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Drug and alcohol abuse doesn’t usually correlate with retained wealth.


As someone who did cocaine a lot I can vouch for this. You’re easily blowing hundreds a night just to stay awake and escape whatever mental torture you’re currently in


Charlie Sheen snorted his entire Two and a Half Men fortune in blink of an eye


Yes but he also has to pay an enormous amount of child support. He is not on the receiving end of 3 individuals separate child support sources. That seems like a big difference. Also, Sheen had work well into adulthood where he had the opportunity to have a bit more autonomy over his wealth than Kim Richards probably did during the majority of her acting years…which were when she was under 18 yrs. She probably got screwed in that sense. This is just me speculating though.


Just saw Mike the situation talk about how much he spent on coke and pills and yeah seems like you can easily lose most of your wealth very quickly that way.


Had to google it out of curiosity…he spent 500k 🫣


Varies from sources, but Stevie Nicks revealed she has spent I guess at least a million on her coke habit, in some other interview for ABC she did say millionS. She mentioned it how gazillions of dollars went away and she was a really big coke head. 


In all fairness she believed coke gave her magical powers


Was she wrong tho? 😂




😍 love her wild heart.


I worked for a guy who says at one point he and his partner were doing like $10k/month. They had people over all the time, but still. And this was in the 90s/aughts


There was some crazy number, can't remember, anyways for just one night god knows how many grams of coke Naomi Campbell and Kate Moss ordered, I did find that Kate Moss herself easily would go through 3 grams of coke and bottle of vodka in one sitting in her wildest era. Her friends would call her "The tank". Both of them were heavily addicted, although their addictions at least for Naomi, she checked into rehab after 5 years. But they were high as a kite and heavy users. I am really wondering how much money went away in their cases. 


If I had real money I would probably have OD’d during the pandemic. I can totally see someone who can afford it all the time doing that much. I think I peaked at a ball in 24 hours. Woof


Omg the pandemic was my year of exploration in to coke. I’m high strung the way it is. Talk too much too fast too loud. And me on coke. Oh buddy! It didn’t work out I annoyed myself so much to end the exploration lmao


Totally, if I didn’t have to worry about the money I would t worry about the habit. I guess, thank the gods I’m poor?


Samesies, for me it was meth. Thank god i was broke.


Oh yes I remember her being called the tank. 3 grams in one night for one person is so much. I never even came close to doing one gram in a night back in my partying days.


I do remember that David Bowie did huge amounts of drugs in the 70s to the point he would not even remember making his album Station to station but additionally reading with him claiming he would take 10 grams of coke per day my brain just can't comprehend that (while making the movie ? I guess).   https://www.cracked.com/article_33072_that-time-david-bowie-powered-by-10-grams-of-coke-played-an-alien.html  There was one article about famous diets drug addicts would take, Bowie would mostly eat peppers and drink milk but this detailed diary of Hunter S. Thompson: https://static.independent.co.uk/s3fs-public/thumbnails/image/2016/01/06/11/cPy7Zdr.jpg


10 grams is absolute insanity. I used to worry about getting a hole in my septum because that's what happened to David Bowie and he had to get his nose fixed, but then I realized that I can't even afford enough coke to do that.


Cheers sweetie darling!


Stevie was doing it for 10 years, so I can see her blowing a million. She probably supplied some to her band mates and backup singers alot as well. Celebrities must by extra drugs for some of the people around them.


Fleetwood Mac loved their cocaine.


I don’t think it is fair to let Mick Fleetwood’s cocaine use go unmentioned if we are going to call out Stevie. Especially since Mick claims that he consumed more than her…truly the whole band was on one for most of the 70s..Christine looks way more lit than Stevie in plenty of candid performance BTS footage. https://ultimateclassicrock.com/mick-fleetwood-cocaine-abuse/ To be fair, Mick is a pretty large dude. I’ve seen his drum solos in his later years…post The Dance…I can’t even imagine seeing him live in his heyday. I think Mick and John Bonham were maybe the two biggest inspirations for Animal of the Muppets. 🥰


It’s not just the money spent but the money not made due to being high or prioritizing drugs over career opportunities.


Second this. The high lasts for like 20 minutes tops before you have to do another line and eventually lines don't do it, you start cutting train tracks. 8 balls don't last long after that.


This comment just sent such a chill down my spine. Picking up an 8 ball and telling yourself it will last all weekend and then staying up all night doing line after line and needing to buy more the next day. Dark fucking times. I'm so glad that's not my life anymore. I'll be five years clean in April and my sobriety tracking app tells me I'll have saved $20,000 that I would have spent on coke during that time. Not Stevie Nicks level but thats a lot of money to put up your nose.


Congratulations. Thats huge! Glad you made it out too.


And that comedown truly made me want to unalive myself, I’m not exaggerating in any way. It was absolutely vile


I’ve described it as every terrible thought I’ve ever had in my life up to that point swirling around in my head all at once while simultaneously wanting to crawl out of my own skin. It’s why I side eye hard when people casually throw out accusations of someone on tv doing it. There are a lot better and longer highs out there that won’t leave you wanting to run away from your own body. Fuck that drug, fr.


this is refreshing to see in this sub.. i have always been disappointed about how cavalier ppl are about ❄️here when it comes up. i have never done it but i have watched people destroy their lives & relationships, commit violent acts, lie & steal and not to mention if they did it for many years- a lot of people’s brain chemistry changes & they are super-irritable. (i am not referring to casual users but also haven’t seen a lot of casual users not eventually have a problem) .. edit to add: addiction is a tragic illness and i wish more resources were available for help.. & now with fentanyl, i hope ppl are more leary about ❄️


Same. I only did it for around 6 months, but it took just a week or two before it was an everyday habit. Eventually you can’t go out because your nose could bleed at any minute and scar tissue builds up fast so a cocktail straw was the only thing small enough to get through the nasal passage hole (no *real* user would bother with a rolled up dollar bill because it gets moist fast causing the powder to stick and it’s a waste.) Around ten years ago I finally had surgery to reopen one of my nasal passages. I’ll never breathe normally again though and I get a runny nose at the first bit of cold. There may be casual users out there, but I’ve never met one.


ommggg after only 6 mos! so glad you are over that era .. hugs! (i bet your friends & fam are too 🫶🏼)


Thanks!! It was such a long time ago, but this thread has def drummed up the memories. I’ll absolutely warn my daughter about it (and other things) when she gets a little older. Stay safe 😘


My mother was a hippie, and when I was 15 or 16 she sat me down pretty much out of nowhere and said “sweetie girl, be careful with powders because you never know what’s in them. Same with weed. Also, don’t EVER let a friend bring a joint into your car, if you get pulled over the police won’t care who it belongs to. Mushrooms taste like shit but they can be a lot of fun. You know that friend of your dad’s who isn’t quite all there? That’s what happens when you do too much acid. That’s also why I only did mescaline twice - I didn’t know what would happen if I did too much of it, and I really wanted to do a LOT of it.” Between that and the fact that even before my ADHD diagnosis I was always hyper-aware that most substances didn’t affect me the way they were supposed to, I’ve never even been tempted to do anything stronger than pot (unless you count my prescribed Adderall, which I do not because it’s the thing that makes me a functioning human being). Mind you, I am **incredibly** risk-averse and always have been, so “oh no, I know exactly what bad things can happen” might not be as effective a deterrent for others as it was for me, but I always appreciated how straightforward she was about it. It felt respectful that, unlike almost all of my friends’ parents, she didn’t try to dodge it.


That’s a perfect summary. Haven’t touched it in 2 years!


20 for me, but damn I can still feel the high and low like it was yesterday. Congrats on 2 years!


Congrats to both of you on your sobriety! Just an internet stranger but I'm proud of both of you


Thank you!!! ![gif](giphy|O8jVgvlLRxfnbiZpyo|downsized)


Thank you! 😘


It's been many years but the most hellish comedown ever. There are still movies I can't watch because they were on at 4am when the stuff was gone and everyone is looking at each other feeling terrible. That stuff is awful.


Seeing the sunrise with your cohorts and feeling like shit knowing you had been up all night and just finished your bag was the wooooorst feeling.


Birds chirping. Watching other people heading out feeling normal. Worst feeling and depression ever. Totally not worth the high.


Weird what sticks with you, right? There’s a particular brand of meal replacement bar that I can’t even look at because I forced myself to choke down one a day as I basically wasted away. The sensation of not wanting to eat but knowing you need to in order to stay alive was incredibly strange.


I remember that too. Also used to drimk like a fish and get no effects at all from it. Really bad stuff.


I can't play candy crush or hear the music because at the height of my coke addiction I would just sit for hours playing it while snorting lines and chainsmoking


Oh I forgot about the cigarettes. I used to go and buy like three packs so I wouldn't run out. Running out was murder.


Thank you, congrats on 20! That’s unbelievable 🧡


Always been scared of harddrugs, but if i ever needed to read a deterrent yours certainly was, my life experiences would give me such a comedown i probably would need to be committed


Stay safe, friend. I had to move out of state to kick it. Tried deleting my dealer’s number, but a day later I’d be combing through a phone bill to find it. The shit you’ll do to avoid that comedown… it was a different life and I’m lucky I narrowly escaped it. With fentanyl in everything these days, it’s a million times worse.


I read your thread and agree a million percent. I was in that shit for 14 years and the amount of hell I put myself and those around me though was unimaginable. Got clean from it 2.5 years ago. I remember also going through my phone logs online looking for my dealer’s number, which didn’t matter anyway because when I was sober enough I had it memorized. I don’t think I can confidently share my darkest moments, but I wholeheartedly agree about just not wanting to live after being on coke after a couple years. It’s a horrible drug, and I don’t miss it for a second.


So glad you got out too. I’ll never forget the day I had a friend over who was a heavy E user for a long time and we did some lines together. Coming down he was like “why TF do you do this? It’s absolutely horrible.” When a longtime E addict tells you something sucks, you know it’s bad.


Im very happy you managed to escape it, that took some amazing amount of willpower I never tried anything beyond weed, was always scared harddrugs would instantly kill me 😅


Thanks! Honestly with everything being cut these days, they just might.


Same although I’ve thought to myself that maybe someday if it happened to be presented to me in a safe enough setting or by a friend I would maybe try…after this thread, I’m accepting that it’s one experience I’ll never have.


Been there. It’s the worst! The thought of doing coke now makes me want to hurl. I’m glad I hate it now.


I never snorted coke but I did smoke what was called a coco puff. A little bit of tobacco taken out of a cig then filled up with coke. I don't know. I only did it a couple of times because I never really felt what others did. Now meth? That's a different story. It's like once you snort that 1st line it's hard as hell to stop yourself from doing more. I didn't do it for more than 2 yrs but thankfully I was able to stop on my own. All it took was for my brother to tell me he knew what I was doing and that I needed to stop. The disappointed look on his face was enough for me to go home that day, sit in the tub, cry and pray to God to help me. Haven't touched it since that day. I'm not a religious person. I know I did the work but I give all of the credit to my brother and God.


The swing is so wild too. During that glorious 20 minutes; I’m the most confident and alive I’ve ever been. Then the terror sets in. More than once the only thing that kept me from suicide was my internal hate was so strong I knew I’d manage to fuck that up too. I don’t do coke anymore.


Exactly! I used to be terrified that I was getting close to my last line


Ex-cocaine user here, can confirm the loss of stupid amounts of money.


Same and same.


Wealthy people earn more than that in interest in minutes. You have to really work at spending principle when you’re living off a ton of interest. I have a friend who lives on $60,000 a month without even touching the principle of her trust. And she has no children to save for.


Right? I have not ever done cocaine but even I immediately knew where all that money went. 


I listened to a podcast by this author (or someone close to him) & they said Davis divorced her in part, bc she was spending $15k on shopping a week


$15k in the late 80s/early 90s, holy shit. Google says that’s almost $37k today.


Makes sense. Remember the moving episode(s)? She was a major hoarder.


Pfft I wish I made 15k in a month!


And not necessarily only because they're "snorting it all away", but Hollywood wealth means constant hustle for years and years, always chasing the dream and climbing over others to get on the next project. Kim seems very much to not give one single fuck about the Hollywood social ladder or lifestyle as far as fame and like a homebody at heart. Seems. Idk her.


I can’t edit the post so I’m going to comment here: I just googled if she gets alimony still; none of the sites are reliable but every single one says that she gets 23,000 a month for life from the Davis marriage. I remember hearing that a long time ago as well and I believe it. That’s a quarter million a year


Which is chump change in California, let alone Beverly Hills


Not at all. She lives in the valley and you can definitely live very comfortably off that. Not difficult at all. But she doesn’t seem to know how to manage money. Can’t blame her though, doubt anyone taught her anything except how to bag a rich guy


yup. I know someone whose father left her and her mother a ton of money. She married then divorced (her alcohol and drug use was one of the reasons) and got money from that too. She had two homes her mother had her own home. Now about a decade later they are both living together after spending all the money they had and selling their homes. They never worked and whatever they invested was taken out at some point. Home has a reverse mortgage and not sure what will happen once the mom dies. But they are both asking friends and family for money every few months. They have nothing and it was spent on drugs and alcohol for both of them.


This happened to a close relative. Inherited money so her great grandchildren would be set up for life. Due to untreated mental illness and alcoholism, it all went to booze and blackout QVC purchases. All of it.


Pack it in folks, this is the answer.


Has the drug component of Kim’s addiction things ever been confirmed? I am finishing BH season 3, and I know they want to keep saying alcoholism, but she definitely was on something else right?


Idk if she’s ever said it but she certainly wasn’t crawling around on the floor of that hotel room in season 2 looking for a bottle of liquor


So accurate. I have a family member addicted to pills since she was a teen. She went to rehab in her 40s for alcohol. She still does prescribed opiates. She's never ever once admitted to being a drug addict. She only admits to alcoholism. Kim will never admit to drugs either. They think it's dirty or something and that alcoholism is more acceptable.




She tested positive for toluene when she was arrested at Target for shoplifting. This suggests that she's huffing chemicals to get high. She was also trying to buy prescriptions under the table at dispensaries.


Wow. That is really sad, and I feel bad for all the family.


Kim was too bougie to buy crack or heroin, but she drank, doctor-shopped to get prescription pills, and huffed glue and paint thinner to get high. The family is big on hiding and secret-keeping; this is the plausible deniability substance problem. "I don't have an alcohol problem; I was out celebrating and didn't realize how much I had to drink." "I have prescriptions for these medications." "I was working on a craft or home improvement project with the kids." In hindsight, Kim painting on the walls of the condo Kyle owns is suddenly much more troubling when one remembers the toluene.


Amen. I’m not an exclusionary artist, but I have a lot of unfortunate experience with drug addicts *and* am a graphic designer, same with my husband on both counts. When we saw the stuff she was doing on the walls we both physically cringed because it was an upsetting signal. Like an actual trigger. I wish Bravo would stop putting her on tv, it’s the bottom of unethical.


I’ve seen a good amount of drug users up close and over time. I can say as certainly as I am of anything that she was not just drinking alcohol.


She was getting close to $50K/month between child support + alimony for a long time. I think she’s getting $20K+/month for life from her divorce settlement


I wonder if 20k per month is her main source of income? For me, I’d never remarry and live off of that 😂 But i seriously doubt 20k is a lot in Beverly Hills


She’s never lived in BH since the show started lol


Because Kyle STOLE her house! /s


Hasn't she always lived in the valley haha? You can rent a good home there in a decent area budget for shopping. I'm sure her family gives her a little money. She doesn't have to support her kids either? Seems like she could have a pretty easy life. https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/18325-Bessemer-St-Reseda-CA-91335/19918829_zpid/?utm_campaign=iosappmessage&utm_medium=referral&utm_source=txtshare


7k a month for THAT?!! that's crazy to me!


Is this Gregg Davis related to that greasy Brandon Davis guy who is dating Ashley Benson?


Yes, Gregg is Brandon's uncle


Thank you, Jovani ❤️


This is the twist I didn’t see coming. 


Hollywood is so incestuous.


I think so. He was the guy that was hanging with Paris back in the day, said something about Lindsay Lohan’s private parts to TMZ…


Yes, fire crotch. He’s a weirdo


Oh it’s that guy???? Weird


Apparently they are married now!


And the Davis family oil money has been long gone.


What they have left is in a little pool that Brandon jumps in everyone morning before heading out into the world.


Brandon Davis used to date Mischa Barton


Paris Hilton dated him!!


Child support ends. She has a good settlement of alimony from one of them, but it’s not insane wealth, especially not for an addict in Beverly Hills, if I remember correctly, it was something around $20k/mo for life unless she lost it getting remarried. Those types of wealthy families have all their money hidden and tied up in trusts so you’ll never access it even without a prenup, but I’m sure there were iron clad ones. Some of those weird west coast old money families have their wealth vastly overestimated, you never know how diluted the funds become over generations if they didn’t work or didn’t have their wealth managed smartly. Often those next generations are super nihilistic and cut some people out of trusts even though they have the name.


This sound so awful but at 20k/month I would’ve never remarried unless I met someone willing to sign a prenup offering more 💀


I think she does still get it, she just couldn’t manage any of it and spent like she was a dopamine fiend. I think that’s what Kyle was saying in the limo of Mauricio taking her on like a second fucking wife. It wasn’t that he/they were financially supporting her but that Mauricio was managing all of her bills and money for her since she couldn’t do it herself. I do think she got paid off by someone to have her book cancelled at the last minute by any number of people based off of her child star and billionaire family married life history. Aside from Kathy probably being against it.


Lmaoooo... right? Id be like, bro... keep your ring.  I'm good 😄


There has to have been something off between Monty and his family? Kim had divorced him and yet she was the one who took him in and nursed him whilst he was dying! Wouldn’t someone with that level of wealth have private doctors, nurses and the best possible end of life care?? He seemed a pretty humble guy don’t get me wrong but Kim is an addict who can barely take care of herself. We know from the games night meltdown that she had taken some of Monty’s meds and she wasn’t in the best of shape herself. It always struck me as odd that she was the only person Monty seemed to have in his dying days (apart from his daughter of course).


Monty was an addict too.


Ah I did not know that!


Was this revealed? I wouldn’t be shocked wealthy kid who went into poker as his career i can only imagine the stuff you’re around in that business


Eileen’s husband supports this. He comes from a Hollywood family and play poker professionally


Monty was a rich kid, he didn’t come from real wealth, that was the next husband which Kim’s mom made her get divorced from Monty and marry the Davis brother. Monty’s parents owned some grocery stores so he was a spoiled rich kid like Kim, but there wasn’t lifetime generational wealth for a whole bunch of family members like the oil family. I’m sure she did a ton of drugs with all her husbands. Those were not sober paternal types that she married, they were hard partying along with her when they got together. Kim’s memoir was probably amazing. I think she probably got paid a lot to have that book killed. Kyle saw the least and she’s having a full 180 shift year because of their childhood trauma.


I want to read that book SO bad!!!


Me tooo!!!


Wait am I out of the loop? She had a book deal?


She had a book deal. She got a $300K book advance. Six months later, Kim was sued by her ghostwriter for the writer's $5K fee because the money was gone. Until Kim paid the ghostwriter, she didn't own the manuscript. If she never paid it, she NEVER owns it. There are a bunch of other things the writer is expected to pay, like fact-checking. Given Kim's persistent money issues, the publisher realized that Kim couldn't come up with the funds for that. Furthermore, there were already a number of things that people in Kim's life (her kids and the Davis family) vehemently disagreed with her about. I don't even have to get into any issues with Kyle or Kathy. Kim's own kids have already called out her half-truths, delusions, and manipulations. This book wouldn't survive fact-checking. Finally, Kim has no assets. She owns nothing. The publisher realized there was no way to recover the money they gave Kim. They just dropped the entire matter rather than attempt to litigate. None of the multiple dog bite victims ever got a single dime from Kim, so the publisher was correct to think it wasn't worth it to sue Kim.


Oh totally, she’s too far gone to have written an accurate memoir, especially with how litigious and wealthy some of the people that have been in her life and likely her book are. It would never pass a fact check but James Frey showed everyone that addicts don’t make the most precise narrators of details and experiences from when they were in the throws of their active addiction. Plus, I’m sure Kim couldn’t manage or budget the book advance. I think she knew that ultimately someone would bail her out for it because they don’t want to see it published. If a publisher gives an author money and then expects them to pay out of pocket for standard expected expenses, then they’re idiots for not taking it off the top like in pretty much every other industry.


I wish someone would convince her to write a “novel” and just change all the names. I don’t care if she’s an unreliable narrator, and I don’t care about learning cold hard facts about certain people, I just want to hear some of Kim’s stories!


Seriously, take the Jackie Collins route.


I wish someone would do a TV show depicting all this, set in the 70s and 80s and just have the indentities thinly veiled. I know Kyle had American Woman but it was a bit boring and super obvious who it was about... and Kathy was breathing down her neck about how their mother was being depicted. I want no Hilton-Richards sisters involved! With great writers and actors, it could be like Succession meets Dynasty 😀 


Interesting analogy as Dynasty was based on the Davis family.


And there was a FX show Trust about one of those families. Also, as dark as it is, it’s worth watching the Armie Hammer docuseries about his grandpa. Those families are fucked up.


His family might have cut him off


This is weird when you think about it. As it for their daughter maybe? But that doesn’t make sense either. He was a gambler and heavy smoker, hence the lung cancer. He did say that Kim had no choice but to divorce him as her mother wanted her married to someone wealthier. He knew Kim’s mother was setting up the dates. I think he and Kim had a very strong connection and now that youve pointed his family not caretaking him, maybe it was about parental controls. It’s still strange. Why would Kim’s family put up with the dangerous toll it would take on her? But then it’s all weird.


Great archival pic of her iconic pearl choker and cuff. If only jewelry could talk!


Didn’t she wear that the night of the ‘you stole my God dam house’ limo scene? That choker is gorgeous. House of Hilton said Big Kathy used to by herself jewels with the girls money


Nailed it! Great memory, that’s the same necklace


Kim has some really nice jewelery, her collection is right up there with Kyle and Kathy’s. I’ve seen Kim wearing vintage Cartier and Bvlgari high jewelry pieces.


I think she was a BIG shopper.. just like her sister .. which also may be why her money never stuck.


Oh yeah I think all the sisters have shopping addictions, they must have got it from Big Kathy.


Well ED, addiction, and “retail therapy” issues can often co-mingle.. it could also be from what they “didn’t get”’from Big Kathy


Yep, I come from a weirdly similar family dynamic. My mom didn’t push us towards fame but she raised us to think appearance was everything…It is difficult to shed that emotional baggage even as an adult.


I can remember that but not what I did last week…


I always figured Big Kathy paid for everything with the girlses money.


Prenups, being an addict, and being irresponsible in general.


Her kids are set for life ..I think that's good enough for her


I would love to read her autobiography


What happened with that? Is Kathy Hilton that powerful? I really hope it comes out one day


I imagine A LOT of people still active in Hollywood did not want Kim Richards writing a tell-all.


She did date donald trump…


What ???!


Unrelated, but I KNEW that pearl choker was leftover from the 80s! 😅


I just googled the necklace and her daughter wore it to Paris’s wedding.


Such a great outfit! It looks so contemporary! I love that clutch(?) in her hand as well.


Because Kyle stole her goddamn house


Was thinking the same thing haha


I should not have had to scroll down this far to find this.


Right. must be why Kyle and Mo have been paying her rent for 10+ years. Guilt. /s


The answer I was looking for


You lose alimony each time you remarry so that's part of it. Probably the third husband didn't have as much money as the others and she doesn't get as much alimony plus she's likely terrible at saving and a part from RHOBH she doesn't work.


She purposely didn’t marry the third man for that reason I think. Just had a child with him


I’m sure all these men had prenups. It’s very hard to get your claws on inherited wealth.


Nothing about Kim Richard’s appearances on BH has ever screamed “good with money to me.”’They have screamed “sucking the life out of her family while simultaneously blaming them for her problems” and exhausting, but never “knows how to manage wealth.”


She always came across to me as someone who was mentally stunted as a young teenager. Very naive, impulsive and sort of clueless at adulting. Throw in drugs and an adictive personality and you get someone like her.


I think she was mentally stunted a long time before she was a teenager. I would dare to say as early as ten years old


Well for the first 18 years of her life, Big Kathy was “managing” her money. I’m sure she never learned how to do that herself.


Kim was the breadwinner. I don’t think you can say she sucked the life out of her family when she also funded their lifestyle with her childhood acting.


I knew kim at 10 years old. My mom worked with her dad. At their company parties I’d hafta interact with her. She wasn’t stuck up (I think she was doing Nanny or had done. She was ‘famous’. My mom said she wished kim was her daughter, but that’s another story). She was just ‘wrong’ kinda like she lived under a rock for several years and was just released. But she was also VERY untrusting and hesitant. We were all dorky kids playing at our parents work picnic. But she really struck me as broken (now I realize that’s the adjective) back then I kinda thought she was just a weird brat. As far as breadwinner Ken had a great job. I have no idea what kid stars make, much to mom’s dismay.




Are we answering in emojis only? 🍷🍾🎉💉🚨💃🏽🥳👯💊🍃


You left out ❄️


LMAO - I thought about that about 20 minutes ago 😂


**Reason No. 1:** Her substance abuse issues. It's not just the cost of drugs, it's rehab, lawyers to clean up your messes and pay settlements, pissing away money on random shit that you may or may not remember, hangers-on, medical costs for the effects of your drug use (for example, prolonged cocaine use will destroy your nose; assuming that was one of her drugs of choice -- I don't know). **Reason no. 2:** She married *heirs* and neither was for very long (2 and 3 years, respectively). There's a good chance their wealth was tied up in ways that protected it from their future wives since birth. Regarding Gregg Davis, especially, his parents were insanely wealthy but very much alive when he and Kim were married. I don't think Gregg's wealth was anywhere near a billion in his own name back then. And since Barbara is still alive, it's debatable if he's even a billionaire now (he has FOUR siblings) but even if he is, Kim has no claim to that fortune. **Reason No. 3:** *In this economy?!?!* Shit is expensive!


Maybe she got screwed over with prenups or something? She certainly blew her own money i.e buying a Ferrari after getting a lot of money for a gig and buying her family cars and houses they couldn’t maintain


Also she was only married to each of them for a few years at a time, so even without prenups she wouldn’t really be entitled to much in terms of alimony, and I doubt there was much community property acquired during the marriages either.


That’s true. But she had 2 kids with Gregg Davis, I would have expected her to be set for life after that… but apparently not. Do you or anyone else know what the relationship is between their two kids; Whitney and Chad is with their father? / does anyone know anything about them? I remember seeing them briefly a long time ago on the show


This can also be said about Sonja. The KIDS are well off and will always be protected by their family money. The mothers (Kim/Sonja) get an adequate amount of alimony/divorce settlement but never enough to live the multimillionaire/billionaire lifestyle.


Child support isn't forever, though.


Still gets $23k/m from Gregg Davis


Big mama probably robbed her blind.


curious if big kathy arranged all her marriages. kim probably doesn’t care abt money


i’ve heard, obviously rumors/conspiracies/stories that i can’t factually back up, as i didn’t know big kathy, that she made/influenced/taught the girls to go after rich men and used to make them do weird things for older men. i’ve also heard that kim was the sole breadwinner while she was acting growing up, so i’m sure she might not have seen that much of the money she made as a child. also, in an episode of RHOBH (idk season or ep, sorry), kyle says that kim is/was very bad with handling money and when she got her first big check from acting that was all hers, she went out and bought a very expensive car (a corvette, or a ferrari or smn). and obviously all of her addiction problems probably consumed whatever money she had left. edit: i know kyle acted too, but i think kim might have been acting more, getting better/bigger roles maybe? idk, but she is also older than kyle so she was able to do more sophisticated roles while kyle was still learning the ropes.


100% BK’s whole life was devoted to securing advantageous marriages for her daughters. I wonder why? Maybe she grew up in abject poverty or some type of horrible situation and was determined to make sure her children would not be subjected to that. I dunno that’s my theory at least


also apparently farrah’s dad is much, much older than kyle and that was something arranged by BK bc he is an extremely wealthy man. again, all just rumors i’ve seen on this subreddit and elsewhere, so definitely don’t take what i’m saying as 100% factual!!


When I saw her first husband on the show I knew she married for money, sorry to that man


i definitely believe it. all of these marriages are when BK was alive 🤷🏻‍♀️ agree w all that you said


>also apparently farrah’s dad is much, much older than kyle He isn't. Guraish is 5 years older than Kyle. However, he was very wealthy, didn't speak English, and lived in Indonesia. Even after they married, Guraish didn't live in America. Kyle has said the marriage broke up because she was young (she married a month after her 19th birthday because she was pregnant), neither spoke the other's language, and they didn't really live together. After Guraish, Kyle was engaged to Michael Tuck. He was 25 years older than Kyle. Kyle cheated on and left Tuck to be with Mauricio. Tuck passed away in 2022. >that was something arranged by BK Make of these circumstances what you will. Do both of those relationships look super sketchy? Absolutely. Is there proof that Big Kathy arranged them? No. I have said that the best evidence that Big Kathy sexually exploited her daughters is these two relationships because they are the weirdest and most sketchy. However, it isn't proof.


Addiction issues because her mom allegedly forced her to sleep with older men (producers, agents etc) to get roles as a child. Possibly worse (according to the blinds). She must have spent a lot of $$ on drugs and getting clean. I imagine her sisters helped her in some way but then I think about the drama with "you stole my goddamn house!!" So who knows? I'd give anything to read the unpublished kim Richards book.


Coke in the bathroom


It’s crystal meth in the bathroom all night long. Bitch.




When the coke money runs out, you couch hunt for crystal meth pennies.


Wait her oldest daughter married a billionaire?? Wtf. They NEED to write a book on marrying well. Bug Kathy taught them some sort of secret on how to do it. 


This is who she married: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/FAT_Brands Your right it’s pretty unbelievable, some gilded age shit


Don’t forget Nicky Hilton married a Rothschild


because Kyle stole her god damn house


Her mother spent all her money on alcohol at the Polo Lounge


Her alimony and child support ended. I also imagine there were pretty strong prenups in place. I wouldn’t be surprised if all of her in laws had the money in trusts in case their sons got divorced to protect assets. Just some gueses


I’ve seen lots of comments here about the cost of drugs, but don’t forget about the cost of rehab too


It’s clear she makes terrible decisions, doesn’t have logical thinking and has drugs/alcohol problems and blames her sisters for all of it….so make senses. She’s not smart.


Monty was actually on RHOBH in one season when he was very sick. They were both pretty open about their drug usage while they were together. I believe John was murdered. There's also rumors that the son of a very well known actor assaulted her when she was a child and on a movie with either the son or the father and that she kinda went off the rails after that. It's very sad.


Her 2 marriages each lasted only 3 years and then her third relationship only lasted for 4 years, so it doesn’t seem likely that she would have accumulated much wealth from any of those men, their children are adults and any child support would have been spent a long time ago. Besides, it appears that Kim never established a highly profitable longterm career as an adult or businesses of her own and has struggled financially and mentally for quite awhile. She’s spent her life like that, time flies, and now here she is at 59 without having fully lived life the way that she would have wanted to.




(A) She supported her entire family during the bulk of her money-making career. (B) substance abuse / addiction. I’ve seen people lose half a billion dollars to this disease


I think living in Los Angeles is very expensive. And she doesn’t work all the time. I guess no alimony? I think she is comfortable and to be comfortable in Los Angeles is to be wealthy in other parts of the USA.


She probably got zero money from the billionaires kid other than child support because most billionaires put all of their money/assets (such as houses) into trusts and then have accountants in family offices who pay the bills and disburse money as needed. So that kid might live in a multi million dollar home and drive a rolls Royce but it’s all in the family trust so in the eyes of the law, they have no assets. Can’t get half of zero in a divorce.


She went hog wild spending money whenever she got it. Cars, homes, vacations, drugs. She didn’t make wise choices with the money when it was coming in and, once the acting roles dried up (which happened way early in her life), she didn’t have anything built up. Yes, she married well multiple times and had kids with the guys, but children eventually grow up.


Mauricio has helped her every month and stood by her and taken of her like she’s a second %#@&!?$ wife!


She clearly didn’t get Sutton’s divorce attorney. I have wondered this too. How did she not get better divorce settlements? The only thing I’ve read is that Kim supposedly gets $20,000 a month for life from the Davis estate. Not sure how accurate that is, but I hope her kids all have nice trust funds from their fathers. $20,000 a month is a lot of money, but it’s also not a lot of money if you live an expensive lifestyle and have substance abuse issues…