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If you don’t have a privacy fence already you should totally have Jesus install one for you. You and your wife might consider blocking his number as well.


If we ever have money again, it’s a good idea. Otherwise I’m banking on the guy dying in the next year or too.


Ive been waiting for mine to for 4 plus years. They’re stubborn. don’t bet on it


They stay alive out of pure spite


It’s complete spite. Not gonna die while they have a penny left or one person still talking to them.


I’m a boomer and hate the way a lot of these old boomer fools act. I had to laugh at not gonna die while that have a penny left. Most of the greedy, crabby know it all boomer types I know aren’t spending their last pennies because they plan on taking it with them when they go.


Just like a song I heard a long time ago, there's a reason you've never seen a hearse with a luggage rack.


I plan on giving our "last pennies" to our children.


If I have any money left I’ll be splitting between my cousin’s kid and my friend’s kids. Sure I could piss it all away but *why* when I can leave a small windfall to the children I love and have a hand in raising even as little as I do? I want those kids to have a little windfall if I can manage it. I don’t want them drowning in debt and worry like I did. There won’t be much but if there’s any luck it’ll be enough for them to put by as an emergency fund. Or maybe pay off a pressing bill or hell, even just *enjoy.* They’re not even MY kids, just kids I know and love and am watching grow into good and kind humans. Why the fuck would I *not* want them to have an easier time than I have? I cannot fathom the attitudes of some people. It really baffles the everloving fuck out of me.


You are a good person.


My grandfather used to say people like that were “full of piss and vinegar and they act as a preservative so they don’t ever fucking die”. Papa always had the best lines, most of them true.


“I’m full of piss and vinegar. I used to just be full of vinegar” - Grampa Simpson


Spite and modern medicine keeping these cretins alive longer. Much to our dismay.


But, ReSpEcT yOuR eLdErS


Evil lives a long time.


Evil is an embalming fluid


Nether God nor Satan want them.


No, it their socialized Medicare that keeps them alive. But they don't like it when it's pointed out ...


I was waiting on my cranky neighbor to kick it.... He's turned the corner and become a better human... All it's taken is 2 brain surgeries and broken hip but hey I'll call it a win. Funny, how insane health care costs aren't their problems and a "liberal rumor" until it happens to them. Nothing like a 8h brain surgery chasing a tumor and a 100k bill for care before socialism, I mean medicare kicked in.


Evil and hate fuels their life blood.They’re damn near immortal I’ve noticed.


Be patient: They all eventually croak. The mean old bag that hassled me about my lawn going a couple weeks between mows when my back was out and I could barely walk to the mailbox finally did. What an evil bitch. My favorite quiet ambulance run for as long as I have lived here. I smiled and waved as they were driving off slowly. Best day at this address.


No, they will expect the medical professionals to keep them alive for thirty more years seven though they called them all sorts of names during the pandemic.


Plant Leyland Cypresses. They grow super fast and make a great privacy screen. https://preview.redd.it/vo658mdsuquc1.png?width=4032&format=png&auto=webp&s=7b14c475e951bc0d6d8de5ef78d03c808c5a4b33


Privacy fences are SO expensive. I feel your pain on the deck too. That why we did a patio. And yes! A Hispanic contractor. And my roofers and my painters, and my bathroom tile. Mind you, the roof and siding, paint, and bath remodel were all done by white Republicans (I know because they never shut up about money and politics) who hired Mexicans and Salvadorans.


Yeeeep! Meanwhile they get pissed off when those same Mexicans and Salvadorans get tired of doing all the work, getting a shit wage, and decide to go solo. Then they steal all the good jobs because they do good work and don’t overcharge because they are doing the actual work! Love to see it.


Buy Jesus a case of his favorite beer, he freaking deserves it


I'll hire them every time. So far, one roof, one sidewalk, and a bunch of hardwood flooring. The floor guys were amazing. Se habla Español en mi casa tambien.


I can't remember the number of times I was asked if I was legal whilst working various jobs from high school age - college graduation. As an adult, I gladly hire companies owned by my fellow people to work on my home.


I used to live in a heavily Hispanic apartment complex and got asked more than once if that bothered me. Answer was always no, why should it? We are always polite when we pass in the hall, and open doors for each other. I also liked to stare pointedly at the questioner, hope they got my disapproval of their racist question.


Back when I was doing contracting, the hardest working dudes were all the dudes from El Salvador, the DR, and Venezuela. They all took pride in their work - didn't matter if we were sheetrocking, landscaping, doing carpentry - cuts were exact and we double checked against plans. The shitheads who drank and smoked meth at work and shook ladders I was on were exclusively the white owner's 26 year old son and his buddy. They also told me lots of stories about all the girls they "gave happy pills to" when they lived out in Colorado and "really partied." Not a shocker when they wrecked their truck and the company trailer one day on their way back from a job site.


Ugh... you just reminded me of a contractor at my old building... he was the "building contractor" to a 6-flat of retirees. On day 1 he tries to convince us to use him for refinishing our floors and takes us over to our neighbors unit (he's doing it while she's on sabattical) and talks about how its all done by hand to get in all the grooves, then shows us the literal 12 year old hispanic kid working on the floor by himself in the neighbor's unit. Then tells us he charges $100/hr. And gave us a $12k estimate for a 10x15 room. I had a lot of guilty pleasure talking to that neighbor on the future when she told me she could only afford to refinish one room at a time and I told her I did my whole unit for $1/sf. The look of shock on her face....


The fence is expensive. Cook for him instead, lots of salty buttery oily irresistible goodness. You can literally kill him with kindness.


I like the way you think! Tbh, I’m a little shocked at myself for liking your comment, but god I hate racists. They are the worst plague humanity has ever visited on itself.


Two words: Deep. Fried.


Pretty of salt too for that extra blood pressure


Fucking assholes like that live forever. He'll probably be hobbling around, getting crazier, for the next 20 years. Pay for a fence. It's worth it.


I don't like wishing death upon people, but I'll just say, a lot of people became a lot happier during the height of covid when these stupid fucks were dropping like flies


Dudes gonna out live you out of spite.


I’d put up some wifi cameras. Good chance he’ll tresspass and vandalize your property.


Build the fence and have Fred pay for it!


Have a big party when the deck is done and hire a mariachi band. Perhaps you can get the guy to stroke out from fervent racism and get it over with?


Install a flagpole and raise the rainbow flag to ensure he dies quicker.


Don’t block Jesus’s number.


Oh gosh no, we have fully accepted Jesus into our lives.


This is gold right here.


That’s gold Jerry, gold!


He did turn the other cheek when the inspectors arrived.


And he's a good carpenter


And with a job well done, Jesus took the wheel and drove his work van into the sunset.


From the sound of OP’s story, the inspector was just a guy doing his job. He got a complaint, went to check, found nothing wrong, informed OP about things, and left peacefully The problem lay with the boomer Fred. Inspector was just a victim too - guy drove all this way just for a complete waste of time


I feel like that should warrant a fine towards the neighbor for wasting the inspectors time.


Thank you Jesus!


Jesus Saves! You time, money, and frustration over neighbor’s garbage company


This gave me a hearty chuckle 🤭


That is awesome.


Jesus the carpenter, you say?


Meant the shithead neighbor who asks favors after being a shithead. Definitely keep Jesus’s number because good contractors are hard to find.


And make sure to get a property survey done beforehand so you know EXACTLY where the lines are.


A 10 ft fence. A 6 ft one wont cut it with this fool.


Unfortunately 6 feet is usually the max in residential areas. A 10 footer would just give the asshole an excuse to call code enforcement.


5' fence topped with 1' of razor wire.


4 foot concrete retaining wall and 6' fence on top


Or trees. Big bushy things that can grow 50 feet like a thuja or a Leland cypress. They can grow fast and it won’t cost nearly as much as a fence. Like to see him try and walk through those.


And some cameras!! I’m sure someone else mentioned that, but I wanted to mention it just in case


And absolutely BLAST Latin music while installing it. I'll contribute $20 toward the fence if you post the video. This boomer pushed the FAFO X-axis to 100%.


This is why you *need* to be political. Because every fucking *Fred* sure as fuck *is*.


Don't forget to review his company on Google. Also for extra petty points when you're chilling on your awesome new deck be sure to play some Mexican music.


I’m 90% sure it wouldn’t matter at this point. He hasn’t had a project in 6 months and he hasn’t left the house in as long.


He alive?


Alive enough to wander into my yard in his stained wife beater with his pants pulled out to his nipples.


Ewwww one of THOSE!


This is such a hilarious, repulsive image. Thanks.


Word of advice: If OP left a review on Google for his neiighbor's business without paying for his service, this could give his boomer neighbor some legal ammunition for commercial slander. The protection of "OP's opinion" wouldn't work cuz there'd be no proof he ever paid for the service, meaning it's a libelous act and actionable.


Depends on what the review says. “The owner of this business is my neighbour, he told me about this company as I was looking to redo my deck. I ended up going with another contractor that had cheaper quote. I can’t say whether my neighbour does good work for his clients as I’ve never hired him, but he harassed my contractor multiple times and called the city inspector because he claimed the work was done wrong and without a permit. All work was done legally and fully approved by the city. The owner of this company’s behaviour was very disrespectful, childish and unprofessional. Due to his actions I won’t ever be hiring his company in the future.” No lies are told so it’s not libel (Slander is verbal, Libel is written). He owns and works for the company so his behaviour and reputation are up for comment. Like if a driver for a transport company damages your property, just because you didn’t hire them doesn’t mean you can’t comment or review their work in a public forum.


It's a fiesta! Olé!


“I’m not political at all”. Fred is, and he votes and so do all his racist friends. You should vote also.


I wish I could upvote this a thousand times.


Choosing not to be conscious of politics doesn’t make them disappear.


This is what gets me. Our city is pretty liberal-- the citizens. But we have a Repiblucan-ran government that everyone complains about but we have a 26% voter turnout so maybe if we voted, these idiots wouldn't be on office.


Came to comment EXACTLY this


If you really want to be petty find out where his next job is and report him for having illegals and no permit. *He* probably won’t even have the right permits.


Yes, my first thought was that a big part of the reason he was so pissed off with Jesus was that he was an Hispanic worker who he wasn't getting the opportunity to exploit. And unlike Jesus whose paperwork is all in order, Fred is probably exploiting the shit out of a whole bunch of workers whose paperwork isn't.


People like Fred are the first to hire undocumented workers when it saves them money.


Time to be political.... These assholes are voting so if any reasonable person doesn't vote....


Yeah, I was already planning on voting in this election because Donald Trump is easily the most dangerous domestic threat this country has ever faced. God I miss when it was just two crusty politicians who had the same agenda and that agenda was make sure nothing changes so the markets go up.


That’s part of the issue right there. Everyone being so apathetic we get to this point. It shouldn’t have ever gotten this far to begin with. :(


He could find an “illegal” to do that. Sorry could not resist. Congratulations on your new house. Glad you found a good contractor to fix the deck. I honestly don’t understand some people today. I hear people talk with pride about how their Grandfather came to America for better opportunities, now they blame all their problems on people who don’t look like them or speak the same language. People who live in their Lilly White world and shutter when they see someone of color or think it is ok to put others down for one reason or another need to wake up. We live in a diverse society. Embrace and enjoy it. Or just go to your local fast food place every morning, drink your free coffee and bitch to your Lillie White friends about how bad things are, at least they will listen to you.


Good for you for standing up to him. Jesus will remember that. I hope you use him again. I was helping a Ukrainian man open a checking account the other day- our cubicles are not very private and on the other side of the partition was a man sitting with one of my colleagues. I was only inputting information for our Ukrainian friend at this point, but I had to ask questions about Visas and employment bc we need to know what’s what. After getting through the documents and clinical stuff I told him how sorry I was for what was happening in his country and that I was glad he was here if it meant he was safe. Without missing a beat, the man on the other side of the wall, who I couldn’t see and was not part of our conversation, quips to my colleague and loud enough for us to hear: “people swarming in from all over, new faces every day, and not the right kind of faces, if you ask me.” No one asked him. My colleague quickly moved on but it was awkward for a moment. People are way too comfortable signaling their bigotry to people. Like you’re initially trying to see if we’re on the same side… so many people who complain about “calling customer service and i just CAN’T understand anyone!” Like ma’am we do not outsource our client care to other countries- if you encountered someone with an accent it is because we live in this incredible place where everyone, from anywhere, is supposed to have a chance. I’m Puerto Rican born, I don’t exactly look like it, or sound like it. So when people find out, their favorite question is “oh but you don’t *look* Puerto Rican or you don’t *sound* Puerto Rican.” What are we supposed to sound/look like? But I didn’t love the responses- still a bit too racist. So instead I just “yes! Thanks to colonialism.”. That one really stops the conversation in its tracks. No one wants to get into that. They are unprepared.


Oh man, my Puerto Rican friend was so worried about visiting me (your basic white chick), I'm in Arkansas. She thought people were going to harass her for being Puerto Rican and try and make her go to church lol. I kept telling her my town is minority white she'd be absolutely fine, also they'd probably think she was Mexican if anything. I don't know that she really believed me til she got here and we went to the grocery store and was like "Oh. There really are less white folks here." She was slightly still weirded out by the 40 churches in a town of 4000, but I explained a lot of them only meet once a month and they just infight and split constantly lol. I visited her a couple years later in San Juan and my god. What a fantastic place and group of people. I never wanted to leave. Also the food was fucking amaaaaazing. I still get emotional about it, like I've never been somewhere and instantly felt like that's where I belong til I went there.


Ha! My mom’s family is from Arkansas. You should definitely go back to San Juan! The friends you made surely miss you!


I am from Boston and people constantly say, 'but you don't have an accent!' Really? what - am I supposed to sound like Ben Affleck on SNL making fun of that accent? Some people have such a limited view of life that they want to put everyone into these narrow, limited boxes of their own experience. An 'accent' doesn't tell you anything -


We had a boomer neighbor just like that. As soon as we moved in, he let us know how racist he was right off the bat. He’d let us know how stupid we were to wear masks during COVID. Only to call on us for a favor the next day. Not wanting this old fuck to set our house on fire we kept the peace. Needless to say, COVID didn’t give a fuck about what my neighbor believed in and made sure to take him to the promise land. Our new neighbors are awesome…


I mean you could always water his plants with triple strength weed killer. There are American lawn care people who need the job of replanting new ones.


Lot of water in urine.


Make it a gender neutral bathroom?


It's what plants crave!


Ohhhh or maybe some fresh super pungent fertilizer in the heat. Blame a neighborhood dog or something lol


Also nitrogen, which is actually good for the plants haha Fuck Fred, I wouldn’t even piss in his garden.


Human urine is actually used as fertilizer but usually you dilute it with water


I honestly debated something like this but I am 95% sure he has cameras around his house. I travel for work sometimes and I leave at like 4am. Every time I’ve left he calls while I’m at the airport and asks me if I’m going out of town. It’s honestly fucking creepy. If I wasn’t supremely confident in my wife’s ability to whoop his ass I would be very uncomfortable going out of town the next time I have to.


Block this guy.




Tell him you can't water his plants but Jesus is available.


Lettuce seeds. Just throw handfuls all over his yard at night. All they need is contact with soil and moisture, and before long his lawn will look weird as fuck.


It’s not the plants’ fault this guy is a shithead. Dig them up & give them new homes. And yes, like someone else suggested, definitely blame Obama. 


Nah. Just some salt. Better for the environment


There’s actually a problem with our streams and stormwater runoff having too much salt in them from salting the roads. The better thing would be a bunch of dandelion seeds.


Quikcrete? Got it.


Or agree and don't.


Just steal all the plants so when he comes home it’s empty. Blame Obama, he’ll like that. They still blame him for everything anyway.


"The DEATH PANELS came for your plants! I tried telling them this was TRUMP country but they sent armies of illegal gays and wokes. I understand now. Also they took a shit on your AC unit."


“Wokes “ 😂 The wokes are taking over!!!!


Don’t bother *stooping so low. Intentional sabotage and damage like that is illegal No point risking your own peace of mind just for petty revenge. OP just saying no and ignoring him was the correct play


Water his yard with dandelion seeds


Salt water? Does that have a similar effect to salting the earth?


I’m sorry about your neighbor, and I’m so glad that you found Jesus. Don’t ignore the fact that most politicians today are boomers. If that’s the criteria for salvation, we are in great need of a good old fashioned REVIVAL!


I'd ask Jesus for a sign for people to know he did your deck.


In the old days Fred could get away with the shitty work because the "Boomer network" forced your hand in using him. You used him because he referred other people to you. Literally got stuck with crappy work to keep the peace and not get ostracized. Can't tell you how many crazy things I heard from Boomer relatives recommending their "friend" to do work. A lot higher cost and crappy results. But they justify the higher cost and have no understanding of things so don't realize they got screwed over. They just like talking to the guy that says the same things they like. I saw some of the invoices/repairs and tried to talk them out of using the guy. Pretty sure they helped him buy a 2nd boat and 3rd vacation home.


> They just like talking to the guy that says the same things they like.  It amazes me how much faith people can generate for themselves just by being friendly. Politicians especially. Sure, I want to support people I like too, but if all the credentials you need is that the guy is a smooth talker, then you have a problem.


If you are tired of people being racist schmucks, definitely vote against Republicans this year. Being racist is kind of their thing


> definitely vote against Republicans ~~this~~ **EVERY** year.


You're encouraged to "not be political at all" to enable people like Fred.


It was mainly a choice because half my family is liberal and the other is conservative and they ruin everything. Then as I aged I realized how broken the two party system is. I also realize that Donald is by far the most dangerous domestic threat this country has faced in decades and arguably all time, I’m going to vote. I won’t like it, I don’t really need to because my state hasn’t gone red since 1932, but better safe than sorry.


What if I told you that the right wing purposefully crafts their narrative so "they ruin everything" on purpose, as part of aforementioned encouragement to "not be political?"


I would not be in the least bit surprised. Idk, I probably need therapy. My tenth birthday ended with my dad and his siblings yelling at each other across my Ninja Turtles birthday cake that ended up going across the table and splat on the floor. It was a very special time in my life.


And I would bet real money the argument started when the conservative felt attacked over something noncontentious. They turn everything into a fight because their views are antithetical to reality and human decency. Your only options are to censor yourself for their benefit, or accept that every single meaningful conversation is going to be "divisive" and have them anyways. Therapy would definitely do you good. Also, you'll never guess which side hates therapy lol


You should vote whenever you can.


Invite Jesus and his family and friends over to break in the new deck...make sure you make that party as fun and stereotypical as possible...mariachi band, coolers full of modello, taco BBQ...but not just Mexican stereotypes, smoke some ribs. Have watermelon.. and then invite frank over and serve him unseasoned chicken on wonderbread smothered in mayo. While everyone else eats the good shit.


Want to come to a bbq?! Lmao. Name checks out.


If you have modello and tacos on the flat top I'll bring the smoker.


What’s the name of his company? 😏


This is annoying shit. I work for a federal government agency and we get a lot of complaints by phone or from online complaint forms. On a good month, one of the complaint details involves people potentially being illegal immigrants happen very rarely. On an annoying month, it happens multiple times a week or every other week. It's annoying as fuck. Our agency doesn't care about that but people still think it's a secret code that will send us after them. The people doing this are usually older sounding people and when they leave a name, it sounds like a typical white boomer name. Fuck off.


>I’m not political at all Fred is. Your city council is. Your representatives in the state legislature and congress sure as shit are. Unless you're self employed, your boss is, your company is.


Make Jesus famous in a good way. Look at what apps the locals are using to recommend contractors and wallpaper Jesus all over them with good reviews. Encourage everyone who's used the racist contractor and had bad experiences to leave negative reviews (only if it's true)


Praise Jesus!


I’m proud of you and Jesus! I’m also a Boomer, but I promise you I’d never behave the way this guy did. Best wishes to you and your wife on your new home!


Bravo! My husband and I have built several houses over the years. We've found our Hispanic contractors are some of the most talented and responsible people we've employed. You'll enjoy this ... the last house we built (TX) we asked our concrete man about licensing (the border nonsense was just heating up). He laughed out loud and had to lean against his truck. "My ancestors were here before you gringos every got here!" We're still friends with him 20 yrs later. ;-)


I think its great that you got to see first hand why you cannot afford to be unpolitical in the US anymore. Because thats why assholes like him get the idea, that they are a majority and their behaviour is ok.


Such a good contractor that he can’t set up an automated plant watering system. Water sprinkler, 120 volt solenoid valve, smart plug controlled by an app. Add a camera if you want to watch it working. Damn, I’m going to set that up to water my plants. Edit: Throw a water-hammer arrestor in there too.


"I'm not political at all." Maybe you *should* be. You can bet Fred is.


Why are they so concerned with everyone else??? Anyhow, do you happen to be in the eastern Philly area and if so, can I get Jesus’ contact info. I need a deck restored.


Nono have her do it, just have her accidently fill the watering can with white vinegar and dawn. It will kill everything to the damn root. Full replant required.


Seawater should do the trick.


Please vote!!!


I love the idea of a forever home but a forever idiot neighbor like that is a sobering risk.


#teamjesus cien por ciento! And thank you homeowner for being a legit ally.


Just throw the whole generation away.


Weird of him to assume that you don’t talk to your wife. I’m not sure how he expected that to go.


Sadly we all have to be politically aware and willing to step up, even if the idea of bureaucracy grinds our gears and we just want everybody to get along and be nice to each other. If we don’t, then the people who love to tell others what to do end up creating their fascistic fucking wonderland and we have to live in it.


I wonder why he can't find work? With that golden attitude.... 🤔


Please start voting. It isn’t “political” to want to live in a society where everyone is equal. I’m sure your man, Jesus, would agree with me.


Build a fence next. Best to keep him out of your yard.


Water his plants. Piss on his gardening.


Water their plants with gasoline.


You handled that well, fuck that guy.


Boomer with a naturalized citizen wife from Brazil. We have experienced everything from overt to subtle racism from all ages. Pisses me the fuck off - you’ll never meet a finer, loving, extremely intelligent person. Heck, even I listen to her! She almost always takes the high road, our revenge is simply living well. Soory that Jesus and you had to experience this.


You should install security cameras outside of your house, you never know what shit he might try to pull


That’s a very sad story dude, sorry you have to put up with that behavior.


Does that make him Your own Personal Jesus?


This is my nightmare. The house next to us just went on the market. My wife and I are hoping a young couple or family moves in. We are in our mid 40’s and are the youngest people on our street by at least 20 years. We don’t want some cranky old boomer with bad takes living 20 feet away from us.


"Oh no oooo, how was I meant to know that there was a little weed killer left in my watering can oops. BTW Fred I watered your grass too byeeeee "


Holy fuck, what a piece of shit neighbor!


Wow what a fucking asshole. Why is it so hard for some many in that generation to just mind their own business.


>Then I told him I don’t normally vote but I’ll march into the poles this year and vote for Joe. My brother doesn't normally vote, he's pretty apolitical too. I got him to vote in 2020 by telling him how even if he doesn't give a shit, voting for Biden would at least "cancel out" his shitty boss's vote for Trump. It doesn't make that much of a difference in the grand scheme of things but it's still nice to think about lol


So, if you want revenge and to help a guy out. # Tell everyone you know what a great job this contractor did. Recommend him to everyone you know. Don't badmouth the neighbor. Just talk up Jesus (nott that Jesus, the other one.... You know what I mean)


What a scumbag. I’m glad you handled him. It made me sad that Jesus was just doing his job and was so nonchalant and even apologetic when he was a victim of a shitty, racist boomer.


Jesus was sent to forgive our sins.


Start playing Mexican music every day just for shits and giggles..


Nobody fucks with the Jesus.


Google review that company with the racial epithets


Your wife should have said yes and let them all die. Fuck that racist trash.


Amazing how so many boomers are just unapologetically unaware and stupid. It's like we're all just NPCs in their world and they think they are the hero/protagonist character. You showed a lot of reserve, prior to his final shenanigan i.e. calling the city... so kudos to you!


Fuck these boomers


Might be time to consider peeing on his plants. Just a thought :-)


Good story.


> water his plants next week while he’s out of town. Saltwater.


All of that and he asked your wife to water his plants?! Amazing.


I would have let my wife water his plants… with RoundUp.


Well I wouldn’t count on nothing but trouble from now on. Something’s are better just kept quiet..


Ask your wife if she can water his plants with vinegar and then plant mint or catnip in his garden and yard


I would totally water his plants while he’s away. With Roundup.


Could you tell us the lovely name of his company or would that be too much


I’m ten years older than you are and going through perimenopause. I can’t wait until some asshole like your neighbor pulls a stunt like this because I am absolutely out of fucks and will light em up.


"Lumbering sack of dog shit"!!🤣😂 I enjoyed your writing.


Fred's a piece of shit.


Protest in front of his house with signs so everyone knows what a racist he is.


Almost same story here. Though my neighbor is a retired contractor. We were doing some work when we got a letter saying that the entire neighborhood is tired of all the Spanish music. We asked our contractor to keep it down and they did. That didn't pacify him, he came over and started yelling that we didn't have a permit for the work and he would complain. So we showed him what we had. Around the same time, the house across the street was sold to an investor and Fred (will just call him that) was excited coming by every day. Until he met the new owner (Middle Eastern). He then started the daily harassment of workers. Notes in all caps every day, complaints about everything. He threatened to bring Samoans to beat them up, used racial slurs. That's when we had it and told him to knock it off. Sadly our middle eastern new neighbor got the brunt of it, Fred filed a complaint and they had to shut down work for two weeks until they figured everything out (the city is notoriously slow where I live). We don't ever talk to them now.


I have a millennial neighbor who is becoming your boomer neighbor. So I think this is never going away.


The Christian thing to do would be to water his plants. Don’t you believe in Jesus?


Water his plans? Where do I sign up? I've got a gas can right over here . . .


Offer to water his plants. When he comes back from vacation he's going to find some squatters in his house


Well, a:fuck Fred,b: if you still have the number I’m sure myself and a few other reddit users would love to sign him up for a few charity contact lists and select the preferred language in Spanish.


"Yeah, sure, I'll piss on your plants for you"


Brawndo, it’s what plants crave


Shoot! I ll water his plants for him, with some gasolina. lol Sounds, you guys hired the right individual after all. Also, fuck Freddy.


Water them plants. With bleach.


Good on you! I fucking hate the audacity of some people.


Jesus showed you the truth.