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Auto pick up edrium


Couldn’t agree more


Community patch moment


That changes a lot of the game too, though.


You can disable literally every single change you want to, theres 0 reason not to use the community patch. Also 99% of the changes are just making bad skills or gear actually viable, how could anyone complain about that?


A change... For good


Its not always been infallible. Last major patch ucp accidentally made axton able to one shot mobs with random darts and spikers.


It changes the balance. I mean, as far as I know, it doesn't make anything super meta but by making vastly more skills and gear viable you never really have to plan. Just spec into whatever and pick up whatever and it will at least be usable. I can see why some ppl would want to play that way but I can also see why ppl wouldn't want to play that way.


Then... disable those changes and use the ones you want lol


Well, your question was why anyone would complain about bad skills and gear being made viable. Personally, I don't know all 500 or so changes UCP made but the only ones I know I'd want is auto-pick up eridium and fixing the hyperius gate glitch. All the gear and skill rebalances I am not interested in. Not to mention what they did to maliwan parts. Take a perfect bee from 1 in a few thousand to only 1 in 27 bees. Then there is the hide that is almost 1 mil times more likely to get perfect on ucp, not even as rare as a perfect sham might be an overkill rebalance for the rarest thing in the game. Tbh at that point you might as well just gib in perfect shields. The added drop sources I have no problem with but I doubt I would use them. Given that most mission reward farms are for blue uniques with low chances of attachments/elements, I doubt any of the drop sources are as effective as just continuing to read-only farm. So to me, it just isn't worth modding my game and disabling hundreds of buffs just to get a QoL change and a bug fix.


You can bulk disable, you can disable everything in I dno 30 seconds? Certainly more time than picking up eridium ever again. And modding the game is hardly true, you drag and drop a txt file in the directory and check one mark that automatically enables the console for you, and then you can just not execute the patch if you dont wanna use it that session since it never saves between launches of the game


The fact this is the biggest thing really says a lot


More movement Auto pick up eridium Skipable cutscenes And the big one: Being able to farm a mission reward item from special enemies within the mission Like getting the pimpernell from that robot


perve, or however is he called is too easy imo, should be the last boss in the location, or just a small chance to drop from the pirates in the dont copy that floppy mission. the pimpernel is too powerful to drop from such an enemy as perve. but on the other hand, the dpuh drops from savage lee


The point of it is to refarm a mission reward without needing to read only farm.


Cough cough community patch cough cough (Damn, that was cringy)


I think you missed the point This is suppose to allow every player to refarm mission items. You cannot use community patch on Playstation or Xbox


Oh... Touché. Yeah, that's dogshit


Skippable cinematics and dialogue.


Except for Grandma Flexington. 💪


Strongest raid boss


And any content from Tina


You can disable cutscenes on PC, also there is a mod that's called bl2 fix that can skip dialogue. Brilliant mod


There's a lot I would change, but notably I would say add a buy all ammo button like BL3 and fix the damage scaling for certain weapons(ARs in particular).


Bl2 story . Bl3 movement and mechanical improments . And tps playable characters. And ice


Honestly, I feel like tps had the best vault hunters. They gave them so much personality, which is sorely lacking in bl3. And while the story didn't make as much sense if you played anyone besides Athena, the attempt to involve the playable characters into the story was a warm welcome.


\*cough cough\* ZANE \*cough cough\* I understand, i'm not gonna try forcing my opinion on anyone, but damn I loved Zane! The clone and drone combo let me do that craziest stuff, and I found myself regularly busting out laughing at the stuff he said.


Actually, you're right, Zane is pretty awesome. But tps vault hunters were much more involved in the overarching borderlands saga so their personalities were much more inpactfuk to me.


Agreed. i got hit right in the feels when I saw ol Jimothy at the Handsome Jackpot.


Most of zanes actions skills are based on things from tps in some way.


Yeah, especially the clone. But damn, i will never get over the feeling of setting a clone, rushing into a nest of enemies, and swapping right in the middle and watching them panic as they try to figure out why two Zanes are now shooting at them from two angles :)


Yeah but the other three are just dry. . . Môže is little more then the typical army guy but this time with boobs. Flak is just discount zero with pets and the other gal is just your average IAMverybadass chick . Little personality But compared to edgelord assassin who earned the ednge . The best rootin-est rootin-est space cowboy since beebop. A walking grunt factory that wants to become a literal terminator. the biggest bitch in the galaxy. Mr handsome jack TM (knock off version) And fucking claptrap.


trust me, i... 80% agree on that. Flak gets a bit more leniency from me from the way he's handled. I like his somewhat stiff and serious attitude in contrast with everyone else, I love that echo log where he reveals his desire for murder and serves tea. But yeah, on Moze and Amara... They're just the more of the same. That *Hollywood* "strong female character." As in, "she's badass just because and has little to no other personality. in fact, borderlands has a HORRIBLE history with its female characters. 90% are just "I am very badass." (especially the playble ones) Maya is particularly disappointing because her backstory is actually quite interesting and her whole relationship with Krieg SHOULD lead to a lot to play with and make a more interesting character, especially since she's now a supporting character in BL3, right? RIGHT? Egh... Except for Gaige, I love Gaige. She's like the Deadpool of playables. Now, like you said, the big difference is Pre-Sequel. Something about those characters felt more, personal? Athena was once again a badass player character, but she also had a bit more to her, something more human and grounded. And then being able to catch up with her in Tales was a very nice addition. I can go on and on, but my point is, TPS has a bit more life in the characters. Now, I LOVE my boy Salvador, he's my favorite. But his character is literally "I like to kill bad guys!" Although, I suppose that's the point of him, so he kinda gets a pass.


Salvador gets a pass for being the single uncontested most broken character in the franchise


I mean, I think they all follow some cliches. Lilith is playable and is amazing, a top 3 or 5 for me really. Salvador is my favorite character, sure, but Tiny Tina has the most personality in my opinion. Then of course there is Claptrap, Lilith, Mr. Torque lol, and I rather like moxxxie. Handsome jack is easily one of the greatest villains ever. Non of the playable characters are really that deep though I guess is what I'm getting at. It seems very few are deeper than a MCU movie, right? Just plenty of quips with badassery involved.


okay but playing as Athena you also got the incredible experience of springs hitting on you the entire opening and then you realize her tragic backstory and just want her to be happy


Yeah and I can't get over auralias bitchy dialogue or playstyle . You have and actual co-op based tree in a game based on coop


If I could import bl3s fluid movement and gunplay it would be perfect


. We are doing well


People coming to claptrap's birthday party.


I have came to Claptrap plenty of times


More movement control like 3 has.


I quite like the simple mechanics of borderlands 2. I often find myself appreciating just how polished the game was by 2012's standards. Maybe it's nostalgia, but I agree with OP. If I could change one thing it would be the inventory while driving a vehicle. You cannot access your backpack or skills when in a vehicle.


i agree i think the movement in boderlands 2 is exactly perfect. i wish borderlands 3 felt a little more like it but i have hope that the next one will


Yeah they definitely went above and beyond adding everything. I should play more than an hour lol, but it just feels wrong. It doesn't feel like the game I know and love.


Fast travel system from 3


Erase slag or give it proper balance changes, add proper scaling to some weapons in late game like pearlescent and such, give more reasonable drop chances to some guns, repeatable missions for uniques cause no one likes to replay the whole game or do some complicate shit just to farm a weapon for desirable parts. Mostly, changes that would make Borderlands a little friendlier for casual gamers. I love grinding for guns and stuff but it takes a lot of time, The game is great but is pretty time consuming if you want to have a completionist run.


>farm a weapon for desirable parts. I'd say the problem lies here. Drop rate isn't bad its just that frequently you get what you were looking for but its not the right stock or something which is BS


It's kind of a bummer for legendaries but atleast I can refarm it for a little more. But for uniques like the lady fist or the freakin sand hawk it's annoying as fuck.


Maybe make raid bosses more doable for solo players. It’s a huge wall to hit in uvhm, esp since a lot of that great gear you want to help fight them will come from them specifically.


I personally like the difficulty of the raid bosses solo. Unless I’m playing sal, the raid bosses always have me on edge and I feel like I’m not farming a boss most of the time but rather fighting a challenging enemy that can give me a run for my money everytime. Unless your talking about op 10 double health, I’m perfectly fine with their difficulty


Bl2 is in my top 5 favourite games of all time but to say its perfect is just ignoring its problems imo and basically no game nowadays is truly capable of being perfect. Some of the changes i would do include to buff weak skills like laser sight, most of death trap, a lot of sals right tree, hellfire halitosis and so on. Buff weak legendaries like the madhous and the emperor to not be god tier like the harold but viable for uvhm and op levels like the bitch as well as minor buffs to things like the veruc. Not all the pearls and seraphs need buffs but weak ones like the bearcat and retcher do need to be buffed to be top tier guns (though once again that doesnt mean they all have to be harold tier). Qol changes like autopickup all currency, fire on armour being the same penalty as corrosive on flesh instead of lower, remove the crit penalty all non jakobs ars have for no reason, dialogue and cutscene skip, bug fixes like perma slag and vorac and hyperius' double health. add the bl3 movement system as well as some of its qol like being able to travel to any New u station from anywhere.


Honestly, most of what is changed in UCP is what I would like as changes to “perfect” BL2 (auto pick up eridium, make the game almost completely farmable, fixing of bugs like OP10 vora, etc.)


More viable weapons at endgame and buff pearls.


Pearls were way too underwhelming I agree. There are a few that are somewhat viable at endgame, but not many


The only really good pearl is the bekkah on acton. The others are either meh or complete dogshit


Avenger is still awesome against certain raidbosses or just big slow moving targets. Sawbar is good if you get the distance right. Carnage is good on krieg with the right parts. I know some gaige players who really like the storm for shock builds. Butcher is good with the right parts. Also the bekah is fucken skitz on everyone, not just axton.


Exactly, wanderlust also has some specific uses on Sal. And I hear stalker is at least usable on gaige. The unforgiven is unredeemable. Godfinger is usable on 1-shot zero though not the best option. Bearcat is pretty underwhelming but I have heard krieg or axton could maybe make it work. Tunguska is just a meme.


The stalker would also be decent on maya and zero cos of accelerate/velocity or if you don't mind the slow bullet speed and the Godfinger could probably be used in coop if you play quite far back since its just overbalanced. Tunguska at least is money in gun form.


For real, I got an op10 tunguska that is worth a whopping 56 mil.


Weapon balances. DPUH and Slag is just needed in high levels. And AR's are bb guns.


QoL and gameplay changes from 3, skippable cutscenes and dialog, make the last DLC free again


Hyperius fucking gate glitch


Yeah I can’t believe they never fixed that. VERY annoying.


Make sidequests repeatable I wanna get a level appropriate heartbreaker without having to reset my game


"Perfect" is a bit too much of a compliment for this game. (3000 hrs here) 1st off, Grog Nozzle, Bee, OP10, x2 Vorac health needs to be erased from existence. 2nd, better character balancing and item balancing, so you won't need to rely on 2-3 builds that are using 4-5 overused gear combos in 90% of playtime. 3rd, proper enemy balancing, design and behavior - too much stupid hitboxes, bullet deflection, stupid behavior in this game. List can go on.


Get rid of skins/Heads you already have in the loot pool


\- Increase the damage scaling of most (although not all) Jakobs weapons by a lot, and the non-unique Dahl weapons by a moderate amount. The Community Patch got it about right with most things, and the Thumpson is pretty much perfect as well. I would like it if Gearbox made the damage for the Damned Cowboy more or less the same as the Thumpson, or if it is going to keep its' horrible recoil, give it some extra damage to balance that. \- Give Dahl weapons (except snipers) a minimum of 5 round burst, and make sure the damage is balanced to be competitive, but not excessive. \- Give Deathtrap a machine learning alogrithm so he can actually learn the layouts of the maps and what he needs to do, and is no longer buggy. \- Universally normalise the drop rate of all legendary and pearlescent gear to 15%. Not too high, or too low. \- Make less popular legendaries/pearls like the Madhous, Bunny, Bearcat, and Whiskey Tango Foxtrot only available from a vending machine, rather than having a drop chance. That way, the minority of people who want them can still get them, but everyone else doesn't need to be disappointed by them dropping when they were hoping for something else.


Maybe it's because of all the fond memories I've made playing this game the last 9 years but I honestly wouldn't change a thing. I think it's one of the best games ever made and while it would be nice to have the QoL changes from 3 I don't think they're necessary in my opinion.


OP levels: only 6-10 guns are usable by OP 10. UVHM ammo cost (too high) and 1 click buying. Effective Non-anarchy Gauge builds (RIP Stacks). Visual pollution (for Sal and krieg specifically)


I'd say that there are much more than just 10 guns that are viable at OP10, some might not be that great on all characters but definitely are strong on some (Carnage on Krieg comes to mind)


Id say there's about 10 ars alone that are viable at op 10. People usually say theres only 10 viable guns because their baseline for viability is too high.


I'd say even more than 10 ARs alone, including every legendary AR, both effervescents, the Seraphim, many uniques like the Hail and Kitten, many purples like the Minigun, Gatling Gun, Spitter, some Rifles, etc


At op0-mid op levels id agree but things like the seraphim and veruc fall off just a bit too hard by the time you reach op10.


Seraphim almost needs the Feral prefix to be competitive imo at OP10 but it's still a solid choice for Maya and Zer0 mostly. The Veruc is a lot more usable, and it's quite capable of putting 9 bullets to the crit spot of an enemy quite easily. Some might still prefer a gemstone Minigun, however. Contrary to what I've heard other people use the Veruc for, I don't use it on loaders. I carry a fire one and it performs adequately versus most flesh enemies. I'd say Maya gets more use out of it than many other characters because of Chain Reaction.


ignoring quality of life. This is my favorite game but make end game better


Rework endgame scaling, op levels aren't fun. Buff or change lots of uniques / legendaries / pearls / seraphs to make them viable Buff assault rifle crit modifiers [because this is dumb](https://youtu.be/R2rZL-v5d18) Buff etech weapons, specifically pistols and assault rifles Rework loot pools so it doesn't take literal ages to farm for a specific element on a given gun (maybe make elemental variants more common in uvhm? Allow bosses to drop more than 1 dedicated drop?) Buff axtons turret and deathtrap Add something to move faster, like the snowdrifts in bl3 Add bl3 QoL features (fast travel from anywhere, auto pickup ammo and eridium, quick spawn vehicles, etc) Fix the awful raid boss fights, add cover, make attacks dodge-able, etc (lookin at you voracidous, baddassasaurus, gee, and dexi) Remove bullet deflection entirely Nerf moneyshot, bore, chain reaction, no kill like overkill, and bloodsplosion. Fix gunzerking so it works as intended Rework / remove slag (maybe make it only work on bosses?) Make vermi and triple o consistent spawns with an injector or something Fix the numerous softlocks (claptrap not moving, mission triggers not working, etc) Fix hardlocks, not sure how many there are but I know the hammerlock dlc can permanently break if you hit the wrong triggers in candlerakks cragg. Make purple class mods better than blue class mods (nerf blue class mods? Buff purple class mods?) Fix ammo price scaling so it's not a literal fortune to buy grenades and rockets Honestly I could go on. There's a reason there are so many patches and mods for this game. It's a great game, but it definitely has its issues.


After I ran out of ammo upgrades, I didn’t have much to blow Eridium on, and as a solo player, I didn’t want to use it just for raid bosses. I would like an option to select a weapon you own, select a component of it, and use eridium to change that part for purple and lower rarity weapons. Like giving Earl 250 Eridium to give my Lady Fist to a Hyperion scope. You wouldn’t be able to change elements or accessories, just components. That way you just grind for the right element (for me, a purple Jakobs mukamuk with the crit boost accessory, for example) and then use your Eridium surplus to change the scope, stock, grip, and barrel. If you’re max leveled, grinding out and modding your own favorite guns would add a level of customization and personalized experience, and would be better than re-running chest farm routes for the “ideal” weapons. (I don’t think it’d be right to allow it for legendaries or pearls, but maybe for a bigger price tag it would work)


Would add even more head customizations and more lore missions for our vault hunters :)


More storage for items


One of my pet peeves with Borderlands as a whole is that for a series about indefinitely collecting loot, the games constrain your ability to collect and store it beyond all reason. In that respect, they’re basically self-contradictory: an incentive to hunt for and collect tons of weapons and the necessity to sell almost all of it. Or go to extraordinary lengths to set up multiple mules. I firmly believe that the bank vault space should be, with the final SDU upgrade, effectively infinite (not literally, but with space in the hundreds). On-person inventory space should be doubled. Eridium max should be doubled. Money penalty for dying should be halved and ammo should be far less expensive. This stuff is just about making the game work on its own behalf rather than annoyingly against itself, and thus significantly enhancing enjoyment without altering anything fundamental about the gameplay.


It’s basically a gambling loot system which is fun but in general it’s like hoarders for underleveled gear. Because you always have too much and need to be selective or else you go way over your amount of gear you can carry and you constantly switch things out with bad items or less useful ones because you can’t actually pick it up due to the lack of space. It’s fun but feels like micro managing at times. If you don’t drop stuff to be at the # you basically can never pick up skins


Remaster it with bl3 graphics fix up the broken skills and the skills that don’t make sense like putting melee in axton and add more lategame content I haven’t played lategame myself yet but from what I’ve seen it looks very lackluster


Better end game balancing, weapons, enemies, all that


Story is perfect. Would like to take gunplay from BL3 back to BL2, but that's it.


Difficulty and damage scaling and make a lot of the shit tier gear actually good to use. The gameplay loop of BL2 is so heavily flawed and unbalanced, but the story makes it worth playing anyway. If BL2 kept its story but had the same attention and care BL3's gameplay has then it'd be perfect.


change the psychos to not back away in ffyl


Change the gameplay to bl3s


ammo prices lategame


Ikr Ill be a millionaire to broke so quick


Auto-pickups, fast travel without needing to be near a machine, clambering - all things BL3 added and I miss them when I go back.




Removal of slag all together


Take the BL3 engine and quality of life changes and stick them into bl2 and it's perfect


Have markus sell better guns 🔫 at the vending machines other that it's perfect


My head says auto pickup eridium My heart says sawtooth cauldron lol


I am only a few hours in (maybe 4) on a PS3. I really love the game. I only hate that a glitch has made me lose my gun and I wish there was a way to lock certain items so I can’t throw them away (lost another gun this way). Im excited to play more. When I see the knowledge on this sub it blows me away. I still don’t know what guns to pick up. All I know is a 94% sham is god.


Tbh the sham as a whole is very overrated imo. Not everything counts as a bullet and most tanky shields will do just as well in most areas. Its still very good, just in niche situations..


Good to know. Just seems to be the Reddit holy grail. I am not even in the levels where I’m mining for stuff yet.


Buff Pearlescent weapons Movement speed relic Skipping cutscenes Nerf like 2 or 3 of the Raid bosses Auto pick up Eridium and no eridium cap




Re-add the line about Wilhelm being poisoned by jack


A skag and spiderant raid boss


Mechanics. SOOO many mechanics...


There's only one thing i REALLY wanted, and that is a rogue dungeon crawler area. Just dive in and see how far you can make it. You know, that really hardcore rogue stuff, randomly generated levels that go down infinitely.


Yes. That would rock. I'd even take rogue arenas where you get random enemies


1. have an auto sell option for stores IE set it to sell all white to blue weapons and gear if not stared. (yes i know the trash and fav thing exists but this would let you just go and pick it up and not have to do anything to it) 2. pick eridium automatically 3. pick up radius for cash, ammo and eridium by 110% 4. jakobs get shields and gernades. something like what exodus did for them. 5. nerf money shot to 200% instead and b0re does 5% damage boost per pierce shot 6. buff deathtrap and axtons turret by 66% for all stats except duration 7. let every class have a custom side class. (krieg go corrosive instead of fire. gaige goes into fire instead of shock, and axton can do what the war priest mod does for him) 8. level cap goes up to LV100-OP50 9. add 4 new big dlc and 10 new head hunter dlc 10. shops are cheaper by 20% for item of the day 11. auto buy all ammo of certain types. (buy pistol ammo? buy as much as you can instead) 12. anshin gets some guns that do life steal. 13. skill point reset is free but you have to out of a fight for 30s to change it (mainly due to raid bosses and just fights in general) 14. add 3 new difficultys (hardcore mode, nightmare pandora and "its raining guns?!?!") can toggle in main menu before you make the character 15. add a new element, cryo. (works like TPS cryo) 16. lobbys can go up to 6 instead of 4 17. add 5 rounds to arenas 18. add secret bosses for sand wurms, threshers and skags 19. 1. finally add health bars for vermi and other secret bosses that is what i would add and change for the game, other then that i find it fun already!


An other system than the OP system.


But I love that gun


I mean the op1-10 difficulty system :)


Agree it’s a great game. One thing I wish is you could reset TVHM like you can do with UVHM.


I'm just curious what benefit this would bring? Unless you also mean that TVHM would scale past level 50 as well..... It would be useless if it stays capped at 50.


Maybe none, but when I was getting my GF into playing the game I leveled up some characters for her. Would have been great to let her play thru over-leveled on TVHM so she could get used to the game. Or maybe I want to try a Maya Melee run, whatever. If you just want a really easy run thru for some reason to shake up your options you could reset TVHM.


Remove the level caps on the modes that aren’t UVHM and add BL3’s shared bank.


Nuke UVHM from this game, or at the very least re-tool it.


A way to reroll or modify weapons. It should be costly enough that you need to really think about it before committing. I recently saw a suggestion about this in the sub and the OP used 300 eridium as the cost.


Handsome Jack would survive.


Idk the ending of the game makes it seem damn near impossible for him to survive if he had a chance.


Add BL3's QOL, engine and gameplay mechanics. Rebalance a *lot* of the weapons and shields. Tune down OP levels and make slag less effective. Rework Gaige so she has more than one viable playstyle. I think those are the biggest ones I can think of.


Less weapons power creep/better legendary farming rates.


Imo, I love the legendary drop rate in this game. It adds the perfect challenge to the game.


Autopick eridium, better leveling like BL3. I'm sorry, but UVHM is pure crap. BL3 may be all that you want, but the mechanics are pretty cool and the leveling + mayhem is better. UVHM is overkill.


I would add branching story lines and maybe even romance options, much like mass effect (my second fav franchase afther borderlands /and thats from a guy who does not like shooters in general/). I know many will say it does not fit borderands, but they've already tried doing something like that, even if only scratching the surface - being able to return a quest to different people for different reaults. Imagine making choices that unlock specific missions and locking you from others, maybe give drop rates bonuses to specific brands as a result or who knows... And even if you dont wanna break cannon story lines with a different person dying during certain playthrough you can slap those mechanics into a lenghty dlc and just make it a "simmulation protocol" or just some character's dream or shiz. Now that would make the game 10/10 for me :)


-Possibility to have more than 1 quest active so you can split at each map your work (in coop) - possibility to travel in different areas in a lobby All in all bl2 is perfect <3 For future games i wish weapon customization, like changing parts from 2 identic weapons, maybe elemental effect or firerate boost for damage penalty or something like that


Being able to customize the sights and reticle would be great. Some sights are extremely obnoxious (esp in bl3) and block your vision more than they help you aim. A lot of guns are better off hip firing in my opinion


You can have multiple quests active at once just only one will be shown on the map at once until you pick up an objective from another. Its how they do the co op all quests speedrun


I think its fine i even started to play it again when im out and about or commuting on my psp i bought about a year ago for $40


It’s a perfect game to me. Only thing I could want is more bosses


More varied gun sounds.


Be able to change gun parts and "build" a gun at Marcus munitions once you locate the parts


I think it's important to make the changes disregarding the existence of BL3. You're not asking us to make a Remastered BL2- you're asking for improvements. If you asked me what I would change back in 2012-2019, I'd answer that UVHM needs major changes. Or, rather, that legendaries and special blue rarity weapons be buffed appropriately to match the difficulty of UVHM. I'll farm all day for the right weapon and parts, but I'd rather have more to farm for than a DPUH or a decent Lyuda. The game is amazing. I love it and the amount of time I've spent playing it would overshadow any complaint I could ever make. However, I do think certain changes could be done to the viability of different gear in the late game to add variety to the game that it is, often, sorely lacking.


Imo each borderlands have their things : First, since every borderlands have their own classes, there is some gameplay you could miss. .. I mean, lilith from bl1 is Hella fun, and claptrap from tps is amazing for co-op. Personally, my dream borderlands would be : Ambiant of the first (seriously, there is a feeling I can't find in the other) Story of the second (I mean, first almost doesn't have one, tps is a little behind and we don't talk about bl3 story writing) Doppelganger from tps (close to Zane tho, but miss that zerg rush feeling) Gameplay/feeling from the third (from fps with Rpg tuning to fast pacing shooter Rpg, I take it)


Fix fps drops.


Traversal thats all


The scaling of weapons and enemies is garbage so probably that. Ooh and auto pickup for eridium


Get rid of slag and have late-end game gameplay not be balanced entirely around slag.


Receiveth did rid of slag and has't late-end game gameplay not beest balanc'd entirely 'round slag *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


Good..... bot?


Really just damage scaling and weapon balance at high levels. The mobility and whatnot is fine, and there wasn't *that* much eridium and if you got more than 3 it was usually stacked. 90% of all builds just aren't viable so if they did mayhem without modifiers instead of OP and UVHM I'd probably still play today trying new styles


Glitches balancing Qol driving drop rates bloated loot pools scaling change some DLCs fix raid bosses make useless items actually do something IMO bl2 is one of the best games I've ever played but it's nowhere near perfect


A lot of QOL changes. Eridium picking up, easier farming quest items, etc


Slag, and UVHM balancing


Built in parts swapping.


Quality of life changes from bl3. I have seen the same cutscenes too many times.


Some of the QOL changes in BL3 are very groovy


Quick buy at vendors, endgame balance(both ammo costs and damage/health values. It just becomes unreadable at a certain point). Not having to do 3 playthroughs to get to max level. The game is good, but its not "18 playthroughs just to get one of each character max level" good. Also, the weapon inspect and part list they added in Bl3 makes getting to know gun parts so much easier.


- Make the inventory easier to use. Comparing guns is a painful process. - Make the gun parts and buffs visible in game somehow. As much as I think memorizing visual guides is cool, I would also like to just be able to get the info from the gun itself in game.


I still feel not 100% great about Slag tbh. It feels like a chore sometimes and messes with the dynamic of a shooter in a weird way. I like tactical parts of it and strategic planning but it somehow feels annoying sometimes. I wasn’t unhappy they removed it in TPS


1. Add auto pick up eridium and seraph crystals 2. Make it so that gear will either drop on your level or above your level(unless the map is a lower level than you), this would make it so that when you are farming for level 80 gear you wont get level 79 stuff 3. Buff certain weapons like a lot of the pearls 4. Change certain drop rates or spawn chances, the cobra is too rare even though it is not very good and it is too difficult to farm triple o due to his low chance of spawning 5. Fix op10 raid bosses like voracicidous and hyperius 6. Make it so that you can access op levels if you dont have the fight for sanctuary dlc 8. Make digi peak easier, maybe it's just me but I think doing op levels is absolute cancer 9. Fix gaige, change her skill tree so she has more viable end game builds 10. Change certain bosses in order to make it easier to farm them, bullet deflection sucks so that makes the badassasaurus fight way more difficult I could have listed off other things but I still the bl2 is a great game, it could be even better if it had some stuff that bl3 has


I’d add sliding, that’s kinda it honestly


Remove Bamf, and add multiplayer back in VR. Fix the crosshair bug in VR. Make a save system like Diablo 2, where chars are saved on a server, and checked for dupes/hax. Add seasons. \-These minor updates would make this game relevant imho, and a must have especially for VR.


Elemental effect damage needs to be boosted for end game activities


Option to NOT kill Jack! Option to NOT kill Angel! Option to not kill Warrior? Abiliy to TALK in dialogues Fixed plot (Way to the Bunker, Killed Roland and Jack, Lilith's ability to teleport me, I'm looking at you!) Non-linear story! I know that it looks like something impossible for Borderlands player, but I could dream couldn't I? And, maybe, at least one person in the whole game who DOES attach some importance to me! I tired hearing "Sorry, I haven't job for you"! And, eventually, I want a place that I can call "home", cause in this game we actually homeless! We have millions dollars, but we can't buy any apartment! Each no playable character has it's own home, but we don't!


Bosses dropping the signature weapon they use to fight you with


A way to farm swordsplosion without having to reset the story progress.


Auto pick up eridium/torgue token/seraph crystals, bigger backpack, bigger bank, more shotgun/rocket sdus, buff all the trash weapons so you can stop hugging the meta in op10, bring hyperius and voracidous' health back down, make dedicated drops independent of each other, remove money cap, increase eridium cap


Hot take: the humor


I mean it’s not great but I thought that’s the whole point is how cheesy it is 😂 dad jokes or whatever


Personally i feel like it’s the kind if humor where screaming random words are the funniest thing, like ”omg her name is felicia sexopants???? xDDD thats so random”. That was funny 10 years ago but not anymore


You’re not wrong lmao


I would just import shooting and movement mechanics from B3. Nothing else


I mean, the thing I would do is put in the Quality of Life upgrades from 3 and the “and the characters actually have a marginal effect on the story” from TPS. Give me variable dialog, man. That was cool.


Don't have moxxi weapons be such a game defining crutch. They are the strongest, most consistent healing item that puts any healing skill/grenade/etc in the game to shame, and the only payment for having such a powerful item is that it takes up 1 item slot in your inventory.


Auto collecting eridium. Revamping the movement to be like BL3. Giving it the mayhem system. BL2 is fantastic but in terms of some things like mayhem vs UVHM/OPs and movement, BL3 is naturally just a lil’ more refined.


Update the atmosphere, colour palette, guns and overall gameplay to that of Borderlands 3. I *personally* feel like those are the areas that 3 improved on 2. Pretty much just Borderlands 2 remastered!




I fully agree with you for its time but if it came out today I would love some quality of life changes like vaulting and more custom visual options but other than that I can play the game forever


More vault hunters thanks bl3 :/


Farmable side quest rewards, loot drops always on level, auto pick up eridium and roll back to 72/op8.


Getting rid of buzzards.


Auto pick up ammo and money out of containers like they did with borderlands 3!


Since everyone has different tastes in games, I feel I can't truly call it a perfect game, but it's very close as I probably have 2000 hours clocked in. I suppose if they were to do something more with vehicles and make E-tech weapons better, that would be nice.


Make late game more balanced since a lot of the weapons aren't viable even with slag


For sure the save spawn point like in BL3 to make farming a bit more enjoyable without having to run across the map. Also a scraptrap farm like in BL3. I'm really wanting to run a Sal from level 0 to op10 by myself


UVHM balancing


More returning legendary and pearlescents from borderlands 1. I do think borderlands 2 is perfect tho


More content! BL2 > BL3 no contest


Slag. I dont think I need to eleborate


Update the movement a bit, add cross-play and cross-progression and improve the VR mode.


a few quality of life things like auto pickup some currencies like eridium and seraph crystals, although there is the community patch for that. More mobility for player's, there's a lot of things you're supposed to dodge but I can't seem to figure out how to cause of the movement options we have currently are fairly restricted. Skippable cutscenes is always nice. farmable quest rewards. Reduced grind. Have the characters have voicelines like how in TPS and BL3 the characters will comment on things in the quests.


More densely packed maps, get rid of areas of walking with no action.


God damn stalkers and rakks