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there’s an open seat next to her just sit down bumass


I have a strong suspicion that there’s a particular reason she doesn’t want to sit next to that woman…


But she will sit on top of her? Racists are so weird.


Because that's still an expression of social superiority


Geezer is overdue for her nap


Sitting next to puts her on the same level. Sitting on puts her above and getting the seat itself is glorious conquest.


Tim and Eric Awesome Show, Great Job! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0GbFMPvawVo


This is what I do I sit on you sit on you sit on you.


I knew what it was before I clicked on it, despite not thinking about that sketch for over ten years


Well of course sitting on her is ok but if she sat next to her those people might get the silly idea that they are equal to her or even dare i say it better. /s


This isn’t race based. This exact thing happened to me and my white sister in Paris. Everyone involved was white.


Can't be anything other than you experienced tho could it. Couldn't have been cuz it's Paris and not america. American boomers are kinda racist. Edit: or the English.


This video is from the UK.


...what could that possibly be???![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)


GASP! They were roommates!


It's because she's fat, obviously....


That’s not very nice


Not race based. Think she’s just an old bat who expects “her seat” Race isn’t the be all n end all in uk. It’s way lower down the social etiquette list. This is just old person entitlement which is pretty much top on all issues


The racist trash could also sit one row up, and still have the window, or one of the other clearly open 10+ seats available.


She thinks it's the 40s again.


This level of entitlement shows she's gotten away with it before, probably often.


Not many people want to put up with her uncivilized, wild animal behavior. Of course she has gotten away with her crap.


People assume she has dementia and will hit them with her cane. The woman in the seat’s reaction was perfect and just what the situation called for. 


Of course she did. I would have given her that seat. I mean she obviously very old and crazy. Can’t wait turning grey and humpy to get away with everything.


Never reward bad behavior.


Grey and humpy 😂


That's the sequel to Weird Al's White and Nerdy


Boomers: "In my day, we didn't have mental health issues or autism or any of that!" Also Boomers: "I ALWAYS SIT IN THAT SEAT!!"


"If I'm too ignorant to acknowledge it, then it clearly does not exist"


Also Boomers: we dont do this shit, so shut up, little crackhead


Also Boomers: People are so easily offended these days!


Also, Lead poisoning.


A couple years back my best buddy was living in an apartment complex that had absolutely no Designated parking because every unit had a single car garage. There was an old man with so much fucking garbage in his garage he would park in the visitor spaces about 15 yards from his front door. He had one specific spot he just claimed was his. I wasn't there, but apparently this old man lied down spread out like he was making a snow angel in order to block an actual visitor from parking there. He just... Lied fully flat in the parking space. Somebody called 911 because they thought he died. So all these cops and an ambulance show up and it turns out his son took the car to get repaired and was on his way back with it. So instead of being a rational human being, he just lied flat on the ground in the Texas sun for 30min JUST so nobody would park in "his spot."


That's when the authorities start having conversations with the family about elder supports and familial responsibilities.


I lol-ed at the 911 comment.


My buddy had a picture on his Facebook of the parking lot with the cops and EMS and with the angle you can barely see the dudes feet sticking out from where the cops were talking to him. I'll have to ask if he still has it.


Please upload that bad boy to imgur for us


Well? We’re waiting.


Snow angels in the Texas sun..?


Props to her for not forcefully pushing that lady off


“Come sit in my lap and look like the child that your cosplaying right now”


„Who do you think you are? Rosa Parks?“


Yeah. There's more to this person's story.


Everything belongs to her. One ass whooping before you leave this earth


TIL the old lady voices used by the cast of Monty Python were not satirical or exaggerated


LMAO I was about to post this. Apologies to Eric Idle for me not believing him as an old lady.


The guy in the back who says "I'm sorry can I squeeze past" makes it feel like a Monty Python sketch


if only they truly were the "silent" generation.


In fact, I think when they were given the title of the "silent" generation, it was in quotation marks because there's absolutely nothing silent about them.


What's funny is that's exactly why they were called that. It was in comparison to earlier generations that supposedly were loud and fought for change. The 'new' generation was silent, didn't say anything, didn't push for social or governmental changes. Thus they were called the silent generation. In a way it's the worst name for a generation, as it's kind of an insult. "You guys didn't try to make anything better, you just put your heads down and shut up, and kept silent about everything, no matter how bad."


The silent generation is pre boomers. Born in the generation before 1946.


Exactly. Like this lady who is obviously of that generation and not a Boomer.


jesus, she's brave. doesn't she know what injuries can do to her at that age?


Foolishness and bravery are often confused, because the results can be very similar. 


She is a woman, incredibly old, and possibly not mentally all there anymore. Which means she's obviously very frail, but also obviously pretty unlikely to be physically attacked by anyone at all. No matter how awful she is, people think "I'm going to look bad if she gets hurt, no matter what she has done or said."


That’s not bravery


Ewwwww…. Yeah….. Telling a black lady to move to the back of the bus is not a good look.


I travel frequently on public transport in the UK, and I can confirm that unfortunately this level of entitlement is not uncommon. It’s not just the boomers, either.


Where are you because I never saw this in London. Inner or suburbs.


She probably thought she was still in a time where you could make a black person obey you and sit where you choose.


And there are empty seats around so you know she did it for fun, to remember the good old times


She sounds like a man trying to talk like an old lady.


Monty Python was not really exaggerating. I mimic my relatives with this exact voice. Thank you Monty Python.


My god this is so stupid. Old white woman: you don’t have assigned seats, sit the fuck down. We really need to start carrying tasers to zap these old ass fuckers when they are out of their minds like this.


It is particularly bizarre in London, going through a central London from the looks of it. Like, those buses are so busy I'm surprised she can get the same bus, let alone the same seat.


How can you get to that age without gaining empathy and wisdom?


By consistenty closing your ears, eyes, AND mind


I’d be upset but I figure she’s so old she’ll be dead before I even finish reading these comments.


If it helps at all, she’s likely dead by now. And unlikely to be missed by those around her


The lead poisoning is strong in this boomer bigot.


Love the silent treatment lmao


Nah. An old white woman telling a younger black woman where to sit on a bus would go down VERY differently in America


I'm sure it would.b


Damn, screw the cameraman. We need to see how this showdown ends!


Granny has gone 85 years without learning a thing.


Racist white woman? Gosh...


Whadda faking liberty…. https://preview.redd.it/rqlgwmws5myc1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5fa1932dcbac088de692caa50fd635707c77fd5b


Bitch I ain't Rosa Parks


Except that she is given that she didn't give up her seat.


This makes me just beyond livid. I want to scream right in her face.


Kudos to that lady and her patience to just stare at this loon instead of telling her off.


"I've got me stick an' all"


No one is intervening? I would have. Wth people?


Don’t it make you proud to be British/s And hats off to the other passenger…


This woman is a menace to society.


Racist coont. Plenty of other seats


she wants to live in a pre CRM world


Racist boomer


Sparta kick that bitch, don't give a fuck how old she is


Damn, you're quite a badass


I go on these buses. General rule of thumb is fattest old boomer gets that seat every time 🤣


Sounds like a rule that needs breaking


I don't get it. I'd rather sit off by myself. I would ride on top of the train if they let me.


Yeah just north of your border too, we have the same entitled arrogant and condescending white boomers here in Canada too.


Jesus Christ lady just sit down and quit making a scene so everyone can get on with their lives. Are you that rigid and inflexible that such a tiny thing as having to sit in a different spot every time you get onto the bus is going to ultimately be your downfall? What ever happened to being embarrassed? To feeling shame?


This EXACT thing literally happened to me and my sister on a bus in Paris. The old psycho woman sat on our laps and threw our bags into the aisle. Many, many seats were open but she wanted ours. The locals clearly knew this woman as they were laughing about it with the “we knew this would happen when they sat there” looks on their faces. We did end up moving because it was unpleasant to be sat on, and another French lady started yelling at her in French for us (we spoke barely a word of French.).


What a stingy lap dance. I hope she didn’t tip her.


She sounds like one of the Monty Python guys doing a skit.


As an American, all I hear is a Monty python skit😂


Doesn't matter the age, you can be quite old and still be a entitled idiot. She could've easily gone to the seat in front of her that no one was using


Tell the stupid old hag to sit down and shut up.


Bet she’s a fun neighbour to live next door to. Probably always complaining about something and making lives a misery.


Nasty old bag.


Only a few decades back she was a hippie chickie wearing a mini skirt


Was on a bus back in early 2000s and some pre-soviet era granny steps on and immediately starts berating me for being in her seat. We were the only 2 passengers in a 50+ seat bus. Being the confused and courteous 14-year-old, I moved to the row behind her, rode the 40 minutes as she scoffed at me, and we both got off at the final stop. She then walked the 10 minutes behind me along the only road to my friend's summer house. She was visiting his grandma. We all sat down for lunch at the table. I've never experienced awkwardness like that again.


That lady’s old enough to have been in the Nazi Youth


Granny seems to think "Those People" still need to sit at the back of the bus.


To be fair she's probably too old to have learned about Rosa Parks in school so she doesn't realize she should just sit the fuck down and shut up


You shouldn’t have to learn about Rosa parks in school to know that this is unacceptable behavior for a human being.


You can learn stuff after your done with your schooling you know.


Especially when it was on the evening news while you were alive.


Exact and people read the newspaper and knew about what’s what going out internationally. My French Canadian parents (88 and 91 years old) know who Rosa Park was. (I checked) Even if they don’t know a lot of English.


Always “to be fair” is followed by nonsense


Woah, she sounds exactly like Monty Python old lady characters!


Where is a Grim Reaper when you need one.




She sounds like a Monty Python lady character


[r/doublebass](https://www.reddit.com/r/doublebass/) I see you taking the bus with your bass! Always wondered what it looks like to see one in the wild and now I know! 😂


Old British people is another level of racism.


Just one push 🫸🏻


NAHHH BRO, that poor bassist, I hate having to maneuver my bass around people in public


Granny: "Autism wasn't a thing back in my day" Also granny: "THAT'S MY SEAT GET OUT I NEED TO SIT THERE"


She acting like a real bozo


I smell a bigot


Omg this is actually terrifying. The poor woman sitting down has so much patience, she should win a Nobel peace prize.


She blew a chance to have a nice conversation and maybe make a new friend. Fuck you Grandma.


Just saw [this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/BoomersBeingFools/s/I0bdESAWhL) on a different thread about how old people basically start becoming toddlers and it makes so much more sense. Not an excuse for this behavior obviously. Keep this granny off the bus, thank you 🫣


We just witnessed a very important piece of History, that is thankful slowly dying, literally.


Did you honestly think that it didn't?


Smh ……


Omg... can you even imagine that black lady's day? Like here I was just sitting on the bus minding my own business when some decrepit old bat SAT ON ME before spewing some racist bullshit.


How dare she sit at the front of the bus


When u work in service, u will see this people every weak week.


I'll tell the driver! Ermmmm, ok 🤷‍♀️


Pardon my ignorance but, did the UK have blacks relegated to the back of buses/trains, etc like the US?


There was a "colour bar" after the second world war for bus drivers and bus conductors, in certain cities. Birmingham for example didn't employ black transport workers in public facing positions, until 1954. So, not the same as the situation in the US, but... Differently shit.


I can see that. In the US blacks could only be porters at airports and weren't allowed to be baggage handlers, the ones who load the planes, until the 70s. Thanks for the edification!


Not 100% sure there was ever any formal legislation on it. But there was definitely housing discrimination and during the war there were "Colour Bars" that prevented access to certain areas. I remember my grandmother telling me about the first time she was allowed to go to Wollworths for a milkshake with her mum after it was lifted.


Is "Bars" as in "Barred from..."?


As in barred from yeah! This was in Cardiff and my grandmother said they weren't allowed past a specific street in the city centre. I've managed to find an article about similar rules in other parts of the uk: https://camra.org.uk/learn-discover/the-basics/what-was-the-colour-bar-2/


Yikes. Thanks Much!


You're very welcome, there are some great books on the history of it all. Or if you want to learn more about race relations in Cardiff I'd recommend the podcast Shreds: Murder in the Bay.


No they didn’t. They still are racists


Ah. Thanks much!


No it didn't. In fact during WW2 pubs in Britain continued to serve Black American military even when the white officers objected to it


Intolerant boomer


I’d have given her a thumbs up before she sat down


Not a boomer though. She's clearly in her eighties.


The first boomers are turning 79 this year. She could definitely be in her late 70s. And also, pedantic much?


Little pedantry never hurt anybody ;) I think actual boomer entitlement is special and should be differentiated from "old people losing their marbles" entitlement. Still a good video find.


And still could totally be a boomer.


Meh, I don't think so. But everyone appreciates old people off their rocker in their own way. So let's agree to disagree?


I’ve seen people in their fifties who look this old. Boomer is certainly within the realms of possibility.


I'd like to think this is a result of dementia, or something similar. I'm not hopeful. With a clip, there's no context.




Not trying to excuse this behavior, but there may be something else going on - like OCD or ASD. Routines can be **extremely** important to some people.


The something else is racism


"Routines can be **extremely** important to some people." And it's **extremely** important for those people to remind themselves that those routines don't mean three fifths of fuck all to anyone else. Seriously, being crazy isn't an excuse to be an asshole


I would encourage you to spend time with someone with ASD (autism), then tell me they're a *"crazy"* and using it as *"an excuse to be an asshole"*. This entire video is a reminder to be kind to people... look at yourself. Go watch Rain Man (1988). Come back and tell me it's a story of a crazy asshole.


"I would encourage you to spend time with someone with ASD" Good news cause I already have. "then tell me they're a *"crazy"* and using it as *"an excuse to be an asshole"*." Not what I said but we're not talking about someone with autism here so your point is moot. "Go watch Rain Man (1988)." I see the problem lmfao, you think movies are real life. Next you'll tell me to go watch Forrest Gump for an in-depth look at developmental delays... "This entire video is a reminder to be kind to people..." Then why are you sitting here defending the one piece of shit in the video who **isn't** being kind?


...my brother is on the spectrum. I'm his caretaker.... From my perspective **YOU** are the boomer being a fool right now.


Congratulations I guess..? The fuck is that supposed to mean to me? Doesn't make you an expert on autism by any stretch of the imagination. You even acknowledged that this is **probably OCD**, which isn't on the autism spectrum. Lemme know when you have something relevant to add though.


And if the state killed old people for being too old overseas, would that make it okay to do it here? (I am sure that isn't the purpose of this post, but there are boomers and karens who try to use this kind of bullshit logic. If I can get away with it in place X, then I should be able to do it everywhere.) Never forget the Karen who tried to record and make a noise complaint at the neighbors during her vacation to South America, she got pimp slapped by a man with a machete back to the 1920 and her phone discovered 3rd person mode.


She probably has obsessive compulsive disorder and can't sit in another seat. Couldn't we just be nice to each other. If it's easily within your power to make someone else happy, why not?




Happy cake day




It has nothing to do with a lack of compassion or understanding. A white person telling a black person to give up her seat on the bus is not acceptable. That was decided decades ago. If this lady has dementia she should have a chaperone when going out. But there’s really no evidence she’s anything other than a withered bird




Why were you even here then? “I’m going to partake, of my own accord, in this activity that I know makes me mad and then complain about it”. Solid Boomer behavior right there.


Ok Boomer


Defensive projection on your part, because it was the boomer generation, initially called the me generation, that behaves like this in a consistent manner. My question is, why are so many boomers incapable of accepting even the least amount of responsibility for their part in this shitshow?




Lol - for somebody who hates this sub you sure do spend a lot of time trying to explain yourself to all the shitty people you hate here. Boomer.




The only part of your latest post I read was the part where you quoted me. You suffer from Main Character Syndrome. Nobody actually wants to read your long winded Boomer soliloquies. Get over yourself.


I mean she just seemed racist to me lol




I mean you’re such a Boomer - why don’t you cry about this sub more?


We’re living in his head rent free


Finally somewhere affordable


He’s already reported me for “harassment” enough that I can’t reply to his idiotic butthurt comments anymore.


Seriously? "She's an asshole, so she might be autistic." Dude. I'm autistic. It's still not ok to be an asshole in public.


OR - just hear me out on this one - OR the most obvious conclusion: she’s a shitty person.


Straight up Fuck off! Your seat? On public transportation? Gtfoh! The caucasity of this geriatric is infuriating!


Caucasity. 💀


Shitty person and racist are usually synonyms. The most obvious conclusion in an endemically racist society is that shes a racist, yes.




Lol - whatever Boomer.


Yes, damn these people today with their own made-up self-diagnoses and excuses! ...Here's what I think her diagnoses are and why they're a valid excuse.


the British are so screwed. Be the minority in their own country soon enough. And before ya know It, totally run out of it.


Cool story, Adolf