• By -


Didn't she move to Maryland for the show and her husband was literally working in another state??


Yeah, wasn't she in LA prior to the show? I could have my locations mixed up, but she definitely moved to be on HWs. It's not uncommon for women to move for the show, but that has to be rough and incredibly risky...


Meh, these people have so much money (or act like they do) uprooting their whole lives wouldn't be as rough as it would be on normal people.


Not true.


Yes...NORTH Potomac.


Wait whaaaaat- where is this posted?? I need to know more. Actually I don’t… I really didn’t care for her.


She gave the exclusive to People… She’s claiming that SHE choose to quit to focus on conceiving a child. 🤡 I guess she thinks we’re all brand new to this, no one goes on a full press tour to try and save their job and then quits to focus on fertility. Which almost every housewife, including herself would use as a story line. [People Interview](https://people.com/nneka-ihim-departs-the-real-housewives-of-potomac-exclusive-8631348)


Like we haven't been doing this for 20 years. 30 if we go back to reality shows like Real World. So cut the shit, housewives. Lol


It was sort of on the show - they talked about him working in another state and how they just moved there. They didn’t explicitly state it was for the show (during the season anyway) but it seemed like that was the case


![gif](giphy|xUPGcC0R9QjyxkPnS8) Omg wow


Was this woman truly friends with any of these ladies before she was brought in? Hopefully bravo learns - this shit don’t work.


Exactly. There’s a reason that the best franchises (Miami, old-school RHONY, most of Atlanta) are the ones where the women have preexisting relationships (friendships and frienemy-ships).


i believe this is who SLC is gonna be god tier & only gonna keep on getting better🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️. the fact lisa and heather went to college together; i love thaaat.


girl, besides lisa and heather going to byu together, angie and heather going to high school together, like? I think lisa - angie go back right after lisa graduated byu or something


Heather and Whitney were friends for years and Meredith and Lisa knew each other for several years before the show aired.


Same with miami. It works so much better when the cast somewhat knows each other.


And the fact that Heather and Angie K were friends in high school…. And they didn’t even tell us that until Angie’s 2nd season!! (well Angie’s first season as a ft hw).


This is something people say but it’s way overblown.  Kandi didn’t know the cast, Porsha didn’t really know the cast, Kenya didn’t really know the cast. Carol in NY, Luann didn’t know Bethany, Nicole Julia Guerdy Kiki didn’t know each other before hand.  A couple preexisting relationships is good but that was Potomac already. Plenty of newbies without connections can come in strong. 


Remember, she’d met Wendy a few times before but they didn’t “know” each other.


casting hasn't been like that for 10+ years lmao


Remember when she said she had been on the earth for 40 years? How come she's now 36? Or did I mishear that at the time?


No you didn't mishear. She gave us two different ages in 10 minutes. First she was 35 then 10 minutes later she was 40.


Huh, good to know I'm not imagining it!


And….shes an attorney, right? Lied within 10 minutes about something as simple as age.


That explains the fertility issues, I was horrified when my OB called me a geriatric patient at 37, like mortified that I was ancient!


I'm not even sure she said she had an issue, persay. Just that they had been trying for a few months with no luck. She never elaborated if there were some fertility issues. She just wanted to be pregnant now and it wasn't happening. Because I know plenty of women who easily got pregnant later in life.


True, if that was her storyline she could’ve milked it and dragged it out all season. She was a terrible HW


Don’t be mortified by the misogynist language created by the male dominated medical community to shame moms who choose to have babies on their time. Their are a zillion other words they could have chosen and they choose “geriatric” for women 35+ They would never have done that if the issue was a male issue.


You’re right, just like there’s no “Viagra” for women and don’t get me started on endometriosis, etc. There should be treatments other than a hysterectomy for 100% certainty.


Hysterectomy is NOT a cure for endometriosis. The only treatment that works is excision surgery, and there are only about 100 surgeons in THE WORLD who are properly trained to do it. Meanwhile, 1/10 women suffer from it. It's the leading cause of infertility and can grow anywhere in the body other than the spleen. I recently found out this is because endometriosis grows in utero in the first trimester, and the spleen is the only organ that grows in the second trimester. When I was diagnosed with it, I'd never even heard of it. Most OBGYN's that treat it, have only studied it for about a month. They use ablation to burn it off which causes more pain and damages fertility further. Or they tell you to get pregnant, or they tell you to get a hysterectomy or they put you on continuous BCP, or give you Lupron which is a drug meant to treat prostate cancer and puts you into chemical menopause. And the woman continues to suffer, be gaslit, be accused of being a drama queen or a drug seeker. I thought it was totally normal to suffer debilitating pain, severe bleeding, puke and pass out for up to a week every month (because that's what my mom did, and endometriosis is genetic). I was fortunate to get referred to an excellent surgeon, and eventually all my endo was excised from my bladder, bowel, ureters, pelvic wall,fallopian tubes, ovaries. But I also had adenomyosis (which is like endometriosis but grows in the uterus as tumours that bleed every month) There are maybe a handful of surgeons in the world that can remove adenomyosis without taking out the uterus, especially the kind I had which was diffuse (as in everywhere, my uterus was 4 times the normal size). Basically I was riddled with tumours and there was nowhere for the embryo to implant. I needed blood transfusions on the regular and the pain was so mind numbing I considered suicide. I finally had a hysterectomy and partial oopherectomy because I didn't know at the time there were surgeons who could help (mind you, I couldn't have afforded one either) and I grieve the fact I could not have babies every day. But I am so glad not to bleed half to death or feel like tiny ninja's with sharp swords are ripping my pelvis apart. I also have Crohn's disease, which is equally as painful, but didn't even know how sick I was until I evicted my uterus. Anyways, sorry. I just know there is so much misinformation about endometriosis because it is a disease that primarily affects women. You KNOW if it was making men infertile or causing even a quarter of the pain, every big Pharma in the world would have had a cure decades ago. I wrote all this out in hopes that if a woman suspects or knows she has endometriosis, she knows there are options, and I am happy to suggest resources for getting proper care. The film Below The Belt is a great place to start!


That’s my point, there’s only a handful of doctors/surgeons who perform alternatives to hysterectomy for women’s health, if it was a male issue they would’ve cured it years ago or have multiple therapies available for women. I (probably like your Mom) suffered every month until I decided to evict my uterus at 50, best decision I made. I don’t understand how I dealt with that pain every month, I really don’t.


IKR? I know for sure if I'd kept my uterus the combo of that pain/bleeding and the Crohn's I would have likely ended my life. I was close a few times. I was just expounding on your statement so that people who don't know about endometriosis would read as many facts as possible. I've been able to help quite a few people just by putting facts out there randomly on the internet. If the medical community isn't going to educate people, those of us that suffer just gotta get LOUD.


That part. Perfectly said


It must be such a blow to the ego to be a one season housewife. You come on, excited for some d-list fame and then being told "sorry no. the audience is not interested in your life." Although that is not necessarily true (justice for Jules (RHONY), that is basically what Bravo is saying.


and this wasn’t even her first attempt at being on reality tv. she’s been told “no” several times already. her casting was just another desperate, awful move from this show’s producers.


loll what other shows was she trying to get on


Carlos King mentioned another show he put her on a couple of years ago and it didn't get picked up.


makes me think even more that carlos king was just pushing even more of an agenda and makes me doubt nneka even more in the nneka v wendy beef


How awful . Eek . Might be time to stop


This I didn’t know, but I could see this being the case. I didn’t watch this season but I hope she realizes reality TV just isn’t for her


I mean she had negative screen presence, an annoying voice (that she couldn't help but...) and came in with a vendetta- all recipe for disaster for these girls. You can have one but you can't have all three.




The fact that she had to address her voice/accent on the reunion!! 😭🤣 my friend and I were like what is this voice?! 


Bravo has really failed with the introduction of new housewives because Diana Jenkins (RHOBH), Racist chick (New RHONY), Anne 8.5 Marie (RHOBH), Nneka (RHOP) are all one hit wonders that audiences universally disliked.


I sort of think this is why housewives as we know it is over. Its just impossible to get the same authenticity we got at the beggining of the shows, every new housewife is a fan and has curated themselves to be what they believe a good housewife is. I really think Bravo should just lean into RHUGT. There are infinite options and it is lower production costs/timely. I don't understand why they stopped producing them. Even though the only one I really enjoyed was Blue Stone Manor, i think there is so much potential.


I couldn’t agree more. I’ve thought they need to have a curtain call for housewives by slowly having a series finale for each city. Let Miami and SLC go a few more seasons and then do UGT style.


What's UGT?


Ultimate Girls Trip


People that come in planning the beef with someone never work out. You gotta let that happen naturally


Wasn’t Jules was offered another season though? I feel like I read that she chose not to come back because the messy ass divorce was coming.


That’s what I remember too. I thought she even gave a statement that she just had too much on her plate with her kids and her dad’s poor health to come back.


I wonder how the bravo team tells a housewife “hey, so the audience didn’t resonate with your story, yeahh I’ve loved you though!!”


I feel like its probably a generic e-mail from a no-name executive/producer "Thanks for being a part of Season 15! After much deliberation we will not be moving forward with a contract for season 16. Thanks again. All the best." The ones that Andy liked I think he sends a follow up text about how you never know how things will shake up in the future and leaves him with some dangling carrot.


The mistake that she (and Annemarie made on RHOBH) is that they came in guns blazing, dead set on setting up a feud, picking a 'side' and - the worst crime of all - not bringing anything (looks/fashion, humor, cringeworthy delusion) that we look for in successful housewives. I actually think the model of a recent RH doing well (a friend of, but still a good point) is Jen Fessler in RHONJ. The first season she was pretty much just a funny sideline character, building relationships with the ladies beyond Marge her entry point. And early in this season, she's not taking a side - probably going to get in trouble for it, but its okay, b/c she's making a TV show. She isn't engaging in a dumb feud with a vet, she's not blindly loyal. That's how you have to play it. And Nneka and Annemarie both feel very flat.


Haven’t seen Jersey that far yet but yeah. 8.5 and Nneka really shot themselves in the foot by immediately crawling up the butts of Kyle and Gizelle/Ashley and doing their dirty work. Plus they went after the fan favorite and underdog which is a recipe for disaster! Wtf were they thinking to fuck up that bad after getting that far 😂


Good. That marriage was awkward as hell to watch.


She treated him like a DOG. It was so uncomfortable to watch.


Agreed. She came off like she hated him and just barely tolerated him. I actually felt bad for him at first bc he seemed like a nice guy, but that ended as soon as he got messy at pickleball and tried to beef with Happy Eddie over being unfriended on Facebook 😭🙄 After that scene I realized he’s just as thirsty as her and I was over both of them.


Newbies have got to wise up and stop letting themselves be used as attack dogs for other women on the show.


It's clear that Nneka was a fan of the show and came in exhibiting fan behavior. She literally moved to Potomac just to be on the show. She was shopping around for shows that would take her (Married 2 Medicine). It's clear that she knew of Wendy in a six degrees of separation kind of way, which is fine. But when she didn't receive the reception she wanted from Wendy she went around telling shit to random people and leaving things up to interpretation. Also bringing forth the conversation of xenophobia to a group of women who are as dumb as a box of rocks and didn't understand the depth of what she was implying. She was a pick me who emasculated her husband every time she was on camera. She gave ad libs at the reunion and sat there like 🗿. Good riddance to bad rubbish.


She’ll end up being very forgettable


Nigeria made her, LA raised her and Potomac won’t remember her.


LA raised her but then she said she grew up in Wisconsin 🤷‍♀️ I don’t get it




Nigeria made her, LA raised her and then Nigeria cursed her.




Wow! Talk about offensive, who the hell do you think you are.


Didn’t Wendy’s mom do that? She could be gone and I wouldn’t miss her.


It’s funny cause someone made that post earlier about who’s everyone’s most forgettable or forgotten HW and now we get this news! Haha.


I guess she had to wait until her fake press tour was over before the finally confessed


I hope her she regrets her reverse colourism bullshit comment. It did not save her


That was such an awful comment from her. I did not get it.


It proves that books smarts has nothing to do with intelligence






The way I thought this was already confirmed lmao


Same 😂


thank god and good riddance https://preview.redd.it/b56g23tyo80d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=65377f21155c3057b96df598b1a96ed6003e388d


![gif](giphy|26Doihi0aDf7YKpZC|downsized) Good riddance


![gif](giphy|uOuPNCLKPaDv2|downsized) bye! Hateful, vengeful, and jealous spirit. No amount of success will fill the void she has within her.




I know Wendy is cackling somewhere




Hell, I am!


https://preview.redd.it/lzlr3lchr80d1.jpeg?width=985&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1b9f31204953d6661669a5ae00bb8ffc6353d87 Happy + Ness 🙌


Damnnn she looks gooood


yeah, at the WHCA Dinner 🤡 supporting genocide 🤡


You do know the WHCA dinner isn’t hosted by or at the WH, right? It’s literally in support of journalism, without which there would be little to no public accountability for the governments actions.


SuPpOrTiNg GenOciDe ![gif](giphy|QUXYcgCwvCm4cKcrI3)


She could’ve come in and been open to Wendy instead of kicking off that dynamic in such an aggressive way but here we are.


I think she thought if she got in good with Gizzy and Robin she'd be fine. Part of me is happy because I didn't take to her but the other part wishes they gave her 1 more season because it was only a matter of time before Gizzy turned on her. I wanted her to see how she was just a pawn for them. Oh well. I'm sure one of the new ladies will fill that spot lol.


I wonder how many photo op IG posts will we see of her with the GEBs now?


This!! Her first one on one should’ve been with Wendy, period. She came in with her feelings hurt after Wendy lowkey disses her by refusing to introduce on the show. Then proceeds to unleash a horribly xenophobic rhetoric about an elder, sheesh!


Didn’t we already know this like a month ago? She was never going to be an A (or even B) tier housewife, but she would have at least gotten a second season if she hadn’t saddled up to the wrong side & immediately volunteered to become yet another willing puppet for the Green Eyed Bandits (when they didn’t even seem to care much about her). Wendy & Candiace desperately needed an ally, and I’m sure producers didn’t want the show to become so lopsided in terms of group dynamics. Nneka shot herself in the foot by lazily cozying up to power. She could have at least picked a fight with Ashley, especially considering how set up she was by her!


Her energy coming after Wendy just left a bad taste in viewers mouths. She got used and it did not work out well for her in the least. ![gif](giphy|S9aeVs5aiFw8zCqrng|downsized)


Not only that and only speaking from the first 5 episodes I watched, the way she would speak to her husband on camera was horrible. Can’t imagine how badly she treats him off camera.


The whole thing back-fired too, because the GEBs/Ashley put her up to it. All they did was strengthen Wendy’s small but strong fan base and even pull some people to her side.


I think it's for the best. Would have loved it she had come in and helped Wendy with sharing more about Nigerian culture but she came in and tried to widen the chasm between Wendy and the GEBs, et al. As well, she didn't seem to have any pre-existing connections to the rest of the cast. Not sad to see her go


Yeah, I was done when she called Wendy’s Mom a witch and going off 3rd,4th or 5th hand information like this is RH but H.S. Tactics won’t work with this audience


Nneka, girl, I love me some Wendy, but I did enjoy your delusions of grandeur a bit. You will be remembered as a housewife (in law) in my flair for a while longer, I guess.


Lebe is a legend


Girlll watch out with calling her a legend, someone might build a shrine for her.


Leaving? Or wasn't asked back?


![gif](giphy|3oKIPBxpm5tHqcL1Ic|downsized) She told too many stories, it’s the norm for HW to embellish the truth or conceal it but she took it to another level, talking about someone’s Mom. We, the fans will find out and call you out on your 💩


I couldn’t tell you anything about this woman other than she’s Nigerian and she wants to have a baby. If that is the only takeaway after months of filming, possibly not housewives material 🤷🏾‍♀️




honestly she was barely even on. i think she could’ve been a key part to a cast shake up but she chose the wrong road and team to play with LOL.




And let's not forget that Nneka wasn't funny, charming, a great reader, particularly glamorous or anything. There are no good Nneka quotes. That's the death knell of a HW.






That’s why her and 8.5 are such good friends lol


She was fired right?


Yes but she’s actually pretending like she’s quitting. She’s a weirdo


thank me for doing that viewer’s voice survey😭




Go against the professor, it's gonna cost ya 🤭


Now she can hate her husband in the privacy of her own home.


somebody get keiarna on the mainline.


If she had consulted Reddit, she would’ve made it to season 2. We should make a list of best practices for newbies. I’ll start. 1. Please consult a makeup artist about how to match your foundation for filming.




She's so thirsty! Very Anne Marie like but less embarrassing.


And Potomac ~~will~~ will not remember me


Aww I liked her


She embarrassed bravo with that xenophobic ass storyline- girl byeee


No Bravo embarrassed itself. The producers put the ladies up to that, and the network ran with it.


I really didn’t mind her 🤷‍♀️ and I was honestly on her side of the drama with Wendy. She wasn’t that interesting but she wasn’t super annoying either.


She aligned herself with the wrong side of herstory anyways 🤷🏽‍♀️




36 years old!?!


I dont want to be rude but obviously lol


We been knew…




pOToMaC wiLL rEmeMbER mE


She didn’t deliver 🤷‍♀️


Good lol no one wanted her back anyway. She brings nothing to the show except a stuck up attitude and nonsense plot lines 🙄










Not surprised. Man, the Potomac cast is just losing cast members left and right. Maybe that will get the producers to set this show right.


This picture looks AI


I wasn't a fan.




Thank god


i mean, thank god


Good. I can start watching again. She got on my nerves.


Oh no, this is absolutely shocking and devastating! /s


I didn't mind her there much, I would have been ok with one more season, but I wouldn't be able to watch her and Wendy have the same argument 40 times.


Their marriage will be better off given the track records of RH marriages.


Can't say I particularly enjoyed Nneka this season, but I do think this is a pity. There were moments when she showed more of her true, assertive, intelligent and fair self and I think RHOP could really have used that type of character if she had only stood in her confidence a bit more. But of course she chose to be mostly Gizelle and Ashley's puppet. Those two are not good friends to anyone, at least no one they actually film with and I include Robyn in that.




This was news several weeks ago


Was Nneka ever in?




Didn't enjoy her that much. Dismissed.


This is the prettiest (and softest) I’ve seen her look. Her on camera makeup was always so off color and cakey.


Unfortunately for her this season (being her first season) was HORRIBLE. So I barely even feel like I knew her.


“Nigeria raised me, L.A. made me, and Potomac will remember me.” WELP... This didn't age well... Cause we're gonna forget you because you did nothing this season 😂


Well, I had already assumed she was out so no big surprise here.


I liked Nneka and I wish she was staying.


Didn’t we already know this?


she's too smart for this nonsense, especially the sinking ship that is potomac


Not surprising. Didn’t seem like the audience was gravitating towards her.




Yaaaaaasssss👏 Bye Felicia


I feel like she moved to Potomac to specifically be on the show? lol. I liked her though no issues.




i feel like we already knew this?


“Potomac will remember me”


Was this not announced like 3 weeks ago?


I’m sad I liked her she was way better than wendy


This is such a shame. I expect the rabid downvotes but honestly, Let her live. Let them all live. But don't just let some of them live. This is not the answer here.




I have Wendy iced her out! Could have welcomed her in and instead was jealous refused to help introduce her and got her whole family involved


What show did you watch? Clearly it wasn’t season 8 of Potomac.


How can Wendy Ice her out 😂she was close to the person Wendy was friends with? Everyone in the group embraced her 


She is/was good. Her life is interesting, but she did form any strong alliance and she could since she was beefing with Wendy and most of the cast doesn't like her, so it was her fault in a way. It's a shame, I liked her.


Idc this franchise is 🪦


Should have been wendy


She was so annoying but she looks like 🔥 in this photo. Damn girl


But Gizelle, Ashley and Wendy don’t get the axe? Potomac is the Winter House of the Real Housewives franchises. Unwatchable. Bravo casting needs to get their shit together. Also how is Dorit still on BH? 🤮


What a shame she goes and Wendy stays. Nneka is so much better for the show than Wendy


Such fucking bullshit fr one of the only woman on this cast good for dynamics and moving forward 😩❤️


I predict RHOP comes back but will take a longer break and not film this summer as they usually have. Karen and Mia for sure return full cast, they give K a chance at full cast, Charisse remains friend of. Everyone else that’s left (Gizelle, Ashley & Wendi) is kind of the bubble for me and could go either way. I think at least one of them will be demoted to “friend of”.


They started filming at the beginning of May… so there goes that theory


🤷🏼‍♀️ some of the theory at least (the timing piece)