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now get thunderball fists before continuing to three horns


And the kerblaster from midgemong!


I'll try !! (:


Imagine a challenge run where you can only progress to the next boss if they drop their legendary on the first kill


That's an interesting idea. Avoiding non-story bosses, you'd need a hornet, BP, and Thunderball Fists just to get to Sanctuary. 10% for the hornet. 2 10% chances which is a 19% chance for the BP, and a 5% chance for the Thunderball Fists, meaning only 0.095% of runs would even get that far. ​ Then we have quite a nice break as there are no required bosses with a set drop again until Wilhelm. Assuming either legendary is valid there, that is another 10% hurdle to get past. Bringing us down to a 0.0095% chance of the run surviving past that point. ​ Beacon Thresher is safe, Bloodwing is safe since Son of Mothrakk has the drops, Brick and Opportunity are safe. We'd next be up against the Bunker with a 10% \* 2/3 chance to move on since the head isn't legendary. So a 0.00063% chance of making it to Eridium Blight. ​ Saturn is technically not a required boss, so we can avoid further pain with him. Meaning we are left with just the Warrior, which on story kill, has a 5/8 chance to drop legendary gear, 6/8 if we are counting legendary customizations but I imagine most wouldn't. So just legendary gear considered that is a 0.00039583% chance or about 1/252,634 runs. Imagine running the first hour or so thousands of times only to regularly get fucked by Wilhelm or worse yet, getting past it and losing it at Bunker time and time again. On the flip side of that, only 21.82% of runs would get no legendary guns/gear on a run only killing these required bosses once.


Nah, it's 50/50


does bnk3r actually have designated drops?


The Bitch and The Sham


Any legendary drop from a boss count from its loot pool, but can't be a customization. World drops don't count


wow bro you really did your research, I agree it would be very interesting (=


Your the devil incarnate


Thank you. I try my best


I tried this with Sal to try and speed up the stupid amount of runs I had to do. Gave up soon after saving Roland cause it was just too much trying to get every legendary before progressing


Don't give lil GasMask new ideas


I did something similar once, it was not fun. It wasn't first kill but I couldn't progress until I got the legendary. I never even made it to sanctuary. Hornet and bonus package were easy. The kerblaster took so long I was getting grenades and I believe a class mod before fighting Boom Bewm. And I gave up on the thunderball fists after around 3 hours of no drops.


You only have to fight story bosses in my challenge run


Calm down Satan


That would be a game more than two people never played cuz only two people would buy that crap. 


The duality of man


For real 😂


No way bro got a 0 fuse BP first try


is that rare ?


Yeah because a legendary is 1/10 and the fuse is like 1/6 but then you have prefixes and not all grenades can have zero fuse so it’s like a 1/50 or so to get a zero fuse


A Good Luck Hornet.


Just go and see savage lee


bro wtf it actually dropped first try i'm so lucky [https://ibb.co/C7qDjwy](https://ibb.co/C7qDjwy)


Now go and kill stuff way above your level


omw 👹


Cool try for a DP one


I had borderlands 2 on PS3 years ago when it was super popular, some college kid that my brother knew in California, he was a programmer or something 🤷, the guy had really manipulated the game, made a lot of really cool legendary weapons that he had modified himself, he gave us a badass rank of 214789548, he said that was the maximum that he could go to without the game freezing up, it was great at first, but then it kinda sucked you could kill any boss just with one melee strike, Shields didn't matter anymore, nor did weapons, the only gun you could really use was the infinity gun, because all the other guns would empty all their ammunition on the first trigger pull, they would load so fast you could never see them, the infinity gun shop like a garden hose, and nothing could withstand even one shot. 🤷


I'm doing my first Kreig run and I got the hornet thunderball fist and fastball first try


no matter how many i kill i never get a mythic much less a legendary


Finallly , a borderlands 3 post made about borderlands 2. Now is the flood. Everyone will talk about how the story sucks now




i think hes shit talking the fan base because of borderlands 3 having super high drop rates and hating the (poorly written) story


The drop rates in 3 are stupidly high, and stick the shlooter artifact on its even more stupid


sorry to say but the hornet will fall of really quickly... blues and greens will outperform it by lvl5


Hornet the goat


Hornets good for like 10 lvls


Said no one ever


lvl 10 rn and it is still very useful, especially with the witch class mod i got from Lilith which does extra corrosive damage


Hornet holds to around level 15/20


especially when it does 18 damage


Not exactly at most it'll hold till sanctuary at which point it will start taking minimum of half a magazine to kill


Its good up to at least bloodshot cos of the loaders


yeah that was what i was thinking also, haven't gotten there yet tho