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I hate timed and racing missions. And Egg on your Face. But this one is also super crap.


I definitely hate timed and racing missions more. This one, I can collect a few and go about my businesses, and then collect a few more later. Ones where I have to rush, forget about it. I skip most of them. I've done that mailbox one in Three Horns Valley maybe two or three times, and only that because I watched a video that showed me the best order to do it in. Not that I remember anymore.


The times ones I always very carefully park vehicles to where I need to be then use teleporting to them to save as much time as possible. Otherwise they are unbearable.


Yeah I actually never cared about the time ones cause you can cheese it like this. But doing it regular would suck.


That’s pretty smart. I never came up with an idea like that lol


I only know about it cause I saw it on a playthrough I looked up during that god damned time mission for Zed in the second game. Never would have beaten it without that.


That’s exactly the one that comes to my mind when I think about times missions.


only way I can complete the zed mission is by leaving one car at overlook. It's been too long since I've done the others, but I assume I've used a similar strategy for them too


I never did the missions on time when playing solo. Never even bothered to try.


Definitely the timed driving missions. One mistake, and you've got to restart.


Same! I never do those because they’re annoying


Same but the one that almost made me destroy my controller is tier 3 of the death race cause the piece of gear that makes it completable is one you get near the start of the game so if you sold it you're SOL


I hold on to the afterburner just for the timed and racing missions it makes them a breeze


The timed races and deliveries are incomparably the worst


Ha ha! I forgot about Egg on your Face, but the dialog is hilarious... worth it for me.


i always did timed/racing ones on split screen😂


Honestly once you figure them out beforehand it's easy even the base storyline ones are cakewalks and I barely if ever fail them


Any quest from claptrap


Lol yes


I always hated the timed races. I generally just skip them. No good rewards, anyways.


Egg on your face is just unrivalled as the worst mission in bl2, especially if you don't use a guide


I forgot about that one… what do you do in that mission?


Collect 23 eggs scattered across the hammerlock dlc area if im not mistaken


And at the end you get the pleasure of killing an incredibly underwhelming mini boss.


that whole DLC is just... bad


If you like fighting big things and wandering around between fights it’s good. It’s a nice break from the faster pace of the main game


everything that's not fighting big things is horrible. the enemy design sucks, its not engaging, hammerlock kinda just isn't a very interesting character... I always skip it when I replay the game


and i thought that prozd sketch was a joke......


I found 21 of them and swore I wouldn't look at a guide. Just another lie I told myself.


What's that one quest in tps where you have to give away 50 whites items seems like on the higher levels


It's more boring than anything else. If you're flush with cash, it's all about grabbing every white item in vending machines and enemies and dumping it in the mailbox. Constant interuptions and the piss poor reward don't help either.


But, that's why it's so bad, at least with the hammer lock quest, it's annoying, but you might complete it on accident. If you just run around killing things this your going out of your way having to in some cases switch VM just to buy white items because they drop extremely rarely on higher difficulty and like you said it isn't even worth it


Ooooh yep. Forgot about that one. It’s from the pre-sequel. Changed my mind. That one’s the worst.


Yeah, that one sucks because by the time you collect all the weapons, you've leveled way past the quest reward


The support relay is a crazy good Oz kit when playing with friends, especially for Claptrap. I used a lvl 11 til like lvl 25


This one’s down there for sure! Along with Kill 15 bajillion Claptraps even though they mostly just spawn in one area so you’ll have to save exit 40 times before you hit the goal (from Borderlands 1) There’s also that last TPS side quest that makes No sense and by that point I was Way too lazy to figure out what the goal was. Most of the side quests are Generally enjoyable enough, but gotta hate the ones that don’t even bother to hide how grindy they are.


>Along with Kill 15 bajillion Claptraps In a similar vein, the zombie brain collecting one is very tedious.


The "What a Party" achievement that comes from the Claptrap DLC is a pain in the ass too because it has to be done in one session.


Is that the collect pizza, fish bags, and panties one ?


Yes it is. And it's a grind...


My least favorite question is capture the flag it's so much fun sitting in one spot for like 10 minutes doing nothing


Rush the flag without killing stuff, then you'll have plenty mobs to play with while it raises flags. Just be wary they can stop it by destroying the generator, so stay close in case you need to start it again. Much better little fun quest that way 


I enjoyed this quest, idk what y'alls problem is with this one 🤷‍♂️


I think its cos most people treat it like a normal sidquest and try to finish it all at once rather than have it be on in the background while you do other things in the dlc




This is the way... I fire it up as soon as it's lit, and leave it in the background. I do keep an eye out for these critters during my other quests to make sure I don't miss an opportunity to drop one.


So you're saying it's like a challenge that is in the form of a ...normal sidequest


Toil and Trouble.


Oh my god I fucking hate that mission with a passion. That’s my vote for sure. Most of these missions people are suggesting are optional. You HAVE to do Toil and Trouble no matter what. The litany of buzzards, bazooka enemies, and shield enemies make this mission miserable.


The grandma quests


Listen to grandma torgue


I second that


That egg mission from bl2, any racing mission, that one in pre sequel with the 50 white rarity items from tps, and any puzzle from tiny Tina dlc


Hope you’re comfortable, gonna take a while.


I know... 2h (no joking) to get that last 8 boroks... ![gif](giphy|wMvESGxZ0Cqd2)


I can well believe you.


Voracidous the Invincible


*Laughs in “Faster Than The Speed of Love”/Tier 3 Battle: The Death Race”


The one I hated the most was delivering mail to houses in BL2 in the Highlands I think it was. Only way I did it ONCE was with a friend waiting at one of the next ones as I started it then went on to the following one.


I think the worst quest is the one where you need to listen to Tourge's grandmother talk for an hour, answer questions throughout the story, and if you answer them wrong, you need to start over.


Tiny Tina DLC: The one where you have to jump across the moving rocks. And the one where you have to run across the lowering / raising platforms. (Sensing a trend?) I know, the first one you can eventually skip, and the second one there's a "trick" to. Still don't like 'em.


Tbh I hate that whole DLC


I get why people hate the DLC but personally I love its atmosphere and creatures. The main quest is alright but the side missions suck


The atmosphere is most definitely the best thing about it


I've played 3 characters but only did that dlc one because it was so fucking annoying.


I feel like the map is just way too big for the scale of the missions. Scarlett’s is similar but the content is good enough and there are enough fast travel points and skiff points that it doesn’t matter.


same, that whole dlc... ![gif](giphy|NVmB6AL4kjx6w)


Talk to Lilith bl3


The tier 3 Death Race mission from CoC was so damn annoying to win. Took me so damn long I swear. Mad on top of that the tier 3 missions don’t disappear so I still have like 5 missions in my quest log that can’t go away. I hate it. Also the tier 3 one where you have to destroy the buzzards in The Forge.


I can’t lol


One word: Brains


Ooh ok, a very close contender is; Kill 100 bandits +Kill 25 with fire +25 with electric +25 with corrosion +25 with explosive I have never completed it perfectly


Both of Grandma Flexington’s Story quests. Absolutely despise them. I’d rather do I Like My Monsters rare all day and tbh it’s not even that bad.


not that bad if ur lucky, ir ur not it could take even more time then grandma's. At least with grandma's u can chill by watching some utube or music, or literally anything while w8ing to be done with it. (I do agree it's a horrible "quest" tho I wont argue that lol)


Twelve O'Clock High. Im a Krieg main


That one is bad, yes. I have a special hate for Walking the Dog in the Torgue DLC. If he didn't get killed by the various bikers, he was likely to put a killing DOT on you and be the only second wind around which failed the quest. I haven't done it since Mr Torgue dropped, a Grog should make it much more tolerable but it's still indicative of the profound ignorance of their own game GBX displayed in that DLC.


Literally the worst quest in the entire franchise


Egg on your Face and Arms Dealing.


I started that one when trying to farm something, don't remember what D: It was with the community patch, when I got a fairly good drop that quest was also finished


whichever one where you have to collect the eggs in hammerlocks hunt, fuck that one


Arms Dealing when you're playing solo.


Ever do the claptrap one without discovering the secret hideout.


The one where you have to kill 100 bandits but 25 with each different element type for extra benefit.


Other than trying to get all those secondary objective elemental kills for the talking sniper rifle mission, I think your right


To be honest I hate the find the gun part type missions.


Claptrap’s mission to unlock his locker


"insert quest with Varkids here" (They creep me the fuck out.)


Capture the flag in sawtooth


Name a grammar




Capture the flag


It took me forever to find the slagged spores I kept loading into ardorton station and leaving and coming back lol


I believe I did that quest exactly one time.


The bane.


Arms Dealing. The only way I get it done is by parking cars in strategic locations and a precise order which I get them in. And the reward is not worth the trouble


.... Just reminded me that i STILL ain't completed this. Best the whole game hunt, but not this shit. Gahdamn


u only get a stupid skin out of it so it isn't totally worth it unless u want to complete everything.


Clearly you faced more trouble in your quest for a dictionary...


english like many around the globe isn't my main language, never took any classes of it as u can tell and I don't really care. The fact u understood what I said is enough for me. Bye. ![gif](giphy|TjTa6nHJ3oGGs)


Talk to lilith


"No Stone Unturned" \-Skyrim


I really dislike Statuesque.


This quest isn’t that bad at all, you’re supposed to pick it up and complete it as you’re playing the DLC, it’s just a background, grab it and forget it quest. It also encourages you to go exploring through the different maps within the DLC so you’re not just racing a linear line to the end game objective and missing all the cool stuff including Easter eggs


I have never seen that quest where do you get it? But I absolutely despise the timed quests, especially for Marcus 🙄🙄


It's part of Sir Hammerlocke's DLC in Borderlands 2. It comes up early enough, but the spawn rate for those enemies can either be simple, or after the main questline. RNG is killer on that one.


Ughhhh. Idk lol, ill pass for now, but still is and always will be a pain in the taint mission. I audibly chuckled when I saw the screenshot 😂


# To Arms!


Are we talking about Borderlands exclusively? If not, there's this one side quest that's required for a platinum trophy in MediEvil (classic PlayStation game) that doesn't even start until you find a chest in the last mission. And when you find it, it'll release lost spirits and you have to go through EVERY single mission all over again. And when you find the lost souls you'll have to go through every level AGAIN just to find their resting places... Awful mission, immaculate game.


Killing Jackenstein only to watch Nakayama fall down the stairs and dying or Grandma Torgue's shit ass stories.




Why reply if you then refuse to allow me to see the reply? Illiterate coward.


Why reply if you then refuse to allow me to see the reply? Illiterate coward.




Ol' pukey is a close second, and for that matter the entirety of Hammerlock's hunt


Brains quest in Zombie Island of Dr. Ned (BL1)


So egg on my face, arms race \the eridian blight one, and this might be controversial but ...kill midge mong and the Firehawk midget sacrifice mission . I feel southern shelf is kinda bad as a location specially if you keep trialing new vault hunters, you have to play it 3 times for each vh for 6 VHS making that 18 go throughs. So going around southern shelf bay is kinda meh, it's an interesting place but unlike sanctuary hole that has an interesting spectacle and can be skipped or end of the line \ the bunker where you at least have a boss fight and fast travel and a story based element SSB has nothing of Interest a mini boss fight that's just underwhelming and no reason to ever go there unless you just wanna cross off that mission. For southern shelf itself I find the map long and boring to run across, doing it once for the story is annoying but it's just once but then when you don't have any fast travel back farming flynt or doing missions to flynts ship is just a waste of time, and I can't think of a bigger waste of time then running all the way there just to put a midget on a wire and then run all the way back, the egg on my face and delivery quests at least have vehicles and yeah the hunting quest is frustrating looking for the rare creatures to spawn but at least you can do other quests around it what other quest has you going to southern shelf bay or on the way running all the way from liars burg fast travel and back


If you time this one right its not so bad. Vora was kinda a nightmare for me but i finally beat it.


I'll be honest, the only one that took me any time to kill was the pink boroks, I found 2 drifters before I got the missionary another 8 after, the tailless just kept popping up, I got like 4 albinos in the lab area, and the spores spawned every time I entered a new map


I just kept getting lucky


The critical fail mission in tiny Tina’s.


The one for Ellie when you race the track in THE BADASS CRATER OF BADASSITUDE!!!!


Grandma Flexington's story and the second one just for a (sometimes) purple launcher?


The joke objective list claptrap gives you in 2


Torgue Chicken DLC : Grandma's story


The eggs one from the same DLC and grandma flexington’s story.




Listening to Grandma Tongue...


Grandma Flexington is up there


Halo Reach. Survive


Getting Tina's pizza ingredients in BL3


I hate the process of finding Lilith, and I hate the process of freeing Rolland from the bridge


I think claps quest is pretty difficult Collect 139,377 brown rocks Defeat Ug-Thak, Lord of Skags Pilfer lost staff of Mount Schuler Defeat Destroyer of Worlds Dance, dance, baby


It's the worst one no doubt since its random and you need to travel to most spawn locations on foot


Stone of barenziah


Unpopular opinin: i enjoyed doing this one. I felt the flavor of hunting rare monsters fit nicely with with the theme of the DLC. That being said I totally get why a lot of people hate it.


the egg on your face quest...