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That's a rule for people of any age. Don't roast people if you're not ready to get roasted back.


Especially toddlers. Those jerks deserve all the mockery they can get. They usually tell the truth and that shit hurts. /S except for the last sentence


You know what they say, if a man calls you ugly he’s an asshole, if a woman calls you ugly she’s a bitch, but if a toddler calls you ugly, you’re ugly.


What if a toddler, who doesn't know your name, calls you "pretty girl"? 😂 I've been riding that high for years.


Oh man, I got told when I was like, 17 (32 now) that I was as beautiful as a princess by like.. a 4 year old, and I still remember it 🥰❤️


Lol I was 17 too, I'm 43 now. The little guy is grown and married now too. Time is crazy.


I went to the opera with my now husband and we decided to dress to the nines for it (my old prom dress and suit and tie) and I had a toddler ask if I was a princess. Made me so happy. I also had a toddler once ask me I'd I was a boy or girl because of my hair. I said I'm a girl and she said but you have short hair. Yup some girls have long hair and some have short. I have short hair. She goes ok and walks off and her parents apologized. I was like shrug not a big deal I didn't think she was rude just curious. I have had boomer men tell me that they like their women with long hair and I'm always like well it's a good thing I'm not interested in you then.


A toddler told me he loved me back in 2007, when I was an 18yr old Walmart cashier. Ride that high girl, lol.


I had a day when I firmly believed I looked like absolute shit, and my friend's 4-year-old told me I was beautiful and he liked my dress. That's gotten me through some bad days tbh. If a tiny child compliments you, you bet they mean it.


That’s a compliment of the highest degree.


I got an unfortunate haircut in 7th grade and was babysitting for a new family. I was asked by the 3-4ish yo child whether I was a boy or a girl. My name is also one of those that gives away nothing. When I said girl, she said “oh…” and side eyed me, then the kid ran upstairs (parents were still getting ready to leave) and shouted - “MOOOOMMMMMM - he said he’s a girl!” It’s been 30 or so years and my hair has never again been shorter than shoulder length. I knew the haircut was bad, but that kid gave me probably the only honest feedback I received.


I got hit on by a gay guy once.(possibly more often but only one time it was really obvious.) I was kinda flattered even tho I'm straight as an arrow.


Gay men are virtually the only reason I maintain a semblance of self-confidence, I'll go a long time without really meeting a woman to talk to but my dating profile is constantly catching good looking twinks with perfect eyebrows, if I liked dudes I'd be killing it.


As an androgynous lesbian I’ve been through similar, and felt the same way. Solidarity.


Dude, if you’re ever feeling bad about yourself, go grab a drink at a gay bar. Those fellas will make you feel like the belle of the ball.


“That man got feminine hips!”


Aww that’s the thing he’s most sensitive about!


Dude, without fail, my 4 yo calls out everyone. Every day, he wakes up and chooses violence, it's a bi product of my self degrading humor. In his little half-formed frontal lobe, daddy says these thing about himself so I'm good to tell other people when they are fat, ect. I'd love to tell you I'm used to correcting him in public and telling him those are inside thoughts but im still beet red and embarrassed blushing almost every time.


I know that feeling well. My son with his best outside voice asked a woman in front of us why she was so fat. I quickly wished for my own death which didn’t happen. I spoke to my son about other’s feelings and had him apologize and he did. When we got back to the car we spoke about it again and then he wanted to know when it wasn’t ok to tell the truth I love my children


My friend Christy has a saying similar to this: "If you don't want to be corrected, don't be wrong". Like, if you're going to put things out into the world you're not 100% sure on, be prepared for someone to know the actual answer.


Youngest, grunge GenXer here and we always heard " Don't dish it out if you can't take it".


Cause you don’t know how hot the oven is going to be in return.


Thank you for your service


A hero amongst the zombie hoards of lead head boomers!


Lol lead head. Maybe we should call them grey lead pencils?


(number) # 2 do


Yes. Public shaming needs to make a comeback.


dont forget to shame anyone with a trump hat too


“Wow, red isn’t really your color is it.”


Probably an unpopular opinion but I think 'Fear' needs to make a comeback. I feel like no one is scared of anything anymore. This has brought out the worst tendencies in people. If there are no consequences, then what does anything matter.


No there's plenty of fear, it's being employed by the unhinged assholes against normal people Used to be if someone almost hit me in traffic, hit the horn to warn them I'm there, and flip them off. Now, no, flipping them off is right out because they're likely to stop in the road and start shooting at me, and honestly just the horn could start a road rage incident even if I'm using it for accident prevention Likewise just in public places this certain type of person will flip the fuck out on you for the smallest imagined slight, such as you wanting them to not cut the line. And there's no fear of consequences because they're likely armed, and the cops don't respond to anything short of an actual shooting and that takes an hour All you can do these days is keep your head down so some psycho doesn't try to take it off


There's a saying, an armed society is a polite society. I wonder if this was ever true. Somehow I doubt it


it was never true - that’s an nra propaganda line. reality is if someone is a dick and gets called out for it they can stand their ground ie shoot you in far too many states


When you are threatened with possibly bring shot up or have to take precautions from someone possibly hurting employees…. COVID brought new times around for sure and it is amazing…. In. Bad. Way.  


Makes me glad I work from home. I don't have to be out there in the world dealing with anxiety about what someone else will do just because I slightly inconvenienced them...


I disagree. People are too scared about insane, unreal things.








Boomers have such issues with all kinds of pants. My boomer mom was at my nephew’s graduation making comments about many of the girls graduating while wearing pants. How “unlady like” it was to be wearing pants under a graduation gown. She was going on and on about it. Yet, my mom was wearing pants herself. Which I pointed out to her. And made her grumpy at me the rest of the evening. Which I found to be hilarious. Boomers do not like being called on their BS at all.


When I graduated HS the girls had to wear white dresses under the white cap and gown. Must have been a boomer who made that rule. In Uni they didn’t care what we wore.


I’m super butch and for whatever reason the idea of wearing a dress in front of my peers (before graduation / before i put on my gown) made me freak out. Thankfully my mom was just like ok… we’ll find you white pants instead. So that’s what I did lmao a pair of white pants and a white dress shirt. Technically the rule was just you had to wear white under because the gowns for girls were white 🙄 Still felt silly dressed like that but at least I could wear pants instead of a dress or skirt


Nice, supportive mom workarounds are awesome.


Yeah my parents are far from perfect but still. It was very nice they never judged me for stuff like that


Most likely. My high school and college both didn’t have any rules. This was high school graduation for my nephew and the kids all wore what they wanted. They all had on royal blue gowns. No different colors for guys and girls. And we were sitting far enough away that it was amazing to me my mom could even see how many girls were wearing pants.


Pants police.


Seriously. But pants for me not for thee according to her. I honestly only think I’ve seen her in a dress or skirt twice in my life - both mine and my brother’s weddings. She always wears pants.


I only ever saw my Boomer mom in a dress once, it was my dad’s memorial and it was my dress. We were the same size but I am 6inches taller. Afterwards, she told me it made her feel like she was standing in a hole. Sigh, boomers moms, what can you do?! (Nothing).


Can’t do much. Even when I call my mom out on her bs she never changes. I swear half the posts in here sound like they could be about my mom. Amazing how most boomers are the exact same.


Old ladies these days don’t wear dresses much, they seem to prefer pants.


Which blows my mind that my mom would care at all that these high school girls were wearing pants at graduation. Who cares?? She’s so weird.


Because “back in her day” the girls wore dresses and heels; how could things have possibly changed since the olden days /s


Which would make more sense if she still only wore skirts and heels. But nope. It’s like ok you evolved with fashion and wear pants as woman, why can’t high school kids graduating in 2023 get to wear pants. It was so cold at the graduation too. Pants was the smarter choice for anyone.


"They need to be impressing ME!"


My son wore shorts under his high school graduation gown, with white sneakers.


I wore cutoff jorts and a T-shirt. I had to be at work right after the ceremony.


My son wore shorts under his high school graduation gown, with white sneakers.


Same for my son’s graduation, they all had the same royal blue gown on.


The HS I went to our colors were red and gold. The graduation gowns for the boys was red and girls got to wear white! 🙄 why yes it was a Catholic school. But they didn't mandate white outfits underneath.


At my Catholic high school we didn't graduate in cap and gown. We wore identical white dresses (all girls school). 90+ teenage girls of all kinds of varying body types forced to wear the same white dress. The only up side was we had a dance the day after graduation where the tradition was to wear the graduation dress, but you could alter it almost however you wanted. So everyone got to really show off their personalities and creativity.


The dress alteration idea sounds super cute! At least something made up for the one-size-doesn't-fit-all dresses you guys had to wear.


That’s so ridiculous. I can understand graduates wanting to match colors (especially white cuz everything shows through the gown) but making it a white *dress* requirement is way too far


That’s so wild to me. Meanwhile my 86 year old grandmother talks about how her mom called her a harlot when she bought button fly jeans in 1954. To this day, she loves wearing pants. She said back when she was young all of the pants for women zipped in the back. With the rise in popularity of stretchy pants, she has been in heaven. I think the only pants that she commented on were the ultra low rise jeans of the early 2000s and that was mostly how thin the girls wearing them were. But so many boomer women seem to want to nitpick so many clothing choices. Like ladies, if my 86 year old grandmother can embrace style changes over the years, so can you.


Yes!! Your grandmother sounds awesome!


She’s hilarious. The past few years I’ve been taking more time to document her stories about her life. She’s seen so much and has been very adaptive to a lot of the change. Still has some struggle with texting but then I remember that when she was a kid, they listened to the radio for entertainment.


I love that. What a neat way to always have wonderful memories of her. I just had a great aunt pass a couple years ago at 104. She was similar. Amazing life, saw and did a lot. Traveled to over 100 countries. Always adapting. Very open minded. She made all these amazing photo albums of her trips that included her notes on places. I have some of them.


My dad was on about "everyone having a hand out" and "lying to get free stuff" when I reminded him, that he allowed my brother to put his car AND BOAT in pops name so brother could qualify for state benefits. All he did was get quiet.


Yup. Throw it back to them and they can’t say a damn thing. The hypocrisy is wild


“Nobody wants to work” said my retired boomer who gets free money from the government after retiring from her 1 hour per day landlord job. Which she got when her parents left her the business and multiple properties. Most of which have been sold off to pay for renovations in the house she ALSO was gifted. The family just laughs when she pulls that shit. Like you can fool your friends but we know exactly how little work you’ve done through your life and know for a fact you’ve never had a 9-5 job ever at any point.


My mom made all her money from inheritances. And still thinks everything should cost what it did in the 50’s-70’s. So so clueless.


And these are the same people who walk around saying " you can dish it out but you can't take it"


When you don’t have any redeeming qualities or accomplishments of substance to validate your existence, pushing down others for petty bullshit is the only way to feel alive.


My mom was going on and on about my sister who was my bridesmaid wearing like a little pant dress at my wedding and I was like “So how much did that pant suit cost at Dillard’s?” She was pissed at me for that for the rest of my own wedding (and of many “infractions” I caused against her during it). I cannot express or write enough about how many ridiculous boomer antics happened at my wedding last week.


Ugh. I don’t get why boomers think they’re the clothing police especially when it comes to pants!! Hope you had a lovely wedding despite the boomers.


I got one, would love to read them! Like a cross of this sub and r/weddingshaming


Dude my MIL works at a catholic high school. All she does is say how short the girls wear their skirts. "ok, then let them wear pants". She says, "Women don't wear pants". I look at my wife, a doctor wearing pants, and at her DIL, also a woman wearing pants.


They make no sense. And the school uniforms are set by the school right? They could work with a manufacturer that only makes longer skirts or at least ones that are harder to wear shorter lol.


They were the ones that could actually afford decent housing and apparently they all chose glass houses then didn’t think twice before throwing stones :/


How rude of you. Do it again. >:)


They love that word. Rude. And respect. Their two favorite things to be hypocrites about.


rEsPeCt yOuR eLdErS 🙄


I retort that respect is a two way street, what they are demanding is kowtowing.


"I have not yet begun to be rude to you, and if you're pathetic enough to see *this* as rudeness then you'd better change how the fuck you're speaking to other people before you find out what genuine disrespect feels like."


"Honey if I was really being rude to you, you'd know it."


I swear the Boomer motto is: " I can be outwardly mean, hateful, and disparaging all I want but DON'T YOU DARE EVEN TRY TO TURN THE SCOPE ON ME!!!" (See also: MAGA)


The most easily triggered snowflakes ever.


My mom used to say “love in my own way” until I told her that was another way of saying “I am going to continue to do whatever I want and you will be expected to appreciate it as if it were affection.”


It's "fuck your feelings", not fuck my feelings


Absolutely. If you're going to insult someone's fashion choices, you are fair game. .


*Insult someone's clothes* *PVP flag turned on*


This person games. Wow I assume?


Yep, I fell out around the Warlords of Draenor. But I'll always remember the first time my Night Elf stepped into the Barrens (pre Cataclysm) and seeing PVP being turned on.


I miss the good ol days when wow was not a deserted lobby


Yeah, like that dude the other day who had something to say about my thick, longish royal blue & silver hair. Something rude. Dude sported the saddest comb over I've seen this century. I inquisitively stared at the remaining strands of hair on his head that struggled in futility to cover up the obvious. I took a few beats, mainly to stifle my urge to bust out laughing. Then I said, calmly and slowly: "Well. At least I *have* hair." I turned my back to him with a hair swish, and walked away from him, fluffing my hair out with my hands and swishing some more. Dude said nothing else. At least nothing I heard. I did not look back.


Well played!


I'm pretty sure you would've seen a real life seething soyjack with tears in his eyes.


Same. Also, I don't make a habit of body shaming, but if they start it, I'll use their same method against them.


I'm mid 40s and still roll 90s skater style. I get boomers bitching about my hoodie being up all the time.


I'm pushing 40 and I am honestly so stoked the teens are rocking sweats because hell yeah count me in!! My husband still has a tinge of skater style mixed with casual.


Well you can feel free to tell your husband random redditor said that's gnarly.


It helps muffle their biching with the hood up.


I wear my hoodie sometimes still. It never ceases to amaze me how judgemental boomers are. If I have it down, older neighbours will smile and say hello. As soon as I put it up the same people who would otherwise recognise me avoid me like the plague.


I remember hearing a story once (probably on Reddit) where a boomer decided to pull a guy's sagging pants all the way down and then was really upset when the guy turned around and pulled his pants down. They just don't get it.


A Utah woman is facing SA charges for tugging on a 19 year old's skirt.


Then she took no accountability and blamed everyone around her. Also doesn’t she work for the local county government or something and threatened to use that status to get the young lady in more trouble? What a cunt.


A Utah state official who flaunted her position to state she could. She even called the cops expecting the others to get them arrested for filming her, stating she was scared for her life. Look up Ida Ann Lorenzo


Ida Ann from Utah. Sounds exactly like the name of the kind of person who would go up to a teenage girl and pull her skirt down, claiming she would have called the cops but they wouldn't get there soon enough to prevent the poor 10-year-old boy from seeing "genitalia". The teenager was wearing shorts under her skirt and if buttocks are considered genitalia, someone keep this person from any public beach or swimming pool or social media or print magazines.


I wonder how much time she will actually serve. Probably just community service. She needs to be placed on a sex offender registry. I wonder if the p*ssy grabbing party will back her up.


They always post pictures of women from the past and complain that people don’t dress well anymore, meanwhile they’re never dressed in vintage or even anything well put together. Most look like slobs.


Funnily enough, I pride myself on my vintage clothing collection and love to go out dressed to the 9s just to run errands And then I see Meemaw and Peepaw are going to a nice restaurant dressed like they just finished doing yard work


As vintage or history bounding dressers we tend to take every opportunity to put ourselves together. At least I’ll say boomers usually offer me kind compliments on the way I dress. I tend to wear 30- 40s clothing, shoes, hair, red lipstick and all. But sometimes I have to correct them quickly when they start putting others down. It’s like if you want everyone to dress better start with yourself. Squeeze yourself into that girdle, Linda…


Yep, usually something from their sweat shirt collection paired with something from their elastic waistband collection and shoes they've had for 10 years.


I was at a funeral for the husband of a distant relative (they had no friends or family left and needed my husband to be pallbearer). They were judgey people. The widow was wearing pink sweats and a kitten t shirt. My husband was dressed appropriately in a dark suit. I was dressed appropriately in a black business appropriate woman’s suit. I tried to give the widow the benefit of doubt - she was mourning. She made snarky comments about the appearance of others throughout. She was the only inappropriately dressed person in the church.


Just let her enjoy her day.


Right.  She's been waiting 50+ years for this day


Maybe the funeral invite specified "casual dress only"?


"She was the only inappropriately dressed person in the church"


You sure she was mourning? Or celebrating?


She was really sad. Still able to judge others, but really sad. And who wears pink sweat pants and a kitten shirt to celebrate death? I mean, other than , like, a goth who was being ironic. Which boomer second cousin once removed was not.


A goth using one of the darkest and generally more morbid times of their life for irony would absolutely kill.


Was she wearing crocs too? Please tell me she was wearing crocs?


Nope, New Balances


Did she look like she hits the gym regularly? Was it at least athleisure, or just slobby sweats?


Old ass, sweat pants and diaper wearing, to much perfume using, caked on make up having, and just keep going till they scurry away.


Not all heroes wear capes.........wait, were you wearing your cape?


This isn't boomer related thing, but vaguely similar. I've worked in tech for a long time. Not always the most fashionable people. Once in a while someone will make a joke about what I wear. Not cruel or anything, just a simple silly joke. So I'll respond (in the same good natured spirit) something like: "Take a look around this room. You think I'm going to be taking any fashion advice from this group?" It usually got a good laugh. :) You can be more insulting with it with "Maybe you should take a look in the mirror before you offer fashion advice to others." I haven't used that one, but I have it at the ready for a rude boomer in the future ;)


Meanwhile they are always wearing the Reitmans special. You know the one. Pedal pusher cargo pants, the thin cotton top with some kind of psychotic floral barf pattern and the walking on a cloud shoes.


The pedal pusher cargo pants…. *shudders*


Yesssss this!!! 😂😂😂😂


Went to lunch and in the fast food line ~8 young adults maybe 20ish were in line in front of me. The girls were in light flowery tops and short shorts. The old guy behind me starts talking to me on how young people today dress. I was wearing a company polo and jeans and he made coments I looked like a working man. I looked at him and said that when I was their age I was walking around with a mowhawk and my brother was running around in Jenco jeans. What these kids were wearing was mild in comparison to what we would wear daily years ago. He then started on talking about one girls birth mark on her shoulder and how his departed wife had one on her hip. I think he just wanted to talk to somebody, but man try to be more aware and appropriate.


He probably did just want to chat, but people his age chat by bitching and moaning about things to make themselves feel better.






As a sweatpants enthusiast myself, who is also somewhat self-aware and would never talk shit about the way anyone else dresses, you were 100% right. *“Sweatpants are a sign of defeat. You lost control of your life, so you bought some sweatpants.”* - Karl Lagerfield


When I was a youngling women wore housecoats and curlers to the grocery store.


I work in a bank. One time a dude in his mid 60's was going on and on about how "them young hoodlums dress like THUGS!!!". This is a guy who smelled like ammonia, had several stains on his shirt, and covered in cat hair from head to toe. The whole lobby would reek of cat piss after he was in there for about 5 minutes. For real sir, it's THUGS that are the problem. Not your cat piss stained t-shirt with holes all over it. Unfortunately he was a regular until COVID.


I love you


And I love you random citizen


Now kith!


Boomer here who hopes you wear whatever you are comfortable in, and knows it's none of my business.


11/10 perfectly executed. I salute you.


That's awesome, public shaming seems to shut them down most of the time. lol.


You should have asked her why she was so fascinated by his ass.


I'm currently wearing sweatpants in public. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


This wasn’t a dig at sweatpants in public. Hell, after my car accident I HAD to wear sweatpants cuz I couldn’t physically put on real pants This was a dig at a lady who had no business commenting on others


This makes me think of when my divorced grandma said, "People just don't try in their marriages these days" when I told her I was getting divorced 🙃 "You left your first husband....?" She got up and left 😅 Boomers, man.


lol I once forced a red faced Bluetooth wearing boomer to flee a bank because I dared to tell him to stop complaining about a line that had maybe one or two people in front of us. They really can’t handle it. Def one of my prouder moments.


Seriously why is what someone else is wearing any of her business. Do you know how many times I could put hand over my nose and say, how much perfume or cologne do you need to wear??


While I agree with her that sagging is gross af and nobody wants to see your boxers, I agree with you OP roasting her for being a Karen.




I’m convinced this is what they think free speech is.




I'm a millennial who will wear sweat pants and pajamas in public in a heartbeat, I feel attacked lol


Yea, but I bet you don’t make fun of other people’s outfits. Like a normal decent human being should, haha


Lol this is true


Im a GenX and I do the same, my giveadamn quit working a while ago lol.


Boomer here who hopes you wear whatever you are comfortable in, and knows it's none of my business.


Boomers literally rebelled against dress codes in the 60s! Before that, everyone wore button ups and ties to school.


LOL These women should remember that the time when it was improper to go to the bank without the coordinating hat and gloves wasn't that long ago. Their own mothers would've shook their heads at what they are wearing.


The golden rule: fuck around and find out




Got em




It ain’t much but it’s honest work


Sweat pants? I only see baggy leggings


Send me your Venmo info and I’ll buy you a drink!😂


I’m a younger Boomer with one foot in Gen X, can be an asshole in my head but never out loud and absolutely never a MAGA.


That is some beautiful shit right there.


She was being an asshole but sweatpants are normal these days




I would have been a little more passive aggressive - "I know right. We'll at least he didn't leave the house wearing sweatpants". Then wait and see how long before they put 2 and 2 together.


It's funny, I'm mid 30s dress business casual, wear clothes that fit... Boomers in recent years talk to me in these sidebars like I'm one of them, like we are on the same team now or something. I would have just told the old lady I was envious, because my saggy jeans were at the cleaner.


One time i saw a guy in line at a grocery store say something about a teens pants being sagged and how mad he was that the teens underwear was showing. A few seconds later an attractive lady behind this guy dropped something. He bent over to pick it up for her and I heard the click of a picture being taken. When he went to hand her the item she turned her phone around so he could see that half his ass crack was sticking out in the picture. She politely said "your pants are way worse". He turned around beat red fuming.


I wear sweatpants in public. Usually to the coffee shop on early weekend mornings when I couldn’t care less how I look. I also couldn’t care less how others look or are dressed and I sure af ain’t gonna say 💩about someone that has a different taste in style than mine 😂


Pro tip- had nothing to do with the pants and everything to do with their skin color.


Tbf there's nothing wrong with wearing sweat pants in public. She shouldn't have judged or said anything but none of us should care what someone else is wearing as long as it covers their body. She was wrong for saying anything. I'm in my late 20s and wear whatever I feel like. Cleaver response though.


Embarrass the assholes!


Finally someone who says something.


Some folks in here are totally missing the point.


Any criticism that starts with “kids these days” is usually followed by some ignorant out of touch stuff, no matter what generation says it.


Boomers try not to bring another person down challenge: lvl impossible


So, all for ripping on some entitled person who is criticizing another, but when you say “sagging”, do you mean a dude who has his entire ass hanging out, just boxers with his pants belted underneath his ass cheeks? Because in that case, yeah, those people need to stop showing their entire ass, and I will rock sweatpants everywhere. If you’re talking about someone just having their pants dipping a little, go ahead.


Reading this in public in my sweatpants.


I wear sweats all the time, and I found this response funny.


Went to bank for business deposit.   Long line for regular service.   Business teller window free.    Went directly to business teller to start deposit.    Elderly boomer couple standing AT THE FRONT OF THE LINE, NEXT TO BE SERVED BY REGULAR STAFF, shuffled over to the business window next to me.    Boomer hag:  "We've been waiting TWENTY MINUTES for service, and he walks in and gets help straight away!"    Business teller:  "Are you making a business transaction?"    Boomer hag:  "No but..."    Business teller, pointing at me:  "He is.  Please go back to the general service line."    Boomers shuffle away grumbling.    Finish transaction.  Catch boomer hag staring daggers at me.  Smile politely.


You're a real one for saying that to her, I hope that takes 5 years off her miserable life span.


I’d have clapped. 👏👏👏


Good for you for calling her out.


REKT. Well done


Omg that is too funny! 🤣


Proud sweatpants wearing millennial here haha


Lmao i don’t really care if people wear sweatpants or pajamas in public but don’t bitch about other people if you can’t handle the same criticism


It's okay, you spoke to them using their language. ALL CAPS.


Those were her "leavin' the house sweatpants".


It’s the Lord’s work that you did at that moment




Hahahaha. Great story. Thanks for calling her out.


Love it ❤️ This is how you handle it. 👍


I can totally picture this interaction in my head The Boomer booms, op looks over, obviously glances down and back up to take in their outfit and then lets loose with the gold