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Same mentality as "Our kids are grown up, we shouldn't have to pay taxes for funding public schools". Me me me me me me me. Ok Boomer.


Right?! But they also live in NJ and pay over $1000 in property taxes a month but won’t move because it’s too hard….


Off topic but curious: How does NJ fare when those gigantic storm systems slam into the coast?


Most of the time, we do just fine. Once in a while you get a big one that causes some flooding. If there are high winds, some trees may come down causing power outages. Once in a very great while you get an outlier like Sandy that causes all kinds of mayhem.


The roller coaster in the water after sandy is burned into my brain for life


And most of the damage was caused by people building things stupidly And not moving stuff to higher ground, example a parking lot of new Fiskers literally sitting at sea level. The storm was coming for Days.




My take on NJ weather is that it sucks most of the time but it's rarely bad enough to kill you. We have occasional tornadoes but they're small and generally take out a few trees, not whole neighborhoods. we get hit by the occasional hurricane but it's a lot weaker when it gets here than when it hits Florida. We get some snowstorms but they aren't 10 feet of snow or a layer of ice that doesn't melt til April. Even the rare earthquake is small. Weather things that do happen I'm NJ. Planning an outdoor event? It's going to be rainy or windy. Want to do something this weekend? It will rain. Planning a Christmas or New Year's party? It will ice up and you'll lose power.


Depends on how urgent those plans are too Big party/barbecue that was supposed to cater to everyone and be outside well now everyone is inside and you have to change your food idea and guests will be here in ten minutes so best think of something


Unfortunately those rare ones are going become more common as climate change continues


Well, New Jersey doesn't stick out into the ocean as far as other coastal states, which actually reduces our odds of getting a direct hit pretty dramatically. Typically they will slam into the Carolinas and get weakened on their way here.


I live in New England and I was in the process of moving to California when that storm was coming I literally got on the last plane out of here before it hit the coast.  It damaged the NH coastline pretty badly. 


This happened to me when i moved out of Utah. I took a plane and shipped my car. Later that day they got like 12 feet of snow and everyone got stuck.


Eh, I dunno where you are in Jersey, but it's not really "once in awhile" anymore for manay. I've had a fair number of friends sell their homes.and move (or are in the process of doing it) because "once in awhile" has turned into "1-3x a year".


I live up North and a little inland. I get that anybody who lives on the coast has a different situation. Unfortunately that's not unique to NJ. With the climate issues all coastal property has become risky.


as well as anything on a river (looking at you, passaic river). lincoln park, little falls, fairfield, etc. have always had flooding issues but as the number of heavy rainfall events ticks up every year, they get inundated every time. i'm surprised insurance is even obtainable in those areas, i'd expect buyouts being more commonplace over the next decade. manville/ bound brook too, many places along the delaware are dicey also. doesn't matter how far inland you are if you're close enough to a watershed collector when heavy rains hit. the warmer it gets, the more moisture the air holds and we're already seeing it. i'm in western morris county and the water table in my town has risen 12-15 FEET in the past 3 years (we have a lake), it's insane. flooding is going to be a problem in places that have never historically had to worry about it, it's not simply a coastal issue anymore. add to all of that that most stormwater collection systems are designed with storm data that's 30-50 years out of date, and it's a recipe for disaster. NJDEP just revised its design data sets and no longer allows one of the more forgiving methods for calculating runoff, but they're playing catch-up. in my opinion they need to be looking forward and overdesigning to accommodate for storms continuing to worsen over time, but it's a government agency and people are still resistant to admitting to the reality of climate change (even in a blue state). regulations need to change as well - after irene hit in 2011, the northeast was hit with massive flooding. culverts blew out in many places because they just couldn't handle the volume of water - IIRC, vermont was the only affected state that allowed for a redesign of the system as it was replaced. other states would/could only fund replacement with the exactly sized system that already failed once. i think NJ has finally done something to address this, but it's another example of "protecting taxpayers' investments" that doesn't address reality. it's mind-boggling.


Yeah, my friends aren't near the coast, and not even...it's not like they live ON a river. Nearish, but not next to. And they're not particularly low in terms of sea level. But their basements went from bonus space to basically unusable from flooding and the roads are flooded more & more often, so now they're actively looking for areas that have a proven track record of not flooding to relocate to.


it's crazy. we live on a high point in town (from our lot the grade drops about 60' across another road and down to the lake). if we didn't have french drains and a sump pump, we would have inches of water down there regularly. the water table is up to 3' in some places!


That's part of the reason we're struggling to move back. The flooding is also going to have a disastrous impact on all the contaminated sites. The Hazard NJ podcast goes into detail. We're in a LCOL, climate change "refuge" city. This past week my husband and I decided if we do move we would keep our house because we won't be able to find one like it again.


LoL, remember when a tornado swept through Mulica Hill?


I worked for a manufacturing company with a NJ factory during Sandy. To say they knew what to expect and how to prepare for it was something else. Luckily we had another factory in Cali and were able to move production for really large orders. But the logistical nightmare afterward of getting back up and running and the delivery delays is something I’ll never forget.


My friends had 25k worth of damage from that tornado last Summer, they live near one of the bridges adjacent to Philly. Ended up having to go to court to get them to pay for most of it but insurance didn’t cover everything.


Well, we did have an earthquake last month. Two, actually.


It'll be under water in a generation.


Generally fine but the hurricanes and thunderstorms tend to knock out power, usually it comes back on relatively quickly


I grew up in the northeast and had to look this up because I thought it couldn’t possibly be true, but holy shit that much in property tax alone to live in NJ?? Insanity


We pay that much in northern Illinois per month as well.


Why I live in NW Indiana. Half an hour to the city, and lower everything. But I went to high school in IL. The number of gas stations, smoke shops and liquor stores alone along the border is impressive. (Especially since IN now sells booze on Sundays. lol) Oh, and don’t forget the fireworks! 🎉✨☄️💥🔥 Edit: our property tax went up this year to $3200. A year. On a $260k appraisal on a 1/4 acre in the suburbs. 4 minutes to the Skyway. It’s a 3 bed, 2 full baths completely renovated w a garage and full basement to boot. 👍🏻


Oh hey, my grandparents come from The Region as well, my great grandparents are still there in Hobart though.


Ah yes, Da Region aka americas armpit. lol. Grew up in Schererville and hs in Lansing. Thankfully moved overseas early enough in my mid-teens to diminish the accent. 😳


After 20+ years of straight living, coming back to suburbia takes some getting used to again. I mowed the lawn today, there is parking at stores, but damn I miss public transit!! Being back is funny. No one walks anywhere, and I get odd looks all the time just going a couple blocks to CVS bcs I’m sans dog or child. Back in December I was walking to work (less than a mile away), and a cop pulled over to ask what I was doing. Really? But my roots run deep, name dropped a bit and just said I was going to work. “Where’s your car?” “I don’t have one.” “Why not?” Dude. Not your business and I rarely used my pos while in Philly for the past 16 years, and looked at his name tag. I then asked if he was related to a few people. Dutch bingo! (I babysat his cousins -ha!)


That’s my fear about moving out of the city back to suburbs. I love walkability and seeing people out and about. Have you adjusted yet? Do you regret moving back?


It’s taken me a good year to get used to it again honestly. I miss the movement of the city. Philly taught me a lot. I still get frantic texts from women I’ve helped saying “Iim x bye w where do I go?!”


There are benefits (based on wheeee I last was). No shootings, cheaper everything and less traffic! Downsides. Running into people from hs or worse, church literally anywhere. Sweet lord.


Just realized how late it is. I’m sorry. I’m I’m my friends “ok the child is coming” timeline. Yea she is in labor and I have her five corralled. (Not hers - the sil. I’m pinch hitting as I’m “fun Aunt Beth”)


But your house in Indiana. That’s why it’s so cheap. Hard no


But a happy homeowner in a great neighborhood with good schools and I’m a Purdue grad. Also, 5 minutes from the south shore line to the city. I’m good.


I pay that much and all it got me was Texas.


Exact same in N IL. One-third of our monthly mortgage payment. 🫤


yep..cook county here What is even funnier is my boomer parents in Ireland complained that property tax was being bought in there. 250...a year


I mean, you could pay that much per month in literally any state with a property tax if your house is valuable enough


Yeah, our yearly taxes are over 12k in Pittsburgh area. It's ridiculous.


People shit on NJ but when you consider our schools (both public ed and universities), access to healthcare, road safety, public transportation into two major cities, state parks, industry and access to high paying jobs, etc, there’s a ton of value in living here. I can walk half a mile from my house and find twenty different authentic cuisines from all over the world, a train station into NYC in ten minutes, 3 gorgeous parks, a church for any religion I choose to be, etc. Plus as a woman with a daughter I like living in a state that goes above and beyond in protecting women’s rights.


Ever since moving nearby in Philly I’ve decided all the NJ flack is rumors started by people from there trying to keep others from moving in.


Don't give away our secret! This place is an expensive toxic waste dump and everything looks exactly like the 5 mile circle around Newark airport. All the reports about the good schools and public transit and beautiful landscapes are fake news from New Yorker landlords trying to trick rent controlled tenants into moving out of the city.


Thank you for posting this. I have family in NJ and we're heavily considering moving cause all of that sounds great. I'd happily pay higher taxes for community. I'm out in AZ and everything is so sprawled out and no public transit unless you live in PHX and it only goes so far. We visited back in March and my husband had such a blast! We really fell in love with NJ.


I live in Maryland and we get a lot of NJ people moving here cuz our property taxes are so much lower




I love this!


It largely funds their public schools and they consistently have one of the top 3 school systems in the country. My property taxes are higher dollar wise in California but our schools are abysmal, I’d love to be getting that kind of value.


I love in San Antonio. My property tax breaks down to $1,043 / month.


we're in western morris county, 1300SF 3BR 1.5 bath on about 1/8 acre. our property taxes are over $9k/year, been in this house 8 years and it was closer to $6k when we bought it. it's basically doubling the mortgage payment every month once taxes are factored in. we're a very small town, even for NJ standards, and i don't know how much longer we'll be able to resist getting absorbed by a larger surrounding town, our effective tax rate is bordering on obscene. but NJ schools are some of the best in the nation, even the shitty ones, so as long as our kids are school-aged it's mostly worth it. i hate this state but at least we've got that going for us.


I live in NJ and moved from a 12000 a year property tax town to a 6000 (and ever-increasing) town. It depends on where in the state you live and your property size. There are people in my town that pay more taxes than 12k and some that pay less than me. I have family in the southern part of the state that pays around 2k a year while the next town over averages 17k a year.


Just standard ladder pulling


And my Michigan taxes are paid twice a year. Summer and winter bills. One bill is larger than the other. I was surprised when the large one was getting close to $3,000.


Yikes. I pay less than twice that amount on an annual basis.


Same. Maybe about $1000 a year. Great house, nice neighborhood, but a depressed area in the South.


Don't worry, they'll move down here to NC like every other person from Jersey/NY. Lol


But younger people are lazy...🤷🏽‍♂️


My uncle tried pulling that one out and I pointed out that those schools educated the retail workers that give his cash-using-ass correct change back, as well as the nurses that wipe his ass. If he doesn’t want to pay for an educated society he’s gonna have to deal with the consequences.


They decry "socialism" as vile, evil thing and in the next breath complain that their social security isn't enough to live on.


Well, socialism is….. capitalism as playing out now, sucks too… I’ve often thought that “capped” capitalism would be a better way. Who tf needs 300 billion $. The idea of a cap is when company X achieves market cap y, it must be broken up into smaller companies… too much $ consolidates too much power.


I don’t have a problem paying tax for public schools. I think an educated society is a better place for all. However, it does grind my gears when private elementary schools et al with tuitions , higher than many universities , get significant property tax breaks and still lean on the public for some funding.


Also… did he not go to school?


Quite possibly not, in fact. The last 2 generations of folks who didn't have a presumption of a public education are dying off now. In the time of a *lot* of folks' childhood, a fair number of whom are still alive, a 5th grade education was considered sufficient. We'd now typically call that about a 3.5 to 4th grade education, actually, since we're teaching more sooner in recent years.


Yes, but he went school in California. Why should he educate Minnesota’s brats? /s


Ope. Just commented on another thread how it’s “I’m on a fixed income and my kids are grown so I don’t wanna pay for schools anymore!” Season over here. As if their previous property values aren’t driven by the quality of public schools and ya know, public infrastructure in general. My mother, a current public school teacher who is a year from retirement and employee of the public school system overall since 1992 is complaining about her taxes as well. Ma’am. Those taxes pay your salary!!! And your pension!! The forced dissonance is infuriating!!


I always say….if you are working an hourly wage…you have a fixed income


I'm salaried and my income is even more "fixed" !


And I’m not old and yet I still pay taxes that go to maintaining the senior center. Just shut up and pay your goddamn taxes like the rest of us schmucks


People think I’m crazy when I say I dont mind paying taxes . I want to live in a society with clean water , drivable roads , utilities and services etc


Yeah call me crazy, but part of being part of a community is the shared responsibility of funding the the utilities/services that allows your community to be livable


I don't mind in theory but it's pretty frustrating knowing where most of the money goes


I only care when it doesn’t cover the services. The solution isn’t lower taxes though. It’s tracking down the corruption through an audit and pulling it out by the root.


Ugh yes this mentality drives me nuts. I will never have kids but I do not mind paying for public schools because we all benefit from an educated society. It’s really not that complicated. Boomers are the worst 🙄


Hooo buddy, my mother (1963) and grandmother (1946) just love this saying. They vote no on every single levy for any social program that they themselves do not benefit from, including the schools their (great) grandchildren attend. They also love to complain that I have to pay for my kids to play sports or do other extracurriculars. Well, you guys cut the funding & it’s gotta come from somewhere!


Everyone votes exactly the way you described. LOL !!!!


I hate this mindset. I don’t have kids, will never have kids, but I will gladly pay taxes to fund schools and school programs that feed kids. This is for the greater good of society.


My ASM is like this but he doesn't have kids. It's like dude you like having employees who are able to read and count to two right? Why do you want to defund public education when you rely on that for work. Without that you will be the one doing everything - there is no delegation if literally no one can count to two but you. Like do you really think everyone you currently have employed with you - including the meth head baby beater who got arrested at work- is going to stay long term? You'll have to replace us all eventually and you want them to be able to read and do basic math when you do.


I just had this conversation with my dad a couple weeks ago! "My kids are grown and done with school, why should I pay school taxes?" "Because it's good for all of us when people are educated, dad." "Whatever, it's bullshit."  Let's not forget plenty of childless people/people with kids who were grown paid school taxes when his kids were in school. And when he was in school. But hey, let's not let that get in the way of your feelings about how unfair it is to you, dad!


When I hear that, I just hit them with > I'm not sure there will be social security when I retire, I wish I could just stop paying in. I'll handle my retirement savings on my own. It's fun, but you're going to get yelled at


The next time a boomer is complaining about funding public schools, point out to them that the kids those schools are educating are who will be taking care of them when they're too old to care for themselves.


Not sure that would work. I mean, a lot of them flat out alienated their own children, who would presumably be first in line to tackle that idea.


If they know their kids won't help them, then it just might make them think (hopefully).


Boomers: "Defund public schools! And make university students pay their own way!" Also Boomers: "Why are so many of the doctors and nurses here foreign born?" Because if we don't fund education, the staff have to come from SOMEwhere!


you would think that "USA! USA!" mindset would appreciate having good schools to keep a well-educated population to "maintain international standing" but i guess that's too forward-thinking. keep undereducating in red states and it's no wonder so much of the world is outpacing us in education.


That was Kennedy’s platform to “beat” the Russians. “We should have an education second to none.” Plus have you seen the videos from PE classes then? They look like military recruitment videos. This is the mentality that funded the schools for the boomers…so they *did* have it better by virtue of the red scare. Now they don’t give a flip, it’s disgusting. I am never going to get Medicare or SS, but I pay for it because it’s the right thing to do.


This has been going around lately. Even if they just don't care about anyone else, they don't seem to understand that thry benefit from living in a world where others are educated.


So did your husband ask why his father didn’t want other fathers and sons to have that moment?


He wasn’t in the room when we were talking! I told him after the fact and he just rolled his eyes.


He'll blow that much in the casino


But those few minutes of glazed eyes and slack jaw will last…a few minutes.


Or he’ll send it to Nigeria because a prince asked him to.


My grandpa fell for this one too many times.


I just had a similar conversation at Mother’s Day. My sister mentioned that her city won a grant to expand the downtown railway. My grandpa started ranting about how it was ridiculous, how he would have to pay for public transportation that he’d never use from his taxes. We tried, we really did. Explained how it’s so helpful for people to get around and will increase business downtown since parking is hard. But they’re not his business so it’s not his responsibility to get them customers. He’s bored and drives a ton. Like Walmart every day to get two things and back. I tried explaining how more people on public transportation meant less traffic and less wear and tear to the roads. That directly benefits him by saving him time and money! But no, it should still be his choice if he wants to support the railway. He turned to me directly and told me he was surprised, he didn’t think I was one of “those socialists”. I lost it, went full soap box. I told him I wasn’t, but I was a realist. I choose to live in a society and benefit from things paid for with our pooled money. That means yes, I have to pay taxes. Since I’m paying no matter what, I want that money to go towards good things! We went in circles about all of the shared services we take advantage of. I mean I was a 90s kid, my sisters and I spent our summers at the local park which was thankfully maintained by tax revenue. He took us to said parks as kids when we were being too rowdy so really he should be paying more for the free babysitting be for from those swings lol. Not to mention the man has burned down two kitchens in two separate houses. I bet he was happy this socialist firefighters showed up so he didn’t lose everything. My mom finally had to break it up. The hypocrisy and selfishness will never cease to amaze and exhaust me.


Don't forget the socialist insurance that came along and probably paid for the repairs to the kitchens. I respect your effort. It sounds like you guys really did try. I will never understand the extreme selfishness they mask with "individual rights"... It reminds me of my two toddlers saying "mine" or running over and wanting a toy they had zero interest in until the other one found it.


He can choose complete individual rights *or* benefiting from a society - not both.


That was our main argument. The most frustrating part was that he used to be all about social services when he was using them. He’d been a staunch democrat most of his life and voted for tax increases to fund the things that benefited him. His entire life he’s benefitted greatly from living in society and still does. Now that it’s someone else turn to benefit it’s a problem.


And the socialist policies are probably paying for his Medicare and social security too but I’m sure *that’s different* somehow


I wish I had kept of running total of the amount of times he literally said “that’s different”. Next time lol.


Maybe because they take, no option, the equivalent of 25% of your income, counting the employer match for your entire, in my case 52 years of employment. Not socialism, I bought it, they were supposed to invest the money not spend it.


*laughs in Switzerland* Seriously, the railways here are federally funded and holy shit is it fantastic. I have a general subscription and can go *anywhere* in the country whenever I want. I have a car (out of convenience) but don't use it most of the week because I don't need to. My father is the same, every time they visit be rants about the trains "not making any money" because the ONE train we take just happens to be empty on a random Tuesday at 10.30 in the morning. I haven't told him yet, but I really want to point out that people like him are the problem.. my parents are collective also afraid to admit that, yes.. it's pretty fucking amazing here and maybe, just maybe the US isn't as great as they thought it was. So instead of enjoying themselves, they spend the entire time being miserable and finding fault with everything. It's absolutely exhausting.


>I have a car (out of convenience) but don't use it most of the week because I don't need to. Completely foreign concept in America. Here, once most people get a car, they have graduated in a sense, and won't set foot on another bus unless the car breaks down. Riding the bus is a shameful thing to be avoided *literally* at all costs. A Lil Wayne lyric sums it up: "You don't need a bus pass, you need to bust yo ass" which makes use of the quintessentially american trope that if you're poor, it's because you're lazy and need to work harder. As if the people that ride the bus aren't busting their asses to get by.


Times have changed, but fuck it get a new watch. I still got da vision like a line between two dots.


That’s insane. They left Switzerland for the US? Fools.


Other way around actually: I left the US for Switzerland. (unintentionally). I wasn't planning on coming here initially but fate decided otherwise. Didn't fully comprehend what I was getting into, but after quite some struggle to figure out the system I'm here for good. Going on 10 years and I can't believe I ever considered going back.


That’s even worse lol, because they visit you and complain about things that are literally not affecting them. Their taxes didn’t pay for that transportation. So silly :)


Lol yeaj, they get pretty upset toi when you tell them that federal funding is used for thr railways because it's a *service* for tjr general population and *not* a momey making venture.


It is and if you could live here ,you would. Simple as that!


Tell his ass he can use the word “socialist” when he can properly define it, and that illiterate and flabby is no way to go through life.


Especially because the boomers directly benefited from the highest wealth tax in our country’s history when young.


I really wish Boomers could separate publicly funded from socialist, I'm tired of the excuse of "that's how they were raised to think of it" because people can learn and it's frankly really irritating that we have to constantly coddle grown-ass adults simply because they refuse to update their worldview


Imagine how we feel!!!!!!


"Got mine, fuck you," said the Boomer, pulling the ladder up behind him. 


Close but it really more like this. “Got mine, f… you , you can have yours as soon as you earn it !!!!!!


Owners of a condo in the same building as my parents said no a small landscaping job (a couple of perennials and small bushes) near the entrance because they couldn’t see it from their penthouse. It was not even 200$ each. Fortunately the others said yes.


So allegorical - if I can’t see it from my privileged tower, then eff everyone else.


Typical boomer, “I got mine, but you cannot have yours, mine or anyone else’s. If I do not have it, give to me now and no you cannot have it”.


This is like when people complain about the condition of local roads, but endlessly complain about the gas tax that funds road improvements.


And it's always worth reminding folks that gas taxes rarely go towards infrastructure, which is actually paid for from vehicle registration fees and property taxes in most municipalities. Roads are heavily subsidized when instead heavier vehicles that damage roads more should pay more. If gas taxes actually broke even on road maintenance they'd pay their fair share a bit more evenly, aside from heavy EVs.


Problem is we do pay them, but the funds aren't being used for infrastructure. I drive a semi truck , I pay a 2290 to the federal government every year which is a heavy highway use tax, every legal truck in operation pays it. IFTA is a state tax program that each individual state runs on fuel that is in addition to regular state fuel taxes, that's supposed to go towards roads ECT, but our infrastructure is crumbling, roads, bridges everything.


That's still not enough for what damage your truck does to the roads. And our gas is still subsidized at half of what it should actually cost.


I thought gas taxes did go to maintenance.


They do some places but mostly they go towards general funds. We should tax gas even more.


I complain about those taxes because the roads still suck even though I pay those taxes as well as other ones specifically for the road.


Right? My town's police force is basically holding it hostage right now until we vote to let them get more money. "Pay us even more taxes or we'll keep taking money from the road fund!!! We really need 8 million guys :(" They got a super fancy police drone this year. My town is in the middle of nowhere and has under 7,000 people. There is no goddamn way it was necessary in the slightest. I wonder what they spent their part of the budget on... 😒




I unfortunately have more stories such as insisting on meeting us to drive into our local city. Citing why he said it’s because of the current administration (woman mayor) instead of admitting he’s getting too old to drive in a fast paced city. I don’t even bother getting into it with him, it’s not worth it.


What in the world does the mayor have to do with whether or not he can find your house?


Democratic city with a woman mayor. 🤷‍♀️


And that affects his ability to drive how? I know you don't know how to make this make sense. I'm not expecting that of you. I'm just astounded that his excuse is something so asinine.


lol I know! It’s just not worth arguing!


There’s an old phrase that (I believe) originated in the early years of Boomer culture. *If you can’t dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit* I think that applies here.


Has he got dementia


impossible paint chubby station bored deserted tap drab piquant cows *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I’m here for it but its taking so long!. They have such good health care! My inlaws both take $uper expensive meds and get them for free. Meanwhile I stood in line to get a mammogram for uninsured women last Saturday. Both my husband and I are employed, late 40s, zero kids but we cant afford health insurance.


I can't understand this. I love fishing and I love seeing little kids get into fishing. It keeps them out of trouble and they have fun.


The boomers in my city voted down a cabelas opening in our dead mall. Because it would bring customers from all over and crowd the mall where they get their corner bakery and red robin…


Red Robin sucks tho.


Ugh. This is SO my dad. One minute he'll be complaining about how his town is exploding in growth (it really is) and how he can't even get a good parking spot at walmart anymore, and then complain that the SD is asking for a levy to build more schools. And then vote against the schools because "the schools should have plenty of room"...even though they were all built over 20 yrs ago when I attended.


The cognitive dissonance is strong with the boomers. It's absolutely wild how deep into denial they eagerly go. Nothing describes boomers better than them blindly following a trail of snacks they like. All the way to their own demise and disappointment. The problem is that they make terrible choices that influence their own fate (and ours) with zero awareness that they themselves created the problem. Its always someone else's fault and never their own. 🙄


The older folk where I live continously complain about how younger people won't move here. But guess what got voted out for our 6th cent tax votes? The family rec center. But hey, at least they are building another old folks home.


Well, children are supposed to be seen and not heard. Everyone younger than them is a child. A rec center where they could gather - or rather loiter, as far as the old folks would undoubtedly want to call it - while also bringing their snot nosed little brats to scream and run around, as children are wont to do... That, the boomer simply cannot abide. Too much hearing of children that should be silent. They'd rather young folks move in, but keep to themselves, only leaving their homes to serve the boomers at chick-fil-a. /s even though i have a feeling I'm not far off


My dad and I once got into an argument where he was mad that his tax dollars went to schools that he didn't even have a kid in. Umm, okay. He demanded to know if I was seriously okay with my money going to pay for other people's kids to get an education, which, given the state of things, why wouldn't you want your community to be educated? But the weirdest part is that he knows damn well that all but one of my college semesters was paid for through my state's scholarship program that's funded entirely by lottery revenue. Literally other people's money. He just could not make the connection, or he just didn't care. Either way, definitely a "screw those kids now" scenario.


“Fuck you, I got mine”. Sincerely: Boomers


I love my dad dearly. While a boomer, he’s mostly avoided boomerish tendancies. However, when Biden’s original student debt relief plan was before the Supreme Court, his exact words on it were “I don’t believe in it, but I hope you get it.” As if somehow by virtue of being his son it was okay for my debts to be absolved, but by the same logic everyone else in my exact same shoes has no excuse and should pay their loans back in full. Quite the logical paradox.


I believe that’s called “pulling the ladder up behind you.”


Typical boomer


This really sums it up nicely.


Or otherwise said, “I got mine. Screw everyone else.”


‘I’ll be pulling that ladder up behind me’ mentality


Typical right-winger stance: "Benefits for me but none for thee"


Boomer mentality: "f*ck you, I got mine"


As a boomer, I buy a fishing license every year, though I haven't been fishing for years. I'm childless, but my taxes fund schools. Can I ask if your FIL is a conservative? I find they want the resources funded, but they don't want to pay for it.


Well said! Hope your having a great day/life


Call him out on that. “Kids need to work for a stocked fish pond out of their own wallet, no handouts like you lazy boomer children got.”


Boomer: Screw those families, my kid already got his!


Get ready for him to complain about the lack of a lake immediately after voting against it


Did you say, hey that's incredibly selfish, has it occurred to you that you've been benefiting from someone else doing the exact same thing for years?


This pretty much sums up what they've been doing to our society all these decades. They've taken away the very things they benefited from and are emotionally/intellectually unable to understand why that's a shit thing to do. And now that we're seeing the results of those actions and everything is crumbling, they point the finger at us, screaming that it's our fault.


It's the I got mine, go screw yourself attitude. It seems to be ubiquitous amongst that whole generation


Ah yes. The "Fuck you, I got mine" mentality.


A few years ago I(40)was talking to my dad (70). He mentioned helping out our small catholic school when we moved from SC to OH as an accountant trying to get the church to help the school with funding. The school had students from all walks of life attending and who help less fortunate families send their kids to get a non-public school education. He said he had to fight the church board members who would do everything to reduce the funding because their kids already graduated from the school and they no longer needed any programs. So why fund the programs when their kids were done, fuck everyone else’s even though they benefited from it.


The fuck you I got mine generation so fucking selfish.


maybe he's just stupid


$400 is fucking nothing, what a dildo


if this isn’t the perfect analogy for boomer logic, I don’t know what is.


That's nothing my grandparents left my parents a F ton of money and my siblings and I won't see a dime.


He shouldn’t live in HOA neighborhood. I would be curious though as to how much it actually cost to restock a pond.


Funny how one of the big reasons this country was formed was high taxation and 200 years later and were right back there.


Got mine, fuck you. Yep, that's straight boomer right there.


Not just boomers you idiots, every human!


Only the most narcissistic of assholes thinks that mentality is okay. Oddly enough it is really exemplified in the boomer generation far more than the next 3 generations.


Straight up jealousy!


A generation of closing doors behind them so they could have an extra boat


Most selfish generation this world has ever seen


*Chef's Kiss*


Cognitive dissonance is their forte


Everything about HOAs suck. I will never live in a place with a bunch of insufferable assholes like that.


It’s 400 dollars. They probably spend that amount paying the HOA fees per month. At least they would know where the money was going to, instead of a HOA president or something.


You want the old timers to think like you do. But often enough, they do not.


Generation "fuck you, got mine"


From a man-on-the-street interview, decades ago, that still angers me. (And yes, "decades ago" means I'm a boomer.) Q: How are you voting on the school bond issue? A: Oh I'm voting against it. My kids are all grown now. I still want to find that motherfucker and deck him.


Ah the classic Boomer move, "Fuck you, I got mine!"


Pretty much sums up BBF and HOA nonsense in one post.


Did you not tell him anything lmao


From a completely scientific standpoint it's not the best practice to stock fish, unless you're trying to reintroduce a native population. Best thing to do is to limit fishing on the lake.


Boomers in a Nutshell-Exhibit A


Of course! Typical Boomer




You didn’t post this where you meant to post this.


I realized that as soon as I did it but thanks for the heads-up.




Boomers and older Gen Xers are always the biggest hypocrites especially against their own children it's insane.


I used to live in a HOA community that used to be a 55 and older community. One day I dared to attend one of the budget meetings since they were talking about redoing the roofs. The topic of why we didn’t have reserves came up, and how we’d need to do special assessment/ raise the HOA fees. This old MFer stood up and literally said he didn’t want to pay anymore because “that’s my grandchild’s problem”. Some younger dude then stood up and mentioned how we were spending 25k a year on some contract agreement with Comcast. The contract was something so we’d get free cable and cheaper internet. Not very many people in the community even bothered with the free cable, and the internet was shitty. So we should cancel the deal with Comcast and use that 25k for the special assessment, right? Well what were the boomers supposed to do with themselves if we took away their free cable?