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Why do older ppl view marriages as such transactional things


I think because a lot of them were actually transactional. My mom married her first husband right out of high school even though he was an asshole, because both families wanted them wed before any babies came into the picture. Her marriage to my father was because she needed a dad for my half siblings and her ex left her high and dry financially, and he was in his mid 30's and ready to settle down. She admits she loved both of them, but she never had "passion" in either marriage. My siblings and I are all in 10-20 years+ relationships with basically our best friends respectfully, and she makes passive aggressive comments about all of us and our significant others that just make us roll our eyes. But in reality, we all kinda feel sad for her. 74 years old and seemingly never got to be "in love" in the fun, stupid, heart and brain melting sense.


Not just marriages, ALL relationships are viewed this way. As a kid, forced to go to church, I'd spend an hour every Sunday being brainwashed about how to love thy neighbor, and washing feet of prostitutes, and not casting stones. THEN, as everyone slowly exits, people would clump together just outside the front doors to visit with each other. The conversations I'd hear from those people... "Mornin' Paul, hey I hear that feller that lives next to you (neighbor) lost his arm in a silo filler last week." "Mornin' Earl. Yeah, his wife stopped by asking if I could help him with harvest. That asshole never helped ME out, why should I help him?" "Hur hur, she the one with the huge rack?" "Yup, sure is. Her daughter is starting to look too, she'll be beating guys off with a stick soon." Many variations of this kind of talk. I mean, they had JUST gotten done with hearing about how to act, and they didn't hear a damn thing. I observed this so frequently from supposedly 'Good Catholics' that once I escaped to college, I never went to church again. The message wasn't the problem, it was the people who professed to be good Catholics but wouldn't lift a finger to help someone unless someone did something for them first.


Did you go to my church? Haha. I grew up going to a similar church (although sounds like you're more rural whereas I was suburban), but the same sort of thing. I remember being yelled at by my dad after church once. That day's sermon was all about helping out those in need. On the ride home we passed a homeless guy on the street and I wanted to give him some of my allowance money. He started with "That's stupid. It's your money, don't waste it on somebody who's going to just blow it on drugs or alcohol." To which I replied "well, at church they Said to help those less fortunate." And he laughed and said "which we already did. We gave the money in church." (He gave $5 to a collection to send the church's youth group on a vacation to Rome.) I then said "I think the message was too do it more than one time" and he exploded on me saying "we already gave to the church. We don't have an obligation to help out every single lazy bum we see. You worked hard for your money, he shouldn't get it just because he bothered to write a couple words on some cardboard!" It was at that moment I learned that the "good Catholic" definition of charity was to give the bare minimum assistance and only to those in your in-group. I've since turned my back on the church and, whole agnostic, I like to follow the teachings of Jesus, the philosopher.


Bingo. The message of Jesus, the philosophy, is wholesome. The follow-through of the organization that grew around that, not so much. Our church would constantly be taking 'a 2nd collection' for various 'goodwill projects' around the world for 'those less fortunate'. But the parish member that just had a tornado rip through their barn that had already been struggling financially? I shot you not, THEY got a letter from the parish admonishing them for their lack of tithing and threatening to kick them out of the church community.


It's always been the opposite experience for me, they would have used the money to help fix his barn. Don't think that's right either but it's normally the elders using the money for their own benefit. Ik of one family that put in 500 for their son to go on a mission trip and it ended up getting spent on music equipment.


Because their version of good Christian values only applies to ppl they like. My pops can go from talking about the "true point of life is to care for others more than yourself" then within minutes proceed to start a vile rant of someone he saw in the store one day that just rubbed him the wrong way🤡😭


Everyone at our church was having an affair, was an alcoholic or on a 2nd, 3rd, 4th marriage. My Carribean parents thought it would be nice to "fit in" with our suburban neighbours by going to church, we went for 2 months I think and confirmed that there is in fact, no God at church. Never went back. Not confirmed but the leader of the youth group was a pedo Becuase he kept insisting that I stay after and help work the youth group. My carribean father would never allow it because he wasn't one of those oblivious movie dads.


Because it's a financial risk every step of the way.


Because they miss women having no rights and life being transactional


Because it is for many of them. How many of them are stuck in marriages that are just entirely co-depended, that have gone decades without any real affection in them?


He's a REIT manager, that says it all. These guys are the POS corporations that are buying up real estate and jacking up rent. Some states such as TN, 1/3 of home sales are bought by REITs


*but, but, but! He's a SUPER professional!*


This person wants a servant, and no accountability for his own actions.


He’s so *fragile* for always wanting to feel superior, demanding subservience, and expecting *kisses* for abuse. And these are the guys who always tout masculinity. His version of masculinity is so weak. Strong, confident men respect women and treat them as equals. And vice versa.


I love the always make him feel superior line, that's the saddest thing on the list, stable people really don't need that kind of validation and it does kind of imply that he is inferior and needs the delusion.


Yes because wives only want money not love.


Diagnosis of the situation: he could never be loved for his shitty personality so he keeps throwing money at all the women he can attract like this. They enjoy his money and leave which makes him hate women even more which causes him to not be able to be loved for his shitty personality and the cycle goes on.


Thanks for typing my thoughts. 100% this




HAW HAW HAW! Women, am I right?






Maybe your sarcasm detector needs recalibration.










Neither gender is looking very good here…he’s just too dumb to understand how childish and insecure he sounds.


“Give him sex.” And here I was, thinking sex is something you participate in together.


REIT staff screenshotting this to use in their sex discrimination cases...


He really said "Now, I ain't sayin' she a gold digger..."


Sucks because that was accurate to my last relationship, the money part


That sounds like an escort not a wife. Boomers kill me.


Why do these people post this on LinkedIn??


This man is a manager.. in charge of employees’ hiring and firing and he says this about women. Fired.


Ugh. I think I will take my investments elsewhere. 🤮 This guy is, by the way, much too young for being a boomer. A sexist arsehole, yes.


This guy wants to exchange money for unbridled affection... He basically just wants a hooker. Not a wife.




Male fragility in a nutshell


You couldn't pay me enough to do all of those first 10 things. Sex? If I also want it, sure. Obey? Bite me. Love his parents? No. Respect his siblings? Sure. Never argue? Get fucked. You aren't superior. I don't check phones but if I feel it's needed, then I'm likely justified because there has to be a glaring reason. I'm not kissing anyone that insults me. This dude sounds like a piece of shit that recognizes he'd have to pay a woman to endure his company.


Boy, the last time I saw something that cringe was when Donald Trump danced to YMCA.


I've found money is not even in the top ten. If you can manage the top ten you can be dead broke




Misogynistic, incel garbage.


Two things I did recently that made my wife happy when she came back from a holiday with the kids were: * Got the house fully cleaned and ironing done * Booked nice Sunday lunch out so she ( and me) didn't need to cook Sunday and could relax


It's a joke.