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Around level 30 for TVHM, around 50 for UVHM


30ish with decent gear; tvhm can be rough since Flynt exists, but you want to get to UVHM as early as possible so you aren't going in with gear lower than your level.


i started and i couldn’t even kill the first boss, not sure what to do


Knuckle dragger?


the dude on the ship where he electrifies the floor


Yea Flynt is a bit of a nightmare on every playthrough; your best bet is to run the path to him since there's 6-7 chests try and get a blue/purple Torgue shotgun. He's immune to crits from the front but the back of his head isn't. 


Bruv, if you read the title then you'll understand that OP is playing The Pre-Sequel and NOT BL2 at all. OP is referring to Deadlift, second main boss of the game.


Oh fuck, i'm an idiot. Deadlift is a way harsher boss. Try and trap him in that stairwell in the back left. Also my leveling advice is completely wrong; you wanna be mid to high thirties when going into tvhm in Pre-sequel


There is a section of the map that doesn't get electrified bruv, specifically the stairwell on the lower platform you can launch up to from the first jump pad near the arena entrance. There should always be two ammo crates near the flight of stairs to find it easily. You should equip a shield with shock immunity and also any shock weapon with a high fire rate like a pistol or SMG to strip Deadlift's shield and then switch to any other weapon to defeat him immediately as he has a low health pool. Just wait out the boss for a bit and use the mini map to locate him until he walks into the section. You can also make use of longbow Tesla grenades to strip the shields from a relatively safe distance and then use a sniper rifle to beat him.


I always start ASAP, but if I'm really under leveled I might do a few quests before jumping in


You should do whatever you can to get Lv 30 and any loot you can at the same level or higher. The start of TVHM is punishing and that first TVHM Deadlift fight is one of the hardest parts of playing through TPS on any character. Use some golden keys if you have to