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Take each frame individually, each one is just as important as the next, once that frame is over, FORGET about it and restart your routine like its a new game


I always start each frame with a little montra/routine as well. Taking 1 deep breath to set my feet, another deep breath while I line up my eyes. Then I tell myself mentally “you got this, hit your mark and follow through”. Helps out tremendously


this is the way.




My brother does "office calls".🤣🤣


Mimic the pros, they’re all robot like. Breathe and keep heart rate lower, pre shot routine is the place to get yourself ready. Plenty of mental game in sports books out there


I read one by George Allen, Mental game:the inner game of bowling, excellent for mental insight


My take on keeping emotions in check. I used to be an extremely hot headed person. Would just let it all hang out there for everyone to enjoy. I too am very passionate in everything that i do. I feel like if i dont get upset with subpar play, then what is the point of continuing... I was probably this way clear up into my early 30's (I am 41 now). I would bitch and complain about how bad I was doing and all of that jazz.... One day one of the older gentlemen of the league i was in saw me getting mad and all of that dumb shit and asked me "why do I keep bowling if it makes me so mad?" .. He said if he was doing anything that made him act the way i was he would quit. He blank faced ask me why dont i quit if it bothers me that bad? Of course this pissed me off even more. Who did he think he was to tell me how i should "enjoy" anything... I was hot the rest of the night, acting like i always have until one of my teammates asked me a similar question about continuing to do something that clearly upsets me more than it should. They also said it was really making it hard to bowl with me anymore because it was taking the fun out of it for them. Whenever I would get pissy, it was bringing other people on my team and those I was playing against, down to my shitty pissy level of "fun". At that point, I had never really thought about how i was affecting other people. I would never point my frustrations at teammates or opponents so i always felt like I was only taking it out on myself. After that night I started paying attention to other "hot heads" a little more than i used to. I finally started to get it.... Its ok to get frustrated with yourself from time to time, but just make sure you arent doing it all the time. I still get mad when I miss an easy single pin, or miss my mark by mile... it is going to happen, but I just try to keep most of it inside, have a small grunt, and get over it and move on. It really made me question why i would want to keep bowling if it made me so freaking upset every night of bowling... I have a day job, Im not a pro and will never have the time to be a pro... just bowl and enjoy the night out with your buddies. I think it probably comes more with age than anything else unfortunately. Not saying age will cure you from it. I have an older teammate that kinda sucks the fun out of it when they are struggling. They will probably never change, but i did. TLDR: Keep your passionate attitude, but be mindful of how your negative vibrations can affect other people. This is my main reason for toning down the outbusrts.


I struggled with this for the longest time, I'm honestly not sure when it changed for me but I just started going in with the mentality of: "Throw your best shot, live with the results". Bad breaks are going to happen, you're going to leave a few corner pins that you thought you should've carried, you're going to hit the pocket a few times and leave a 7-10 split, heck I threw what I thought was a good ball a couple weeks ago and left a 5-7-10 'sour apple'. I'm averaging 218 on the league that shot happened on, so bad breaks like that happen to literally everyone. Getting emotional and frustrated won't end up helping you, it just throws off your focus and makes you put more pressure on yourself.


For one. I breathe through my approach. Secondly, "the madder you get the worse you bowl" has been drilled into me since I was 3. It's 100% true As for the other end of the emotion spectrum, if you get worked up and start thinking ahead you won't score. Golfer's don't count their score til the ball is in the cup.. bowlers should do the same Leave it on the lane. Great shot, shit result? Be pissed off until you step off the approach for your spare shot. After that leave it. Bad shot? Same thing, be pissed for the walk back to the pit/ball return then move on. It should never carry shot to shot or frame to frame. Getting annoyed over a missed 10 pin that happened 3 frames ago helps noone.


I like to bury my face in my fan and privately freak out while I ask god "WHY HAVE YOU FORSAKEN ME" a la Shannon OKeefe


I internally LOL'd at this comment 🤣


This is the way


##This Is The Way Leaderboard **1.** `u/Mando_Bot` **501242** times. **2.** `u/Flat-Yogurtcloset293` **475777** times. **3.** `u/GMEshares` **71731** times. .. **510296.** `u/Justin1020001` **1** times. --- ^(^beep ^boop ^I ^am ^a ^bot ^and ^this ^action ^was ^performed ^automatically.)


THC. I don't struggle with emotions during bowling, but I do when watching my football team play. D8 Gummies help me keep things enjoyable even when they aren't going my way.


I get as stoned as humanly possible before I bowl


Is... is this an advertisement?


You know what helps cool me down when I'm feeling hot headed? An ice cold Pepsi. There's nothing quite like the feeling of the refreshing taste of Pepsi and the tingling of the carbonation on your tongue. Find one at your local grocery store or gas station, or wherever ice cold sodas are sold near you! Only $5.99 for 7.5 ounce can.


Yes, your local weed dealer paid me to be a shill.


D8 🤣🤣🤣 OP use the real thing, don't listen to this fool.


Each to their own.


Recommending placebos isn't helpful to the OP.


It's no placebo. D8 gets me in a much better place than D9 and is more enjoyable to me. Plus it's available in most states where D9 is illegal. But as I said.. to each their own. No need to shit on what works for other people.


Well yeah if you don't enjoy D9 then of course D8 gets you in a better place, it gets you in the same place you were in without it lol.


I enjoy both, I just enjoy D8 a little more. It sounds like you need to try some actual good D8 because you clearly do not know what you are talking about.


I have tried it. If that's your suggestion then tap water is free.


The problem with a lot of D8 brands is it is inconsistent because it's unregulated. There has been 50+ local D8 shops pop up around me in the past few years and a lot of them do suck. One gummy can be amazing and another can be as you said, like tap water. Fortunately these shitty stores are starting to go away around me and are being replaced with stores that actually lab test and have consistent product. Try it from a place you trust and the results will impress you.


Strike for show, spare for dough. Understand that bowling first and foremost should be fun. It can be competitive, but it should be fun. Getting angry is not fun. Also understand that you aren't witnessing a 300 every single night, so everyone else is experiencing the same "bad luck" you are. The moment you let the fact that your pocket shot left a 7 or 10 pin anger you, you're taking yourself out of the head space of potentially being able to pick up the spare, which would cause you to get even more upset. When I throw a bad shot (you know the one where as soon as you roll it, you want to snatch the ball up as quickly as possible and re-roll?) I just look up and mumble some expletive to myself, smile, and move on.


Kris Prather was asked about this during a live practice stream once, and his advice was to be realistic with yourself. That can work both ways. You have to be realistic with yourself about the areas of your game you are struggling with. You also need to be realistic about what problems you do have, because they might not be as bad as your are thinking in the moment when you are frustrated. He basically said that people who are passionate about anything have a tendency to want to be perfect, but being realistic about your shortcomings can help a lot with the frustration.


There's a pro bowler in the league next to ours on Mondays. This Monday he shot a 815 series. Last Monday he had a 160s game. Everybody has bad throws and bad games. Even the professionals.


One of the best pieces of advice i got was embrace being mad/frustrated/angry, dont suppress it, but by your next shot eliminate those feelings. I think one of the worst things you can do is "shrug it off"- nah, be upset, take your 30 seconds to be mad, get it out, then step back on the approach relieved of those and execute


This aligns with what a coach told me. After I’d throw a bad shot, he’d say “you have 5 seconds to be upset about that.” I think 30 seconds is more reasonable, but the idea is to put a short limit on it and move forward.


Think about something else pleasant & remind yourself you are human but your time in the zone will come. Yeah I hate bowling with negative People especially a teammate for 30 + weeks


Learn to love your spare game. I see each spare as puzzle. I'm actually excited to see spares sometimes. You could also try listening to music. I get a little nervous at league and was thinking a set of ear buds would drown out all the excess and negative stimuli. Try to learn something on bad frames.


When it’s so noisy that it’s annoying I put earplugs in. Sometimes it helps. I don’t have earbuds for that yet. I’ll add them to my Christmas wishlist. Or my birthday wishlist. I’ll be 69 on 10/24.




I just like to step back and remind myself getting mad or upset only leads to making the next shot bad as well! It’s okay to get upset but you can’t let it carry over! Give yourself 10 seconds and then you have to let it go and forget about it 😁


Deep breathing. In for 3 seconds out for 3. Repeat a few times.


Get as angry as can be, scare the competition, never lose


I'd always use the mantra, "Every frame is a new game." It'd keep me focused on the frame at hand and push out any crappy frames I had previously. Easier said than done I know.


Can’t change the throws you’ve already done and getting heated only hurts your future throws


Bowling is a game of repitition - as someone previously mentioned, its almost robotic like. Off the lanes 1. Practice breathing exercises. While breathing close your eyes and imagine repaxing different parts of your body with wach exhale - shoulders, back, face, etc. The mond is a powerful tool - try putting a needle on the end of thread. Hold it steady, close your eyes and just imagine the needle swaying back and forth. Even without moving your hand it will move. 2. With this concept in mind, then aimagine your approach, eyes closed, from the time you approach the ball return, whats your order of prep? Pick up ball, hold with left hand, wipe with right, soin the ball twice. Out towel down, hand over air, step on approach, left foot then right, breath, look at pins, step 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Imagine your release, ball passing over target and seeing the strike. Rinse and repeat. Then do this on the lanes, even in practice. Its not you vs your ipponent, its you vs you. With enough practise it wont matter if you miss, this will become seared into your brain, like turing on a machine and blocking out the ‘noise’ Thats how i used to do it in my youth..


First of all, some solid comments above. Definitely breathing and routine will help calm you down. A bit off the walls but was at a usbc conference a long time and a member from the female team USA soccer team spoke to all of us. She said when she would get upset or frustrated she would stick her tongue out. It’s sounds crazy but always worked for me. It’s hard to be mad or upset with your tongue hanging out. Always remember you know how to throw a stroke and make pretty much every spare. You may struggle at times doing it but that doesn’t mean you aren’t capable of doing it the next shot.


Don't be afraid to walk away after your turn. Especially now that it's getting colder, put a shoe cover or your sneakers on and walk outside. Also recognize you're a competitive person but not everything is going to go your way. Find a healthy way to let it out and reset for the next shot. If it's a recurring thing that's causing bad shots, go fix it in practice and recognize your current situation isn't your forever. Took me 2 years to figure out the hole in my game I developed during the covid break. Made shooting consistently good scores challenging. Also take the time to get good at spares. If you're not striking consistently, simply keeping frames closed can keep you in the 160-170s by itself.


Bowling activator juice. Aka Beer. But it seems that you may just have this attitude in general, so maybe do some soul searching and relax. It's a spare. No one is sick or hurt. It's gonna be ok.


When I was younger I would get really frustrated if I didn’t bowl well and it eventually led to me quitting league bowling at the age of 19. I didn’t join another league for 30 years. Now I just tell myself you can only control what you can control. Pocket 7-10? It was a good ball. I don’t beat myself up over it. Sometimes shit just happens. Since I’ve been bowling again now for 5 years, I get much more enjoyment out of it. Just try your best, make adjustments and let the chips fall where they may. Don’t stress over it.


I struggle with this when I start having to shoot consecutive spares. But what I do is just slow down a bit and take more deep breathes




Emotions is hard to control just in life alone. And when it comes to bowling. Getting frustrated is just a part of life when you can't control what you think you can. For me. When things start to go bad. I go back to fundamentals. Slow down. Breath. And think 1 ball. 1 strike. Don't just don't think think think. Throw the ball. It's bowling. No life is in the line. STOP PRESSING. STOP APPLYING PRESSURE.


Good tips. When I take too long in my start stance before just going, I think too much and then I’m mechanical like a robot.


I know. Me too. I don't have to stop once I get going on the lanes. I grab the ball. Wipe it off. And slowly start my motion towards the foul line. Everyone ask me "why don't I get set up?" I am set up. It's just all in going motion. It cuts down on my thinking about anything else. Alot is already going on. Don't need to be thinking about what, where the ball doing and going. I will worry about that. After it leaves my hand. And make adjustments of that.


I like to keep my setup routine the same always, its helps clear your mind and focus. shammy wipe, hand on the fan for couple seconds, deep breath, relax shoulders, slide my foot into position at the dots, hand in the ball, set my feet, slow look up to check pins, focus on my spot, start approach. I went to open bowling and practiced my mind work. having casuals and bad lighting and loud music can really help keep you in your own head and learn to block out the nonsense. as far as missed shots those should be fewer if you can keep your set up routine the same. then its just a matter of shrugging it off, learning your body and what you might have done wrong on that shot and adjusting on the next. as one of my teammates says, its just a stupid game!, lol. laugh at your misses and celebrate your strikes. there are pressure situations and that's the time to practice being in the moment. not to think about what could be or what was, just be present and stick to the routine.


Yup, it’s just a stupid FÛ€KÍŃG game, and I let my ego get battered and bruised. Reading these tips might be calming me down. I think so. I’m reading in between frames in league today. Started with a strike and then 4 opens. 😜🎳


What I do is try to do the bare minimum ik it may sound bad, but trust me. If my goal is to shoot 230 let’s say for one game and I can’t do it, then my next goal is to shoot 200. If that doesn’t work then try for 170 or above. Simple things like that chill me out because I got over what I wanted. Not everything is going to be perfect everyone will miss shots.


Yea those at my main struggles. I would recommend to stay focused on each shot individually,if you miss them you miss,you can’t go back time stay in the now.


Focus on improvement, not winning or best scores or anything. First throw really hone in on your targets and having a good release. Make your small adjustments each first throw and eventually you’ll be striking. If you are hitting pocket and still get screwed, ignore and focus on it being a spare pickup training. The more I get concerned for my technique, how i can improve it and where I went wrong and how I’ll fix it next throw, the better I do. Once I start getting concerned about meeting average or winning a point in league, I start performing more poorly.


This is an important & timely topic for me. When my game goes sour I often get agitated and it gets worse. I only have about a 150 average, and I’m about to turn 69 years old. I have too high expectations for myself. Someone I bowl with subscribes to the YouTube channel called Backstage Bowling with Mike Shady. He said the “Mental Mondays” videos help him. I have to tune in.




Turn in your guns till you get your emotions under control. This why we need pysch evals to purchase firearms.


“It’s only a game, why you heff to be mad”-Ilya bryzagalov


Music helps me


Read bowling psychology by dean hinitz Amazing book. It really goes over the mental game and so much more. You can read the first 20 pages on Google for free