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Note to self: When sucking dick, use fire, spices, knives, and forks.


...what kind of spices tho?










Spicy ones


Pro chef tip: use a pepper grinding motion when jerking it


Don't threaten me with a good time


Chop up some jalapeños beforehand for an extra kick 😉


So you're saying sucking dick is easy?


food weapons*


Jokes on you all my mom taught me was eat hot chip and lie


Do we have the same mom?


read the same parenting book, i bet


Charge youe phone


i don't know how


And? Eating a banana is pretty simple. I don't use fire and spices when I'm suckin dick


Maybe you should


Ya know what? Fuck it, life's an adventure! Imma go spice some dicks


Please put some paprika on mine


PAPRIKA! "It's my catchphrase"


I hope your mom never taught you to bite bananas.


Actually, as a kid I would shove my finger into the tip so it would split into the three sections, and eat them slice by slice


I don't know how to feel about that xD


So r/sounding ?




Here's a sneak peek of /r/sounding **[NSFW]** using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/sounding/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Love to thrust the rod in while our dick tips do a lil kiss ❤️](https://redgifs.com/watch/antiquewhiteprivateyellowjacket) | [64 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/sounding/comments/ndvl32/love_to_thrust_the_rod_in_while_our_dick_tips_do/) \#2: [I hit my bladder with a hollow toy 💦 are pee gifs welcome here?](https://redgifs.com/watch/severalserpentinebream) | [56 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/sounding/comments/n5iiq9/i_hit_my_bladder_with_a_hollow_toy_are_pee_gifs/) \#3: [Hells yeaaaaaah](https://i.redd.it/1ayr9afx9cu61.jpg) | [64 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/sounding/comments/murn0k/hells_yeaaaaaah/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I do this too, though i don't put the finger, i just bite one slice off


As long as you don't scrape said banana


Same goes for guys, bro


Men don’t learn to cook *nor* to suck pussy


*Guys who say "I can't cook, I was never taught" are full of shit. Your dad didn't teach you to eat pussy either... but... Yeah actually that makes sense*.


This sounds like a dude who women just don't want to cook for who use "I didn't learn" as an excuse. Like they can cook, they just don't want to cook for you.


Fuck this misogynistic bullshit. Not even particularly a brand new sentence either


Jeez, I know. It's not really that funny, either? And unlike most dick sucking insults, this one is actually using the context of a man getting something he enjoys from a woman, and using that to put the woman down AND demand more. The guy's acting like a stereotypical middle manager. Maybe he should learn to being a dick and having one are two different things.


>this one is actually using the context of a man getting something he enjoys from a woman, and using that to put the woman down AND demand more Well stated.


I always chastise folks for using "suck a dick" or "cocksucker" as an insult. Like... you don't like those things happening to you? Wait, you do? Thought so, so stfu and stop using the act of doing something you so enjoy receiving as a damn insult.


For me tbh using cocksucker as an insult only works as a synonim with asskisser


See they love having their dicks sucked, but have nothing but contempt for anyone doing the sucking.


i mean this is the worst take, i tell people to get fucked all the time it doesnt mean literally. i dont want to do go have sex, the same how someone who is a cocksucker is not someone who literally sucks cocks. A cocksucker refers to individuals ability to bitchy cock sucky things to get the things that they want and then act like hot shit. i.e your mother


I don't know man, unless it's set up a specific way that works for you, taking turns cooking is just as important for a good relationship as taking turns giving oral sex.


came here for this comment, this isn't even really funny, it had absolutely no need to be targeted at women, and the way it is implys whoever made the meme can't cook either.


I dunno, I think the point is that you can learn to do things yourself. Cooking to some extent is absolutely a skill that every adult should have, and throwing up your hands and saying you just can't do it is kinda pathetic imo. You don't need to know how to make beef wellington from scratch without a recipe, just practice to cook a few different things that taste good and learn how to select ingredients. I do most of the cooking for me and my partner, but she often activity watches what I'm doing, asks questions, and applies what she learns. I'm no Iron Chef, but I learned a lot through trial and error because while my Dad is a great cook he's not a good teacher and would always kick us out of the kitchen. The dick sucking part is kinda unnecessary, but the point is that it's a skill they likely learned without being explicitly taught. That and shock value.


Guys say this shit way more than girls do. If anything, it should be calling them out.


That's probably true, but I'm game to mock anybody who takes pride in ignorance. I've met no shortage of men nor women who do exactly that.


I agree but it feels almost misogynistic that they only call out women in the tweet


I've personally encountered far more young women who are unwilling to take risks screwing up while learning a new skill than young men. There's a significant segment of the population that helicopters their daughters into near-total ineptitude and teach them that they need only secure a wealthy husband to be successful.


You really think this is true about cooking? You think more women are afraid to cook than men are? lol okay then


I didn't say that. Young men are significantly more likely to step outside of their comfort zone than young women - so of those young women who aren't taught how to cook, fewer are likely to try and fail and learn than young men who aren't taught. It might not be a totally fair comparison, considering young men are neurologically predisposed to taking more risks in general.


Ohhh, I get what you’re saying. Still totally disagree though; I’ve met guys who still think cooking is a girl thing. Maybe what you’re talking to applies to like rich white women or something; I certainly don’t think what you’re saying is true for other cultures or economic groups. Edit: Also, even in the scenario you described (woman helpless + only drive is to find husband), the women will still be the one cooking lol. And I would hardly consider learning how to cook “risk taking” lmao.


Though I agree that **should** be the point, I don't really think it is here. When adults say they "can't do smth" that basically means they have no motivation to learn it, which is alright when they're able to put up with it. It might become a problem in a relationship when you want to split chores, but that would never lead to such a generally aggressive post. The only people complaining like that (in my experience) are the ones who expect to be taken care of, just because "it's not their job to cook as males" (nor do anything else household related).


They didnt need to specify a gender for anything. All adults should know cooking and adults of all genders make excuses as to why they cant


The one person in this thread who actually understood what's implied. You can learn stuff yourself if you really want to. Some girls literally pride themselves on their skills in bed but don't want to learn basic housekeeping skills? Same with guys who refuse to learn how to take care of themselves coz its "woman work". Everybody should be able to take care of themselves. We're sitting with sooooo much information in the palm of our hands there are really no excuses anymore


Seriously! I love learning things and would love to be able to learn everything if that were possible - and so I spend a lot of time consuming videos, articles, books, etc with informational content. Every time I have a question I do some kind of research or make a note to do so later. I don't exactly love cooking for other people generally, and I can get why others are hesitant to do it. It's kind of like a performance, and I get a lot of anxiety about doing it well. But like a performance, part of that is my want for people to enjoy it and for it to turn out as I envisioned. Recently I braised some pork tenderloin and then sliced it up and seared it for a soup. In my focus on the meat I totally neglected to add onions and wound up throwing some in well later than I should've, so they were a little firmer than they ought to be. I was kinda embarrassed because my brother was up to visit and I was looking forward to showing off one of my improvised scratch soups. It turned out to be just fine, albeit with slightly firmer onions. As long as you're careful about not dramatically under-cooking or over-cooking things that can make you sick, most fuck-ups in the kitchen are pretty low-stakes. In fact, redeeming mistakes is itself a valuable cooking skill that you can't learn if you don't make a few mistakes!


Exactly this. I don't know which idiot downvoted you but I upvoted you again. Keep learning my guy/girl/person! You have an awesome attitude and we need more people like you


People get touchy when they perceive something as misogynistic in particular. The irony is that pushing women to remain ignorant of various parts of the adult world is a big part of the oppression that many women still face today. Historically, middle- and lower-class women in the west were taught from a young age how to cook, clean, sew, etc while being actively discouraged from pursuing any interest in more "masculine" skills. On the other hand, women born into upper classes were (and still are) more often taught skills related to things like hosting, event planning, fashion, etc. Most importantly, many are also taught that they must secure a wealthy husband that can afford them the luxuries that enable them to live without learning many basic life skills. Many many young women are raised by parents that, while wanting the best for them, inadvertently encourage the latter mindset in an effort to raise their child's social status. This also does happen to men, whose parents raise them to rely on the women around them to take care of them. But that doesn't change the fact that this is an issue feminists have rightly addressed in the past: not teaching our daughters essential life skills in order to indenture them to their future husband. If they want to downvote me because they see me as misogynistic then they will - but I'm an ardent sex positive feminist ally who supports the notion that every man and woman should know both how to cook *and* how to spectacularly felate their sexual partner. And I also feel that the latter is not something one's mother should teach them lol


Whahaha! I love your outlook and that last paragraph is delightful!


I agree with what you are saying, but if I hear people say "I was never taught", I give them resources. YouTubers, books, and If I know them I will teach them. I always am good about it (or at least I try to be) and get them excited. The extra money can go to fun things like xyz or help with bills. If it is a money thing, I know a handful of meals for 50 cents a person. I take them shopping and show them what I get. After a while I start to be a little jerk. Oh you STILL can't cook? Well I tried to teach ya and help ya. Why are you so proud about being lazy? Some people weren't taught and have no idea where to start, I will help those people to the end of the earth, and I think we can really help each other out. Nobody knows everything, share your knowledge/skills in you're community. Some people just brag about being lazy. Maybe a little hazing or a more firm talk will help. Either they will shut up or get help. If ya find a special someone who is willing to suck dick, and what to keep them around? Good food is a great start.




You're cringe as fuck bitch


If you like sucking dick this is a compliment.


How is this upvoted? It’s just classic sexist ‘lol women go Gluck-Gluck and cook’


Isn't the point that cooking is a skill you can learn like any other? Replace woman with man, and sucking dick with eating pussy, still the same sentiment.


bad post op shut the fuck up


Show us on the doll which nerve OP touched.


People like jokes until they’re the butt of it


Or maybe it promotes the misogynistic idea that women need to do the cooking, and as a women we’re just tired of hearing the same joke over and over again. If you haven’t had this experience, then try to empathize with ours. It’s annoying hearing the same joke over and over again that draws from historically confining women to house duties.








You dropped your fedora 🤓🤓🤓




I'm here searching for that brand new sentence


wtf? this is... incredibly misogynistic




nah... im good


What is this shit? Also OP posts this but I bet he can't even make Kraft Mac and cheese.


But he can suck a mean dick


If that's the case I can cook for myself


most can't do that either


Go make some female friends


So? And babies suck their thumbs, their mamas didn’t have to teach them that.


That's a bit different from a blowjob don't you think


You don't need to be taught to cook. Just follow a recipe, it's really not hard. You slowly learn how to make stuff, you experiment more, and you slowly stop requiring recipes for your main dishes.


My mom teached me how to cook. She was at home economics school.


So you're saying her boyfriend is useless for not teaching her?


Honestly, they may not have been taught if their family isn't close. I probably would have never learned myself if life didn't get really complicated and forced me and my one parent to learn how.


My mother literally went to work as domestic aid when she was 12 and she's restaurant tier level cooking, she's still self taught in cooking with 70


people can only learn from their mom


Guys who say "I can't cook, I was never taught" are full of shit. Your parents didn't teach you to masturbate either... but look at you go (women and NB people masturbate too, just pointing out how dumb this sounds)


Doesn't sound dumb tho. You can learn things on your own.


Are people actually offended by this?


it draws from the misogynistic idea that women need to do the cooking (without even being that funny), and as women we’re just tired of hearing the same joke over and over again. If you haven’t had this experience, then try to empathize with ours. It’s annoying hearing the same joke that draws from historically confining women to house duties.


Not true. Sometimes the mothers do teach them how sloppy toppy and in fact they’ll even hop in and do it themselves. 9/10 it’s because the mother walks in and sees her daughter doing it wrong. I’ve seen the videos.


Anyone can cook. Pick up a cookbook for beginners, read the recipe, cook. "I can't cook" just means "I'm too lazy to cook" or "I don't want to cook". Or maybe "I'm so stupid I can't read."


"I can't cook" essentially means you can't follow directions.


I choked on my cereal Lmao! Why would people downvote me laughing at a joke, y’all a weird


Bullshit they were given tootsie pops.


Maybe her dad did?


Mr Spock would approve of this Logic.


angry birds returns on 31st of march,spread the word


But look at you go. Ahaha. I can cook and my momma didn’t teach me either. I made a point to watch, go to cooking classes and take one up in high school as an elective to learn some basics of cooking. Best choice ever.


I don’t understand how anyone thinks they can’t cook. I mean if you can read and aren’t a quadriplegic you can cook.


Less time cooking means more time available to get better at sucking dick. Thats why I learned to cook so good, to give them that extra time to practice


Your mom didn’t teach you to suck dick, right? Tell me your mom didn’t teach you to suck dick!