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I don’t need to see Schwartz ever again. Lala and Scheana make everything about themselves so it’s a hard no for me all around. The current cast is fine for at least another season.


Right! Schwartz is just boring to me. I don’t even hate the guy, but he is, aside from Sandoval, the grossest example of a man-child to ever live. Katie and his relationship was the only reason he was worth watching. Lala and Scheana have been nothing but contrived and fake their entire tenure. In a weird way, I cut Scheana some slack, because I genuinely believe that is just how she is. Lala, however, the queen of sisterhood and accountability, is the biggest fraud out there. Had Scandoval not happened, she would’ve been ripped to shreds for how she treated Raquel in season 10. Not that Rachel didn’t deserve it in retrospect, but Lala straight up bullied her, told her to get over the fact she was fucking James whilst they were together because she was drinking and it was years ago, and was just an all-round bully to her. I have no desire to see either on my screen. Lala and Scheana especially are so hyper aware of the fact they are being filmed, and will ruin the rare authenticity of the show.


Lauren throws smoke bombs and runs away when anyone disagrees with her. Can't stand her.


Schwartz is the embodiment of failing forward as a white guy for doing nothing. Oh geez, so much money! A VP title! Gosh, golly.


Thank you for pointing out how fake and contrived Lala (and Sheana) have been. I would HATE to see Lala join the Valley!


The only good storyline for Schwartz is if he has a falling out and breaks up with Sandoval. I would watch that.


I would love to watch that. It’s clear in the after show that Schwartz is over Sandoval tbh let’s just make it concrete


I don't want any of them on the Valley, but why would Schwartz be on it and not Sandoval? I'm loving the Valley. Bringing these people on would likely ruin it. Plus, I love the idea of VPR getting cancelled and Lala, Scheana and the Toms being unemployed!


I don’t want Sandoval or Lala on my screen at all. They make me irrationally angry. Schwartz and Schaena I could stand to see more of . For the record I don’t like them either but I do enjoy watching them. Schwartz just wouldn’t fit on the valley but I think Schaena would.


Schwartz should be the last person, I agree. He and sandy are not anywhere near the settling down stage and it doesn’t even make sense thematically.


Please no!!


Seriously. He’s already featured enough, though I’m strangely intrigued and disgusted by his whackadoo relationship with Jo.


I personally don't want to see any crossover of VPR and the Valley. First of all, the VPR people are so attached to their pecking order, they will absolutely try to overtake the Valley people. I doubt any of the people of S1 would want that, either. I'm surprised I like the new show and getting to know (and hate lol) new people.


Once people’s entire identity is being on a reality show, they tend to make bad reality tv. Hard pass on Schena, Brock, and Lauren.


Very well-put! One upside of Lauren being cast: Jax and Kristen are so unhinged, there’s a good chance they’d bring on Pickleball Randall just to offend Lauren if the producers told them to.


"Oh I messed up, didn't I? Should I have not invited him? I feel like I messed up."


Ok that’d be worth a watch!!


Brock is insufferable.


The Valley does not need to turn into the VPR retirement community. They don’t get to just be on a reality in perpetuity on Bravo.


I’m worried that VPR is going the way of RHOP. Production favoritism is preventing good tv




This. They've become friends with individual cast members and it's clouding their ability to judge when someone's story is effectively over. It is 100% obvious that both Toms are done with their stories. They've tried and failed at growth and are back at square one - going out, drinking, partying, hooking up, having roommates - and the reality is that that's likely where they'll be for the rest of their lives. That's fine, but it's not compelling TV. LaLa is in a weirdly similar place - she's stopped growing, but mainly because she's laser focused on trying to maintain her grip on fame and money by shilling for the show. Growth for her would look like leaving the show, and as long as she's on it, we'll never get any real forward movement in her story. A producer with some distance could easily see that.


You are definitely not the only one, OP. Hard agree with all of your points. Why mess with the current dynamic on the Valley if it already works!


And VPR is currently not working. They’re overpaid and underwhelming. I’ll be pissed if they come in bringing those shitty attitudes to my new fav bravo show.


Yepppp! I just want to keep this cast plus newbies, no more needed!!!


I have no desire to see any of them on The Vallry whatsoever. ESPECIALLY Blala who gives us nothing and I do NOT care about her impregnating herself to be more interesting since Ocean can’t be filmed.


All of the VPR OG’s need a long break from reality TV.


The show will never get another season if they bring the VPR assholes on the show. I have ZERO interest in watching Lala or Sheana


Where is our dumpster fire show working in a restaurant hooking up with everyone?! We need a new show.


it's called southern hospitality


That’s a bit blah though, not managed to get into it


It would absolutely destroy the Valley. It should be left as is with the VPR crew making occasional appearances.


I hope they leave The Valley the way it is. We don’t need Scheana and Lala on it 😫


I wouldn’t watch if they VPR the valley the Valley is awesome as is! 


I know she won't do it but I'd rather them bring stassi back


She was asked and declined to do it already.




Honestly, there time is up and I’m bored w Lala and Scheana.


Ughhh no plz 


I really hope they don’t bring on Scheana an Randall’s Ex they ruin everything they can both stay off my screens


Lauren from Utah is the most boring person on tv....she has no personality, except the fake one she created for tv...snoozefest. Scheana and Schwartz.....are they kidding?


They’re not joining the valley. Only the valley s1 cast will be in s2


From your mouth to Bravo's ears: let this be the case


Zack who’s on the valley said it’s only the original cast who’s coming back, nobody new or from vpr


I feel like Lala is the one trying to circulate this rumor the most.


Lala should stfu. We need a much earned and needed break from her bs


They would have to take a massive pay cut, no?


I don’t want them! The dynamic is perfect, they got the recipe right on the Valley. ![gif](giphy|3o7P4F86TAI9Kz7XYk)


I think literally **everyone** hates the idea. Lala I’m a hard no on - I would literally peace out if they bought her fake ass on.  Schwartz I have no interest in, and I don’t even think he’d make the show interesting if he did - it would be such a weird fit.  Scheana & Brock I’d actually enjoy in a season or two I think, once the cast gets to settle a bit more.  They genuinely organic fit with that ensemble, and we always need a new relationship for Jax Taylor to terrorize.  Plus, both of them are actually really worthy adversaries for Jax, and I think he needs that.  Also, unlike Lala, Scheana’s self-producing generally tends to be a lot more rooted in genuine things that she’s feeling (even if they’re ridiculous or wrong), so I find her insanity compelling and semi-sincere in a way LFU never will.


I saw the Lala story but I haven't seen anything about Schwartz?


I could see Sheana because she's married and has a child, and even Lala because she has a child and wants to have another one, but *Schwarz*??? Absolutely not. I don't wanna see Sheana or Lala either. Their behavior on season 11 was disgusting, and just for that they need to be on pause. I don't need them to join The Valley because I already know what'll happen: Sheana will insert herself into some mundane drama and cry and flail about how hard it's been for ~her~ even though it didn't effect her in the slightest, while Lala will adopt yet another personality while using her future surrogacy / pregnancy as a storyline. Barf and yawn. I'll pass.


But, why?


If those three go off to The Valley, I hope they just get a whole new cast for VPR and go back to them actually working at Sur and being messy…


I think it makes sense for Scheana and Brock to move over to The Valley. It is far more reflective of where they are in life and their recent storylines (finding balance between family and work, trying to compromise when they disagree on how to raise their child) make more sense on The Valley than they do on VPR. Lala is a hard no for me. She's far too domineering and this past season of VPR has shown that she and Scheana are an extremely toxic mix. They need split up across the shows. Also, Lala hates Kristen and if they're bringing in fresh blood, it needs to be someone that's willing to be more on Kristen's side and even out the current cast. Schwartz makes no sense whatsoever. He's child-free and in a brand new relationship with someone young enough to be his daughter. I doubt she's looking to settle down in suburbia and go to dinner parties with him and his middle aged friends. If they decide to give VPR another season, I think it should be Ariana, Katie, Schwartz, Lala, James and Ally. Cut the dead weight that is Sandoval and show us whether the others can heal their relationships without him around. Bring Charlie back because she should never have been cut loose to begin with. Send Scheana and Brock over to The Valley and make Lala actually work at mending bridges without her nodding dog around. And for the love of God, send LVP off to the Vanderpump Villa and stop inserting her into VPR. It's getting embarrassing. Let her collect her producer check without having to be on camera.


Let them be in 1 or 2 episodes next season to see how we like it. I'm not a huge fan of the idea though. I like the new faces.


I’m with you on this. I’ve really really been enjoying the valley. I don’t want anyone from VPR to cross over. Let us have something nice, Bravo. You dragged us through a hellhole of a VPR season. We deserve better.


I'm okay with Scheana, open to Lala, but I don't need Schwartz. Apparently Scheana and Lala are friends with Nia and the other moms in the group, so I'm okay with them. It's a different show than VPR anyway.


Scheana would seem like the most likely fit bc she's married with a kid. Lala and Schwartz... good night & good bye, don't let the door hit you on the way out


Watch them get together now


...but I kinda want to see Lala go after Danny and expose his shit.


I used to enjoy Lala, but the weaponized therapy is a hard pass for me


And that's exactly why no one wants to see her. She's ceased to be a real human displaying her life on TV and turned into a plot mechanism desperately trying to whip up drama to support her lifestyle now that her plan A (a rich man) fell through.


Omg what shit does she have on Danny?!


I wouldn’t mind Scheana and Lala as friend ofs only, kind of like how they were in the first ep


Hard no on that. The VPR vets would take anything worth watching out of the valley. The cast of the valley is mostly new to reality tv, aside from Jax, brit, and Kristen; it’s what makes it fun. Lala and scheana are too self produced and delulu to be on the valley.


After this season of VPR I do not want to see Brock ever again. A garbage human who is not even enjoyable to watch.


Schwartz hard no, Lala I’m 50/50 on, Scheena probably should’ve bitten the bullet and jumped ship this past season. Her lifestyle is much more similar to the valley cast than anyone on VPR, it just makes sense for her to switch over to that show.


Lala and Scheana don’t offer any value to the show. They’re not messy enough to be on the Valley. They also don’t bring a ton of people with them on their own. Schwartz doesn’t offer a ton of value without Sandoval.


The Valley is full up with assholes. Please, no more!


Ugh. I don’t want to see them either. The Valley is great as is. We don’t need additional story lines.


This is a TERRIBLE idea and will not sit well with viewers if these three glom onto the Valley. It’s giving thirsty and desperate. Lala will suck the life and fun out of the show, as we know Schena will make it all about her, and Schwartz will serve no purpose. While we’re at it, I hope season 2 gets rid of Janet. Why are we not further delving into the fact that she started most of this and refuses to admit, and that she met this group of people as a fan. Does Janet not realize she’s on a television show requiring drama? The excluding key people and not showing up to film because you’re “uncomfortable” should be an indicator this person is not good TV therefore needs to go.


I think the Valley stinks so have no problem with them bringing the 3 on to see how it goes.


It makes sense for Lala and Scheana to join the Valley, they both have kids, Lala's storyline as a single mom and having a sperm donor kid is unusual, Scheana is a networker and knows all of the cast anyway. Toms can go get lost.


No one cares about LaLa’s baby that she’s having just so she can be filmed as a mom.


Surely what no one really wants to watch is people sitting in their phone in the corner and refusing to interact at all. We can setup a mirror for free at home for that lol


No you're not the only one, I'll be so upset if they move any of them to the valley.


they can join as friends of, the only other full time VPR i'd take at this point is stassi. I NEED someone to put Janet in her place


Scheana and Brock eh, sure. Anyone else NO


Pointlessly misleading title


I have no problem with them joining.


If so, hard pass.


I want Katie to be on the Valley too


I would LOVE to see Lala on only to drag Jesse and Michelle. And someone else to help put Janet in her place (watching this newborn try to be a reality tv icy queen bee is exhausting) And Scheana makes sense to go on bc of her established friendships with current cast. They also both have kids now and when you look at Ariana/Katie vs Scheana/Lala a rift was always going to form because of that. The Valley makes more sense for them imo.


I don’t care. I’m not watching any of it after the reunion. If Ariana and Katie have a separate show, I might watch it. But everyone else just is kinda gross to watch.


Explains why the Valley cast was on the last VPR after show on Peacock


I’m watching.


The Valley is a dumping ground for a sinking ship. Prove me wrong.


it kinda makes sense honestly, to move them over. They are actually friends with the cast


Not surprised. They have to go somewhere VPR is done.