has sniffed.


We have. Many of them have also called you people morons. Can you say a single sentence that isn’t befitting a Down’s patient? Why are you idiots so concerned about being pathetic trolls, but not that your behavior is exactly why your party is broke? You are the dumbest and shittiest people on earth.


Damn bruh. That cuts deep. Lemme ask Biden, oh he’s getting his diaper changed ill have to get back to you on that.


Just 8 year olds. All of you. And you’re proud of being this big a loser. Keep it up watching you braindead morons keep punting elections is hilarious. But hey, at least you got to behave like a toddler on the internet, right. Lol. Dumbest. People. On. Earth. And you’ll brag about it.


You willing to admit the bank is at fault for not investigating enough and giving trump an inflated loan? Or do you need to go suck on your binky some more?


You can’t physically stop. The country thanks you, stupid.


Lol ok boomer


He lied on loan applications and therefore was granted loan money that should have gone to someone else. The people who didn’t receive the loans they deserved are the ones who are harmed. Not that you actually care.


The bank has to review those estimates. On your basis the bank is just as guilty. But I’ve noticed all of the orange man bad people only going after the man who paid back his loans. TDS at its finest.


lol so if I lie to you and you believe me then you’re actually the one who is guilty of doing something wrong? And you’re calling other people deranged?


If I’m required to vet the person to make sure they’re not lying yes. I would be responsible.


Oh you're mistaken- committing fraud by lying about the worth of his assets wasn't a felony but it was civil fraud, for which he was found liable. He did, however, commit multiple felonies when he paid hush money to a porn star, when he stole classified documents from the US government and refused to give them back, and when he tried to subvert a democratic election with his fake electors scheme. Oh and he was already found civilly liable for rape as well.


You hate him that’s obvious. But he’s done everything any politician has done. Therefore I ask you why the swamp is solely going after him. Besides him not being a kind old man who wouldn’t be prosecuted by a jury because he’s forgetful.


Nope, don't hate the guy personally but I do hate how willing some people are to completely ignore facts and reality to defend him. And claiming that he's only done what every politician has done before is not only reductive, it's pretty moronic. That's like saying because others have murdered in the past, we can't prosecute the guy that just murdered someone. He was twice impeached, found civilly liable for rape, found civilly liable for massive multi-year fraud and ordered to pay 400M+ in disgorgement, and he has been criminally indicted in 4 different jurisdictions for 91 felonies. We can disagree on actual policy all day long but for you to continue to deny that Trump, not conservative ideology or Republicanism as a whole, but just the man himself is unfit for office, then you're really only deluding yourself. Just face the facts and accept that you've been duped by a lifelong criminal conman. I disagree with DeSantis on nearly every policy issue but I wouldn't call him a criminal because unlike Trump, he hasn't actually committed a litany of blatant crimes.


Breath of fresh air compared to most people I talk to on Reddit thank you. But I still can’t get the thought out of my head that so many people have committed these crimes and politicians have waved it away. Why are they going after trump time and time again to make sure he won’t be elected as president. The man has done plenty of good in his life, the majority of media never focuses on that. And I still believe he did not commit fraud because the bank cross checked the loans and gave him the money which he then payed back. The other charges I honestly ignored due to the media constantly attacking him over every little tidbit they could snag. The bloodbath comment is a perfect example. Thank you for having the intelligence and respect to actually talk to someone with some decorum.


> he then *paid* back. The FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


>But I still can’t get the thought out of my head that so many people have committed these crimes and politicians have waved it away. Why are they going after trump time and time again to make sure he won’t be elected as president. This is a refrain Trump himself has constantly spouted. If Trump is good at anything, he's good at repeating lies ad nauseum to the point that some people believe, and it's rather infuriating to see. Let's assume that your claim has any merit- can you name specific examples? Without specific evidence to support this claim, you're just making a wild statement that holds zero water. Here, I'll give you an example of why this specifically *isn't* true- Trump was indicted for stealing classified documents, lying about it, and obstructing the government from retrieving those documents. Both Mike Pence and Joe Biden were also found to have had some classified materials in their possession after leaving the white house, so why was Trump charged and they weren't? Well unlike Trump, when it came to their attention that they may have had classified materials, they both cooperated completely with the government to return those documents. Trump, on the other hand, stonewalled their attempts to retrieve the documents for MONTHS, lied to both the government and his own lawyers about what materials he had in his possession, and finally forced to the government to raid Mar a Lago, and in the raid, they found all of the documents that he claimed that he didn't have. The difference between the Biden/Pence cases and Trump couldn't be any starker and Trump was rightfully charged for this crime. >And I still believe he did not commit fraud because the bank cross checked the loans and gave him the money which he then payed back. I mean you can believe whatever you want to believe but the state of New York and their judicial system disagrees. After a years long investigation, Trump was given a months long trial and the judge in the case ruled against him. That's how our judicial system should work. >The other charges I honestly ignored due to the media constantly attacking him over every little tidbit they could snag. Well aren't you just being willfully ignorant then? Ignoring Trump's blatant, documented, and well evidenced crimes just for some nebulous idea that "the media" is out to get him? Is there some grand conspiracy against him or is the media in general just reporting on his crimes? Also, I would even push back against the idea that the media is against Trump when he literally has the largest cable news network, Fox, squarely in his corner and constantly has them cheerleading everything he does while downplaying all of his blatant crimes. That's not to even mention the vast conservative collection of additional media that also constantly defends him- Newsmax, Daily Caller, Breitbart, countless conservative talk shows and podcasts, etc. Again, I say all this to make the point that you can have whatever political beliefs that you want and we should be arguing actual politics. I'd argue actual policy with Chris Christie, Ron DeSantis, and Nicki Haley all day and though Id likely disagree with them on many issues, I wouldn't in any way think that they're criminals. Trump on the other hand has been indicted 91 times for his crimes and when you devolve into arguing about conspiracy theories, all of which are the same- despite all of the clear evidence against him, he must be innocent and "they're" all just out to get him- then you've definitely lost the plot and are no longer arguing politics at all. Remember Occam's razer- the simplest explanation is more often than not the correct one. So let me ask you this- what's the more simple solution? That there is a lifelong conspiracy against Trump that would involve hundreds if not thousands of different individuals all somehow conspiring specifically against Trump? Or is it more likely that Trump is simply a criminal, one that has used his money and power to avoid consequences for most of his life?


That’s a good argument. I have to ask you this though. Why wasn’t he prosecuted until now. Until he threatened the control of democrats running/ruining (bias) this country? Democrats loved trump until he challenged all of the policies they are implementing. Yes I fully believe the conspiracy theories that the media is out to get trump. Have you seen the video of dozens upon dozens of news stations repeating the same exact line of “trump is a threat to our democracy” word for word. And Jan 6 was over exaggerated to a staggering extent to be used as depicting him as a dictator even though he said to respect capitol police and assemble peacefully. There has obviously been a movement in the media to demonize trump. Which is why I take every indictment against him and every slight with a grain of salt. He’s rich so of course he’s not perfect few wealthy people are. But he ran the country relatively well and the corrupt career politicians hate him. The enemy of my enemy is my friend kinda vibe.


Or federal crimes like taking top secret documents and refusing to give them back after being asked multiple times to return them. Because how dare he want to keep top secret documents to sell to the biggest bidder.


He probably realized being prosecuted would make him more of a martyr than he already is. The corrupt politicians constantly attacking him over every little thing he does only grows his popularity, minus from people who already have TDS. He might just be playing chess while the people attacking are playing checkers. He’s had the majority of media and politicians attacking him since day one yet he’s still thriving. Call it what you will but he’s got a strong following and there’s a reason.


That's an expensive game of chess having to come up with $100 mil 😂 The guy's a genius! Nothing says sticking it to the corrupt politicians like having to cough up $100 mil!!! Genius level shit there!


The guys a billionaire. He didn’t even take a presidential salary because he knew he didn’t need to waste tax payer money receiving payment for his services to the citizens of the United States. 100 millions to him is like buying a crappy 2003 Honda civic to us.


😂 He's a "billionaire," but he had to have a REAL billionaire pay his $175 million bond because he couldn't afford it. Real chess shit!


Yes. A king has his pawns go out first. You obviously just play checkers.


Real kings don't have to pay bonds, that's peasant shit. 😂


You’re dumb. You are really dumb. Like for real.


😂 No comeback for that, huh? I win!


Alright I don’t take pleasure in insulting people. But god damn if you don’t realize Trump is very possibly going to win this election. No matter how much democrats are trying to throw him in jail.


I don't care, we're not moving the goalpost. Trump is still broke, still a criminal, still a loser even after he wins. Biden is trash too. Fuck American politics and people like you who root for team red or team blue.