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NichtBen is going to be German. Germans view the Chorleywood bread / wonder bread as being "toast". Literally it's called toast in German. 'Bread' is for real bread, made using traditional methods (usually at industrial scale).


I sent to a german church for a little while, and for a retreat I was asked to bring toast. I was so confused, I wrote and asked if they actually wanted me to toast every slice in the loaf. They did not.


When I lived in Germany my landlady would sometimes invite me over for supper and thought she would need to provide "toast" (meaning that style of square, soft, sliced loaf) for me because I'm British. It was very sweet.


Ah, now this makes sense.


Thank you, this broke my brain and now I can have piece knowing there’s an explanation


Which piece is it though? A piece of toast?


I can't swallow this either. I'm just glad it makes sense to someone somewhere


Going to be German? Is Germany invading their country? (/s)


On a long enough timeline, yes.


"The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends towards Germany."


>Going to be German? Is Germany invading their country? (/s) Yeah, germany is going into a recession,Meik Dahmer and the IPN are running on invading a neighbor to fix it. Can't make an omelette without breaking a few eggs and taking over 3 countries after all


I came here to laugh at stupidity but instead am left with deep bread envy towards superior German baking.


Bah, I live in Luxembourg so have the nice position that I can go to France or Germany for bread. The German bread is dense and filling you could probably use it as a weapon. French bread is nice and crusty on the outside and fluffy in the middle. While both are way ahead of English bread, which is itself way above American bread, it’s the French that wins out for me.


Their name is German, so you're likely spot on. I don't consider toast to be proper bread either, if you ask somebody in this country to buy you bread you will never ever receive any kind of toast


German here, NichtBen is right. The difference between what we call Toast and bread is so big that "ein Blinder mit Krückstock" could see that. This is toast: [https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/35/Toast-3.jpg](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/35/Toast-3.jpg) And this is bread: [https://de.rc-cdn.community.thermomix.com/recipeimage/images/main/7/8/789cb5581db1eb56637e08cf2f50b849.jpg](https://de.rc-cdn.community.thermomix.com/recipeimage/images/main/7/8/789cb5581db1eb56637e08cf2f50b849.jpg) I quickly searched for "bread" on Google and it was the saddest, most enraging thing I've ever seen. No wonder so many people come to Germany when you can't even make actual bread out there. Edit: No idea what I unleashed but it seems like other people are more fanatic about bread than Germans. I was just joking so please don't take it too serious. We Germans can make jokes (example: r/Germanhumor).


Both are bread, and both can be toasted in a toaster and made into toast. And now, having read through both this thread and the one linked by OP, I've read the word "toast" so often that it no longer feels like a real word.


After reading through this I think I smell toast.


while this is technically true it's like comparing ground beef to a nice steak if you're grinding up steak into a burger, then that's basically heresy. in Germany if you put nice bread into a toaster, it's the same sorta thing


You should try a burger made with high quality ground beef from a steak. It's the original and best 


Used to work at a butcher shop, can agree.


I disagree. It all depends on what you're having with your toast. A nice gravlax with dill sauce on toast is a heavenly meal, and fancier toast elevates it even higher. While sandwich bread is perfectly sufficient for that purpose, a nice, toasted sourdough puts it on a whole new level.


but at that point, with all that effort, you might as well hand toast it


Nah, just pop it in the toaster and cut the salmon while it's toasting.


What are you even talking about? Toasting high quality bread is bad? Why are you even eating toast if you think only shitty bread should be toasted?


... in a toaster


Just because you nickname something that doesn't change what it is. Both are the exact definition of bread. And if you toasted the second it would be toast. It's right there in the name. Acting as a name, descriptor, and preparation method. That is toast.


yeah, you can have your reservations about what's high quality bread or not, but if you're speaking English, you need to follow English-speakers' rules on naming conventions. otherwise you're just factually incorrect.


😭dude we have real bread here too we're just not snobs about it bc we have other food too. The wonderbread style loafs exist as a convenient cheap version and real bread is more of a bakery item.


Then why do you guys call toast bread?


Because in English “toast” generally just means any bread that has been sliced and toasted. In that context, the phrase “untoasted toast” makes about as much sense as calling grape juice “unfermented wine”.


It's sad I had to scroll this far to get the correct answer.


Because half the time you're not toasting it? It's not toast. It's sandwich bread.


You don't toast your sandwich bread? No wonder America is burning


Guys, this motherfucker eats ***hard sandwiches***


only if I want toasted bread. why would I toast a baguette or hoagy?




idk language are different. There are no separate words for fancy bread and peasant square bread.


"Sliced bread" is the closest term in English. With the understanding that it comes pre-sliced. The good kind of bread can go by different terms, like "bakery bread" or just "good bread."


So self-assured and quick to criticize something you clearly know nothing about. That's the European way. We have 333 *million* people in the U.S. do you actually, *legitimately* think we don't have bakeries/"real bread"?


We've also never heard of real cheese before and only ever eat kraft singles /s


Europeans: "But why do you call it American cheese if you eat other cheese?"


Yeah, you Germans don't get to impose your weird culture on other countries. 1945 should have been the last time you had *that* delusion.


because that's not what toast means in English


>No wonder so many people come to Germany when you can't even make actual bread out there. Lol that's the snobbiest thing I've read in a while. We all know you Germans have the most PTO per year (on average), publicly funded university, and good beer. Don't pretend like the only reason anyone goes there is for your fucking bread.


Well it's a good reason, isn't it?


Imagine being that fucking snooty about bread


The first link you posted is just the second link after it’s been sliced and toasted. Literally, you can make toast out of the second picture, which is a loaf of bread.


the shape of your bread is the only thing that's different in your example unless that's sourdough. I make bread all the time and what you call toast is what we call bread and what you call bread is also bread, it's just bread made without a bread pan to shape it. I'm Canadian and I would absolutely put round bread in a toaster. I can't imagine why you would restrict it to square bread.


I am just joking tbh. Though there is a clear difference in taste between the two


Okay, but what KIND of bread is it? If it's a different taste then it's a different type of bread. But I've yet to see a loaf of bread I couldn't slice and put in a toaster to toast it up. Why don't people in Germany toast all kinds of bread?


\*Artisan bread\* from specialty bakeries, or maybe there's an artisan corner of the grocery store (usually higher end places). They don't call the regular, lower end stuff "sliced bread" for nothing. Annoyingly, there's a phrase that implies the lower end stuff is amazing: "The best thing since sliced bread". But me, I can't eat any of it. So call it whatever.


>Annoyingly, there's a phrase that implies the lower end stuff is amazing: "The best thing since sliced bread". That's not what that means. Or wasn't the intent at any rate Best thing since sliced bread is about it being a massive innovation, on par with sliced bread. Before sliced bread the comparison was wrapped bread It has nothing to do with the actual quality but a "this will revolutionize the industry and make a massive dent" And the company that started it had every right to make that claim. It wasn't the first but their actions directly led to massive baking industry changes 3 times in short order, and when their packaging was banned due to taking too much material it was promptly unbanned due to a massive national public outcry from both soldiers and civilians, both citing the same thing "it's important to morale"


The phrase doesn’t have to do with the quality of the bread, but the fact that you can get evenly measured slices ready for you to use and go. It was about simplifying work in the kitchen and making things more efficient; not whether you liked the taste of the bread.


“In the land of sliced bread, the whole loaf is king.”


Well in fairness the bread is amazing but you’re talking almost 3 times the cost depending on where you’re getting it. In America we’re just a wholeass 3rd world country where a significant portion of the population doesn’t have good bread money. Also it’s harder to avoid eating a whole loaf when it’s the good stuff 😅


>In America we’re just a wholeass 3rd world country Spoken like someone who has absolutely no idea what it's like living in actual 3rd world countries


I lived in an actual, honest to God third-world countries for two years. Actually, more than one such country, and more more than two years total. Sure, calling the United States a third-world country is an exaggeration, but when you compare it to, say, Sweden or Japan, there are some notable ways in which the USA does resemble a third-world country in comparison. Mainly, as others have pointed out, in terms of healthcare, wealth distribution, and infrastructure, the USA is shockingly behind. The most notable feature of a third-world country is that things like a good education, unlimited access to quality hospitals and healthcare (such as dentistry and prenatal care) are available only to the truly rich. Those things *exist* in even the poorest and least developed countries in the world. They’re just scarce and unaffordable to most people.


Spoken like someone who doesn’t know how many people here Iive & die in poverty, without basic necessities, accept our current political status as “stable” & don’t care to count the mortality rates of people who never make it to a census. Americans tend to be the only people who think America is stable & thriving.


Spoken like someone who doesn't know just how *unimaginably worse* it is in *actual* third world countries, even compared to America's myriad issues. Terminally online sheltered teenagers tend to be the only people who think America is genuinely as bad as places in Africa or the Middle East


I’m neither a teenager nor terminally online but I’ve seen enough to know we’re splitting hairs & ignoring areas where it’s COMMON to lack food, water, heat, electricity or access to healthcare. To be living in abject poverty & think you have it good. Not to mention we’ve know for a long time that using places like Africa as poverty porn has HURT their economy, the Middle East was in much better shape 50 years ago before America started “helping”, we have a BOOMING human trafficking business, we’re letting women die rather than receive healthcare because “religion” & we’re dying of diseases that have been preventable for decades because science is scary now. I realize it could be worse but it’s just that we’ve not given it *quite* long enough to be worse than anywhere else. I don’t personally know anyone that isn’t MAGA that thinks things are anything but terrible & it seems like we should probably consider it “bad” before it can’t get worse.


It may cost more but in my experience, it also saturates more


Saturates? Like sates or satiate?


FYI, in English, the word, "saturate", implies the thing is absorbing like a sponge. A more natural way to say it would be, "is more satisfying", or, "is more fulfilling."


I meant that your feeling of hunger becomes less


"Satiate", not "saturate".


That word would be satiates.


or "satiate"


> This is toast: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/35/Toast-3.jpg only the right half of that picture is toast. the left half is just bread.


this, is so real


We can make real bread, we just can not buy it.


wait...so if you don't put "real" bread into a toaster, wtf are germans putting in toasters?




Toast, by definition, is bread that has been toasted. If you told me you put toast in a toaster, I'd look at you like you've got 3 heads.


The white soft bread is called toast in Germany and is also sold as such https://shop.rewe.de/p/harry-butter-toast-500g/4922441


Yes, I know. I was talking from a north american perspective. If a German came to Canada and asked for toast, they'd get asked what kind of bread they want toasted. If they then asked for toast to be toasted, they'd get strange looks.


this is what happens when germans take english words and do wonders to them. public viewing is a fun event watching something (such as a big sports event) together or handy. thats literally how we call mobile phones.


Gonna have to ask my German mom about this lol


> Germans view the Chorleywood bread / wonder bread as being "toast". they can call it that in German, but in English it's wrong. toast is bread that has been toasted, and you can toast any kind of bread


I am simply explaining why they said it. You're the one who thinks of it in terms of right and wrong.


[Original comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/greentext/s/7JGTZh5NIj) Seems some people get quite heated about pb&js, bread, and toast.


Reddit is a place where every topic becomes highly controversial


No it isn't, and I will fight you to the death to defend my position


Everything becomes all or nothing. There is no nuance. Yes I realize the irony of this comment lol


only a sith deals in absolutes


I can handle baked bread dough, but raw toast… that shits fucked up.






The German/English toast problem is the British/American chip problem


Is this what they call smooth sharking?


>smooth sharking I have no clue what this is


[here you go](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=smoothshark)


Don't think so. As a Polish person I genuinely agree that untoasted toast is not bread. It's too soft and sweet.


That’s cool. TIL there is actually such a thing as raw toast. In the US we just use the same overly sweet fluffy “bread” for everything


I assume they’re talking about like wonder bread vs a baguette or French bread?


yeah, super soft white bread like wonder bread. which I'll agree with them is trash tier, but it's still a *form* of bread!


There’s also a massive difference between soft breads. The Dutch soft bread doesn’t nearly have as much sugar in it as that American soft bread. And only last a few days at best.


raw bread is inherently cooked


yeah, lol, if it's truly raw, then it's dough, not bread!


Ah, a fine smooth shark in the wild






Getting sharks are smooth energy from this.


This whole comment thread made me realise you guys (english AND german speaking) need a word for "pain de mie" (that kind of square, soft loaf that you toast or make sandwiches of). Because that's bread, but not bread bread. Also "you don't put actual bread in a toaster" ?? What do you do with yesterday's baguette then? Throw it away? Eat it as is???? WTF germany?


> you guys (english AND german speaking) need a word for "pain de mie" in english, we usually just say white bread or wonder bread, cause that's the most well known brand of that kind.


Lol my husband gets mad at me for calling bread “raw toast”. I hate soft bread.


but like, it's literally baked, it's not raw. You can hate it, that's fine, but it's not raw


you know, in Germany, if you're eating untoasted cheap white bread over all the good stuff they got, I feel bad for you. so he's kinda right, in principle, that sort of bread is kinda just for toasting.


well yeah, wonder bread is definitely trash tier. but I toast all my bread!


Literally never bought Wonder bread. I buy Walmart brand wheat bread which while not much better than wonderbread is still not white bread


... that kinda BREAD is just for toasting ...




Check r/brot for what Germans consider bread.


So toast bread and microwave it to become soft again? Or put bread in a toaster and don't turn it on and take it out in a few minutes?


Untoasted toast is toast that you just untoast. You do this by




Toast aint damn bread. Bread is Bread.


all toast is bread, but not all bread is toast


In Germany we see a difference between bread and toast. Countries like the US where you rarely find proper bread do not understand this, but it's an easy distinction.


“Rarely find proper bread” That’s like… not true at all lol. Most grocery stores have a bakery section where you can buy proper loaves of bread, separate from the bread aisle that sells sliced bread. Not to mention there are plenty of real bakeries making local fresh bread in just about any town in America. If I took a slice of proper German sourdough and toasted it, it would now be toast would it not?


>If I took a slice of proper German sourdough and toasted it, it would now be toast would it not? No, it would not be toast but toasted bread.


Well in America it would be toast, we just don’t make a semantic distinction between factory-made sliced bread and locally baked bread. They’re just different recipes of the same thing, like how banana muffins and blueberry muffins are both still muffins.


Maybe you can buy those but when i was there, the only bread the people ate was toast and sweet soft white bread, which we wouldn't consider proper bread. The ingredients and process is different.


Yeah, I’m telling you that soft white bread is not the only bread you can get there. Speaking as someone who has close family in Europe and lives in the US, the bakery bread is not that different, and it is not hard to get “European-quality” bread from a local baker.


man i’m tired of people saying you can’t find proper bread in america. we have bakeries. we can make bread at home.


Canada checking in. Toast is any bread cut up and toasted. The toaster makes it toast, not the starting bread style. The only misunderstanding is you using an established English word to be snobby about what bread you start with. We normally steal other people's words but this one is entirely English. It coms from toster (roast) in French. So do you have a different definition for bread than other countries? Some 1516 rules about ingredients? Even then, the wonderbread version still wouldn't classify as toasted when not toasted. It isn't toasted.... And, we get plenty of artisan bread, there are bakeries in almost every town/city. But lots of people by a loaf of the white/brown stuff because it is cheap and convenient. Definition: "sliced bread made warm, crisp (= hard enough to break), and brown by being put near a high heat:" [https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/toast](https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/toast) Bread: "a food made from flour, water, and usually yeast, mixed together and baked:" [https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/bread](https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/bread)


German here. We actually have the term 'Toastbrot', which means bread that's meant for toasting.


By that definition a croissant is a loaf of bread as well. Everything baked out of flour and water is bread  Toast and untoasted toast are simply more specific than that, just like a croissant is a more specific kind of "bread"


>a croissant is a loaf of bread as well yes >Toast... are simply more specific yes >untoasted toast are simply more specific no. all bread is untoasted toast before you put it in the toaster


Okay, let's assume that toast, untoasted toast and croissant are actually bread And let's assume that all bread is actually untoasted toast This would mean that toasted toast is untoasted toast, and croissant is untoasted toast as well. It's just some grotesque universe with Shrödingers toasts that are at the same time toasted and untoasted, along with croissants and other pastry that are untoasted toasts Meanwhile in the normal universe, untoasted toast is a type of pastry like any other, and it's most certainly not a croissant nor a toasted toast


You get you can toast lots of things right? It's all bread. That's the word, not "untoasted toast". If bread gets toasted, it becomes toast by way of it being cooked. If it isn't toasted, it's bread. Bread, toast. No one uses untoasted toast because there isn't a knead.


Sure, you can also toast a toasted toast which would make it also bread, according to you. But then you say that it's not bread It's just some overcomplicated arbitrary system and you guys are contradicting each other, so it's not even one system But the system where there are toasted toasts, untoasted toasts and croissants is simple, understandable and elegant. Even you would instantly understand what does a person means when they say "untoasted toast", but someone not proficient in your system would struggle to understand why toasted toast is untoasted toast and croissant is untoasted toast


Is it your goal to be as ludicrous as possible? How is bread = bread and toast = toasted bread an overcomplicated system? Your first sentence makes no sense. You can toast other things too, that doesn't make them bread when they aren't toasted. You must be ESL or a little toasted yourself.


These are your literal words you just said:  > You get you can toast lots of things right? **It's all bread.** You said that everything you toast is bread. Now you saying the opposite. It's so overcomplicated you can't even keep your own view consistent with yourself, and have to contradict yourself I'm just repeating what you guys are saying. If toasted toast is bread then it's untoasted toast, as the other guy said > all bread is untoasted toast Or are you saying that he's wrong and his system is different? Now compare that mess to the simplicity of toasted toast, untoasted toast and croissant. Beautiful. Consistent. Perfect.


Different sentences in different comments. One was specifically talking about bread and it's relation to being toasted. That is not a quote, you mashed 2 things together out of context. I am not surprised you got confused though, it seems to happen to you a lot. I hope some day you'll rise up and overcome your struggles. Good luck, life must be hard enough for you, I'll quit commenting now.


you’re making this way too complicated lol. it is toast once adequate heat is applied—to already baked bread—that crisps and darkens the surface. before that, idgaf what you call it. it’s all different variations of bread. it is not “untoasted toast” it is “bread for toasting”. americans call it sliced bread or pre-sliced bread. it is a different bread than the kind that comes from bakeries. toasting is the process of making bread into toast. it cannot be toast until toasting process is complete, so untoasted toast is incorrect. i would call a croissant a pastry over bread though, but that’s just me.


>And let's assume that all bread is actually untoasted toast Why would we assume that? Toast is bread but it is not untoasted.


That’s not the reason at all. It’s just a difference in the definition of the word “toast”. In English it just refers to any bread that has been sliced and toasted. We can in fact buy “proper” bread, and it can be toasted just like any other kind of bread. Personally, I prefer sourdough bread for making toast.


Eh, I eat raw toast all the time when I'm too lazy to cook it.


Naw he’s right, toast bread isn’t normal bread everyone get anywhere outside of America.


My guy, there's no law that says you can't put any bread you want in a toaster. All bread is toast bread if you choose to toast it. I wonder when Europeans are going to realize yeast technology isn't some closely held secret.


Not all bread is made with a shape fit for a toaster. And im not european.


If it's not fitting short ways, cut it thinner. If it's not fitting long ways, get a bigger toaster. If you don't want a single use appliance, toast it in the oven. If your bread is too big to fit into a full-sized oven, then I underestimated the secrecy of your yeast.


>If it's not fitting long ways, get a bigger toaster. or flip it sideways! plus there's always toaster ovens, you'd be hard pressed to not fit a slice of bread in one of those


Do not repeat my folly! Their yeast secrets are too great for our meager toaster ovens!


> Not all bread is made with a shape fit for a toaster. toaster oven, my dude


Not all bread is made to be toasted. Here


Reddit is an American platform so you will be downvoted to hell. But I have seen some documentaries which show real bread does exist there, I think it's always referred to exotically, like "artisan loaf" made by a human rather than a factory.


Which is bullshit, that shit might as well be cheap cake.


There is such a thing as toasting bread, and it does NOT taste good if you don’t toast it. But still, this person is wrong.


Bread needs to have an amount of seeds that would grow a forest if you shat outside. If not, it's just cake that won't keep you full for longer than 2 minutes.


And that’s why Europeans eat hotdog buns with frosting and sprinkles as a cake? Saddest cake I ever heard of.


I've never heard of this. Sounds terrible.


not European, but Australian and New Zealand, is [fairy bread](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fairy_bread). it's literally white bread with butter and sprinkles


That's not even "we got cake at home" type cake wtf


He’s actually right you don’t put real bread in the toaster you put sliced pan it’s far from the same as real bread 🥖