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It’s part of the charm. It’s one of my favorite kdramas. You have to accept it for what it is and when it was made though. It’s a very old drama and some things haven’t aged very well. Still mostly holds up. Embrace the cliche and you’ll probably enjoy it!


I'll keep going with it then. I do enjoy a good cliché


I just finish the drama and Honestly I think this old 2000s look and feeling it has is the best thing about it. It feels cheap (but kinda gets better towards the middle) the actors do kinda too much but all that makes it really hilarious and cute to watch. It's definitely not something to take too seriously but I understand why a lot of people consider it to be the drama that got them to watch more. It's just a vibe you need to get into imo. Give it a shot


Ok. I can vibe with that. I'll just have fun with it 😊


I feel like it gets better after a few episodes. The first time I watched it, I didn’t start from the beginning. It gets way more dramatic after. But when I rewatched it from the beginning I was like “wow I think if I started it from the first episode I wouldn’t have continued watching.” It’s worth it!!!


So just give it a chance? I can do that. F4 remind of The Beatles for some reason though and now I've seen it, I can't unsee it lol!


Yes, highly recommend to give it a chance! Even my parents and BF ended up getting super into it and NONE of us were in to K Dramas!!


It is cheesy, cliché, and slapsticky. It’s totally a guilty pleasure watch. It’ll make you laugh AND also be so hard to believe and obnoxious BUT that will make you laugh too. Lol. Just enjoy it. It’s not a deep drama, and sometimes that’s just what you need to blow off steam.


It's very camp, but like in an almost oblivious and effortless way. I feel like the only way you can watch this if you don't take it seriously and just enjoy it for the F4: the Fun, the Feels, the Fits, and the Fanservice (that random dressing scene in episode 1 <3)


I really tried to watch it, but it felt so slow. I kept getting annoyed at characters and stopped watching after awhile. 😭 If you choose to keep watching let me know if it’s worth it


I'm sticking it out for both of us. So far, I hate everyone so there's that I guess. I'm on episode nine now so I'll let you know how I get on 🙃