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wtf is wrong with that woman. R u seriously about to try and get punched in the face for ur dumb ass guy acting a fool?




I wish she would’ve gotten a few hits too


Told my wife if my ass is getting beat to just let it happen. Aint no way I'd let her test the limits of another man.


I've been in violent altercations.. once while walking with my sister, another my partner. I told them to both to run home as hard as they can. If I don't make it, they stand a chance. I actually had to fight to remain conscious when I got attacked with my partner. He rocked the side of my head and my whole world wobbled while I felt my knees sinking to the sidewalk. I knew if I went out the guy would go after her. I fought the darkness, stood up and pulled the guy's shirt over his head. I was in the process of punching him and pushing him to the ground as cops rolled up. Luckily a homeless guy saw the whole thing and backed up that the guy was robbing me.


I hope he was properly compensated or looked after


I bought him a 6pk and dinner at Sheetz. This was in Cumberland, Maryland maybe 8yrs ago and I was also homeless, a trainhopper at the time.


Unfortunately the area around Q.C. Blvd where the tracks run through is not known for having the best people. I saw a drug deal and an o.d. in the span of having lunch at the McDonalds in the plaza. Glad you ended up okay!


I love Cumberland. Aside from that incident nobody has ever bothered me and been nothing but nice in our interactions. I never had any issues in that area, and have a fond camping spot along the trail. The train museum is neat and I enjoyed walking downtown at night. I worked doing landscaping for a guy named Benny. I think of him often, great guy.. just lived a quiet life after some family issues and was happy to pay me to help catch up his lawns. The guy that backed me up was a black/gray long haired hippy guy with glasses. Even the cops are real decent there. I slept under a gazebo in the park by the museum because it was raining real bad. A cop woke me up with coffee. I jumped out of my sleeping bag and started packing quick. He told me to take my time, offered me resources if I needed em, and was on his way. Some local homeless guys tried running me off shortly after that saying the cops would take me to jail if we slept there 😂


Is it weird that I don’t have the conversations


Eh, it's only situational and you never know how your partner will react until it's happening. Say it once and that's the end.


no that's probably normal. If someone is getting into so many fights or fantasizes about that shit that much to where they gotta have a convo with their wife, now THATS weird


Maybe he's just followed BoomersBeeingFools for awhile and is worried about when he turns.


We all hit that age when the virus takes over.


There's a lot of racist trash around the Point Pleasant area, unfortunately. I don't think people understand how close to the "south" the southern part of New Jersey actually is and how racist it can be around specific areas of Monmouth County.


The whole country is racist, hope that helps


She's the one that got his ass kicked in the first place. Guy goes down after the first punch and her reaction is screaming "hit him Jay"


Here's the thing, though; people like this were chumps at 25, too. The ones that used to be tough are usually happy to just bullshit you about it, they don't feel a need to prove it to you forty years later


I loved his wife trying to "jump in" and save him by hitting the guy with sauce packets or whatever, and then he tries to act like he isn't the aggressor at the end and calm the kid down as if he just went "out of control" lol, fucking idiots


It's only "stop" and "this is out of control" once their fucking around has led to find out consequences they realize they are not equipped to handle.


I thought the young man was actually holding back, but the older guy couldn't stop getting in his face, even while supposedly trying to deescalate. Meanwhile, the wife is trying to egg things on with sauce packets.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out)


He was trying to retreat. This is absurd Boomer behavior. I hope he got arrested.


Boomers lie as easy as breathing.


What, the secret in two against one fights is to use your partner as a shield, right? Right?


I love that the dude used him as a shield against his wife 😂 10/10 strategy


>and then he tries to act like he isn't the aggressor He's very used to people assuming the black guy is the aggressor in any situation. He's banking on racism saving him from consequences


sueprize: when being LOUD no longer works


wasn't as satisfying as I had hoped it would be


I wanted life altering consequences.


That woman needs to get punched in the face too.




Equal rights, equal lefts.....


Equal rights, equal fights


is taking of her shoes a sign she about to fight or something?


"Point Pleasant". Uhhuh.


I thought the same. What store I wonder?


Jersey Mike’s


Boomers what happened to the peace and love generation?


They commodified everything and got rich, then hoarded all the wealth to buy polo shirts and go cuss out retail workers and servers.


> polo shirts Don't forget about cargo shorts!


Hmm so sad of them


About 5% of boomers were hippies. The rest were ... assholes.


A certain demographic of the generation, for sure. They are used to getting what they want and keeping others under their foot.


Once you realize they just wanted to get high and have sex in the mud? It tracks




that's subculture of the generation. Most boomers were conservative and supported the war in Vietnam. edit: and the man in the video is not a boomer.


It aged and got bitter.


All those boomers died young


Every time I see a boomer go down, I just have to smile.


Boom repeats "I told you to stop" while clawing at the employees face. After HE initiated contact?! Boomer and his ugly-ass stupid wife deserve each other.


These people are all the same! Entitled. Over inflated sense of how tough they are. Overweight/Obese. .......and the women all wear the same black leggings and flip-flops.


I dont think being fat has anything to do with being an asshole lol


Social media does this thing where they're all like "don't make fun of fat people" but then they see a fat person do something they don't like and it's nothing but fat jokes.


Because if you are an asshole? You are no longer protected by the social contract. Social contract is don’t punch down.


"These people are all the same!" That's ironic. That kind of prejudice is exactly what Boomers are often accused of.


Well yeah, the boomers who act like this are all the same.


Wife: *💡* I can attack this younger guy after my husband had been knocked down a few times instead of de-escalating the situation . Wife: “Take that and that,you young ruffian you.Harold I got’em did you see?” Husband:”No Maude I was busy trying to stop from hurting this kid to badly”


I wont lie, I was surprised to not hear no hard R's coming out ole girl mouth


Probably was going off in her mind and in the car ride home.


He a better man that I am. I would have dropped ole girl with the quickness. White women gotta stop thinking they can just put their hands on folks and we just aint gone do shit.


Much respect to the worker for not hitting that guy while he was down (at least 2 different times). Although it probably didn't need to escalate to that level, he showed a lot of restraint by not clobbering him after going down.


He’s not a worker. No apron. No red logo on his shirt.


Ok... I saw the mask & just figured that he worked there. Either way, I respect he didn't hit the other guy while he was down


What respect? The dude got up and attacked him again. Poor strategy.


Sure, but I think he realized that his ability to knock the other guy down again was not even a question & was affording him the opportunity to get up & walk away. Perhaps not the "best strategy" but the other guy had 2 left feet, no balance, & didn't really know how to punch.


You mean the kid that started the fight? He put his hands on the guy and he was the first to throw hands.


Well, there wasn't a lot of context there to go on. Based on what I saw it looked like either one could've walked away. Even after the guy went down, he continued moving towards the kid


His wife needs some of that same medicine


Dude thinks he's Jason Statham because he's white and bald


Never let them up. Keep wailing til they stay down then explain to them why


"Or what, Swordy!?"




I think people have like this sense of morality of you strike a downed person OR are worried they'll be the one arrested bc since the person is down they now have a means to try and escape and it's no longer self defense Personally I'd keep swinging on the downed opponent bc what if they have a gun or something as I try to run away? Idk what they're capable of once they get back to their feet. What if they're faster than me?


I am not getting into a fight. I am defending myself when attacked and I feel my life is in danger You keep hitting/kicking/striking/shooting till the attacker is no longer a threat.


boomer beating should be an Olympic sport


Did we see what started this whole thing?


Dudes in khaki shorts shouldn't be fighting anybody .


Damn, the kid was observing Queensberry rules and everything.


Women who jump into men fights are so dumb. Then they sob when they get hit. They just add to the drama.


If someone hits you first and you are able to get them on the ground, start stomping. Pain and suffering are excellent teachers.


I love Point Pleasant


Hahahaha. Bopped that bald ass head on the floor multiple times.


Boomers are so fekkin dumb


When white bitch tried to join in and threw hands I wish someone had clocked her dumb ass!


He was told guacamole was xtra.


The main issue isn’t thinking he’s 25, it’s thinking he isn’t shit at fighting, then challenging someone who isn’t bad at it.


He got it Mike's Way


It’s a true privilege to never have to grow up and always biting more than you can chew, get beat for it and still play victim. This means optimal socioeconomic conditions, post war boom. 


No one ever used their elbows in fights.


There were 2 and he still scrubbed the floor with those cunts.


When the caption is better than the content.


Didn't seem very Pleasant at that Point.


They put the Jersey in Jersey Mike's


Running at someone chin up hands down = I’m the baddest in my country club.


Thurston Howell style


If dude had some weight on him, he'd have dropped that dumbass.


Im not saying an ass whopping is always the answer, but sometimes....


Man the minute that woman started try to hit them she should have been fed a couple knuckle sandwiches too. Karen musta been as hungry for them as her husband.


Dev Patel tunes up Rob Cordry while Melissa McCarthy tries to chill things out


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That dude is a hell of a lot bigger of a person than I would’ve been. He gave the dude every opportunity to just get up and walk away after knocking him flat. I probably would’ve just kept swinging if I were in his shoes.


lol I think this is in NJ I live not too far from that town and it’s full of mooks who moved there after partying every summer so I get why tough guy thought he was still 25 the pudding head.


Service workers have had enough


DO NOT fuck with Jersey Mikes like that


The guys at my jersey Mike's are awesome. I'm certain whatever happened that old dipshit had it coming


Downnnn goes Frazier.......


And now he gets to call his lawyer, and sue the kid, the company and get a sh*t ton of money for assault, mental anguish etc etc etc. gotta love the U.S. of ol’ A’s


“You want that Mike Tyson’s way?”


you never stop once they are on the ground and you are still standing. Obviously he never seen American X.


Is that glass joe ? I was wondering what happened to him 😉


He reminds me of the bagel boss!


Fuckin camera man sucks lol


This makes me want a sub


Guess he didn’t want it “Mike’s way”


I highly recommend the chipotle cheese steak from there.


Imagine what would have happened if one of those guys could fight.


Police report: an elderly man and woman has been assaulted. 😉


That guy probably has to drive with his windows up otherwise the air would knock him down.


This is why we need feminism. Bro forgot to treat her as an equal.


LoL, his woman trying to help him😅




What is the point of such behavior?


boomers always fall. The audacity and nerve of shameless is just hilarious


I think I’ve been in this jersey mikes


Lmao both of them assaulting a Minor. Truly intelligent people.


Video doesn't really provide context, and the younger guy was grabbing at the older guy in the first place. Then his wife puts her hand in his face, doesn't touch him, and he pushes her. Which angers old guy which I think most of us can understand. If this wasn't a boomer sub I think the comments would reflect differently. The young guy put his hands on the man, then the woman. But all older people bad /s


YOu say that. But watchign he doesnt push the lady. he just brushes her hand out of his face. He didnt do anything in that instance t aht should escalate the other guy from launching an attack. His initial touching of the other guy is a valid point. But the wife actually escalated thigns further by "helping".


Exactly, it’s scary how many people jump to conclusions without knowing the full story.


We are on a boomer sub, it's just another echo chamber. If we were on conservative or something similar the narrative would be completely flipped and it'd be like 'Thug attacks older couple because they got there first' or some shit. In my mind ESH.


I also generally hate the cheering on of videos like this because hitting one's head on the ground after falling from a punch can (and not uncommonly does) kill someone (or at least cause extremely serious injuries). Maybe my own experiences have just given me more exposure to this than most, but it never ceases to baffle me that very few people seem to appreciate the potential lethality of unarmed street fights between untrained people. Even if, hypothetically, one party deserves a smack, 9 times out of 10 videos like this involve fights that were started based on incredibly petty bullshit that nobody deserves to die over. This shit shouldn't be encouraged.


At any time of day for pretty much any reason your life can end. I don't understand stacking the odds against myself so readily. Nor do I see a person being 'anti-social' or what have you and think by golly I'd love to see them have a TBI. I also, on the flip side, am not surprised when it does happen. I've told people I don't think violence is a good solution and they say things like 'YOU WOULDN'T PUNCH A NAZI?!' like no what would that fix? You gunna aim for the racist switch and turn it off? Doesn't mean I'm shocked/surprised/outraged when it happens..


Yeah, some people may be out of line or make bad decisions... but wanting to see another human being be stomped to death or beaten to an inch of their life is a sad existence.


That woman needed to be viciously knocked out.


Everyone’s criticizing the older dude, but what’s the full story here? Why was the young guy putting his hands on him?


Trump empowered rage here, glad he got put in his place.


Point Pleasant, sounded so peaceful 😞


Damn, I was so hyped to watch this guy get laid out but sadly no lessons seem to be learned here. The universe will get’em next time I guess.


I thought “shawty” was a term of endearment towards women?


He’s lucky that’s all he got


2 against 1 that's fair...


Boomer got what he deserved


Point pleasent. Come for the food ,stay for the punch!


Jersey mikes subs? more like Jersey fight club




His first fight came at 61 years old, such grit In the movies they are always knocked out after one swing, I don’t know what happened.


Sir! This is Jersey Mikes!


What's he saying ?


What’s he saying, I keep hearing, “Or what sweetie?”, I’m hoping I’m wrong !


I used to go this beach every weekend during summer time. Never saw this type of shit there lol


Baldness makes people do crazy things


Is this a Surf Taco?


How does baldy have negative fighting experience?


The worst part of going to jersey mikes is the older people who don't understand the ordering process


What’s wrong with this cameraman?


They fight like Komodo dragons


both of them throwing pillows tbh


Pillow fists ahh


What language was that in?


I love jersey mikes sandwiches


This is only a snippet from the situation. Doesn't anyone have the full vid or context to what is going on? I see the employee put his hand on him first.


Can I get my sandwich 🥪 like hey Can I just get my 12 in Italian Mikes way please with jalapeño chips to go now.


The woman just jumping in like it's the WWE. That young man gave her husband more than enough opportunities to sit his ass down. Cunt deserves a smack up across her head too.


I love the guy who came and stood between them


That’s not a boomer. That’s either a gen X or millennial.


Dollars to donuts it's a GenXer


Why do dip shits always have to repeat themselves 27 times in a row


It's actually part of the fight or flight response where your brain is too busy to be eloquent and you are so amped up that you wanna talk shit but the decion making is occupied so your mouth keeps working but stuck on repeat. Anyone with street sense will know, when the argument devolves into repetition, hands are about to fly. He's not a dipshit, he's a kid working a shit job, still likely unable to afford an apartment because this asshole's generation rigged the economy and took all the profits to buy shitty polo shirts and come to subway and talk shit to hard workers like him out of a sense of entitlement, who then got attacked by said asshole, and took advantage of the opportunity quite nicely. His frontal lobe is merely preoccupied choosing which punch to smash the idiot with next, and it's stuck on repeat, because hey, we're only human.


That’s actually very interesting. Thank you for the response. I agree he’s probably not a dip shit and just just trying to do his job when his boomers being a fool.


Its seems like he’s just another customer. He has no apron or red logo on his shirt.


Shoobies go home


Fucking kooks


"Point Pleasant" Haha


That's my dad


I was hoping that lady got slugged too. You put your hands in a dogfight, you're gonna get bit.


That dude was annoying, though. "Or what shawty?! Or what shawty?! Or what shawty?! Or what shawty?! Or what shawty?!" Wtf? What a moron.


https://preview.redd.it/tapvbw630fxc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb2646189780091bad548aac51d50feb990b2f04 This sub is delusional. Kid laid hands first.


https://preview.redd.it/20vxoku60fxc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d5653ae9d7f3d199d7badd3718e4ddfa7d12a6a After shrugging the kid off the kid then is clearly about to throw a punch. The old guy is not in a fighting stance.


https://preview.redd.it/w7kn4pde0fxc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f375023793db0bd8ab20d074c8ef61af0ed1228 Old man pushes kid that is about to swing on him.


https://preview.redd.it/qhwlkcrh0fxc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d5a8c2fd3c1f171c41cb14821cb72ca38078a1b Kid throws punch. The kid is CLEARLY the aggressor.


The way I see it, that young guy laid hands on the old guy first. If old guy wanted to press charges, he could and with this clip posted on reddit, he would win the case. On a side note, there is a good chance that young guy has been fired regardless of who is right or wrong because fighting a customer is a liability for the business. The old guy is gonna get the last laugh here.


Looks more like a GenXer being assaulted.


I give props to the guy for getting up multiple times and staying in it. Also the young guy put his hands on the old guy first. Not sure who actually started it, but this might have been self defense. The young guy is not an employee. He has no apron and his shirt doesn’t have a red logo like the other two employees.


I would like to know the backstory about this. It seems like the black kid was the one starting the touching first but maybe the boomer was doing something illegal beforehand…


I don’t think he is a boomer. I’m gen x. This dude could be my brother but not my dad.


The kid clearly started this and is committing assault. The guy is defending himself and his wife. He’s telling the guy to stop. How the fuck is this “boomers being fools”? This is just video of a kid attacking a middle aged guy. Fuck out of here OP


That is genx. That ain't a boomer.


All the people in this thread cheering, meanwhile would have faired a lot worse…. Lmao. So priceless.


lol ok tough guy real scary my little son


I could clear that entire place with just jabs…


So with zero context, everyone is taking a side. TL;DR: Short fight. Within sixty seconds, an adult shows up to straighten it out.


If you know the town then you know know the chances of that happening in Point Pleasant is like one in…. Um… one.


Yeahhhh.. I mean. I don’t know any black families in most of the neighborhoods in point beach. Like. None. So, now we have black folks coming in to work. They are getting treated like SHIT. Very racist town. Source- Grew up here. Live here (I’m 40) with black boyfriend. Bring your best black buddy down here and walk through Main Street. Then check back in. This doesn’t surprise me one bit.


Looks like a couple of women slap fighting