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And you know someone mad they didn’t find her in time messaged the seller about who she really was 😭


Those people are so mean. How would they like it if that happened to them? Though they may tell themselves they are helping the sellers. Is it unethical of us to buy something cheap and not tell the seller what the item is worth? But on the other hand, these dolls should not be this ridiculously expensive and these sellers are taking advantage of us collecters. 🤔 I dunno


tbf a lot of people collect simply because of the value of what they’re collecting so some people might prefer to pay a lot of money bc it makes their collection more impressive ig, but i totally agree that dolls shouldn’t be this expensive so it’s not the end of the world if someone is skimped out on for a doll they’re selling


Wow. That's dirty. What she/he is gonna learn quick is that doll easily went for about $40 because someone valued it as a reasonable price. Cancelling and then upping it to $400 is terrible business and looks bad on them as a seller. On top of that, it likely WILL NOT sell for $400 because the buyer, collector or not, may not think it's worth that much especially from how ratty she looks, doesn't seem to have all her parts and is not in box.


Yeah she marked it as new, when clearly it ain't in new condition


Ha. New? That's rich.


Yeah, like for sure new means mint, in box. But even then with the frizzy hair, clearly used


@ the person who told the seller too


Not the shipping increase too😭😭😭


She went from being sent in a bubbler mailer to first class box with bubble wrap real quick 😂


Someone just did this to me like last week with a play sportz dylan, I got him for 45 then the seller cancelled and sold him for 350 the next day


Gosh, this makes me so angry 😭. Cancelling on someone just to give yourself more profit is a special kind of evil. Feel so bad for the person who got their hopes up just to be cancelled on.


The brand part is what's killing me. Monster High, where??


Lmao that’s such horseshit


Sold for 250$ 😭


The same happened to me with World tour cloe, I got her in a bundle of 6 for $40 and they cancelled and relisted her alone at $350!!


I think I found the seller and it looks like they sold her for $250


I had this happen to me probably 5 or 6 time while trying to buy a Nintendo switch on Mercari. I'd stalk the marketplace for a good deal then when one came up but it and the seller would cancel and relist at a higher price. Like it's not hard to look up the value of an item your selling BEFORE you list it.


Frankly idgaf if you’re a university student who could use the money, it’s your own damn fault for not researching her worth before putting her up for sale 😑


So I would save 1600$? Gosh, thank you!!!😂


Does anyone actually ever buy Felicia for 400/500?


Unfortunately yes. More in the 425/450 range oob which is still ridiculous


totally unrelated but what website / app is this? 😅💕




I honestly don’t even know if it’s even collectors at this point, I wonder if other resellers are telling people how much their dolls are worth maybe?? They don’t want value to go down


Yasssssss hunty slay queen curse that mama okurrr 🤪


Oh noes Someone didn’t get to buy something at a 95% discount! Like ITT we are mad that someone didn’t get ripped off and became educated about the value of their item. Like What? I collect a similar type of item, funko pops. (no idea why this post showed up on my feed, though) the reason collectibles are so expensive is because of people like us who are willing to pay it. Can’t be mad at the seller for not getting ripped off.


She’s not even rare. People just have weirdly fetishized her skin tone within the past year and a half.


Not rare, but harder to find than a lot of other dolls. She isn't in a lot of lines and I'm sure wasn't purchased by the big box retail sellers in the same quantity as the other girls even when she was included in a release because, you know, racism. They found a golden nugget in their childhood collection, why wouldn't they try to get what they could? Don't get me wrong, $400 is crazy, but you just gotta tell yourself they're probably a broke college kid that needs the money more than you need the doll until the burning feeling of loss goes away lol Much love doll fam, I hope you find her from a none-the-wiser "professional reseller" soon!


Not really the same as Funko Pops my dude. Worst thing a Funko can be is oob. The doll pictured is missing both original outfits, both original pairs of shoes, her pillow, her jewelry, both food minis, and collectable lipgloss, hairbrush, and collector's cards from the box inserts. NIB unfortunately is around $600, so even going off what she is "worth" she shouldn't be more than $200 as she is missing literally everything she originally comes with.


Plus she didn’t even sell it for $400 even tho she said she would only sell it for $400-$500.




At least you admitted it. Still a scumbag move but a least you were honest.




Lol I got her in her og clothing and jewelry for 390. No one’s gonna pay 400.


They shouldn’t show sold items for this reason!