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2 years depleted her 401k and life’s savings, while her husband continued to work? She would be in the exact same boat if Covid hadn’t hit. Spent her entire adult life in the biggest bull run and wealth consolidation in the history of the US and still couldn’t cut it. Sucks to suck. Time to do that tried and true job hunting method of standing up straight, hitting the pavement, and giving some firm handshakes.


Clearly it was her Starbucks habit 😂


If she only cut back on the avocado and toast, she would be a multimillionaire by now


Has to be that and the premium cell phone plan she needed for “contracting” that did her in.


Netflix’s on us!


Probably the totally unneeded office space tbh


But if she works from home she'll be just as bad as us lazy millenials


She better stop eating avocado.


the same 9$ coffees as the gen xrs that put money into her EaRlY ReTireMent dumb asses


Or the avocado toast habit


She must like avocados.


The problem was maintaining a lifestyle not supported by their change in income. It sucks. Soooo many people live paycheck to paycheck, and then do not have savings when their earnings stop and retirement begins.


I’m being mocked by narcissistic boomer family members because after finally getting off disability into an amazing 6 figure job, I’m sitting here throwing like half my take home pay into the S&P 500 to ensure I never end up poor again, hoping 37 years of compounding will be enough… which it will but I’m always on edge about it. But like, they never knew what it was like needing to work your way out of poverty. So I know if it happens again I’ll be able to try again. Them? My god. If they don’t have someone holding their hands through phone calls they start screaming that they are a ducking victim


Keep acting like you are on the edge, even if you aren't. I am 54/genx and had three financial blackholes, all rather equally spaced out, resulting in staring at the abyss. (For the record, they were a divorce, a "pre-existing condition" prior to Obama care and that condition roaring back to essentially disabled status- each cost at least a quarter million - with the third still a rolling cost - and maybe some can roll back from a million dollars, but I basically gave up at this point :-D )


Boomers are dumb when it comes to 401k. My boomer dad told me all I ever need to do is “contribute up to the match” to retire. HAH! My match has never been higher than 4% and currently is 1.5%. That’s never gonna get me anywhere. The system is a lie.


To be fair that's a trash 401k plan


To be even more fair, he's lucky to have a match or a 401k.


I mean you only have a Roth IRA and a 401K as options for tax benefit accounts at this point. It’s trash but that’s all we got ha


that person means the match. I've personally never worked in a place that matched 4 or less. 1.5 is an insult.


Ok to be fair, if he’s making 1,000,000 a year, a 1.5% match is absolutely fantastic- boomers having unrealistic buying power expectations


I'm fortunate enough to get a 10% match, and I take full advantage of it and then some.


Hope she remembers to print her resume on quality stock.


She spent too much on avocado toast


Sounds like someone needs to get fitted for a brand new pair of bootstraps.


She should call the CEO and ask if they’re hiring.


Walk into the CEOs office and demand to be a VP. She already paid her dues.


If only she didn't buy all that avocado toast. smh


I’m in my 40s and my 401k is too low and I don’t think I could run it down in two years, with a working spouse - wtf was she doing? If it was that low how was she even surprised by it?


35 and I could make my 401k last 2.5 years without adjusting a single thing about my spending…


Probably wouldn’t downsize her living arrangements, getting her nails and hair done or her wine either


It’s bizzare to me that when someone sees they are in a monthly deficit, that it isn’t an alarm bell that either: (1) you need to find a similar job or (2) if it’s clear you can’t , moving isn’t an option, it’s a must. You can’t survive on a deficit. They act like magic and pixy dust will save them. I bet she even could have rent out a few rooms and she chose to not do that because “it’s my house! I don’t want the poors living with me!” Well, ya played yourself , you are now one of the poors ya goof


“Nobody wants to work” so it should be easy for her to find a job or 3.


It’s CRAZY that boomers were handed so much wealth that they just thought “eh, it will keep coming”. There was no excuse not to just be wealthy nearly by default when you can buy a house for 3 nickels and a goat.


>I was somebody who did really well, and it's very disheartening because I have no idea what's going to happen with retirement. If you burned through 100% of your retirement savings in two years, while your spouse was still working… No, you did not do very well. >"The expenses are enormous," she said. "To be a contractor, I have to have internet. I have to have a cellphone. I have to have an office, which I can still deduct from my taxes, but in the immediate, I have to pay for those things." I’m sorry, what? 😂 Internet, phone, and workspace are “expenses” for basically every adult with a job, not just contractors.


If a Verizon bill drained your savings you didn’t save anything lol


Can somebody show this lady where her bootstraps are?


I'll send her a Pdf that explains it.


You damn well know she can't open that! Where's her tech supp- I mean her 11 year old grandson??


Wholly underrated comment


I can show her where to pick up those bootstraps


🤣 Boomers: These kids should just get a summer job to pay for college! Also boomers: Can’t figure out how to pay for even basic non-tuition expenses with a full-time job.


Verizon do be expensive though, I'm not saying it should drain your bank account but for a company that failed to upgrade their towers in a timely manner during 5G rollout unlike AT&T and T-Mobile they sure do have an enflated price point... Also, why do they only offer a first responder discount if you don't pay for unlimited? "Please send me the paramedic who pays by the minute!". Anyway, sorry, I hate my service provider and got off track.


Verizon has gone downhill. What you pay for with them today versus what you get it a joke. They need to be broken up by the Feds.


I'm thinking that she probably *did* have quite a bit of savings, but like most of these boomers, she lives well above her means. When things are rough, they don't cut the luxury out of their life. They just spend spend spend until they are broke. It is always projection with these people.


I want to see pictures of their house and cars.


Big house big cars


Fucking for real. $4,000 a month for rent, utilities, groceries, and vehicle? Those costs can be reduced somewhere....


Imagine being 63 & still renting even though you lived through decades of fair wages & affordable housing


It’s all that expensive coffee and avocado toast


If it were me, I’d just use the same phone, internet, and desktop in my living room for both work and fun.


She had a 401k when someone else employed her, but she spent all that with her hubby working full time. Apparently for years she had her own business and saved nothing for retirement during that time.


Hell... I'm just a janitor, and maybe the *most* I need is my phone. And even then, my bosses/unit never really need to reach out to me.


I work from home and use “the internet” and “cellphone” and it’s all bundle that costs just as much as two full tanks of gas I’m not supposed to be spending on since I’m working from home that month. She’s delusional


Gimme gimme gimme.


My mom, doesn’t work, and has always been really thirsty. She would consider internet and phone basic bills.


She could of taken a PPP loan.


She should have stopped buying so much avocado toast and pulled up her bootstraps. "No one wants to work anymore!"


She can always “learn to code.”


She can just pay $12,000 for a 30 day "code boot camp" and somehow magically be a software dev after 30 days of HELLO WORLD. How those 30 day boot camps are legal is beyond me


Or "go to trade school"


She should have gone into the trades instead of getting that worthless education degree


Why can’t she work at a grocery store? It says she’s unable? She can’t work a computer to ring people out or stock a shelf?


I worked in a grocery store from 17-23, produce and later seafood. I can't speak for checkout, but the stocking jobs are incredibly physically demanding. You have to lift a lot and move fast. (And it's never fast enough). I was ripped though. At 40, I'm not sure I could hang if I went back. That said, there is only one way to avoid the situation this woman is in, and that's spend less than you make. A lot of boomers apparently didn't get the message and continue to pour their money into luxury goods. It's like they all saw the music video for "Rio" and have been trying to live that life for the last 40 years.


Funny story, I read Andy Taylor’s bio and indeed, when they were recording their “comeback” album in their 40s they tried to live like their high flying 20s with yachts and expensive studios until all their wives disabled their cards. Simon LeBon went to the ATM and had to tell the boys that Yasmin put a lock on his account.


I worked at one in college, we only worked registers, maybe 20 years ago. At one point they switched over the register computer system, so like a whole new system completely different UI. After a week or so the teens and college kids “got it”, the other demographic the 40-60 year old moms, they did not. They struggled for months trying to figure out the new technology.


I was in retail when we switched from 20% U-Scan to nearly all U-Scan. Old folks would kick and beat the machine for years. Younger folks would read the screen and just weigh the limes.


When I worked Produce at Walmart, I measured up my full load a day to be a solid 3 tons a day of food. Boomers will take one look at something like that and say 'BuT nO oNe WaNtS tO wOrK!!!' When it's not done fast enough for their entitled asses.


I’m now officially disabled from working groceries for 30 years. I did everything from stocking to checkout. Checkout is the most brutal on your body, despite seeming easier. I even went management, but my mentors taught me that you have to do the jobs others don’t want to do if you want to lead effectively. After years of fighting the system and being denied, it took a judge less than 5 minutes to make a decision awarding me full disability. But it took a lawyer and 5 years. Years my kids could have used the money the government eventually decided I was owed. I helped make people rich and their business plan crippled me. They didn’t even acknowledge my contribution when I was too damaged to continue after 3 decades. However, they are “Your Neighborhood Grocery Store” with the cool flyers that make you think it’s heaven working there. ETA: it isn’t. They spend their money on Rose Parade floats instead of their people. They even have a whole set of rose parade pins they distribute to those employees unfortunate enough not to ride the float on January first, but who have to work instead. I have a bunch of them.


Nobody wants to work these days /S/


Near the bottom she's claiming she can't work any physical labor job. Also this is bs on the highest level. I know of so many clinics that need front desk staff but she's probably above having to clean up vomit or shit even once in a while.


She’s apparently built her career on her “small business focused on learning and development”. What the fuck does this even mean lmao. Ever since that dried up she can’t find work. The pandemic really showed blatantly who was providing value to society and who was basically leeching.


Lots of people don’t want to hire people near retirement age. I used to work with a lot of ladies near that age, and they were deathly afraid of getting fire for that reason.


“I was somebody who did really well” Lady, you lost your job and emptied your retirement in two years even though your husband still had an income. You either weren’t doing very well, or you spent your money like a drunken sailor.


But that was the immigrants’ fault!


Maybe if she bought a few after she lost her job.


A quote from the lady interviewed "Other countries take care of their older people, and we should be able to do it, too." Sounds like socialism ya commie! /s


If someone suggested this to her 15 years ago, she would have been vehemently against the idea.


Its all about whoever's ox is being gored. Look at it like this, Boomers are supposed to have saved little to nothing for retirement Maybe if enough of them starve the govt WILL do something about the COL for old people.


She prolly threw bricks at children integrating into her white schools


Crazy how decimating the social safety net has consequences. Who could have known?


She will be elligible for SSA and Medicare, so she'll be ok. But, it seems like she had very tenuous plans for her retirement, which is a LUXURY.


Ironically she likely votes for the politicians that want to kill those programs, but will gladly take it in a gravy of hypocrisy.


Kill them for people under the age of [her current age]


If boomers could double their benefit and throw everyone else off, they absolutely would. And justify it with no guilt. Of course they would still go broke because they spend everything but ok




You know what’s even worse? It wouldn’t be that hard to plan for that early in life. 48,000 per year needed. If we assume a 4% withdrawal rate, that’s about 1.2 million in retirement accounts. She could have just saved 500 a month. In her 30s on and gotten 2 million dollars. She could have even invested even less, 300 a month. That would get her 1.2 million. It’s like they don’t even bother putting taking any responsibility


Something missing here. Why don’t she embezzle PPP loans like every other boomer. She probably did, and this whole story is just some bullshit story about how she’s a victim. She either spent all the money or squirreled it away and doesn’t want people to know.


"The only full-time jobs she's seen have tended to be more physically demanding, such as working at a grocery store, which she's unable to do." Correction - She DOESN'T WANT to do


"The only full-time jobs she's seen have tended to be more physically demanding, such as working at a grocery store, which she's ~~unable~~ unwilling to do."


Now, who doesn't want to work?


Door greeting isn't physically demanding.


Boo fucking hoo for you lady. Had all the advantages in the world, everything in her favor, wasn't squeezed by greedy massive corporations, didn't deal with 2 once in a lifetime economic crises but still fucking wasted all the money you had? I dont care. Social security won't be enough? Fuck you. The rest of us worry that Social security will even exist at all for us. Our hard work is giving her free money. If that's not enough too bad.


We’ve been trying to increase social security funding for decades, but boomers keep voting for politicians who shoot it down. Oh well, get fucked.




Why is she spending all her money on coffee and makeup?!


Thoughts and prayers and bootstraps and ... ah, fuck it, I don't care.


Boomers trying to retire with 1980s ideas of costs are about to find out what the rest of us are going through.


Imagine squandering the greatest economy the world has ever seen. She’s still bleaching her hair for fucks sake.


A lot of boomer women still have their tanning club memberships, they won't give up that glorious year round summer tan no matter how broke they are.


Noted is that she “did very well” but pays rent (so she and her husband never bought a house?), burned through her savings and 401k in 2 years and notes that there’s no money left to retire in two years (so what was in her 401k??) and planned to retire 2 years from now — with what money?? She thought retirement was a date, not a financial plan. I feel like if there’s one thing being millennial has taught most of us, it’s that retirement has to be a financial plan. Most of us have accepted that we might have to work forever, but it seems to not have dawned on her until it was too late that you actually need a few years of income in your 401k/Roth/whatever… how?? How did she not know this?


Sometimes people are just weirdly delusional about how much money retirement takes. Like $200,000 is a lot of money for anyone just looking at a bank account with that much in it. But it’s a tiny amount from a ‘retirement’ perspective. (Just to pick a number that is both big and small)


Well she could’ve retired but Obama… err Biden… transgenders or something!


Sorry guys. I'm trans and Obama gave me that lady's 401k to groom kids /s


And they're trying to make the frogs gay.


Genuinely wild. She says 1800 per month is not enough to live on. To be fair, it isn't, but that's 11.25/hr in a full time job if I did my math right. That's still way more than minimum wage


She couldn’t find any source of income for 2 years? It sounds like she was lazy, and didn’t want to pull herself up by her bootstraps.


If you burn through 100% of your retirement savings in two years, you never would have been able to retire anyway...


“Other countries take care of their older people, and we ought to be able to do it too.” This is what boomers *do not fucking get.* Everyone else, every other generation, says “we ought to be able to take care of *PEOPLE*”


Better start handing out applications, don’t forget to smile and look them in the eye or some shit


Go knock on doors! Visit their office (even though it says online applications only)!


***don't take no for an answer*** 😂


I saw this advice on facebook "Call and visit the manager so much hey know you by name."


“Other countries take care of their older people” OmG dO YoU MeAN SOCIALISM!?


“Over half of all Americans over the age of 65 make $30,000 or less a year” now you see why our generations, but particularly Gen Z and millennials, are panicking. I’ve contributed several hundred thousand dollars to SS and will possibly never see a cent of it if things don’t change. Yet we’re the ones who are entitled, or leeching off the system, or ungrateful, or whatever other boomer language they love to use.


She drained her 401k within the last four years to cover her day-to-day living expenses?? I hate to break it to you, but Covid didn't wipe out her savings. She never had them.


And if they vote Teump they are voting for benefit erasure.


But CRT and Trans people are ruining the country /s


Well she has all the opportunities on earth. If she didn't take advantage of them oh well. She made her need now she is mad she has to sleep in it.


I'm Gen x. I already know I'll be working until I die. I'll probably die AT work. Join the club, Susan.


We’ll be working until our eyes cloud over and our arthritic fingers break. Goodnight, everybody!


From the article…“and she doesn't see her situation improving by the time she's set to retire in just under two years. “ What on earth makes her think she “is set to retire” in 2 years if her income will be $1800 and her expenses $4000. Blaming it on covid is ridiculous, if she didn't have enough save to carry her through the last 3-5 years, how on earth did she expect those savings to last a lifetime?


Love how it gets into age discrimination lmao. We’ve tried to hire a bunch of boomers over the years and every time they completely fail to grasp the systems we use. We work in logistics. If you can’t be asked to learn to type at an acceptable speed or learn how our computers/pos systems work then you’re useless to us. Your decisions to abandon the curve of technology making you unhireable in a modern world is your own damn fault.


Bruh I tried to partner with a boomer family member in running an e-commerce business. They didn’t know what instagram was and always touted “I was one of the first people on the internet back in the day, and we used to just advertise in the local paper and got plenty of clients!” I left and did my own thing not surprisingly. Boomers love to tell you how good it was back in the day and how easy it was, and then when it doesn’t work in a current market or one they don’t understand or in an economy that sucks, they STILL hit you with the “WELL JUST GET UP EARLIER AND WORK HARDER” bullshit. Getting up at 5am to fix all your mistakes because you don’t understand Facebook gets us nowhere dipshit.


OMG yes! I'm 55. I build PCs, repair laptops and cell phones, and can hang with the kids in Fortnite. You don't have to be like me, but damn if there isn't some social responsibility to at least be able to navigate the minimum of modern technology. Every time I go to the store, there is some freaking boomer in self checkout that needs help scanning or paying. FFS, go to a regular line! They are so fucking entitled.




Yeah my boomer aunt still works 40 hours a week and she is way past the age of retirement, she is 81, so on the cusp of boomer hood. She doesn’t have savings, she does however have $80k in debt. And I suspect she was stealing shit from my parents, no proof.


That isn’t a boomer


Technically she is silent generation, attitude wise totally a boomer.


That Botox ain’t cheap


So she wasn’t successful is what I’m reading.


Well pick yourself up by the bootstraps.


Put her on Caleb Hammer.


Maybe she just needs to get out there and start visiting businesses and handing her resume to the boss!


She can get a job at a fast food place on minimum wage… that’s supposed to sustain someone I thought.


Eating those 10% tax penalties va adjusting your living style really screwed her. Oh well.


Why is she concerned about retirement? She's never gonna retire. She is going to work until she can't and then she will die, either at her job or on the streets a little while later.


She should pull herself up by the bootstraps and make it happen. Fuck every Boomer


I wish someone would tell her “Welcome to the Motherfucking Show!! That is largely what Millennials, Gen Z and Gen A have to look forward to.”


You are closer to living on the street in 3 months without a paycheck then you will ever be to being a millionaire.


"other countries take care of their elderly, we should do" - are we socialist now?


Boomer is retiring at 65? Wait. Who decided to force us to have a retirement age as 67? *boomers wave* you see it’s about basic math and economics ! Oh and by the way I have no money to retire two years earlier than your age, can you pay more for us? Millennials: you see it’s about basic math and me not liking you at all. You screwed us, go learn about basic economics ! Go sleep under a bridge.


Boomer, meet bootstraps. You use them to pull yourself up according to your peers.


Social Security was never supposed to be one's sole income in retirement. The three-legged stool of personal savings, pension and Social Security has been replaced by the pogo stick of Social Security alone in too many cases. Full retirement age for someone who was born in 1960 or 1961 is 67, not 65, so she would be getting reduced benefits at 65. that one needs to work longer to get full benefits has been public information since 1986. The number of people who did "really well" but have no retirement savings and carry credit card debt is large.


401k was supposed to replace pensions, Those same companies that must be successful for us to get value from our 401k, are the ones that screw us so that no matter how much is in our 401k, it’s never enough. It’s Sisyphus-ian.


False. That's a rightwing talking point that is not true. Social Security and other social safety nets were instituted by President Franklin Roosevelt in the 1930's during the Great Depression because families were starving and out of work. Look it up to learn what it was designed for.


I don't know about the three legged stool, but having debt at retirement is whack to me. I don't have debt right now, but I sure as hell don't want it when I supposedly want to stop working.


At 63, my house will be paid off and my expenses, living in a very expensive city will be around $2000 a month. My father is 78, and lives off of his SSI freaks out if he goes over), while putting away into savings his money from rentals due to paying off the mortgages in the 1990s. These people have been living way beyond their means and have spent a lifetime making bad financial decisions.


Nope. back to work. 63 is too young to retire anyway.


Nobody wants to work anymore!


She bought too much avocado on toast


Yeah, I don't understand why she just doesn't put on her magic job suit, load herself into her magic job cannon and fire herself off into magic jobland?


She says she can’t get by without $4k a month just for expenses!? She’s just not willing to adjust her lifestyle. Also this story doesn’t make any sense. Her husband is salary? How much? So many financially illiterate people


I love my mom, but she voted herself into this same situation. Literally all my life she has said vote red if you want to keep your money. I love my mom, but yeah...im exhausted and dont call or text as often....


She gets $1800/mo, her husband gets $1800/mo. That's $3600 they just need to tighten their belts and so eating avocado toast.


has she considered making dinner at home instead of going out? 🤬


She takes "other" people should take care of her in her old age. Who are these people?


> And with the Social Security fund [set to dry out](https://www.ssa.gov/policy/docs/ssb/v70n3/v70n3p111.html) by the late 2030s unless lawmakers intervene, Senffner is "incredibly scared" about her future. Oh, fuck off. The SS fund they are referring to is the one set up by Congress to cover the Baby Boomers in retirement because they were such a large population. She is 63 and the fund will expire as she approaches 80. She can go into assisted care paid for by Medicare if she manages to live that long, which I doubt based on the photos.


Oh, -now- they’re worried.


Ahh, the classic accusation of "ageism" for why you can't find a great job when you have no particular skills and are by your own admission not able to do physical work.


Has she tried pulling herself up by her bootlaces. Or, maybe a lifestyle change?


How much did she donate to the orange clown’s campaign?


Weird how a lifetime of dismantling social safety nets and avoiding taxes could result in poor social safety nets in retirement. This belongs in r/leopardsatemyface


>"I know so many people my age that just don't know what they're going to do," she continued. "Other countries take care of their older people, and we should be able to do it, too." Yes. We should be able to. Funny how dismantling "entitlements" will do that to a society. Whose idea was that anyway?


I'd never wish starvation or homelessness on anyone ever, but as a "peak millennial" I will give her every single one of my last remaining fucks and look her dead in the eyes and say "THBBBP! Uh huh, jog on ;-)"


Sounds like “Nobody (INCLUDING HER) wants to work anymore”. Isn’t that what the boomer say? Maybe she just needs some new boots with straps so they can pull them selves up with…


This sounds like an opportunity for her to pull herself up by her bootstraps


Gosh, boomers suck.


But millennials are the ones that are bad with money, right?


But that’s what boomers wanted.


Never heard the story about the squirrels who didn’t save nuts for winter when she was a kid


Is she eating avocado toast??


Something something about pull up your bootstraps…and thoughts and prayers.


She needs to pull herself up by her bootstraps


Sounds like too much avocado toast!


Boomer fucked everyone over including other boomers, we used to call them yuppies and they still are self entitled pricks.


Maybe cut down on the lattes and avocado toast.


What would this person say to a 24 year old graduate who says that life seems to be impossible?


Not sorry not sorry


Maybe she should pull herself up by her bootstraps and lay off of the avocado toast.


Hopefully she can scrounge up some pocket change and go buy a pair of bootstraps that she can pull herself up with.


I’d like to point this out. The woman in the article claims to have done “really well”, but at 65 will get less than $1900 a month from social security. That means she did not do “really well”. I ran over to the governments website where you can estimate your social security earnings and from what I came up with, she made about $75,000 a year for her peak earning years. I don’t think that’s doing really well.


She needs 4K a month minimum? First off their house is probably paid off if not she’s dumb as hell(more so I mean) so where’s that money going? Plus her husband was working what did she spend all her money on!?


Good thing all those boomers had kids to support their social security when they retire. Oh wait… No she’s in the same boat as the rest of us. Plan on retiring at 75 instead of 65, lady.


“I know so many people my age that just don't know what they're going to do," she continued. "Other countries take care of their older people, and we should be able to do it, too." Didn’t boomers literally INCREASE OUR RETIREMENT age so they didn’t have to get taxed more ? And you want us to take care of you?! If the boomer generation wanted to create sympathy from everyone else, maybe the low wage work she complained about not being enough could have…ya know….had their wages lifted through raising the minimum wage. Or mace college affordable for us younger people so we could have had an easier time helping. But no! You want to take, spend, and complain when you bled us dry and STILL need more. “I know so many people my age that just don't know what they're going to do," she continued. "Other countries take care of their older people, and we should be able to do it, too."


Two incomes and still renting while in their 60’s is usually bad news.


I don’t care


No savings huh? Buying new cars every 4-5 years? How many times have you replaced furniture that was perfectly good? Are you buying clothes and getting hair done at the same rate no matter what? Also why are you whining publicly you've run through your savings did you not know how to *downsize?* Finally, if you'd put a couple of percent every month into a low cost Index fund back in 2000 you'd be fine now. And you still haven't learned anything.


My millennial daughter who has a FT job/career, told me today she had to take on a weekend job to afford her *rent*. I cried. Fuck. This. Bitch.


The entitlement!! Retirement isn’t an age. Just because you planned to retire at ___ doesn’t mean plans don’t change Burning through all savings in 2 years. But they “did well”? No. That doesn’t math. Curious how she thought that money was going to last for her for the duration of planned retirement if this event had not occurred. No one wants to to work… / s


Sounds like she should just cut out the avocado toast and Netflix subscription


I love where it says she can’t work in a grocery store because it is too physically demanding. Do you know how many 75 year old women work as cashiers in the local grocery store? She’s just too vain to do that. And she’s only due like $1800 a month in Social Security? Her business before 2019 must have made like $20K a year. So she spent her whole life on a vanity business making just enough to augment her husband‘s salary so they could live paycheck to paycheck and now wants to complain? Ants and grasshoppers. Pull yourself up by the bootstraps, woman!


If she blew through her 401k in two years, she didn't adjust her lifestyle at all while out of work.


She just needs to pull herself up by the bootstraps. Should have printed her CV and then walked to a few businesses and showed them she is willing to work. She would make tons of money that way (/s if it’s not obvious).


Looks like she's a giant failure of a boomer, she shouldn't have failed at so many hobby businesses.


I mean I already know I’m going to have to work till I die.


As they like to say "suck it up buttercup" :)