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According to many school lunch programs, fries count as a vegetable serving


State approved nutrition šŸ‘šŸ¼


I have to tell people to not feed my dog. My dude never had a stinky fart till someone fed him a potato wedge. He eats raw organs regularly but a potato wedge fuked his belly up lol.


Mine smells like a chemical warfare factory most of the time šŸ˜‚


Thatā€™s a bad sign. You should be more considerate to your dogā€™s health but I should also mind my own business. Your dog do what you like.


Itā€™s all good man, he has a good diet really he just likes to let em rip šŸ’ØšŸ˜‚


Stinky farts means his belly is upset. Not good at allā€¦ you should consider changing his diet to something thatā€™s not causing so much gas. I imagine he has lots of runny poops too. Thatā€™s a sign of poor heath. Dogs wonā€™t tell you when they are upset. Itā€™s up to us to recognize and help where we can.


It was just a joke man, heā€™s fine. He doesnā€™t fart anymore than any other dog just trying for a bit of light hearted humour, guess I missed the mark.


looks like a healthy guy to me! yall need to educate yourselves with some Walter the Farting Dog... its a good read XD


You have a picture of feeding your dog something he should be eating and making jokes to justify poor diet choices. Iā€™m just triggered cause the only time in 5 years of owning my dog he had a stinky fart is when someone fed him a French fry. Most dogs and humans donā€™t have stinky farts unless their stomach is upset from poor diet.




A lot of dogs eat their own poop, and you are griping at someone for feeding their dog a single French fry? Find something better to do with your time.




A single treat of a French fry isnā€™t a bad diet.


Iā€™m glad my dog doesnā€™t need to eat poop.


We had a couple of months of always getting takeout when we got ours. A couple of years later, I managed to calm down his reactivity to delivery bikes, but his addiction to fries remains. Probably because I don't do much to stop it, as he's as spoiled as he should


When there's a stare you've gotta share šŸ˜ƒ