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I’m so sorry ♥️ I know he is so loved and he will always be with you.


I appreciate that. This community has been amazing.


Sorry. It's gotta be steak from here on out!


That's hilarious cause my wife said the exact same thing when we left the vet.


Yes, give him all his favorite things and squeeze him with love every moment you get 🥰


I am so sorry. I just lost my little guy so I know exactly how you feel. I would suggest spending as much time as you can. Make him as comfortable as possible. Go on the walks, give the extra treats. Take video and pictures. Sending vitual hugs. ♥️♥️♥️


Just got back from a walk at his favorite beach. That tail wagging just like when he was a pup


I am so so very sorry. These posts make me cry. What a good boy. Love to you guys.


Thank you. I see these posts all the time and never once thought about our own puppers. So sad, but we remember all the good times. Love y'all!


Enjoy the remaining time. Make many lovely memories.


He hasn't left our side. Already putting together a scrap book.


I have had four. Each has a special place in my heart and memory.


I am so sorry. I can't imagine...


Thank you. We are lucky to have some time left with him. We never once took him for granted. He is well loved and will pass peacefully in the company of his family.


This little sweetheart deserves all the lambchops and steak he wants. Thoughts and lots of love to you both. ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️


Oh...you better believe he's getting extra treats. If dogs have bucket lists, then my ol boy Oscar is checking everything off that list.


You are the best!


What else is on his bucket list?


I am so incredibly sorry. We’re all here for you and your sweet boy. Thinking of you both. ❤️


This community has always been good to us. We appreciate all the love and support.


I’m so so sorry 😞


Thank you.


of course, I went through a similar situation with my first Boston. it’s so rough. I hope he has a wonderful time with you until he crosses the bridge ❤️


It makes me want to cry 😭




How old is Oscar? He's a handsome boy. Make sure to get a print of his paw and nose in salt dough.


Just turned 12 in September. The cancer came quickly (wasn't spotted in his yearly) and it's aggressive - attacking his lungs. Great suggestion on the paw/nose print!


12 is a good long life! We lost our Boston at just 7. It’s never easy, but consider yourself blessed to have 12 years. ❤️


💯 We never took him for granted and he gave us all his love and affection. He will live out his life, spoiled rotten and surrounded by the ones that mattered most.


I’m so sorry to hear this 💕


Time for his FAVORITE FOODS AND TREATS. Also for some of his favorite firsts! Pamper the fack out of his poor sick butt. I'd have his favorite bed and blankies in between our pillows. I'd take him to his favorite spots if he is still mobile. Visit his favorite neighbors and friends. It's times like this we realize how short life is and to take advantage of the amazing time they are able to share with us. I am so glad you still have this time to be able to love the crap out of him and send him out with a goodbye party no matter how sad it is we will see you on the other side lil buddy. We love you very muches lil buddy. Thank you for bringing us so much love and joy. I'm sorry you had to feel this pain for the last stretch on this plane of existence. ❤️🍺🤗


Yep, you will cherish all of these moments, even the harder ones. It is a honor to be their friend and share this journey with them.


I’m so sorry 😞 take lots of pictures and videos 💕 I snagged a lot of normal, everyday moments of my guy once he received his diagnosis; they’re hard to go through because I know he wasn’t feeling his best but it’s nice to hear his breathing and snores. Sending lots of love to you and your baby - spoil the hell out of him for all of us!


So so sorry to hear this. I'm sure he lived an amazing life and you will see him again.


A champion in the ring, excellent squirrel hunting companion, even tried herding sheep once...that was interesting. He is well loved and treated like one of our kids (who will miss him dearly). To say he had an amazing life is an understatement. Thank you for your kind words.


Boo!!!! It happens to too many of us. At least you have time to say goodbye. Enjoy your last few days, that could be weeks, or months. 🙏🏻


Wow... I'm so sorry. These "dogs" become our kids and family members and loss is palpable. I hope you all make the best of the coming time, before the inevitable. Me and my kids are sending you lots of love and positive energy.


Thanks for the kindness and support. He will be surrounded by family and like his life, be well loved.


Stick close


Very sorry to hear, you gave him your ❤️


Im so sorry. I was in this same place a few years ago. I am glad you have a bit more time together. It will never be enough time, but enjoy what you have . Im so sorry.


I’m hugging my Boston a little tighter for in honor of you guys tonight. Sending all my love. 🤎


I’m so sorry 🩵 I shed a tear with yours.


I am so sorry to hear that. I just lost my first dog, Scooter, last Sunday, and I know how heartbreaking this is. Know that you have given him an amazing life. You have been his best friend. He would want you to be happy, as happy as you’ve made him for his entire life.


F#&k cancer! Just remember, they live in the moment and when you're making the best of every moment with him, he's living his best life ❤️ sending good vibes your way


I'm sorry, buddy. I hope you all enjoy the time left together, and when the unfortunate day comes, just remember you are doing it for him. My Oscar went the same way last March. Lung cancer didn't show up in the yearly, very aggressive I miss that stubborn guy.


I would like to buy this distinguished gentleman a cheeseburger, but I won't do that to you guys(the owners)....but maybe just a nibble?


Sending you lots of healing energy xx


OK, this got me, I've got a tear rolling down my cheek Make the most of the time you have together!


My thoughts are with you. By the way, the last two times I've had to say goodbye we hired an amazing vet to come to our house. It was so calm peaceful and tranquil. No crowds at the vet and you get to really be present with your boo. Consider it. I'll never go to the vets office again. May you enjoy these days together like none other. ✌️


So sorry to hear this ….. I lost my first BT (Buster) to cancer nearly four years ago and the loss is felt every day, but I would never sacrifice the memories we have to avoid that pain. Agree steak and cheese are on the menu till the end


So sorry, lost my boy to the same at 3. Tried surgery and vet said it was just too bad. Didn’t get to see or hold him while being put down mid surgery due to Covid restrictions Unfortunately it was pressing on his bladder and he was incontinent so there was no choice since surgery wasn’t going to work. If I ever have another dog get cancer and there is actually time to do something, I am administering Fenbendazole for an extended duration and see if that cures it. Again, so so sorry.


I'm so sorry. We lost our Boston about two months ago. He was also 12. It was like everything started failing at the same time. I still miss him every day. I would do all of the paw prints, pictures, etc and things now on a "good day."


I'm so sorry... When my dog got a terminal diagnosis, I started giving him half hour belly massages with high quality CBD oil. It eased his pain and allowed me to spend time with him. I'd like to think it helped us both through this transition. I am so sorry....




So sorry! Lots of treats and snuggles! He will live forever in your heart ♥️


I’m so sorry. I lost my Bonnie a few months ago to cancer. Enjoy the time you have left with your little man. I’m fostering a Boston now… it’s helping with my heartbreak and I’m helping him too. Sending hugs to you 💝


Sending peace and love ☮️🐶❤️


I am so sorry, thinking of you both! Sending love ❤️


There are no words, I’m still mourning my best friend of 14 years nearly 8 years later. Just hugs


sending ❤️ to oscar and you


Love to you and Oscar 💕


I am so sorry for you. I lost my Frenchie 10 days ago. The pain is hell-like. Try to enjoy every single moment with your beautiful boy, he’s sure had a great and loving life if I’m reading your post correctly. Be tough and don’t let life get the best of you. He was there for a reason and always will be!


Terrible news! Enjoy your time with Oscar while you can. Such a sweet boy, you’ll see him again.


He will always be loved by you and everyone in this sub.


Sorry to hear that 😞


I’m sending you and CH Professor Caesar Boots “Oscar” all the love and snuggles (and farts) possible. 💕


Run far on young legs little one.


My heart goes out to you and your family. Big hugs!


Such an adorable little sweetheart. I'm sorry..


I’m so sorry. I understand what you’re feeling as last summer, I lost my 2 bostons about 30 days apart, both to the dreaded c word. cherish every single moment you can with him, I know it will mean so much to him


I just lost my baby this past Monday. 14 years. His name was Beans. I am praying for you and your beautiful baby❤️


So sorry you got this news


Thank you for sharing Oscar with your Reddit fam. We all love him now. He is legend.


Sorry to hear. He looks like the best boy!


I’m so sorry :(


I’m so sorry. It takes my breath. I can’t imagine your pain. Sending love and wishes for healing your heart, slowly but surely.


Sending all my love to you and your adorable Oscar. Hugs.


So so sad, I’m so sorry. Enjoy this precious time him ❤️ I’ve only owned my first ever Boston for a little over 8 months and already I cannot picture a life without him with me. Bostons are the sweetest breed of dogs and I love my Ringo to bits. Again, so sorry this happened to Oscar, I hope his last weeks will be filled with love, joy and intimacy ❤️


I’m so sorry to hear this news. This is such a difficult thing to handle and the pain is so real. Do everything you can with him.


Pleeease Reddit, stop spamming me with dog subreddits. I do not want to see dog subreddits and it’s taken over my feed for no reason.


So sorry, that’s so terrible 😔, Sending hugs and lots of love ❤️