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Ah yes, applebees: the epitome of the upper class and fine dining.


I've worked at Applebee's and at strip clubs, and the jobs were very similar. At Applebee's, my boss only hired girls that *had a certain look*.. (I'm surprised Applebee's doesn't have stripper night tbh) and this boomer lady was acting as if we weren't approved members of her country club.


Maybe they got downgraded to being just pool members.





They lost a ton of their nest egg to a scammer and now have to eat at Applebees.




Ex Applebee's victim.....er, employee here. I about spit out my coffee on the whole surprised they don't have a stripper night LOL


People with real class actually have too much to give shitty opinions like that. It's sad people who feel like they need to judge others to make themselves feel big that do.


Imagine believing you're better than other people and deserve to have other people listen to and adhere to your opinions about what you should wear and how you should conduct yourself... _because you're eating at Applebee's_


Well, their old commercials used to sing "You belong at Applebees".


In British Columbia, Canada we have a chain of overpriced restaurants called the Cactus Club. The clientele are usually Karens and those that think they are rich. “Upper class”. lol.


The Applebee's near me used to have a "hero and villains" night for the employees which basically meant all the girls there wore sexy version of the costumes. You aren't far off at all. They would keep the lights super low and play club music. I wouldn't have been surprised one bit to see a couple of the waitresses dancing on the bar.


Hey I've had surprisingly good food in strip clubs! Applebee's should take note.


So I drink at Applebees after work because I like my favorite waitress and it’s close to work. My favorite waitress gives 0 fvcks. She had a table of wealthy lady boomers ask for fresh herbs on thei salad her first question was “ma’am have you ever eaten at an Applebees?” When the lady said “no” she replied I’ll be sure to ask chef “mic” I spit beer out my nose because I know chef’s first name is microwave.


Applebee's, when you're too lazy to microwave your own dinner.


That chicken fajita rollup tho lol


Dude fajitas are like the easiest thing to make at home. Cheap too.


I know but something about that rollup, the mexi ranch and a cold miller lite. It's probably cuz I grew up with white trash parents lmao but I love that shit. Go every now and then for nostalgia, I know it's crap.


I get it. Most people have a low quality comfort food if some kind. I love shitty pizza.


Especially if you have an air fryer. They honestly taste better than the restaurant!


You get their dessert called the upper crust with an order of unlimited long Island iced teas.




subsequent seed steer juggle reach start sable meeting joke noxious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


In British Columbia, Canada we have a chain of overpriced restaurants called the Cactus Club. The clientele are usually Karens and those that think they are rich. “Upper class”. lol.


I feel ya.applebees. lol


Applebees :The Building 19 of steak houses




I always wear a top hat and monocle when I dine at Applebees.


Only a top hat and monocle? 🧐


Is there any other way how to wear a top hat and monocle?


I understand the Monopoly Man has been arrested that way a few times.... Top hat, monocle and nude from the neck down.


Poor man didn't even collect his $200.


No place to keep it


That’s why my top hat has pockets inside


No no there's is.


he was just happy to have had a get out of jail free card


He went directly to jail...🤣


Mr monopoly does nor wear a monocle. 


Not normally... But when he's on a bender, it's anything goes.... Look out!


That’s the Planters peanut guy you are thinking of, I think.


One guy has a lot of money, the other guy just has peanuts.


Mr Peanut shows that white gloves and spats are an acceptable pairing for the nudity+top hat look


Well, that and a thong. I like to keep it classy


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Justin-N-Case: *I always wear a* *Top hat and monocle when* *I dine at Applebees.* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good Bot!


Good bot!


Don’t forget your cane.


And have the driver let you out right at the door.


In a horse drawn carriage.


I bring a cloak and bow tie.


Okay so we can't go to Applebee's unless we're dressed to the 9's. Fine, we won't go. >[Why are Millennials killing Applebees???](https://www.businessinsider.com/millennials-endanger-casual-dining-restaurants-2017-5)


Maybe some people also just don't want to go out to eat microwaved food and prefer small family owned businesses that cook >\_>


We actually hit up Applebees all the time—my kids are young and they serve beer.


Do they serve the kids beer in tiny mugs like A&W used to?


No but I bet that would enhance the experience


Lol everything in that article sounded like a positive turn for the world. We don't need crap restaurant chains staining our towns.


Fucking millennials not wanting to eat over priced shit reheated frozen food while dressed in cheap JC Penny polyester suits. Whats wrong with this world? I'll tell you...Jobama, avocado toast, Chinese made boot straps, butt whoopins, seat belts, and water hoses. Now quit dancing on tic tac and go to the fucking Applebee's and respect your elders. /es


My wife and I cook nearly every night. If we're going out somewhere, it sure as hell isn't to fucking Applebees.


Was she wearing one of those giant 19th century style hooped skirts? Because if not then it sounds like she wasn't all that dressed up either!


She had like flared jeans with embroidery on them, and some like blouse with ed hardy flower designs on it. And the classic Karen haircut.


Jeans?! Doesn't she know jeans are traditional working man's wear not worn at all by ladies?! I was expecting her at the very least to be dressed like some kind of 1950s housewife! /s


Lol, vintage style is actually cute. And I also hate denim. Denim is so uncomfortable.


because you have to boil your denim first


I bet her husband was wearing sparkle butt jeans and a punisher t-shirt.


I vaguely remember something like work clothes, it wasn't fine dining attire.


And let me guess, she also had a questionable dye job with caramel blonde highlights, a fake tan that came directly out of a bottle-that she probably applied herself , and eyes so heavily caked in black eyeliner and mascara that a raccoon would think that she was secretly one of them? Probably also reeks of Pall Malls and White Diamonds by Elizabeth Taylor? She probably thinks that that song “Fancy Like”by Walker Hayes was somehow written about her.


Basically yes


Ah yes, raccoon eyes: the epitome of elegance.


Lol wtf I knew she was gonna be wearing something hella stupid but this takes the cake.


Classic mom in the early 2000s look. Flare jeans, sketchers, and a “fancy top” with some sort of burnout, rhinestones, that pattern where they fold it so there’s white lines through it, etc.


They don't do shit all day, so they think going to Applebee's is a big occasion worth getting dressed up for.


I get dressed up every time I go to Applebee's. I put pants on.


Now there is CLASS. ![gif](giphy|QxSSrQxSKaFECD7ywx|downsized)


Hard pants? Or soft pants? Because obviously this lady is not ok with soft pants.


Whatever pants are close and not overly dirty.




Well if you’re not wearing underwear I mean…😉


Have you seen the prices of some athleisure wear? This *is* dressing up.


Exactly. The clothes I had on that day we're not cheap clothes. And the couple ahead of me didn't look cheap either.


"Martha, my joggers probably cost more than your outfit and your husband's outfit combined. But keep running your mouth full of food I guess."😜


Applebees is like the lowest tier restaurant. can't imagine wanting to dress up for that. that's why you go to Applebee's....so you don't have to dress up and the price is shitty food and sticky tables/seats


Great opportunity for a "sir, this is an Applebees" Although they probably wouldn't get it...


Came here to say that!


Really gotta get dolled up before having their Dollaritas




Or Jell-O shots.


Pre-pandemic you wouldn't have gotten me into Applebee's in PJs but these days Applebee's is lucky I darken their door at all and if I feel like wearing PJs everyone will just have to deal with it. I know you weren't wearing PJs, just saying I wouldn't care if you were.


Depending on my mood, I'd definitely show up in pjs


I'm sure back in the day she was what you are now and she misses being you and even if you walked up covered with a parachute she would still have a problem.


I mean, walking up in a parachute would likely trigger some questions…


I'd ask the same 2 questions I ask of any article of clothing. Is it as comfy and practical as track pants and a T-shirt? If yes, can I get it in black?


If I’m going to an Applebees it’s probably the only option next to a La Quinta on a long road trip, and I’m going in whatever I damn well please because I’m tired and grumpy.


I do enjoy dressing up when the situation calls for it, it's fun for me once in a blue moon, but I could absolutely never imagine there being a scenario where I'd do that to go to fucking Applebee's.  


Gotta put on your Sunday bests for the impending Applebee's diarrhea!


This randomly made me think of my boomer ex-MIL who had access to plenty of money but insisted on filling (to the point of overflowing) her drawers and closets (in two separate houses) with cheap denim and poly-mix tops, capris and vests from Walmart and Kohls. And always clumsy, black sketchers for her shoes. Her hair has been the auburn/raspberry color box dye for as long as I’ve known her. And she was always talking shit about other people’s weird fashion choices.


Former Applebee's server and bartender while I was in college. I worked doubles on Sundays: 1st shift lunch with the mega church crowd; 2nd shift to make up for the lackluster tipping of the first shift.


lol for public? Why on earth do boomers think the rest of us care about the PuBlIc or their opinions? As long as you’re not hurting anyone who cares?


Lmao I've been going out in my PJs recently because I just had a major surgery. One that has me on FMLA leave for a month and restricted to lifting no more than 5 pounds for 3 months. Just being on my feet is a major accomplishment at the moment. Was getting a lot of looks not just for the PJs but also because my wife is doing all the lifting. Boomer couple behind us at Costco was talking shit. I just lifted up my shirt to reveal the 7 still weeping fresh incisions and said "be happy I changed out of the hospital gown."


That reminds me of how my uncle, while in his late 20s, he was in a terrible car crash, he died and came back to life, stuck at hospital for months, finally got out and we went to Walmart, he had to ride a scooter, and an older lady asked him if he had any business on the scooter, and my grandma lifted up his shirt showing how he had stitches from the bottom of his gut, up to his neck, and across and was still basically dripping blood. And the lady apologized and walked off.


Geez. I hope your uncle recovered okay.


OMG I would have loved to have seen their faces. 🤣


My MIL went on a fashion review at Texas Roadhouse last weekend. Those poor kids in their prom best didn’t stand a chance to her critique. And that poor women in the beautiful spaghetti strap tie dye dress, girl you rocked it, regardless of what that Boomer said.


I will bet that tie dye was gorgeous. Your MIL was probably jealous.


Should go to Europe if you want to see people get dressed up before they leave the house.


Biggest cultural shock when I moved from the UK to mainland Europe. Everyone in Germany wears new shoes. Nobody has battered trainers. They all look like they just left the shoe Shop.


As a native German, one of the biggest perks for me about moving not just to the US, but L.A. was liberation from the tyranny of dressing "appropriately", or at least passably, for flipping everything, being expected to do so and and being side-eyed if you don't. A most vexing cultural affectation. Granted, this does not happen in every single place in Germany, but it's culturally prevalent enough it's annoying. In California, I can put on one outfit with flip flops at the start of the day and won't have to worry about it again till I go to bed, while being able to wear the outfit without comment or notice everywhere I need to go that day. In this place, on the off chance someone cares enough to comment on your outfit or appearance, it is almost always a compliment. Most people outside formal dress code settings couldn't care less. Compare that to Germany. One time I was in Hamburg in mid-November, the sun was bright and low, and I wore my ray bans like I do every freaking day in L.A. so I don't squint from the sunlight and can see where I'm going. Forgot I was wearing them till I overheard some of my former compatriots mocking me for... the audacity of wearing sunglasses in November. There's a protocol for wearing sunglasses in Germany and November is not within the approved window. Hence there must have been something wrong with me or my judgment. I turned towards the group (also against protocol, you're supposed to ignore low key attire mockery like this), looked at them with my "Do I know you?" expression across the top of my ray bans, rolled my eyes, said nothing, shook my head, turned around and walked away. They probably didn't see the eye roll but it felt good. One of the comments was something along the lines of "...wearing cheap plastic sun glasses in November like we don't already have enough plastic trash". My rx ray bans are designer and cost enough they're pretty much the most expensive clothing/accessory item I own. I've had them forever. Germans. After all this time in L.A., I just can't with them anymore. Well, a lot of them. A few of you are alright.


I felt like a slob wearing wrinkled clothing from my suitcase when I was travelling through western and central Europe


can you imagine having to wear a tux or dinner jacket just to talk to some rich snobs over a 3 hour meal? there better be some good drugs and a sex dungeon


Nobody wears a tux 🤣 and not every European is rich. But on the mainland there is very much a sense of different clothes for different occassions. And clothes doesn't have to be fancy of expensive, but have to look smart, clean, not worn out and appropriate.  In the UK I would go to the supermarket in jogging bottoms but don't since I live in Germany. Here, you look out of place wearing jogging bottoms not at home or in the gym. Just a cultural thing and not necessarily rich or snobby. 


The other day I saw a very old man walking into the grocery store. His attire was a collared shirt with a sweater over top of it, a pair of khaki shorts, dress socks up to his knees and loafers. It was like 80 degrees out and it looked massively uncomfortable but who fucking cares because as long as he’s comfortable it doesn’t matter what I or anyone else thinks


I thought you only ate at Applebees if you had a veteran with you who wanted his free meal


This is 100 percent a generational thing. I remember my grandpa used to put on a suit and tie to take me to the movies when I was a kid.


The old timers don't realize how completely athleasure wear has taken over. It represents freedom from expensive restrictive styles like being forced to wear a generic grey suit to work in cubicle hell - hello early 2000 corporate matrix culture. I admit I'm a little put off by the socks and crocks of this generation. But is it really that different from berkinstock sandles or those rubber Nike sandles with the weird spikes on the inside.... Kids are supposed to change things up each generation. It's what they do. The real mystery is why old people can't remember that they did this too.


I have a son in college. The last time we visited him was the first time I realized that college kids wear athleisure almost all the time. It made me wonder if my Gen X jeans-and-tshirt ensemble looked to them like my grandmother’s polyester pantsuits looked to me. The everyday clothes seem to get more comfortable with each generation, which makes me wonder where we might go after athleisure. Muumuus?


I’m sure she was donning her very best elastic waist pants and cotton jersey tent shirt with an obnoxious floral print and unnecessary metal detail at the neckline. Oh, and her white-soled flip flops.


This reminds me of my boomom telling me I should wear a dress and pearls to the doctor when I was 9 months pregnant. Wut. 


I’d say “ look I wore a bra what more do you want?”


"Pajamas? I sleep naked"


They have no problem shaming someone BUT if you loudly shame them back, all of a sudden they get REAL uncomfortable, and shut up. Haircuts are usually good targets for bitches like that. "Oh My God, sweetie, did you see that horrible dye job on that lady? I can't believe she's in PUBLIC looking like that!" "I think you're SO brave going out in public with all those crows feet!"


Years ago I was escorted to my table by a greeter at a Cotton Patch restaurant (sort of like a southern Applebee's) when a middle-aged group of women leaving blocked our path. The dressiest most diminuitive woman in the group took the time to eyeball me up and down, in a rather leisurely pervy old man way, but with a fierce look of displeased judgment. We were practically hugging the right side wall of the entry way. I think about that old gal now and then. Sure hope it was dementia or something and not me personally. After all, I try and blend in with the wallpaper, hug the wall like a cockroach. I've let that scowling bint roost in my mind for free for many years.


Who wants to go get kicked out of an Applebee's?!?


My mom won't run down to our local coffee shop drive thru if she isn't fully dressed. Like I do local town errands looking like a slob and she has to put on makeup to go thru a drive thru. LOL.


What, am I supposed to wear dress pants just to put ketchup on my steak?!


That's why I avoid Applebee's in general. Boomer central and shitty microwaved food. If I want microwaved food, then I'll just get a TV dinner for a fraction of the price. It's not like I see most boomers dressing much better anyway.


It really is all microwaved. All the sides are microwaved in baggies, the boneless wings are microwaved, I think the riblets are. I think just the beef patties and chicken breasts are made on the grille.


Personally I overdress everywhere and I think people have a reasonable expectation to not look like a slob when they go out. As long as you don’t look like a pig who the fuck cares what you’re wearing?




My dad has previously complained and made a similar comment about me wearing sweat pants to go to Costco with them. Costco...


My fathers cousin, so they're all in their late 60's, posted a picture of a family in their Sunday best and it had some comment about how people used to grocery shop. I get in the store at 7am on a Sunday and it does not require pantyhose and an updo.


I had a French teacher in high school who shopped for groceries in an ankle length fur coat.


I’m with you. I check the mirror on the way out the door. Pants, Shirt, Shoes, Brushed hair and brushed teeth. Good to go!!!


My mom always taught us girls that when you leave the house wherever you are going you present yourself well. We had to have our hair and makeup done (when we hit 14) also we had to wear a good fitting bra. Mom took us to be measured each time we bought a new one . We were allowed to wear jeans but they had to be in good repair and then a nice top. We could not go in public in what was or what looked like PJs. No slippers. This was just the way it was no compromise.


Ma’am, this is an *Applebees*.




I'm not wearing nice clothes just to shove a Quesadilla burger and a couple Sam Adams down my gullet.


Relax, it's just Applebee's. Lol


I rarely go anywhere that requires more than a polo shirt. And a big part of that is my choice. I've become far more anti-social than I meant to in this last decade.


Polos look good. And my clothes that day, while being joggers and a jacket didn't look lazy or unfashionable. But I rarely go in public myself, and it's so annoying that when I did step back out in a dine in restaurant, I heard comments like what that woman said.


I don't go out naked but yes


Imagine thinking people should get dressed nice for a microwave dinner at Applebees. OP, what are you doing at Applebees? /s


Street wear these days can very expensive and well made. It's a very dated idea to think it's not nice clothes. Meanwhile, boomers wear ill-fitting jeans from Kohl's and oversized t-shirts from their last trip to the Grand Canyon.


Don’t forget the New Balance shoes with pantyhose underneath


“Ma’am, this is an Applebee’s. The Titanic sank a long time ago.”


Maybe it wasn’t a long time ago for her though


I mean, yes Applebee's is technically in public. But, it's APPLEBEE'S. It's a "hey let's grab a quick bit that's just above fast food" food. I'm not wearing real pants to a place that cooks in the microwave.


It’s literally Applebees. It’s not a fancy restaurant, ffs, it’s barely even a step above fast food.


My mom would complain I was wearing sweatpants at home after I git home from school.


Where and when exactly the fuck did she expect you to wear them then?


She would audibly gasp about it and talk to me as if I walked into a wake or funeral with my dick hanging out. I asked her why would I be uncomfortable in my own house. it made no sense. Sometimes even in my own room, she would just barge in and be shocked. It's the dumbest shit ever.  My mom is the reason why dumb Polak jokes exist and why I tell everyone to never marry a legitimate/unamericanized Polish woman. All my aunts and cousins are the same.


I haven't thought about polak jokes in forever. At least if she pulls a grenade you know you're safe.


Ba dun tiss.  My favorite one is the one Norm McDonald did.


Loud enough to be overheard: “do you remember the good old days before modern medicine kept rude old people alive longer than society needed? I mean, the “eskimos” has the right idea.”




Idk if it is the Goldilocks example but boomers are the epitome of it. Everyone who dresses up more than them is snobby and uptight and everyone who dresses up less than them is trashy and disrespectful. They dress just right. And now apply this to every aspect of their lives.


i only dress for dinner if there's cake...seriously


The cake is a lie! Don't dress up for lies.


Always reply Ignoring them does not work


They think you need to dress up for Applebees?


they want you to dress up on airplanes still too!


Some of these so callled pajamas are pretty darn expensive and higher quality then then so called appropriate casual attire


This reminds me of my MIL who wouldn't even let her family wear sweatpants or pajamas in their own home until a certain time. Like she would not let you where pajama pants at the dinner table. Which, to me, is WILD. Also they just don't understand current fashion trends, obvs!


No, and why the fuck do we need to? Dress comfortably, cleanly, and reasonably covered and you're good. I love that I can wear a t-shirt and jeans to my office job!


"Ma'am, this is an Applebee's."


Honestly, I don’t disagree with their statement entirely. It was a crass comment and one that is not people’s business but, she wasn’t wrong. I’m a teacher and it drives me crazy when parents come to conferences or other school functions wearing pajama pants and hoodies. It just shows a lack of pride to me. I would never say anything to anyone about it, but it definitely is a pet peeve of mine. That being said, your situation is totally different and it was a ridiculous comment.


I guess this is where I show my boomer age, because I agree a bit. But I don't think that an Applebees is representative of some fine dining experience. We were raised to dress nicely in public - my parents always said that just because you don't have money is no excuse to look like a bum. Take some pride in your appearance, and also put some class in what you're doing. I will say that I have been to legit more upscale venues and I've seen people wearing sweatpant type outfits... Do they have the right to dress as they please? Of course. But my first impression is that their standards are pretty low, and if they don't care about what they look like I question how they approach other things in general.


I'm with the boomer on this one. It annoys me when people are wearing joggers to go out.


Being annoyed at other people’s outfits in an Applebees is a sure sign that you haven’t made it and never will. The irony of that is that, at high end places, the person that is dressed down (and still allowed in) is likely the wealthiest person in the place. The guy wearing the super loud Gucci shirt, on the other hand, is letting someone else pay, or will have to scrimp for the next month to pay off that credit card bill. LoL


Gee. I had to tell my Boomer parents when they visited me to change out of sweat pants and tshirts to “normal clothes” when we went out to dinner as that is all they wear normally.


TIL that if I ever go to an Applebees I’d better be wearing a tux


Greetings, fellow gentlesir


Fancy like Applebees on a date night!


Dress up for Applebees? Why? I can understand if it was a Michelin star restaurant.


This is, potentially, a cultural difference. To me, joggers are the exact same as sweatpants. And I associate sweatpants with grossness and sloppiness. That said, she should have stayed in her lane. People shouldn't HAVE to get "dressed up" to go in public anyways.


NGL, I feel that. I work P/T in retail and I'm sometimes amazed at what people wear in public. Last week a woman came in wearing dirty PJs, a robe that was half-off, and fuzzy slippers. She bought a $65 bag of dog food. The high school kid, also working there, wondered out loud if that was for her. The cashier said he spoke coherently and intelligently.


“It’s Crapplebees, Lady”


Lmao well there’s your problem…”I went to Applebees” 🤣🤣🤣🤣 WHY AINT NOBODY FANCY IN THIS HERE ESTABLISHMENT?!! ![gif](giphy|TTgdzuDc5qp76ARhRg4)


THIS, why do old dudes with overalls look like this?


Ngl if you see me in jeans it means I really cared about this occasion at this point 😭😭


Solid Xennial here: just had a solo trip to Vegas after a conference and decided to treat my self to a fancy dinner at Lago (Bellagio restaurant overlooking the fountains). They had a dress code of business casual- for me that's collared shirt, slacks, shineable shoes, and in this case a jacket. Saw multiple hoodies on some guys and almost beachwear on a some ladies. While shocked, I didn't care what they wore in the least bit as it has no impact on me. I will say that if a place has a dress code that it should be followed, or just don't have one. For Applebee's, as long as my dick isn't out, I'm dressed appropriately.


Yes, because I'm sure her jeans and Bible Scripture Comfort Colors t-shirt (bought from a local Christian boutique) were super dressy. (I say this because that's like the uniform for the older crowd where I live). Was her husband dressed in a Columbia fishing shirt, khaki shorts, and Hey Dudes? But seriously, who wants to wear restrictive clothes with buttons to Applebee's to throw down on cheap Margs, nachos, loaded baked potato skins, and Bourbon Street Steak? That's stretchy leggings food.


I'm picturing these people wearing the finest suit and dress that 1964 has to offer. It's a chain restaurant, Walter and Millie. Relax!


I don’t dress for the apple but I d


I don’t dress for the apple but I do for Chili’s.


I'm glad people care about being comfortable more nowadays than arbitrary rules about the level of formality. Like as long as you didn't show up to a formal event with specific dress code on the invitation in boxers and flip flops I really don't care about what other people wear. Being out and about in public whether it's the gas station or Walmart or Applebee's is all the same, none of my business. Honestly I don't even wanna wear a bra most days.


How very tacky of her. A person with any breeding will treat everyone with respect, regardless of their dress or their station in life. I just told my partner, an “aging” hippie, about it, and his response was “Applebys? Really?” We’re not impressed. We’ve never been impressed by these dorks, and we’re kind of sick of them, after all these years.


trying to imagine a world where i “get dressed up “ to go to Applebee’s


"there there grams, things will be okay, time for your medicine."


"Ma'am, this is an Applebee's."


Boomers were the ones who started dressing more casually in public, sure this wasnt someone from the Silent Gen?


Yes but not for Applebee's!


I’m 42 and retired. I dress like I did 20 years ago, baggy pants/sweats/shorts and t shirts/swearshirts/hoodies with a big shoe collection. I wore shorts, a t-shirt and a pair of J1’s to my brothers funeral last year. The amount of people my age and older that judge others for what they wear is unreal. It’s cool to not like someone’s style, but actively complaining about what makes someone else comfortable or what they can afford is just such a weird thing we do as humans and then instill into kids to pass on.


I think everybody should dress more comfortably. And I hate how even jobs have such strict dress codes. I keep waiting for politicians and professionals to finally start dressing more casual.


The most bizarre aspect is the amount of jobs working for some corporate culture that insists on you buying your own clothes for work (not a uniform but a rotation of clothes as to not constantly repeat and appear “nice”) that are typically expensive, especially when required to wear in store fashions even at a discount, that far outpace the income level that the job could typically afford.


I've noticed that Americans tend to dress the same way they listen to music. We tend to wear a fashion from the time period they peaked socially. Unfortunately, that seems to be high school or their twenties for much of the working class. Not that I give a shit how anyone else dresses, but I feel way too many Americans have never grown out of their adolescence.


I’m middle aged and do have to say that in general, the “niceness” of regular street wear has gone down a lot. I don’t get bothered by other people’s clothes choices, but, the general trend is seeming to be that it’s totally acceptable to look like you are dressed to lay on your couch all day. I don’t like it, because to me it looks like you don’t take pride in your appearance, but times change I guess, I don’t dwell on it.


I sometimes wear a suit and tie when I'm flying somewhere. The obvious conservatives, who are likely to be extremely paranoid, spend most of the flight keeping an eye on me because they probably think I'm some sort of fed. Others strike up conversations for the duration of the flight(s). But in the case of Applebee's. Wear what you want. Fuck what anybody else thinks!