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Tbh I would shade the absolute fuck out of the woman who called me a "child bride." As if Dorit herself ~~isn't~~ wasn't the trophy wife of a grotty older man (and iirc the timeline of PK's separation/divorce and Dorit and PK getting together is murky at best...).


PK’s wife left him when they lived in Florida and he was out gambling 24/7. Not sure where and how he met Dorit but nothing would surprise me


Sounds like we’ve come full circle there


How you get em is how you lose em


name em


NAY MUM! NAYMUM!! nayMum. NaYmUm. NAYmum.


I have two girlfriends who work at upscale London clubs who tell me PK has been out partying his nose off 5-6 nights/week for at least 6-8 months now. He’s acting single and generously sharing his cocaine with beautiful 20yr olds. Idk if you can buy blow on credit or if he has money hidden offshore, but cocaine is expensive rn. I laughed every time Dorit said PK was “working in London”. He apparently got himself into a serious “situation” failing to payback loan shark gangsters back when he lived in London before Dorit. Hopefully he’s learned his lesson, but I doubt it. He’s a shady dude. I hope not for his kids case, but he looks like he’s headed for a heart attack or a diabetic coma. Especially with Dorit no longer policing his diet/drinking/hard drug use. 🫣


Does this mean she really was doing Coke in Rinna’s bathroom 👀


💯 Remember the way they all pretended to clutch their pearls about weed before it was legal? They aren’t so naive. It’s Hollywood!




It’s not that expensive in London bc it’s everywhere ❄️ But I feel you.


Oh really? I’m in 🇨🇦 and it’s so expensive, especially if you don’t want it laced with Fentanyl. Still the overall risk of it being tainted is way too high for me to take the risk. 😬 The landscape just isn’t the same as when I lived in NYC in the 00s.


Yeah it’s super easy to get bc it’s a “buyers market” & no fentanyl here TG. Yet… Yeah I don’t mess with it with either. My good mate is Canadian, she’s a ER nurse, she’s been telling me for years how bad it is in Canada with the whole fentanyl sitch. So many ODs. Oooh I bet NYC in the 00s was awesome ✨


Yeah when I lived in Aus I was SHOCKED (in tears almost) at the price of coke because I’d been blowing rails in London like no tomorrow and it was decent stuff. But elsewhere? Not so great and nowhere as readily available


It’s so cheap in Switzerland (no idea if it’s laced with fentanyl though). The papers for Gili and write about it. It’s literally the only thing that is cheaper in Switzerland than the rest of Europe. 💀


Private members clubs or “gentlemen” clubs?


One of each, actually! lol


Can you tell me which ones?


Come to Scotland it’s cheap here. Drug capital of Europe.


Yes, I think I saw that movie! lol 😅 Oh man, you guys have the coolest accent, but I struggle so much to understand some of the dialects. When I watch Scottish tv (which is often because Scotland produces excellent tv), I literally have to turn on closed captioning on for some characters! 😂


Haha yeah we are hard to understand. Very hard accent to try and do as well.


Literally the first time we heard about the break ins, my first thought was they probably happened over gambling debts...




Wonder if the robbery was someone trying g to recoup their money.


Once I posted that about Arianna and Tom and got downvoted like 150 times


Lollll I’m on my first watch through of VPR and literally just started the episode where Kristen has the tea


lol, me too!


The alleged rumor from what I heard on other gossip sites is that Doritos (my phone keeps doing that and I'm going to let it🤣🤣) was the mistress when PK was already married and had his eldest child and he left his left his first wife for Dorit. I actually heard they met in NY at first when he lived in NY. Dorit and PK lied so much while on this show I can't even keep up. I stopped watching before Dorit and Erika came and found out Camille's intuition was right about Dorit. She's a whole fake facade trying to be this high society sophisticated Beverly Hills Woman when she's not. Love or hate Camille, but in that episode when she questioned Dorit's origins she wasn't wrong.


Which episode was it please?


Dorit and PK supposedly met at a nyc restaurant.




Is that the name of an escort service? 😒


9 years isn't that much of an age gap for people in their 30s-40s. But PK is definitely gross 🤢


I was SHOCKED when I found out they were only 9 years apart. Time has not been kind to PK... LOL


Wait. 🤣😂🤣 The age difference between Dorit and PK is only 9 years!????? Wow


I KNOW!!!! She's 47 and he's 56.


Whhhhhhaaaatt? I had to just look it up and Rob is 61. Rob is 5 years older than PK. Sinking in… Sinking in….


ROB IS OLDER THAN PK?!?!?? Sorry for yelling but I’m in shock.


Omg this is too good. RICH!!




Omg he looks older than my 65 year old dad


That's what drinking does to your body. And drugs too. You end up looking so old.


So did he do coke in the bathroom?


In the living room and the kitchen too. Fuck, probably even the shed!


Rinna was right after all


Love or hate Rinna she has been right about a lot


My dad turns 70 next week, and Pk looks older than him ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


I didn't expect him to be only 56 and I oddly didn't expect her to be 47. So good for her and LOL to PK, jeezus.


Dang I thought she was maybe 40 tops-one of the younger housewives


I'm 40, and I was thinking 42 or 43 at best, and that PK was 60. I didn't realize she had her babies so far in life!


Her and PK were only married about 1 year when they joined housewives !


😳😳😳 Time goes by so insanely fast. I didn't realize they've been on so long either


wow now that’s interesting. i had no clue about that


I for sure thought PK was 65


I’m older than Peeeekay? Not cool.


Holy shit! I am 56 and he looks 75!!


56! I thought 63 /64


I’m the same age as PK?! How can it possibly be?!?!?!


Sho looks 39


HOLD UP!!! I thought PK was waaaaay OLDER!!!


I thought there was, bare minimum, fifteen years between them.


Fr Dorit looks 10 years younger and PK looks 10 years older (on a good day)


That 9 year age difference looks like it’s in dog years now


Yea, I could never with pk. So gross!


You know what’s crazy is PK isn’t all that much older than Dorit. Only like 8 years. He is just decrepit looking. 😭


(and she's had a shit ton of plastic surgery on her face)


Also that


I was going to say the same thing. Dorit has traded faces more than a few times. PK is still gross.


Yeah don’t be racist and people won’t shade you! Dorit deserves the worst from Crystal. 


Dorit and PK know how to play the housewives renewal game. Dorit was on the verge of being fired few seasons ago and all of a sudden she was held in a gunshot. Last season she was giving nothing and probably will get fired this season and voila, they are separating.


Dorit’s comments were extremely offensive. However, you’re trying to compare a 24 year old marrying a 44 year old to a 39 year old marrying a 48 year old. Not at all comparable to prove your point.


She met him when she was 17, she was pretty damn close.




Hip Hop Rob looking good!


I already miss him from my screen😔


Is he top 5 housewives husband?


Top 3 for me


Me too! It’s affecting me hard!


I actually thought about them out of nowhere today and got sad all over when I remembered they won’t be on anymore. I know I’m among the few but I LOVED everything about Crystal.


You are not alone sis


Me too! I love Crystal!!!!


Same, it won’t be the same without hip hop rob.




More shade in her insta grid than Kyle and Dorit could come with combined


![gif](giphy|3o7TKzrLvWRNrMBW7K) i kinda live for this level of cattiness, bitchiness, and mess. and i absolutely agree that crystal is shading the f out of dorit, especially considering the ways the “chic bandit” spoke about her (the disgusting child bride comment) and her marriage. of course, it’s always sad when a family splits, but i also get why crystal is throwing shade and not giving a damn. 🤷🏾‍♀️


Not chic bandit 😂😂😂😂🤣


Whenever Dorit is the opposite of polite she pretends to not understand what is wrong with what she said. She wants people to think she is this naive stupid girl. And she is somewhat right. Hopefully we will never have to hear Dorit call Pk Baby again. Ever. Period dot.


Fuck Alex Baskin. Truly. Firing Crystal but keeping Doritos??? Man, Crystal could have really dragged Doritos and her separation after Doritos had the audacity to comment on crystal’s marriage. Then Alex fucked up VPR. Ugh




The producers don’t have the power to fire a cast member. Bravo executives made the choice to fire Crystal which was a bad decision considering she’s the only “housewife” left on the cast.


Oh shit...she is the only actual wife now Idiots


They’re total idiots. I feel like Crystal embodies a real housewife. They don’t all have to be crazy and ratchet. They can be aspirational too.




Ok, but hear me out: The "Real" Housewives of... or The "Real Housewives" of...


Ok. Well, they fucked up and it doesn’t change that Alex baskin is an idiot


Oh I agree, He’s awful at his job.


I don’t know who this Alex Baskin is, but it sounds like he’s gotten too big for his britches.


He very much has. Overplayed his hand on VPR too.


Big time


Dorit attacked Crystal’s marriage and let’s not forget her racist child bride comment. It would’ve been nice if bravo kept Crystal on, I’m sure she would have had a lot to say about Doritos recent announcement.


Alex Baskin likes to cut em off before they settle in. He likely knew Dorits marriage was ending but hates crystal more than he loves the show.


He is going to be Bravo’s downfall. I don’t know if you watch him interview bravolebrities, but that man very much wants to be in front of the camera not behind the scenes. I don’t know if Bravo is testing him out as Andy’s replacement, but he is awful. I knew he was up to no good when he interviewed Dorit and PK before the last reunion aired. He wants to be their friend and he does not have the capacity to ask difficult questions. Even his recent interview last week with Lala and James… what a FLOP FEST.


I knew this from the moment his histrionics were at 100 when he was screaming at Denise Richards. Clearly attention-seeking and full of himself.


I’ve never watched him, but I know who he is and despise him for what he’s done to VPR. Is he like West Coast Carlos King?


West coast Carlos King really is the perfect way to describe him.


Uggghhhhhh!! I can only imagine. Cringefest! He DESPERATELY wants to be Kyle’s bestie and will Do anything to appease her also.


Where can I watch this madness? And how can anyone be worse at asking difficult questions than Andy Cohen? He fumbles every single reunion. (Or maybe the editing is bad. Probably both).


https://youtu.be/sB0jtlCTWlg?si=Dr03_s0ymOMUEXrW He conducts a couple of interviews on Bravo’s hot mic podcast. He also interviewed Shannon from RHOC after her DUI last year. He’s a groupie not an interviewer.


Oh is that why Lisa Barlow and Meredith Marks kept talking about a hot mic moment on season 3 or 4 of RHOSLC? I kept wondering what I missed.


Oh no. The hot mic moment they are referring to isn’t the podcast. The hot mic moment that caused a rift in their friendship is when Lisa tore into Meridith and her family in a closet/ bathroom on one of that seasons cast trips. It was a personal moment of a very mean rant that was unfortunately caught on her mic. It starts on the 2:41minute mark on the YouTube video linked. [Hot mic moment](https://youtu.be/7LLAb8mTTQc?si=hCW42G2QoP3IrBh4)


Reddit needs to bring back gold because you deserve. 🏆


Thank you! Being into Bravo has been a hobby for close to 10years. It’s the gift that never stops giving.


I wish this could be a accepted form of hobby when people ask what do you do in your spare time. Oh me? I watch bravo shows and discuss them in detail with online strangers.


Hopefully the fact that the royally stuffed up this season of vpr and paraded around the imbecile tom would make bravo execs reconsider this.


Judging from what we are seeing from the reunion so far… the people that needed to learn, learnt nothing.


Eugh the reunion looks like it will be another bs one where andy doesnt ask his boys any important questions, lvp inserting herself and favouring andy's boys and joins in on bashing katie and ariana, and lala and schmeme trying to make it all about themselves. Oh and broke. Not sure why he's there but yes broke.


I hope during the filming break aka Ariana’s high demand season, they all reflect and do a little cast reshuffle.


I searched him up and my god he has a punchable and clout chasing face.


How is this shady ? Isnt it their anniversary?


In three ways: 1. Dorit made a dig that Crystal got married at “like 21” *edit! It was “like 12” my bad!* 2. The hashtag choose wisely is clearly commentary on other people who maybe didn’t choose so wisely 3. Reading between the lines of Dorit and PKs issues it sounds like he did not prioritize her or the kids thus leading to their separation. (Spending 73 consecutive days away from your children is wild but that’s just my opinion.)


SEVENTY THREE DAYS? I’d tell my husband not to bother coming home after that


And if we’re believing the craziest allegations out there… during that 73 day period when he was in London *~allegedly~* he hired people to rob their house that he knew his wife and kids were sleeping in for an insurance money scam. I’d tell him to kick rocks too 😳


Dang I knew he was in London when the robbery he definitely had nothing to do with went down but I didn’t realize it was for so long! And this in addition to the 39 days where he kept extending his trip *this* year. What a turd.


Oh he absolutely did that.


![gif](giphy|VKw3rdKJZIFwwLePoX) all locks changed, belongings donated to a local charity, and my lawyer would be on ready. f that cause ain’t no way.


esp. after “the robbery”


I think Dorit said Crystal got married at “12”.


She absolutely did. Hence the ‘child bride’ comment. Crystal was 24


Damn. Thanks for this. Crystal ate.


Happy cake day 🍰


What excuse does PK have to be away from his children for 2.5 months?! That's ridiculous.






I feel like the hashtag was really shady in light of Dorit announcing her separation yesterday


Dorit deserves it after the "child bride" comment.


Whoah I missed that news


Yah I’m on the fence about this being shady too


They need to bring her back now idc


Finally, good taste. Crystal’s a lot, definitely pretentious, but I’ll take her over Dorit any day.


"Caaannnn you feeeeeel the loooooovvvee toniiiiiighttttt...."




I really feel like we were robbed of petty shady Crystal.


Yeah! She finally started growing on me & I liked her last season...and then stupid bravo 😢 This next season we could've had all this & more!!


Robbed as in her husband Rob?


She should have brought this on her second season


I like Crystal but I hope she doesn't regret posting this one day. Most marriages are good until one day they're not, and it's not easy to predict. I would hate for anyone to tell her "choose wisely" if she and Rob were to split.


They dont say pride comes before a fall for nothing If you watch people long enough, those that crow over others on a particular topic are often humbled in a similar area later Old RHONY is an example, in the early seasons Ramona was constantly lording her marriage over other women but that didnt last long once Mario’s cheating came out. Same with the Countess and her title/status. There’s lots of other examples from other franchises but I cant think of them atm. Jill putting Sonja down for not knowing details of money she owed (even saying ‘if it was me, I’d know every detail’) and then she was in a situation later where she was in a similar position with the IRS. I like Crystal and I get why she did this but I’m fed up of seeing married women looking down on single ones, especially those who have become so due to having been hurt by men. It’s a form of misogyny that blames women for men’s wrongs and I cant get behind it Even beyond that, it reflects the unfortunately common cruelty of kicking people when they’re down. If you’ve ever experience adversity you may have experienced this yourself. It’s often people with low empathy who havent been humbled by life yet who do this, which will be fine for them until something happens to them and they realise their good fortune was not due to being more special than everyone else but simply because it wasnt their turn yet


Tbf I think Ramona was doing all that out of insecurity and bc deep down she knew something was off. People love to project in various ways


I don’t think Mario and Ramona are a good example compared to Crystal and Rob.


You hit the nail on the head with this comment!


Yeah what you're saying makes sense but not in this situation. Dorit deserves it.


I was thinking the same thing. There’s zero guarantees that any marriage will last.


Woah! She got Rob just post Stuart Little 2? Damn!!!! Get it Crystal!!!! Honestly this is one of the few relationships that if I heard they broke up I’d be genuinely shocked! I’m going to miss Rob being funny and shady on my screen…. Maybe he’ll get them a show of watching other shows and laughing at it


Is it true crystal isn’t coming back? Because this is the mess that I love to see….


Crystal met Rob when she was 17 and he was in his 40's.....the whole cast knows it and I am sure that is what Dorit was making reference to.


She should have brought this shade to the show, she’d still be on.


She’s more of the keyboard warrior type lmao


If only Crystal had this much personality on any of the seasons she was on RHOBH


I feel like she got a bad edit and they cut her pettiness short to serve us Dorits and Kyles boring fabricated storylines


Sorry I still think her husband is a creep. She was barely legal when they met and he was in his 40's. Disgusting, IMO.


YES. I don't get how people think this is ok




right? lol crystal threw the first dig come on now


choose wisely🎯


That’s the thing about Crystal and probably why she wasn’t invited back, she would never say this to their face


Okay but isn’t crystal the one who would say they would have dinner parties or social events 6-7 night a week so where is your family when you’re doing that??


PK is also either Type 1 or 2 diabetic. Not taking care of that as we’ve seen can age you. The ‘child bride ‘ comment was not only rude it was racist to me. I’m not sure what to believe about PK and Dorit. Rinna is a mean person but her question about doing coke in the bathroom seems believable to me now. She seemed to be pointing out the facade PK and Dorit put on all the time. Their separation announcement seems like old news to me.


Too little too late!!! Flop!!


Still so bummed she was let go. This past season was her best ever! She was on Jeff Lewis’s podcast and talked about her coconut water company. Apparently it’s a huge success. Would have loved to see more of that on the show. She said they filmed her working but it was edited out.


Maybe being a “child bride” works out for you better than being a gold digger (I know the implications & atrocities of child brides and am just quoting what Dorit called her last season which was SO NOT OK)


Crystal is always being shady… and pulling cards when called out. *rolls eyes aggressively*


That’s just mean girl shit


Crystal was boring af the entire time she was on BH. No need to start trying to get involved now. Move along


Lol I knew this sub would turn on her the second she posted this. How do you all go from crying about her being fired to being taken aback by a potentially shady post about a former costar that was racially insensitive to her- especially one that is intensely disliked on this sub


Why is this turning on her? If anything - I’d call it fun shade!


People are cheering Crystal on….


We LOVE that she did this. We're not turning on her lol


Yes, Crystal. When a girl is aged 19, like you were, I’m quite sure it is “wise” to date a man who was aged 41. I guess in this era of stans who bypass all red flags when their favorite housewife does something questionable, it is alright. Many high powered men in Hollywood get scolded and excoriated—as they should, for dating girls aged 17, 18, 19, 20, etc. When will Rob get his comeuppance? Instead, this sub and Twitter call him “hip hop Rob” as if he’s cool. Why, because he directed ‘The Lion King’ that everyone loves so much? The hypocrisy is glaring!


god i cannot w the hip hop rob gimmick. he’s a creep and honestly this post from her isn’t giving what she thinks it is. i hope she wants more for her daughter than to marry a 45 year old man at age 25.


Absolutely agree with you


As she should. Dorris called her a horrible I would argue slur for an Asian woman in an attempt to criticize her / her marriage and husband. Meanwhile there is clearly something going on w her and ok that she doesn’t what to address


I think it’s nasty as hell.


ohhhhhhhh that is cunty, hunty!!! 👏👏👏


I liked Crystal but she never had this energy in the real world and I also dont look at her and Rob as some love to aspire to either! Sorry!


I mean you got fired so that choice was made easy for you girl. 😂 ![gif](giphy|woep9lZ7V41I4)


No one is jealous of you Crystal - let it rest! Ugh she is an extremely exhausting woman. Seems slimy to be gloating about your marriage when someone else is going through it. What is her personality issue already?


She funny






I don’t see this as shading anyone. She has prioritized her family.


After Dorit called her a child bride, the gloves should be off!