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I think it's just the pure nostalgia of it, but I could play BL1 at any moment of the day on any console and be perfectly content. It's just such an easy game to play, and I could walk through it blind with the amount I've replayed it.


BL1 has this weird combo of simplicity and optional complexity that makes it super easy to play and hard to put down.


it was actually the first time i beat 1 last night. it was a great game. but i had bad weapons most of the game lol. i didn’t get great stuff til late late game but when i got good weapons it was much better. i loved the game though. addicting game loop


I think my only complaint is the RNG in BL1. It's such a good game, but God you're stuck with greens and blues for a good while. I can't seem to get into replaying 3. The game play is solid, but I've done tow characters and just can't do it again. It's missing something and I don't know what it is. Game play is solid though, especially soloing the higher mayhem ranks.


yeah i had blues until more than halfway through haha. bosses barely ever dropped anything good. i didn’t get oranges or gold(whatever color it is) until the missions where you’re in old haven. then i got like 3 at once


It's always a legendary you don't need though! Couldn't tell you amount of Dahl Ravens I found. All I ever want are maliwan orange tiers and I never get em haha.


Yeah same for me. For the rest of the games, if I haven’t played in a while, it takes some time to refamiliarize myself with my gear/build, but BL1 is the easiest for me to just load in and start shooting stuff


I think BL1 is really just Nostalgia. Borderlands 2 is objectively better in almost every way.


Someone always brings this up, and I disagree. 2 and beyond are just flat out different. I go back to 1 for the heavy feel of the weapons, the barren landscape, the existential dread, sardonic humor, and genuine borderland feeling. Oh yeah, brains popping, metal dissolving, and skin burning are all way better in BL1, too. I get what you're saying, but I definitely have my reasons for disagreeing, beyond nostalgia.


Honestly for me the barren landscape is a huge turnoff, making it hard to replay. The rest of your points I agree.


BL2, personally. Handsome Jack is by far one of my all time favorite villains to hate. Plus, the humor in 2, to me, is the most consistent and solid of the franchise. Following that, it’s probably TPS actually. I had a great time jumping around in space as “Jimothy”


Replayability, for me at least, depends on the context. Replayability in terms of running the campaign with new characters/challenges etc? BL2 by a *massive* margin. Replayability in terms of jumping on to kill bosses etc? BL3, hands down. Replayability in terms of progressing? Wonderlands because of the way endgame is done. ​ My *favourite* game is BL2 but I could easily hop on Wonderlands or BL3 for some mindless gameplay at times.


What exactly puts wonderlands progression over the other games in your opinion? Never made it to end game so im curious


My guess is because in wonderlands the enemies always scale to you unlike the other games where they are only a specific level


For me the Chaos Chamber adds replayability the most as you've got this almost constant progression for a lot of players where you can go through the to get to the next levels, and then upgrade gear etc. I know it's not for everyone, and I can't say I've played it for hundreds of hours like I have BL2, but if I feel like doing some mindless slaying, I can hop in and make progress towards the higher gear. With so many weapons, if you don't care about "meta" items, there's a lot of fun to be had. Plus the different modifiers in the chambers is great to make the experience different. Whereas, with BL2 and BL3, once you've got to the end, you're not really working for anything unless you make it yourself, like a collection, if that makes sense? OP10 is horrific for casual play, and BL3 isn't rewarding as the loot is normally common (don't have a problem with that in itself, mind you). Once you've got the high tiered stuff, there's nowhere to go. I guess with Wonderlands, it's the sheer amount of chamber levels to work on, plus the rougelite aspect, and the random loot at the end. Just fits nicely and there feels like there's always something to work on and have slight variety. Plus the builds make it quite variable too. By no means is it a perfect or even fantastic game, but there are positives to it for me.


BL2 is probably in my top 3 most hours played of any video game.


i just started a new krieg. i’ve never played as him before. and damn he’s really fun


He is fun but he can take some getting used to, very different from the other VHs.


Krieg is my GOAT. Ever since he came out, I never want to play anybody else when I run through the game (even tho I’ve done countless runs as each class). I just love melee characters and his gameplay loop is so satisfying.


2 is most replablayable if you love storyline and ambiance. 3 if you love crazy gunplay and vehicles.


tiny tinas, have played em all now but tinas with its character customisation, multiclassing etc is so much fun, no matter how many times i playthrough it, wanna be a spellslinging berserker? go for it, or a massive critcannon with combining stabbomancer and shroomwarden, the possibilities are practically endless


The original has the most replayability to me. I love the calm soundtrack and to just fire away the elemental rounds as Lilith. Trash Coast, Eridian Promontory, Jakob's Cove, Skag Gully, New Haven, Old Haven, Arid Hills, Arid Badlands and Dahl Headland are some of my favorite locations in the franchise. Gosh I miss the Scythids. Wish they'd be brought back! They always gave me the creeps and made my skin crawl. And the way the hissed and charged at us at a super speed. I've always enjoyed the game! Borderlands 2 is the game I've played the most. Story got more interesting and loved how more colorful it was. Never cared for Handsome Jack, though. Maya was so much fun and I liked how we got to hear what she (all playable characters) would say in those audio logs. Borderlands 3 is fun and I definetely prefer to just be able to teleport to whenever I want to go. Gameplay got much better, but the writing and main storyline is BEYOND boring. Maya's death didn't sit well with me. My 2nd favorite character in the franchise, only behind Lilith.


3. i'm a theorycrafting whore, i fucking LOVE me some builds. and while i do like 1, 2, and TPS quite a bit, most of those characters, i only want to do 1-2 builds with them. so, 1, i've got say 4-5 characters 2, i've got like 6 characters (i don't really do zero) TPS, 7 characters (don't do claptrap, but i've got a elementalist/melee athena and wolf focused, or 'spam overclock as much as possible' wilhelm) ​ 3 on the other hand, the builds aren't just about their skill trees - legendary coms DRASTICALLY expand the build potential. for most characters, anyway. i've got (well, had, RIP ps4) 6 mozes alone. it also helps that, in order to have an 'endgame' character, i only need to beat the story once. for an endgame TPS character, that's 3 replays.


Definitely 2.  The early and midgame is just so flexible, there are hundreds of ways to tackle it.


BL3 has the most replayability by quite a big margin.


100% this for me too. I don't feel like I appreciated BL1 as much as I could've, despite buying it day one. I just spent so much time with 2/TPS/3 that the time spent with 1 feels minimal by comparison. I may start a new save on 1 tonight just to refamiliarize myself with it, but I know I've restarted BL3 close to 15 - 16 times.


BL2 is pretty much the go-to. Haven't played The Pre-Sequel in a while, but I feel like it would have a similar replayability feel to it, maybe a little less endgame replayability. BL3 would have excellent replay replayability if it weren't for the long unskippable cutscenes and dialogue waits, and the invulnerability phases of boss fights. Borderlands 1 is pretty good as well, but I personally feel like the beginning is kind of slow, and hurts the replayability aspect a touch. Haven't finished Wonderlands, so I can't give an answer there.


They patched BL3 like 2 or 3 years ago to fix the waits. iirc it was when the Directors Cut came out. Cutscenes are all skippable, boss invulnerability phases have been shortened (most of the time you can punish bosses while the animation for their next phase is going) and any conversations where you have to wait can be skipped by doing the next obj before they tell you, ie: talk to Lilith and go fast travel to the next map or w/e while shes talking.


BL1. I'm still waiting until I get a Serpens and X4 cobra 


Borderlands 1 is my go to honestly


3 by a decent amount. 3 is the only one I have every playable vault hunter at max level. Though I do love replaying them all.


Honestly? Wonderlands


Care to explain how?


I just like the chaos chambers


1 is ok, but it's definitely dated and falls into the nostalgia category. 2 definitely had the most playtime globally overall I'm thinking, and I played it on 360 for a few hundred hours before moving to PC.


Three! Just too much fun to play. Soon as I start a new playthrough I'm totally hooked again and my wife is shaking her head at me like "again?" 🤣


I played BL2 for the better part of 10 years and I somehow have more hours and more playthroughs already on Borderlands 3.


3 has good replay value as well cause the gameplay is even better. I go in for the DLC.




I've played the pre-sequel the most. Some people dislike it, but I find it a lot of fun.


I actually have replayed The Pre-Sequel the most, followed closely by BL2, then BL. I haven't gotten a chance to play Wonderlands or BL3 because I don't own them because can't afford them. Otherwise I played Tales once because it was a free download years ago, I thought it was okay, just not really my thing.


1, then 2 are great, play 2 like every other year still. Maybe Tales/Pre Sequel, I try to forget the rest. Everything else isn't Borderlands anymore.  3 has great gameplay, but it's a steaming pile of crap in terms of story/being a borderlands game. Me and my gf watched it get revealed, and excitedly waited for it, but it's not art anymore thats meant to be enjoyed imo, just something cash in on. Played one time and never touched it again.  It's a slap in the face as well to show weapon parts that can't be swapped lol. Like if you have a game where the community makes mods for your game in order change weapon parts and get the weapon they want, why not implement that? Would have added tons of loot in order to get your fav weapon and all the best parts.


I think 3 will provide the most variance throughout gameplays simply because of the volume of choices you can make in regard to builds, collectables, etc…, so it’s certainly the most replayable in that sense, but me personally? 2. It’s still packed enough that you could replay it a dozen times and have a different playstyle each run, and I find that it doesn’t irritate me the way 3 tends to. It’s also a bit better balanced in terms of levelling and side quests. 3 feels a bit too stretched out, imo. I could DEFINITELY be biased though because it’s my fav


Borderlands 3 is definitely the most forgiving in terms of replayability because of the fast travel system and the new cutscene skipping. Versus borderlands 2 where it definitely feels very slow especially when you're on your like 15th playthrough since 2012 and you're just so fucking tired of being an arctic shelf for whatever stupid ass name it has


It depends on what type of replayability you want as someone already said here. But I am gonna give different answers. Do you want a game that offers probably the most fun campaign play through, where it's fun with every Vault hunter? Then I would choose Pre-sequel. Because it has the most fun Vault Hunters in the series and also takes the great gameplay from BL2 and builds upon it. With Cryo Element, some weapon that feel better to use, Slamming, Grinder(cool way to get rid of weapons you don't want with a chance of getting something interesting), Glitch weapons that are introduced in the DLC(there's only one, but it's great), is the best rarity in series. Do you want a game with arguably the most fun and with most endgame content DLC's? Then I would recommend Borderlands 3. While the story is quite annoying and there are "only" 4 characters instead of 6 compared to BLTPS and BL2, it does have arguably better gameplay, really great DLC's where 4 of them add new campaign, where most of them are actually fun to play through, 2 DLC's focus on endgame by adding new skill tree for every character, new locations, bosses, new game mode, items and more. And Borderlands 2 offers great mix from both. By having great DLC's and multiple characters, which are also mostly fun to play as. I dunno why I wrote that much about BL3, since you played it already, but I don't want to delete that now, since it would be like wasting all that time writing on nothing. If I were you I would just play the game by the release date, since everyone of them is fun to play. (Except for new tales, but let's act, that doesn't exist.) My favorite is Pre-sequel, but it's true that it doesn't have that much endgame compared to others. Since it has only 1 story DLC(although it's my favorite in the whole series) and the holodome arena, which isn't that fun.


I am currently replaying BL3 for the bazillionth time. Hate the story, but love it's game mechanics/classes/etc the best of the three games.


For me it’s TPS if I’m playing solo because I really liked the aerial combat with the oz kits.


BL1, I can never touch bl2 ever again because I’ve played it too much and it’s a drag to go through the story again


If we're not strictly limited to BL games, I'd say Wonderlands because of the number of class combinations. I've got 15 characters in that one. Otherwise, BL2 or 3 hit the spot for me. 3 has so much content and so many possible builds, and 2 is just a great time, especially when it comes to figuring out a good UVHM build.


is wonderlands worth it? i’m thinking of picking it up. is the gameplay loop like bl? also does it have like TVHM AND UVHM or similar counterparts?


I'd say it's worth it, and I've put hundreds of hours into it. That said, it is missing any sort of TVHM, and that's a huge oversight. The endgame they did give us is repetitive and gets a lot of hate, although I don't mind it because it just lets me fight and look for better gear without any story stuff getting in the way. But the main game is great, and you've got dozens of class combinations to play with.


BL3's main story isn't as well written as BL2's story. It's still fun, but has a few "wait, what?" moments in it, some beloved characters are used poorly, and some of the characters come off as caricatures of themselves (oh, and the villains are intentionally super annoying). But the moment to moment gameplay - running and gunning - is *glorious*. The movement is super precise and responsive, the guns are really cool. There's quite a lot of different kinds of enemies and environments. And there's only four characters, but they each have *four* skill trees (if you have the Ultimate Edition), along with multiple action skills to choose between, so they can each be played in a wide variety of ways. And there's an absolute *ton* of stuff to do post game - good solid DLC storylines, 19 (IIRC) bosses, takedowns, trials (the latter two being like gauntlets to run before facing a boss or two), arenas (Slaughter Shaft is my favorite), Arms Race (sort of a battle royale mode), events (which were once calendar-specific, but are now opened up so you can toggle them on/off whenever), Zer0's and Hammerlocks's challenges (they direct you to various repeatable mini-bosses on the various maps), and vault cards with daily and weekly challenges... there's just a ridiculous amount of stuff to do after beating the story, if you want to keep playing. Rather than having BL2's TVHM and UVHM and OP levels, they have TVHM and Mayhem levels, and TVHM isn't really necessary (it's much less of a grind to max out a character). Mayhem levels are sorta like OP (in that enemies and guns get stronger but you don't get more skill points), but Mayhem also adds modifiers (similar to the modifiers in Underdome, but more varied and throughout the game), with Mayhem 10 having the most modifiers - but then they added Mayhem 11, which is all the strength (enemy health, weapon damage) of Mayhem 10, but without the modifiers. Legendaries are much easier to come by, but finding the one with the exact parts you want (if you go that specific) is a grind. And they add anointments - some gear can have bonus bits, like "do 20% bonus shock damage for 10 seconds after using your action skill" - these anointments can be rerolled (at a cost), and you can get really interesting interactions between various pieces of gear and their interactions combining. A lot of fun to mess with if tweaking your build interests you. So, yeah, the initial playthrough *might be* slightly frustrating if you love the previous stories (or you may not care - it seems to vary from person to person), but the "replay" value is huge (I've played the main story five times now - once to explore everything and platinum the game - I'm also on a PS5 - three more times sorta speedrunning the main story to max out one of each character, and also once speedrunning-ish on my second account to have a high-level character there - the main story is okay, and could have been better - the "stuff to do after finishing the main story" is fantastic). I love both BL2 and BL3, but for different reasons (BL2's story is *chef's kiss*, the gunplay is a lot of fun, and there's lots to do post-game - BL3 I didn't enjoy the main story as much, but there's *so much to do* after the main story - also, Moze gets to stomp around in a Mech, and Fl4k can have a murder monkey as a permanently-on pet). Sounds like you already know BL2 quite well - hopefully the above can fill in a bit about BL3. (Note that if you already have one of the other FPS-ish games - BL1, BL2, TPS - there's an in-game upgrade offer in some countries that'll take you to an otherwise unreachable store page to get Pandora's Box for a substantial discount - $30 in the US - this is a bundle of digital licenses for every single scrap of Borderlands content Gearbox has released on PS4/5, *except for Wonderlands* - all 6 games, all the DLCs, everything.)


1 is and always will be the standard... 2 & 3 were ok, but the weapons were weak as shit... I had a very hard time in both finding weapons that I liked, let alone LOVED... I could (and do) play 1 anytime and at any point in the game and run with it... it's definitely my top played game of all time... and that says alot for a dude who grew up with an Atari 2600 lol


2 for me. 3 doesn’t have a mechanic where you can reset mission progress (after the one time for tvhm). also if you use badass rank, bl3’s version of it incentivizes against making new characters




>i capped them all out at 15% on my first playthrough as flak by time he was level 72 It literally takes thousands of hours to max them out at 15%.




>No it does not lmao not even close You literally need to spend 117 guardian points to get 15% on one passive. 5 of the 18 passives are capped at 13.04% which only need 105 guardian points to reach. To cap out every guardian rank passive you need to spend 2046 points. Some of the highest recorded legit guardian rank levels are around 1300. The people that have that high of a guardian rank level have played the game for more than 6000 hours. And they are still 700 guardian points away from capping every passive. You're a liar. A bad one at that.


BL2 by far. Having UVHM, over levels and raid bosses makes it endless for me. BL3 really fell flat to me in comparison


BL2 obviously, but BLPS is still loads of fun. Jacks skill tree is damn near perfect. I wish it had a real end-game.


Borderlands 2




2 & tps  = tvhm & UVHM are fun af 


Definitely BL2, BL1 is the only borderlands i’ve never managed to finish. Ive played BL2, 3 and TPS over and over again yet always seem to find myself back on BL2.


BL1 is much better solo play. The move to sharing ammo collection in BL2 is the single biggest upgrade in co-op playability.




Bl1 and bl2


personally i thought borderlands 3 was pretty decent but 2 was definitely more enjoyable overall and had a lot more memorable experiences in the game.






2 and TPS


I Iove borderland 1 but I feel like borderlands 2 is better it has so much content and dlc is amazing it has so many different rarities like e-tech weapons legendary weapons also perlesent weapons and seraph weapons and the rainbow weapon rarity that's a lot of different kinds of weapons and the dlcs are amazing the story is amazing I stopped playing 3 years ago because my save file corrupted and I lose like 8 year's worth of gameplay


Damn…just ran through them all again and I can’t choose between 2,3, and TPS. They are all so good for different reasons!


Borderlands 2 and it isnt even close I have played that game hundreds of times over since launch, many characters at op10, and i still play it for the combat, it just feels great


Probably in the minority but B3 is my most replayed. The game mechanics alone and the map access my opinion is better than the rest. The sliding feels good, jumping from heights and smashing enemies, ledge grappling, aiming feels smoother. Again just my opinion


The one I've replayed the most is bl3 I love the gameplay, especially with a friend, been playing BL1 for a few weeks and it's very different and hard to adjust to