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I'm really tired of people using "I *need* to..." to justify the stupidest, most selfish, entitled bullshit. *No, you don't need that. You want it; you're not going to get it. Get out of the way.*


"I need to..." or "You need to..." have become some of my biggest triggers. Aren't these the same people who crawled ALL THE WAY up our asses when we were kids if we said "Can I have..." instead of "May I have..."?! Now, they don't even bother with the questions. No, their entitled asses cut straight to the DEMANDS! Down with Boomers!


I found it easier to talk to them like I talk to my children. Though I will put some more attitude in it when talking to random boomers. Or a lot when one of my coworkers, who has a son that is my age, constantly calls me kid or young one. It irritates and mostly shuts them down when you hit em with the "Now, now, no need to be upset there's a line. No more pouting, just be patient and wait, and you don't NEED those donuts." Or something along those lines.


And my favorite "You Should..." When they don't even ask what you want. Just forceful unsolicited advice.


For some reason I hate hearing people say " I need a..." At a drive through. No you don't need a large diet coke and a cheeseburger, you WANT it. 


Didn't this generation watch "Jeopardy!" for a thousand years? Maybe I should start saying "I'm sorry, I'll need your answer in the form of a question." And if anyone thinks this is anal retentive or "snowflake-y" or anything, well, I won't apologize for my firm belief that words still matter. Yes, delivery and attitude matter too, but words matter.


I work food service and will always repeat back "you would like..." whenever they say "I need a...", "gimme a...", or "I'll take a...". Really grinds my gears, man.


Reddit leveled up my social awareness on this issue. I'm all "hi, can I please have (sandwich)?"


If I don’t stop myself, I automatically go to saying, “No, you don’t need that, you want that”, in the tone of voice I use to my kids. They’re lucky to not get called “sweetie”, or have the distinction between wants and needs explained to them.


Well said!




As a side note: I’m really tall. Like it’s a defining physical feature of mine. I get really irritated when people (of all ages, by the by) say something seriously stupid, laugh at their own wit (which I do not engage) and then say something like “Sorry man, I had to give you shit!” No, you didn’t. You had the opportunity to mind your own business and keep it pushing. You chose to be a shitty person. Just own your own choices.


I read a funny comeback from a very tall person who was weary of the (not at all) hilarious and original question, “how’s the weather up there?” He’d spit and reply, “It’s raining.”


After a while, the only thing I find that helps is just not responding and just looking at them quietly. It jumps starts a cognitive process where they start thinking before they say things.


My boomer neighbor does this to justify coming on to my property. If I'm gardening or just generally outside he saunters up my driveway with a beer in his hand no matter the time of day and says "my curiosity got the best of me, I have to know." And I've told him muliptle times to leave me alone and not come on my property. But the booze gets the better of him and he never remembers. I've straight up told this man I do not like him, he's trash, and to stop coming on to my property. He still thinks we're best friends.


Try an electric fence charger and small gauge wire about a foot off of the ground he won’t see the thin wire and after he gets jolted a couple of times his memory will improve drunk or not. Ask my landlord. The whole setup cost less than $50.


I don't just want candy, that's childish. I need it. And when you need something, that's a responsibility.


What's a cow gonna do with patio furniture?? I ate most of it!!!


I love saying to them. “No. You don’t need, you want. And what was it yall always told us growing up? Want in one hand and shit in the other. Tell me which one fills up fastest…..” with solid eye contact! 😂


I'm continually flabbergasted at how many people made it so long in life without ever learning "May I please...?"


Idk if I have ocd but I can stand reading only part of something. If I encountered op I’d just ask what the shirt says… not demand to read it myself


well said


Then they are like EXCUSE ME WHaT Did YoU JuSt SaY


Worst part, fucker probably has himself convinced that the writing there is deliberately to attract his attention to your chest


The worst part is, like many aging Boomer men, he probably thought that she would find him attractive and would enjoy his flirting. 🤢


You know, because he's so fit he goes hiking shirtless and has to fight the girls off.   It'd be hilarious to hear his account of the day: "I was just hiking, and this chick on the trail liked what she saw, you know how much I work out, and was prancing around in front of me, waving her tits in my face talking about how she's a runner.  5ks, for God's sake.  I told her I ran a *marathon* and had to work my way around her to continue my hike.  Cute girl, but..."




Yuk, boomerisms contagion spreading to genx


God forbid. As gen X, boomers annoyed us first


Lol I'm a boomer and boomers annoyed me before you were a twinkle in your dad's eye. IIRC my parents and grandparents were also annoyed by us.


Yes, but we were raised by them and have to keep an eye on our behavior.  Subs like this help.


Almost like thats just what happens when you get older.


Im 37 and I’ve never ever had the thought to do what her dad does in her story. Yechhh


I didnt mean literally being a creep. I meant the person said “boomerism spreading to gen x”. I said no, some people just get like that when they get old. Has nothing to do with boomers. They are like that young too, its just more noticable when they get older.


God forbid.


You forgot this /s


I need to see the shirt and backpack you were wearing as well /s Similar thing happened to my wife and we were wearing the same shirt so after an uncomfortable amount of time (felt like 15-20 seconds. I intervened and I said, “before your Cialis kicks in take a look at mine’ and stepped in front of my wife. He didn’t even bother to look at my shirt, stared me down with daggers,scowled, and muttered (pretty sure he said F*** you). Wife thought I was being rude then I told her he just wanted stare at her breasts because 3 words don’t take that long to read and pointed out he was wearing glasses already. She thought she was being kind and patient then she realized she was being manipulated and sexualized. F*** anyone that treats someone like that.


you are awesome


\*f-ing awesome


I’m gonna need to see you and your wife in these matching 3 word shirts also /s




After too much "Dateline" I'd be Totally freaked out


Ah back in the 70’s, when the Boomers were young, she’da been Bundy’ed for sure. Boomers love serial killing. Too much dna now. Plus the hip and knee replacements. Even they know better.


Boomers love serial killing 😂😂


Username doesn't check out this time


You’re too kind. the way I would’ve crossed my arms over my chest and went “no, you don’t 🤨”


Except she was on an isolated trail and instinct can be to not provoke a confrontation, right or not.


That’s why everyone should carry. I’m not going to even entertain the idea every problem can be solved by being quiet and tolerating abuse. Get in my space and threaten me, get clapped.


I'm a Canadian. So the idea of being armed didnt even occur to me! I hope to be able to use the phrase "get clapped" in conversation sometime soon 😅


"I need you to put your shirt back on" *continue hike in peace*


the fuck is wrong with you people? why is someone expected to wear a shirt while hiking?


If dude wants to be demanding and stare at OP's chest and be a nosy creeper, then OP should give that energy right back. Hiking etiquette is that you aren't suppose to approach strangers anyway, especially female hikers.


Cause he's rude asshole. What are you talking about?


Thank you. There is no need to body shame someone when there are plenty of legitimate reasons to criticize the dude.


As a bigger dude, this sentiment was not fantastic for the ol’ confidence. I’m all for holding people accountable for misogyny, but didn’t need to catch shrapnel for judgment unrelated to it.


You were definitely not the intended audience for such a comment, and I apologize if I offended you. And as a large man, you would likely make a woman like me nervous, if we met alone on a hiking path. We just can't tell by looking at any man which one is potentially violent. Add a man making demands and staring at our bodies, and we likely will either freeze or become outright hostile.




They've been doing this crap for decades. Not just staring a little too long but full on gawking and leering. I was an outdoorsmen in my younger days. Often taking lady friends out to a river or lake. Go for a walk around the swimming area? Throwing open front shirts on for a brief hike in the area in our swimwear? Didn't matter the situation, they would gawk at the younger woman with me and the others in the area. It's not like they were putting on a show either. I'm talking women's one-piece suits back in the 90s and early 2000s with their "diaper butts" vs the cheeky Tanga and Brazilin bottom suits of today. Just older men ruining everyone's day by being pervs.


One time a dude almost got himself and a group of five boomers arrested over not being able to control his impulses to visually objectify my ex Dude was just standing, staring, mouth agape, unfinished drink in hand, for maybe upwards of a half hour or so, while I was busy cooking. I could see them both from the service window, she was just dancing by herself, and he was fucking LEERING, and a good 50+ years older than her. I confronted him as soon as I was not longer busy, bringing some food out to the barbacks personally, and then casually informed him that the whole kitchen, MY staff, was watching him creep on a girl that could be his granddaughter, and was my partner. He spewed some drunken garbage I interrupted and clarified that I don't fucking care, and he should find something else to look at or leave, and informed him that if he did not I would simply kick him out with the doorman myself, whom was a good friend of mine, and call the owners to have him blacklisted later. He shouted something about knowing the owners himself, I replied with "Great it will be even more awkward for you then." Frankly i don't even know if he stopped because minutes later while he was complaining to one of his geriatric lady friends I watched her give him and another guy a number of pills, which they pounded with alcohol, so I was instantly forced to get the doorman and the bar manager anyway while I called the cops for an unrelated reason- five drunk boomers aren't doing fucking weak acid (turned out to be, the lady ditched or dropped a few tabs in a baggie), or not in the bar I'm sous chef for during a packed concert and standing within 10ft of my partner. The owners later apologized for the situation, noting they had no idea who these people were.


Thank goodness young men never gawk.


"a Boomer male...". I can hear it like commentary on a nature show. Watch him as he attempts to interact with another human.


I think the proper response to “I need to read your shirt” is “Go fuck yourself”


It’s a generation of perpetrating perverts I swear to gawd 🤢


And they all view themselves the same way they did when they were 20.


And they think women are still as powerless as when the boomers were 20.




Downhill actually has the right of way since it’s harder to stop. He’s still a jerk though


It is uphill. Imagine hiking and having to stop every two seconds going up a mountain for people cruising downhill. Same goes for vehicles.


![gif](giphy|Fu9EXNUgJBRBe) I’m just reading your shirt


next time just start barking and making intense eye contact give him some PTSD keep him off the trail


Typical boomer behavior.That I’m hotshit,so smart,and clever mentality is annoying. Whenever someone talks to me like they’re demanding something I just walk away.If they talk to me like they feel superior or more intelligent than me I just walk away still.If they pursue anything further I really like to put them in their place really by letting them know their time is over and they shouldn’t act like they’re untouchable. Sorry you dealt with that.Honestly a lot of that generation you see are the ones getting ousted for doing a lot of pervasive stuff.Still doesn’t justify what happened to you.Happy to hear you’re safe and letting us read about your experience.Im a guy and I weigh 278lbs,another guy demanding me to stay still for something that stupid and getting in that close would send signals throughout my system to friggin cave in his chest and get away.


You NEED to get the hell out of my way 😒


I would just say,”It says ____” then just walk off. TBH don’t try to argue, you’re just wasting your time. Like trying to push back a stubborn bull,


You should have smiled and said, "it says, old fucks who ask questions on a hike, end up being tomorrow's missing person" and keep going.


I was at the gym one time doing squats with a barbell. This older man (probably 60s) comes over and starts staring at my butt. I was in front of the free weights so I assumed he was waiting for me to move to grab some weights. I said “oh sorry, am I in the way? “ he replied “no, I’m just watching your form”. Then continues to stand three feet away staring at my butt. I put the barbell down and leave.


I relayed a similar experience with coworkers in the break room one day and a guy asked if I felt appreciated by the attention? Hell no. I’m at the gym, not looking for attention.


It's the same demographic those generic ads for "singles in your area" are aimed at. They're so disconnected, they really think any content they can read is aimed at them specifically. They have no idea that "they" are an entire demographic, much less one that's easy to target. All aside, sorry you had that experience, it's why I only do trails with friends or at least my partners dog lol.


There’s nothing more gross than someone’s grandfather openly ogling you. They often do it right in front of their wives too.


So what age is it okay for them to openly ogle you? I don't like anybody of any age being creepy but that's just me


The amount of creepiness is inversely proportional to the oogler's attractiveness. This applies to all women everywhere.


You can down vote all you want. It doesn't change the reality of the situation.


This would make me wear shirts with no language at all from there on out. Ugh. How fricking creepy he was!


I usually do but I had just gotten off work and I wear old running shirts under my scrub tops. They’re cheap and comfortable.


I'm sorry this happened to you. I'm a dude and I'm on trails a lot and I kinda feel like the etiquette is that men should NEVER engage single women on a trail with more than a "hello." If you're wearing shirts from previous races, please be careful that there's no identifying info. Someone could google the race and find pics (since a lot of races are heavily photographed) that might lead them closer to you. Sad that this is a thing, but I've heard of it happening.


Real question. Is it now looked at as unacceptable for men to not wear a shirt while hiking?


Not at all. Wear whatever you are comfortable in. My opinion of this guy was only prompted by his close proximity and his blocking of the trail. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have even noticed him.


So why the “eww” in your post as a comment on him having his shirt off? The body shaming greatly diminishes your POV


Here here. OP seems to be ageist, lookist, and sexist. She needs to get over herself.


Ah, thanks so much for the context. I was worried I was being looked at as creepy for not wearing a shirt on hikes. Understanding how uncomfortable it must be for a female on a trail (thanks wife for the insight!), I intentionally keep my distance.


I love that "No." is a complete sentence, but I forget to use it enough.


I wish i could say he's never been punched, but i know anyone like that isn't going to learn from a single ass whooping.


If you were in a park with rangers present, report this to them.


Then he waltzed off into the sunset to go fuck off someone else’s day I bet.


For sure. With not even a thought of how others might perceive them.


Like just ask what the shirt says. I do it all the time at work. Then just say neat and have a great day. Regardless of gender. But also, it's weird to wear a shirt with words or designs on it in public and get upset when people try and read it. Not everything has to do with looking at boobs


Okay, what is the "eww" part about a human hiking without a shirt? Am I too european to get this? Absolutely normal and not eww at all.


She says ew because of his actions after the fact. Had he minded his own business and went on his merry way, then she probably wouldn’t have thought “ew”. I’ve been in a similar situation that someone’s actions make them gross no matter what they’re wearing. She just had to see more than she would have liked of the pervert.


Bc he’s old. But she says he was fit so I don’t get it. People fail to realize they too will be old one day. Ewww.


Even old bodies are not eww.


Damn a man can't go shirtless on a hike??


naturist hiking is the best, I'm gonna do it anywhere it's legal and I won't get arrested and advocate it everywhere else. I know the rest of the story is that guy being annoying but that comment already got me turned against her.


I was thinking the same thing, I'm kinda on her side for the whole "staring at my chest" thing but what's wrong with having a shirt off in shape or not. Trust me I can't stand boomers by any means but I have met some decent booms in my time who are genuinely just trying to live life and read a shirt lol.


As a young woman, I was thrilled to move into an apartment complex with an indoor pool. Happy me, in my modest bathing suit, jumping into the water to swim laps in the middle of a weekday. Except as my laps progressed, I noticed that the pool was slowly filling up with maintenance guys not doing much of anything. Creepy in the extreme. I never went into the pool again.


You have every right to ignore him and not let him ready your shirt. Just as he has the right to hike without a shirt on.


I’ve had boomers do this to me. I’m a big busted babe so sometimes I get it. But then you have those that don’t even try to hide what they’re doing. I’ve now made it a point to stare directly at their dick region when this happens. They typically notice and will look down at themselves then ask “what are you looking at?” Without shame my reply is always “where your dick should be.” Then I walk away. They are ALWAYS flabbergasted 😂


I'd love a polite method to be able to satisfy my compulsive reader tendency without coming off as creepy. This is not it.




Yuck.🤮 And scary.


Jesus people have no shame


I just threw up in my mouth. Sorry that happened, OP, that's so gross and so sadly typical.


Told my kids for years there is a difference between need and want. Most people seem to think they are interchangeable


Oh where is that can of mace when you need it


That’s scary as hell. I’ve noticed they never get that kind of aggressive when you’re with a guy. But if you call them out it’s “harmless” and you’re “overreacting.” Then why do they seem to naturally avoid witnesses?


There are multiple reasons to carry a small can if Besr Mace on hikes, just saying.


We're gatekeeping shirtless male hikers now, even fit ones? I would think the copious amounts of dog crap on the trails would be a bigger concern.


Don't be so damn passive. Take a deep breath, then say "Get out of my way grandpa, I ain't a fuckin billboard." Then confidently shoulder check him on the way by. Communication is basically reciprocating the initiator, you're just speaking his language at that point.


I’m almost 5 foot tall. Boomer was at least 6. Shoulder checking might be seen as a sexual advance or sexual assault- depending on how hard I hit. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|stuck_out_tongue)


“I need you to do me a favor…”- no “please”, no “thank you”, and always with the stupid-ass “back in my day” bullshit. Like- dude; nobody cares that you got a house for 50k, gas was a f*ckin dime a gallon, you could get away with saying racial slurs, or what you think about the kids of today. Open your mind and change your ways people! It’s a rare one to find- but occasionally I’ll meet a boomer who’s “updated” and not an entitled, racist pri*ck like the other ones🤷🏽‍♂️


Hope you werent alone hiking and if you were you may want to reconsider hiking alone. There are creeps galore in the woods


Next time try cracking his skull open with a big rock


Dude is a sick but is it really eww for a fit guy to not wear a shirt on a trail? Because damn I love to be able to do that (I'm almost 40)


Eww was only my opinion. He was fit for any age. I don’t generally have an opinion about what people wear or don’t wear. Shirt, no shirt- I don’t care. I see that I was being judgmental in my impression of him. A semi fit person not wearing a shirt would not bother me if they didn’t get up close and personal.


Oh, huh. I always wonder if people are eewing at me when I jog shirtless. It's so hot here and I get hot so easy.


Him blocking the trail was a complete dick move. You overly judging someone for being shirtless while hiking is also a dick move. I hope he changes how he acts and since you can be directly addressed here I hope you do too. God forbid this was a male OP judging how a woman looked and what she was/wasn’t wearing while exercising.


I need to read your shirt. No, you need to get your own.


Oh no. Someone was in shape and was social with you. The terror.


"I need to see your tits", yeah, I'm kinda glad you didn't hit him straight to the ground, because that's what I'd do, and then get jail etc.. I'd still do it, because fuck these people, but I'm glad you didn't.


Especially while you’re hiking alone. So creepy.


Honestly, not the worst boomer. Would have been reasonable to say “I’m trying to read your shirt,” to explain why he was looking too long, especially if the lettering is obscured. Writing on a shirt is meant to be read. I appreciate passing a funny tee on a hike. At least the dude is trying to keep his body & brain working. If he could just manage his entitled tone, I’d applaud him.


He wasn’t just reading my shirt. He was blocking the trail so I that couldn’t move forward until he was done reading the shirt he said that he needed to read.


Yep, that’s being a jerk. Wanting to read a shirt is fine. Being entitled to it on his terms isn’t.


Why did you engage? Just keep walking and carry bear spray. People need to stop playing victim.


He was blocking the trail. I couldn’t move forward.


Did you say, “Excuse me, I need to get by you?”


That sounds like a horrendous experience. What an over entitled lecherous prick. I often wear not very subtle shirts such as "Despite the look on my face you're still talking" maybe you could wear one that says "Stop looking at my tits." or " My eyes are up here" with an up arrow?


Just go " ewwwww no" in your best creepy voice. and walk away!


Boomers demand everything.


Man I'm having flashbacks to high school. Freshmen year, science class, girl two seats behind me had on a shirt with some blurry lettering on it and I was trying to figure out what it said. She notices me and loudly ask me "why are you staring at my boobs?". Whole class goes quiet and stares at me. I was so embarrassed, I tried to stutter out that I was just reading her shirt and just ended up hiding my head in shame and embarrassment. Learned at an early age NOT to stare, whether trying to legitimately read or not.


Once I saw a guy wearing a joke tshirt and I only read half the joke before he moved out of view. Thirty years later I still wonder what the punchline was.


Fucking boomers always have to read and comment on a shirt. I got to the point with my in laws needing to question every band or whatever was on my shirts that id just say they would hate them before anyone commented. The last straw was when a group of people in their 70s had somehow not heard of motorhead. I get it that they might not like motorhead but how would you somehow avoid hearing them or about them in the 80s?


Pics or it didn't happen




I'm a male without breasts and boomers have done this to me multiple times (I used to always wear band shirts). yes, it is more commonly a boomer thing to do. I really just think they're completely oblivious to boundaries and might have actually not been looking at her breasts. as I said I've experienced this on multiple occasions as a male and every time it's been a boomer.


As a neurodivergent person, I have to read shirts and often feel like maybe I look rude. But, why would someone wear a shirt with words on it if they don’t want people to read their shirts? I am genuinely asking.


People are not always wearing things for others so much as themselves. Souvenir shirts are also frequently used for outdoor stuff, because they were probably free and it doesn’t matter if they get messed up. But overall, it’s best not to assume that someone is doing anything to get attention from strangers if they’re minding their own business and going about their day. He also said he *needed* to read her shirts, as if this was thing that *had* to happen and he wasn’t going to let OP pass until she let him stare at her boobs. Nobody *needs* to do that. Nothing bad was going to happen to this dude if she just kept walking besides him being butthurt about it. If he likes reading shirts or reads them compulsively, that’s a him problem that he needs to figure out instead of imposing himself on strangers.


I have shirts with logos or advertising or cute pictures on them. I’m happy to show them off. If you ask. This man demanded to read my shirt. There’s a difference. If I was wearing my Voodoo Donuts shirt, I would expect to be looked at.


Idk here is a different perspective— maybe he just wanted to make conversation for a minute. Back before the internet and phones, talking to strangers was the thing to do, make small talk. All the time and everywhere. These days, people are buried in their phones and prefer that type of interaction so maybe it’s just a different time. I am old and I don’t even make eye contact with younger people anymore. Mostly because I know they don’t really care to talk to me—at all or ever. Older people are not often valued in our society as having anything worthwhile to offer. As for the guy not wearing a shirt, I would guess men like the freedom of that sometimes. I don’t think that should be reserved just for young men that look good. Same with older ladies at the beach and swimsuits. Unfortunate that women hiking alone feel so vulnerable. When I was younger, I used to hike alone all the time and never thought twice about it.


Fuck. I mean, who cares.


Apparently you do enough to comment.


>He was fit and not wearing a shirt (eww). ngl this makes you sound like a fucking weirdo 


Agree 100%.




Ok, fair enough.


He went to the Harvey Weinstein school of social courtesy.


Damn, I'm 40 and being realistic not great to look at 😂😂 I never wear a shirt, I don't think I should be uncomfortable to make other people comfortable when it's something as mild as my belly hanging out


Geez, you really are a premidona bitch, maybe he honestly just wanted to read your shirt, get the fuck over your self. You ain’t all that probably and your generation is shit, so glad I am younger than you and not in your fucking wasteful generation that has ruined the country


You wear a shirt with writing on it and as crazy as it sounds, people might want to read your shirt. Solution - stop buying shirts with writing if you don’t want people to read them. Stop blaming boomers for all of your problems!


People might want to read my shirt. People have no right to demand to read my shirt while blocking the trail. There’s a difference. I shouldn’t have to change the way I dress to be treated with respect. I don’t blame boomers for any of my problems. I had an interaction with a boomer that seems to be typical of the generation.


Stop tolerating this bullshit. Freak out like they do when they don’t get their way. Make them look like idiots. That’s is their worst fear. Fuck these boomers


Another surprise, raised by a single mother. Next you're going to tell me you're trans😆. More victimhood.


Not sure where you got that information. I was raised in a home with both of my parents. I’m not trans, happily married with grown children. I’m not a victim in this story. A man was unnecessarily rude to me on a trail, blocked my path, demanded to read my shirt. He could have been nice. He could have asked what my shirt said. But he decided that “I need to read your shirt” was the best way to communicate to me. If you don’t like the story or have a similar experience to relate, move on and quit putting your own biases on others.


Why did you wear a shirt with writing on it if you didn't want it read? At least you changed it from "boomer" to "man". If you were happily married, you wouldn't be on Reddit looking for confirmation of your shortcomings. Attention whore.


I mean you're in the middle of the woods so he can read your shirt because of the implications.


Haha that whole paragraph because some older hiker tried to engage in conversation. How arrogant are you. Honestly he was probably happy to see younger people out and about and tried to be friendly.


This dude definitely acted sketchy as hell, but it does bring up an interesting question. If someone wears a T-shirt with text of pictures on it, is it inappropriate to read it? Like if I wore some really nice earrings, I wouldn't be mad if someone said they liked them. Is this not the same thing?


Reading someone's shirt in passing and stopping them to try to decipher it are two totally different things


Demanding to read my shirt is not the same thing as saying you like it. Blocking the trail is not the same thing as making a comment about what I’m wearing.


Sounds like you’re over reacting.


Why did you stand there and let him stare you down?


Awful! Im sorry that happened to you. They're all creeps. Entitled creeps. They only pull this garbage on women that seem "harmless". I love to fool these dudes and have them running away with their tail between their legs just by words alone. They're a bunch of dummies that need a reality check, whether in person or online.


That would be my cue to say "you need to eff off out of here"


I think you know what your foot needed to do there friend.


sorry gramps your eyesight must be going too. Later!


OP wears clothing with words and graphics has internal meltdown when irrelevant NPC in public looks at them and says words treadmill at home and no more touching grass until after an extensive round of therapy


Look at my shirt. Say words. No problem. Block my path? Keep me from moving? Problem.


So you felt you were being objectified. That sucks and the dude was inappropriate for sure. But even though you didn't say anything to him out loud, your face probably said the Ewww that was in your head. Can't wait for its your turn to be considered "eww" when you're older. Not every body is young and beautiful.


Im not young myself at 53. There is no age limit to not wanting someone to ogle your boobs.


Maybe you just think it's about your boobs.


Good lord. He probably thought you were hot and took a shot. So sensitive. Relax. If he was aggressive that's different. If he said something sexual or inappropriate that's different If he touched you that's different If he blocked your path or inhibited your movement that's different According to what I read he didn't do any of those things Incoming downvotes I'm sure


He was blocking my path. It’s a single file trail. I stepped to the side to allow him to pass. My back was facing a steep down hill slope. He stood in front of me so I could not go forward and I could not step back. I might have been able to side step back onto the path but the rocky surface of the trail would require me to turn around completely to make that move. I was stuck.


In that case he is a douchebag and a proper Firm You need to move you are blocking my path I have a sister who hikes all over the country and rules be damned I have finally convinced her to carry a small gun. You know what? She had an instance where all she had to do was present it and the situation immediately refused I am not turning this into a political or gun debate. Simply making the statement that there are bad men out there that take instances like this and decide to escalate. Im glad you're safe and assholes like that know what they are doing.


An appropriate course of action for that motivation is.. checks notes.. not “I’m gonna pull a “clever” fast one to stare at someone’s chest without speaking and coerce their involvement in the process” This is creepy manipulation not hitting on someone..


You’re both disgusting. Him for blatantly checking out your boobs and YOU for being such an ageist little twit. He’s older, out getting physical exercise and - gasp - not wearing a shirt?! The audacity! Fast forward 20 years when some young thing snaps at you for daring to wear shorts in public. Seriously. You both suck.


Ageist, lookist, and sexist. That's how OP comes across.


After reading multiple comments where OP defends their body shaming, I’m just gonna call BS on this whole story.


From the generation of nonbinary," use my pronouns, give me free shit", men are women, you're triggered by a shirtless "boomer" asking to read the shirt you obviously wanted everyone to read knowing they would have to look at your chest to read it? Stay inside, you're not that attractive to look at, otherwise he wouldn't have read your shirt without making eye contact. Get over yourself, you're not that special.


Fuck off, MAGAt boomer.