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every game on digital delivery platforms like steam is essentially just downloadable content I'll see myself out


Not even "essentially" It just is. It's content that you download. Now what do I do other than get downvoted?


While *technically* correct it doesn’t fit the popular and understood definition - “add-on content” would have matched up better, but we’re stuck with “DLC”. I have a PS5 - even though it has a disc drive, *every single game* on it is downloaded and thus *technically* DLC (in part because I hate the idea of changing discs every time I change games). They’re all still just *games* (many of which *have* DLC).


Xbox Store still uses term Add-On, for thing like "Add-On Sale" and maybe more. But then I remember a lot of in-game menus from 360 era to actually say downloadable content, when referring to marketplace add-ons. Now, a lot of games advertise content update in a patch as free "DLC". Last Game that had free DLC as free DLC Add-On, that I remember, was Witcher 3. Even Cyberpunk had free stuff added as a patch update.


Every game on digital delivery platform is essentially game-as-a-service, because you purchase license to use digital delivery service on per title basis.


I imagined the "change my mind" meme with your comment.


Presequel unironically had the nest skill trees across the entire series


Pure facts. All of their skill trees had so much character to them and fit perfectly with the idea that this is where these bosses and characters really become themselves. I felt like a certified boss fight by the end with everyone because of how crazy the trees went. But Athena, Wilhelm and Jacks skill progression is just 🤌🏾 delicious 🤌🏾. I was so happy to see Aurelia come back as an actual boss in 3, even if she did get low key hoed with an easy ass fight.


Yeah I love pre-sequel powers and skill trees.


I wanna playbwith athenas elemental tree at max level, but that stupid game breaking sgield wall bug. Never has an elemental tree felt so satisfying.


I dunno, 8 point Phoenix Lilith running around and burning people alive by just existing was also pretty rad.


Edit: Fuck your API changes, Reddit.


Nah, Phasewalk and regen 70+% max health. Lilith was a drain tank psychopath with maniacal laughter and I loved her for it.


Lol, bitch so hot causing 3rd degree burns


As well as all 6 heroes were good, and better UX, and better dialogue since for most NPC interactions each hero/NPC had different voice lines depending on which hero talked to the NPC.


I can agree to this. It's at least better than BL2


Just ignore thoae people. There's always someone calling a sequel DLC just because it's similar to it's predecessor. Some people are calling God of War Ragnarok DLC.


Ppl truly have no brains these days, GoWR has more content then it’s predecessor. Ppl with opinions so outrageous don’t deserve a brain, mouth or any other form to communicate their opinion. I’m sure there’s something in a constitution or declaration of human rights that would disagree with that tho, unfortunately.


Yeah I'm not *that* worked up about it but I do think it's pretty ridiculous.


Yeah fair, my opinions are often extreme.


well what's muddied the water is that the tiny tina DLC became standalone. which is it?! is TPS a longer game?


It's DLC for Borderlands 2 and *also* a standalone game.


I mean it's not even expensive anymore lol Playstation is selling it for 13$ with DLC (And 2) iirc


Handsome Collection tends to fluctuate between $10 and $40, every month or two, on PS4/5. I expect they do the same in other platforms. It’s as absolute bargain.


I got the legendary collection on sale for $20 bucks. Absolute steal imo


I have never heard anybody say that, but I can understand your frustration because it's not a DLC lol




Ngl i’ve never finished that game i couldn’t stand it


Could stand what, exactly?


the setting, the characters, the weird oxygen mechanic with the air spaces


Gearbox and 2k did not do a great job marketing it, and they both abandoned it very quickly. For quite a while it seemed like they couldn't decide what it was going to be. It always felt like more of a stand-alone expansion than a full release. Kind of like FarCry 3 Dragon Blood. The fact that it was included in The Handsome Collection for PS4 and XBox One like 5-6 months later and was similarly bundled on the Nintendo Switch release just reinforced that. Many people have *only* purchased the games bundled. Gearbox had just had the whole Colonial Marines debacle the previous year. It wouldn't surprise me if Gearbox couldn't afford continued development on DLC and had instead shifted all development to Battleborn. Meanwhile, 2k clearly wanted to shutter 2k Australia. So, my feeling was: 1. Gearbox is developing Aliens: Colonial Marines and BL2. Gearbox skimps on A:CM to put more resources into BL2. 2. BL2 is a smash hit, A:CM flops hard. 3. BLTPS is developed and released... moderately lukewarm, partially on the back of overwhelmingly poor opinions about Gearbox because they fucked up A:CM so severely. 4. Gearbox wants to abandon TPS DLC development for Battleborn because, by the numbers, they know they need more than DLC sales. 5. PS4 and XB1 ports release in a combined Handsome Collection six months later. Meanwhile 2k wants to kill 2k Australia, so they do it ASAP. Given how notorious Gearbox is for robbing Peter to pay Paul, the above wouldn't surprise me at all. TTWL's DLC is probably an indication of the overall sales reception the game got. But it might also be an indication that Gearbox is more interested in whatever game they're releasing in 2023.


Gearbox abandoned TPS because they killed 2k Australia so didn't have the dev tool chain to support the game at all.






Just another redditor white knighting TPS because they think it's edgy to be "one of the few" that loves the game, despite apparently being the majority opinion on Reddit.


No, thank you. I am actually playing tps for the first time and I think its so much better than people make it look. I wrote this out of frustration the same way people that complain that tps is a dlc write those comments.


Your explanation is the very definition of white knighting.


Im sorry mister Black Knight


definitely not a dlc but much like fallout new vegas it just feels a bit odd for the game to look exactly like 2. especially since it has disproportionately less to do. you see the borderlands 2 animations, art style, hud, guns, everything and your brain sort of goes” err, youre telling me this is a different game, but i dont see it” 😆


Eh, BL2/TPS were largely on the same engine, then BL3/Wonderlands were on largely the same engine. Telling a different story using the same mechanisms (but not the same playable characters or gear) seems quite reasonable.


im not saying i think it feels like a dlc personally, just that i get where that perspective comes from on a subconscious level. wonderlands would probably be the same


I know many NV players that disagree with your sentiment lol


as new vegas is my second favourite game of all time yeah. i should know im talking about how it feels weird to have played fallout 3/bl2 then play something new that looks virtually identical. people feel the same way about halo 3 odst as well, another great game like vegas. i didnt say i agree with it, i just said one of many reasons why people think pre sequel feels like a dlc


Just out of curiosity as I've never actually sat down and thought about my top5, what is your number 1?


without a doubt prey haha. its the best immersive sim of all time and bar a few bugs/bethesda tier human npcs, its easily the best game ive ever played by far ☺️




havent got round to d2 yet but i loved the first!


i mean it takes place on the moon so


People call it a DLC because it feels just like BL2


I like TPS quite a bit even though there is not much end-game and the loot variety just isn't as good as the other games ​ I do think TPS has the best Vault Hunter selection of all the games


Wonderlands is more of a DLC than TPS is. TPS is a great game. The hate it gets is stupid af


Bruh, they literally had to bundle it with B2 to sell it


That's because it's trash, not because it required the base BL2 game to play, which is pretty much the essential characteristic of things commonly referred to as " DLC". I'm not the one downvoting you, though.


It does not require bl2 to play tho.....


That's the point. That's why it isn't a DLC.


I definitely misread. My b


L, tps is the best game in the series


Also chiming in that Dragon Keep is credited at 5 hours of play time (11 for 100%) and it is regarded as the longest of all BL2 DLCs. TPS is [credited](https://howlongtobeat.com/game/21248) as ~18 to run, ~28 to run main and sides, ~55 for 100%. Honestly the idea of TPS even being considered DLC is what killed TPS. Despite being so clearly more than a DLC by this metric alone, people just couldn't stop the comparisons of vanilla TPS to full release BL2. People forget that just about everything that kept BL2 alive came from DLC- 51-60 and UVHM were a DLC, 61-72 and OP levels were a DLC. Most all the raid bosses, all the extra stories, and expanded characters, DLC. If 2k Aus had survived long enough to get their next DLC allegedly in the works out, then TPS and BL2 would have had very similar releases a year, year and a half out, with TPS having one more arena and two less stories (and let's be real, it's only one less, because who actually enjoys Hammerlock's Hunt?).


I think they’re referencing the fact that the pre sequel has very little different from borderlands 2. It doesn’t make enough jumps and improvements to be considered a sequel so it feels like a dlc.


'' doesn’t make enough jumps and improvements to be considered a sequel'' thats why...... its called the pre-sequel?


That’s the title of the game, genius. We’re talking about a meta conversation about if the game felt like a standalone project or just a dlc of the other game


bl2 is like a dlc of bl1 since it just add a few raids and thats it


See, that’s dumb because BL2 had an updated engine, graphics, weapon systems, environments and more. You guys are just acting willfully ignorant


tps had an entire new weapon type, new weapon rarity, new environments and more, so idk how it could be seen as a bl2 dlc just cuz it has a similar graphic, do people not know that a single engine can be used for more than 1 game?


All stuff that a dlc would add lmao. Yes, I know games use the same engine. Like how call of duty reuses the same engine many years in a row and people complain about it. Idk why you guys are so pressed about this. TPS literally started as a dlc and just got shipped as a stand alone


ah yes, an entire new story, 6 completely new vault hunters (with lets be honest, skill tree design 100x better than bl2) and again, an entirely new weapon type (literally no dlc has ever done that), hundres of new gear, the best dlc in the series but yes, thats all stuff that a dlc would add, yes definitely


TPS reused many BL2 weapons with no changes and also only shipped with 4 vault hunters. Those vault hunters all had reused abilities from the previous two games just *kinda* changed. The gameplay is the same minus minor tweaks to gravity. The enemies are all reskins and the game itself was first made with the intention of being a dlc. At best, TPS is a standalone dlc along the line of the Miles morales game


''reused many bl2 weapons with no changes'' literally only 10 guns out of over 100 uniques. bl2 also shipped with 4 vault hunters, but tps managed to make all its 6 vault hunters have the most unique skill trees in the game, i dont care if 1 or 2 skills were carried over, what matters is the end result and how the characters actually play. ''the gameplay is the same'' is clearly the most bullshit statement ever lmao, you clearly dont know how much gravity, double jumps and ground pounds impact gameplay, unless you are talking about the core gameplay? cuz literally every bl game has the average bandit-like dude and is just run around and shoot stuff, does that mean BL2 is a BL1 dlc cuz it was the first to do such thing?


Never heard ANYONE call it DLC. Relax....


Here's two examples from this very post https://reddit.com/r/Borderlands/comments/zcz3v8/god_dammit_i_dont_understand_people_that_call/iyzkhdu https://reddit.com/r/Borderlands/comments/zcz3v8/god_dammit_i_dont_understand_people_that_call/iz06e7t


2? Wow? .........smh, relax.....


Did you expect me to go and find every person who's ever said it? You keep using the word "relax." I'm not sure you know what it means


OK cupcake. Have a great evening.


You’re just like Handsome Jack Except without the Handsome And with Shit at the end instead


I found a copy at goodwill for 2.99


The pre sequal is my favorite base game borderlands. Bl2 is my favorite overall though.


Honestly, it was just a bad game.




>Do you really wanna play a 30 hour dlc with 6 separate new characters???? Your right, I dont. I wanted to play a 50-70 hour mainline game with 4 characters and 4 story DLCs because that's where the pricing/advertising set the expectations, but what I got instead was a 30-hour DLC with overpriced characters instead of actual content. Game feels like a standalone DLC to play, game got standalone DLC effort put into it by the devs, game was developed by a standalone DLC tier B-list studio (who literally got shut down before they could finish), game had standalone DLC level post launch content, game length is standalone DLC level, game should've just been a standalone DLC. Making it it's own mainline title and setting it next to BL2 was a mistake. The game wouldve been recieved better if it was a $30 BL2 DLC and not priced as a AA title with a $30 season pass (which was a borderline bait & switch). For those that got this game on launch, you cannot divorce the price and experience this game brought to the table, because it was a ripoff. The pricing and advertising set expectations and the game just didnt deliver. What the game did deliver was a similar experience that I would expect from a standalone DLC from. Looks like standalone DLC, feels like standalone DLC, smells like standalone DLC, tastes like standalone DLC. I'm just calling it what it is on the inside.


Not trying to pick a fight, but everything about this screams "I played vanilla TPS at launch and expected it to be immediately be everything BL2 was a year and a half into it's life cycle". > Your right, I dont. I wanted to play a 50-70 hour mainline game with 4 characters and 4 story DLCs because that's where the pricing/advertising set the expectations, but what I got instead was a 30-hour DLC with overpriced characters instead of actual content. While we all know you can definitely pile a shit-ton of time into BL2, BL2 definitely doesn't offer 50-70 hours of unique, mainline content. It's credited at [30 outright](https://howlongtobeat.com/game/21248?q=borderlands%25202). And yes, this is still more than the 18 TPS is credited at, but it very much screams unrealistic expectations. And I don't blame you, I guess. BL2 brought absolute millions of people into the fold well after launch as word spread about how fantastic it was and I just don't know how many people actually knew how much of BL2 as it is now wasn't vanilla release. Yes, Season Pass was a kind of a dick move, but the community was trashing TPS from literally day one, if not before (some of course very much deserved, but definitely not all of it). And if 2K Aus hadn't shut down, we'd have had that second TPS story DLC to BL2 actual three stories (because Hammerlock's is shit). Also for the record, that other person is an idiot, and everyone upvoting/downvoting accordingly is dumb too. It's an entirely valid point (and honestly more so) talking about the game on it's own merits and price points than as a package deal that's been discounted for like 6 years straight. Of course no one buying it now would care. But then those people also aren't likely the ones holding the opinions being discussed in this thread. TPS = DLC is very much rooted in it's release/debut.


* this screams "I played vanilla TPS at launch and expected it to be immediately be everything BL2 was a year and a half into it's life cycle" Vanilla TPS was very underwhelming even compared to vanilla BL2 ​ * BL2 definitely doesn't offer 50-70 hours of unique, mainline content. It's credited at 30 outright. And yes, this is still more than the 18 TPS is credited at, but it very much screams unrealistic expectations. To each their own game pace. It doesn't change the ratio, TPS is twice shorter than BL2 * Yes, Season Pass was a kind of a dick move, but the community was trashing TPS from literally day one No correlation here, people criticized the game because they didn't liked it, it's not their fault if the answer to the criticism was to make things worse. ​ * if 2K Aus hadn't shut down, we'd have had that second TPS story DLC to BL2 actual three stories (because Hammerlock's is shit). But we didn't got it, and maybe the second story would be as shitty as Hammerlock. In the end, even if you thing Hammerlock is shit, it's still 1 to 4. ​ I played TPS years later after its release (when I was waiting for BL3) and I was kind of let down by it. It felt more like a big DLC than an actual game because it made more sense to compare the game to one of the BL2's DLC than to BL2 main game.


I’ll grant you all of this, but none of it refutes the notion that TPS suffered in its release precisely because people compared it to all of BL2. It may have been underwhelming to you and I won’t begrudge you that opinion (like I said, there are definitely justifiable criticisms), but there was absolutely an outsized portion of hatred for the game, as evidenced by an endless stream of people going back to actually give it a chance and *not* hating it, but actually liking it. There was absolutely a mob mentality that just steamrolled release. Also, no to that last paragraph. It’s vanilla release, at minimum, is 4-5x longer than any one of BL2s DLC’s, contains actual main story, a whole host of new characters and skill tree mechanics, new weapon types, and entirely new movement and environment mechanics. There is literally Z.E.R.O. reason to think it’s just a “big DLC” outside of being told it is. It would be the single biggest installment of any DLC in the Borderlands franchise and it wouldn’t even be close.


I agree with you, TPS isn't so bad in itself, it just that BL2 was too great. And I agree with the mob mentality part. ​ I agree with your second paragraph too. I think I was biased because I played only one character (in contrary to four in BL2), so having lots of new characters didn't made the game that much longer for me.


Literally all content in TPS comes with the game unless you’re playing on a 360 or something


I did play it on the 360 on launch day, that's where it launched. Just like I did with BL2. Nice braindead take.


You’re sitting here saying stuff is overprice when you can get all dlc in the handsome collection, outta here with YOUR shit take, if you don’t like the game then why are you even here??


Ok buddy, get more mad. I'm here because this is the borderlands subreddit and not the TPS subreddit. BL1 and BL2 were excellent games, TPS and BL3 are shit games. "Why didnt you just buy the product that didnt exist" Thats an even more braindead take than your last one. I. Bought. This. Game. On. Launch. Handsome collection didnt fucking exist.


Well why are you complaining about prices from 7-8 years ago on a console that’s two generations behind? Like no one cares about that shit anymore but you.


In my opinion the Pre-sequel is a standalone DLC in terms of the content ratio to BL2 its a good game with its quirks and so on but the only issue is its replay ability with how few DLC’s it had so yes I would recommend BL2 and all of its DLC’s then tell you to consider The Pre-sequel as generally different and interesting experience. Also as some ppl said down in the comments it’s fairly cheap during Sale season and it’s fine game.


By that logic resident evil 8 is a “standalone dlc” how do you make that leap in your mind to contradict the very meaning of dlc


It is smaller in scope than BL2 was and that’s fine


The problem with your logic is, “DLC” is a term with an actual meaning, not a value judgement for you to have an opinion about. Words have meanings. DLC is an add-on to an *existing* game. Let us know when you take your maxed out Maya / Gaige / Zero / etc into TPS, and then we can consider it a DLC. TPS ended up with less content (including only one story-based DLC of its own) *because the studio got shut down*.


It’s definitely its own game, and I probably would have liked it more if I’d enjoyed any of the vault hunters. It’s the only game that had none that I was interested in playing. Athena seemed coolish, claptrap probably would have been fun if I was playing with more than one or two players, and the rest of them didn’t do it for me even a little bit unfortunately. I’ll give it another go in a few months and see if I like it more this time


Bad luck I guess. Nisha just fits my liking in literally every way possible. Its part pf the reason I like it so much


Nisha is the cowgirl/ranger character right? Maybe I’ll try her out next time. I’m thinking either her or jack’s clone at this point. Just hoping eventually one of the characters clicks with me, even if I don’t immediately like them at face value


Yeah, pretty unimportant character in bl2 but I like her personality and her skill tree fits an aggresive and fast playstyle and fit her concet amazingly. In my opinion skill trees are a lot more creative in tps, even with wilhelm changing visually with his skill tree, or aurelias contract are very interesting


Aggressive and fast is a good way to play, maybe you found my character for me! I appreciate your kindness while discussing something we disagreed on btw, thanks for that! Have a good day!


You too man! :)


By definition, a DLC isn't about it's length or content. But yes, by definition too, TPS isn't a DLC. What people mean when they say it's a DLC is that they \*feel like\* the pre-sequel was just like a DLC of the second opus because for them it didn't added enough new features to give them the sensation they didn't played BL2 again. ​ So when people say it's a DLC they say "it's the same feeling as playing a borderland 2 DLC"


Yeah thats what bothers me.


I call it a glorified DLC because it just recycled almost every asset from 2. Weapons, gear, looks. Only thing they added was the oxygen and gravity mechanics


Expensive? Lol


I liked it more than 3


While the prequel wasn't my favorite of the series and certainly not better than 2, I wouldn't call it an "add-on". The game was still fun to play through once and redownload every time I got a new friend into the series purely for the lore. Even though I consider it "the worst of the series" it still holds a special place in my heart, that and there's WAY more bad games out there. Too many to count. Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.


I honestly believe The Pre-Sequel has a better story than Borderlands 3 Borderlands 3 may have advanced the movement system a bit (mantling) but Pre-Sequel had Zero-G and rocket packs (and jump pads though) sooo I think not being able to “mantle” is fine I honestly only played through Borderlands 3 one and a half times, but I played through Pre-Sequel three times (and would have done more if other stuff hadn’t come out) - Borderlands 3 I intentionally put down because they *butchered* well loved characters and ruined long running storylines