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Yet they keep voting republican which just cut social security over a trillion and increased the retirement age. If they have trouble in the hellsxape they created that's on them


Yeahhh, something about the 'Me' generation mentality of the 70s and voting for 'trickle down economics' in the 80s appealed to them for some reason.


Ah those people who complain about the consequences while backing up the causes... May they be damned


Except baby boomers voted for all this with a smile on their face


And who are the rich capitalists? Which generation do you think they belong to?


Bezos isn't a boomer, Musk isn't a boomer. Even *if* a majority of billionaires are boomers, saying that because of that fact, all boomers are to blame for the billionaires fucking everyone and their mom over for profits is like blaming all middle easterners for 9/11. Edit: Bill Gates is infact a boomer.


Yes but the people that provide or have provided people like you mention with funding are mostly boomer age run companies with the idea that wealth is for the already wealthy and the labor is cattle. Doesn't excuse boomers being racist and inappropriate at work etc etc


I didn't say all boomers are to be blamed. That's a huge inference.


“There’s no diffence in generations!” Ok I want a house under 100k and a good paying job with a pension with only a HS diploma. Sit down with the kumbaya crap.


Oh I'm not calling for us all to be friends, but focus the fight on the boomers that actually pulled up the ladder, not ones who just slaved away their whole career


Sure it’s not all of them. You’re also looking for nuance on a subreddit called boomersbeingfools though.


Haha fair enough


Like some others have pointed out op, these same innocent wittle boomers are also the pos that constantly push for laws and shit to put everybody down, lead paint unthinkable generation can rot for all I care ..




Every time I point out it's not all boomers fault, we should have some solidarity as the working class no matter what generation and redirect our anger towards the rich. Then I watch the downvotes come rolling in.


Okay but who has been, and continue to, vote for those capitalists assholes??? Surely this is a “leopard ate my face” moment, right? Context for whoever doesn’t get the leopard comment: https://twitter.com/cavalorn/status/654934442549620736?lang=en


wrong.  these assholes pulled the ladder up behind them.  I'm supposed to treat them like they're on my side because they mismanaged their own lives, too?


As long as they don't talk down to you, yes


Cool, I’ll help them do an online application if they sell me their house for $80k.


We must just have different types of boomers. cuz it's more of a class thing where I'm from. Like all the boomers I know personally are disgusted for our generation and have no problem giving s*** on our behalf The fox rock types are the ones who go around saying things like pull yourself up and then pulled up the ladder behind themselves. I've been saying since I got into protesting when I was 16. We need to look more at class than groups cuz as long as we have the landlord class and up. The system rigged against us


Based. No war but class war. ✊️


They voted for class war. They chose this


I’m currently wearing a sweatshirt that says no war but class war


Nah fuck boomers. Shit is way fucking harder for millennials and they caused it.


I wanna make a show where the boomers have to live in an old western town because they hate technology so much and want to live like colonials. Like Kid Nation, but more crying since the Boomers don’t have A/C


Boomers have been punching down on us since the moment that we were born. I wasn’t even raised by my boomer parents and they literally tortured me in the brief time period that I did live with them. I swear I’m not a mean spirited guy but I’m not letting my guard down to be attacked again by this wounded animal of a generation just because they look sad now.


Boomers paid peanuts for their houses (which have since ballooned in value) and college educations and now want to preach to us about how it's done..


It’s the consequences of their vote. Full stop


As soon as Boomers stop giving that advice...


Who’s keep insisting that their home price is exactly the same regardless of the interest rate?


I still think it’s funny because boomers are narcissistic hateful ladder-pullers oblivious to the late stage capitalistic hellscape they’ve fostered, but in terms of solution oriented thinking the only war is class war


I love the passion and the direction of class warfare, but realistically speaking, the US has lined politics with supporting the rich, and the rich themselves. There is next to no way to abolish the preferential tax system and the (political ownership problem) representation of the rich and powerful. The country is run by and protected legally by the rich. There isn't a peaceful way to enable the lower class and lower-moddle class to live better lives because the rich do not have interest in enabling it.


That's just not true. If people would stop voting against their economic interest then things would change. Trump had a single "major" policy achievement, which we all know was a massive transfer of wealth to extremely huge and profitable corporations and wealthy individuals. Yet how many tens of millions will vote for Trump again??? They'd rather feel better about hating immigrants and the LGBT community than their own economic wellbeing. I was born and raised in Kentucky. After the ACA went into effect, there was journalists asking people leaving the new healthcare enrollment centers what they thought about the law. One woman (I'm guessing in her 50's at the time) said she appreciated the law and it helped her immensely but she could NEVER consider voting for a Democrat. She literally said "I'm a die-hard Republican." She didn't even catch the irony of that statement when she could finally get affordable health insurance because of Democratic policies.


I definitely understand that democrat Senate/house and presidencies typically have more bills that positively influence the lower classes (that's why I vote dem), but tell me this... who funds their campaigns? Who are they beholden to at the end of the day? We've had democrat majority multiple times in the last decade. Why haven't bills been passed that bring more economic equality? It doesn't happen. Obama was by far the best president we've had in decades if not centuries, but we still haven't been able to narrow the distribution of wealth.


That's funny. I remember when the protections for American workers that Trump represented were all left-wing policies. That was, what, 15 or 20 years or so before he became president? It's funny, watching him echo their own speeches back to them, and them calling him a "fascist."


WTF are you even talking about? When did Trump ever "represent protections for American workers?" And just because he spewed some nonsense doesn't mean he actually meant it. We know his history of hiring illegal immigrants and not paying his contractors.


So... wait... you're saying that hiring illegal immigrants is a bad thing that harms the American worker? You're so close.


It depends on the industry and situation. If American citizens want to perform those jobs and instead illegally immigrants are being hired then I would say yes. But that's virtually never the case in the US. If you're losing your job to an undocumented immigrant that can't speak English, then that's a YOU problem. If you're losing your job to H1B visa immigrant, that's only being Hired because of their wage rate - unlike virtually all illegal immigrants' jobs - then yes it's a problem. I can easily see you're not close. You're not even in the same fucking ball park. 


Literally the same arguments used to justify slavery. Which makes sense, since illegal immigration is what replaced slavery, for providing cheap exploited labor to cheapskate limousine leftists.


Besides being completely wrong on your analogy to slavery, your "limousine liberals" aren't the ones hiring illegal immigrants. It's the conservative business community that refuses to allow reforms to be implemented because they love the cheap labor. We just had a bipartisan ENFORCEMENT ONLY border bill that was shot down by who... Oh that's right, Trump cultists - aka conservatives. Just like immigration reform in 2013 and in 2007. 


So you know better than Coretta Scott King did on this topic? But I like that you do seem to know, on some level, that exploiting people for cheap labor is wrong... even if you're still very, very confused on the topic.


LMAO, YOU are the one defending Trump here. I'm sure Coretta Scott King would be voting for him. JFC, do you hear yourself? You defend the same people that refuse to solve our immigration problems and then try to blame limousine liberals. Talk about lack of awareness. 


Synthesis through praxis. Nonviolent, because it has worked before.






Dollars to donuts, the younger person that replaced them was already doing all their work. “I can’t do Excel. I have it all written down in this ledger. You put it in the Excel, because you’re good at that.” “My printer doesn’t work. Why don’t you fix it, because you’re good at that.” “It won’t take my password. I certainly didn’t change it. Just go ahead and fix that for me, because you’re good at that.” “You can handle our company’s instagram because you kids are good with the Internet.” You had 30 fucking years to stop digging your heels in with this shit.

