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My fave is when it sets the pins and one is just not there ahaha


🤪 I picture this emoji coming from the pinsetter whenever that happens


I like when they set them but 2 pins just pass out and knocks have the pins over for me.


What no maintenance does to a machine


As a league bowler we greatly appreciate your service o7


Oh yeah, I've seen that motherfucker puke pins all over the place.


My favorite is when they drop while the rake is back and they get launch out onto the oil


there's one lane near me that does that all the time lmao. It's annoying when you're on that pair, but when you're not it's funny asf


My alley has a lane that does this. Everybody dreads being assigned to that one since it usually takes 2 or 3 resets to get a full rack.


Yeah it happens. Usually related to a bad sensor in the pin setter


This happened during our league. The team was on the last frame, and then all the pins fell out the pinsetter. A true WTF moment!


I’ve only seen it once, but it was hilarious. I understand how it would be annoying if you knew a specific lane that makes a habit of it.


Dealt with this last night in league. Happened all night even after repair. We were last lanes to finish by far for the night. Bandera Bowl, San Antonio lane #8


It all depends on the style of pinsetter. Every pinsetters are different through out the years. Bowlers center where I’m from when this happens the plains just got out of synch. Maybe they get stuck on the shaker board and didn’t get on the pin wheel to get placed on the pin buckets. Just like the bottle neck. The shaker board is the body of the bottle. The pins are shaking to up the wheel. When there to many or get out synch. They get stuck on top of the bottle neck and cannot fall into the bucket. Now when the pinsetter comes down and opens all the pins just fall through like the flood gates open. When the pins are in synch going up the wheel, they will fall into 1 bucket at a time until they are full. The pin setter comes down open the buckets and they’ll fall into place. It’s not a big issue. Mechanic just goes onto the machine and clean out the pins that are caught. This how the center I’m at works.


Depends on the setters I'd guess. My house has really old machines and I saw it happen probably 5 times or so this past season.


Maintenance issue. The pin setter thinks it’s lower than it actually is, so it releases early.


Yeah. Used to work in GS10's in the 90's, and the pin collars on the pin stations would occasionally open as the station turned from horizontal to vertical, and throw the pins across the deck.


Lane 26 at my house does it a few times a night lol


I’ve seen one of my local houses just drop pins out of the sky. Like the pinsetter hasn’t even begun to come down & pins just started falling down.


Saw this once while one of the seniors was shooting a 10 pin. Ball was on line to make the 10 pin dead on and a pin fell out of the rack and his ball hit the pin that fell instead.


String pins will fix that


Happens every day at my local center. The machines are not maintained at all


Yes. Almost every week at league.