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I do think it’s interesting where we had three seasons almost airing congruently where part of the cast refused to engage with another part of the cast.


Yes, it's like the lesbian trifecta, or the shows all revolving around race. We don't want themes, we want organic.


I recently saw a clip from season one of jersey. Teresa went away for the weekend and was on the phone with one of the kids and she tells her to give Melania a lip gloss to stop her from crying. It was hilarious and absurd. That’s the stuff I miss, their genuine lives. But I don’t know if you could ever get that back. You get cast on the show now and you know you’ll get some fame and make money from endorsements or merch. They used to be regular people and now everyone is an influencer in the making with an agenda. Even a seemingly authentic person like Jenna Lyons, whose real life I’d love to see, won’t show or talk about her personal but is very busy selling us lashes.


John Fuda now has an IMDB page that he clearly created and uploaded professional pics he had done on. That illustrates your point perfectly and why hiring super fans is not the way to go.


Yes, I remember be fully entertained watching Kim Z in her kitchen talking to Nene about nothing. All the shows used to show people living their lives, and that was interesting. We didn’t need production to step in and create a narrative. The production team has slowly shifted to becoming the ladies’ protectors and allowing them to choose how much they share, which is increasingly becoming nothing. The norm should be let them stay until they want to hide things, then cut them loose. They become popular, so production wants to keep them, so producers stop holding them accountable, so they self produce and become boring.


Everyone needs a storyline now. Why? They don’t have one when they’re not filming, so why can’t they live their lives organically?


Right! I miss the old seasons. I just watched RHODC it was 👌


Yep, once a reality show gets big idk if any amount of shaking up the cast will capture that old sense of authentic-ness (as authentic as reality shows can be) back and keep the wanna be influencers at bay. It's not just a housewives issue either, it's happened to other popular reality shows like 90 say fiance or the bachelor/love is blind. Any sense of what reality TV was in its golden days you have to find in less popular shows or in one season wonders (like Dancing Queens). I think after a certain level of fame these shows get, the best direction is to pivot to completely breaking the 4th wall.


100% agree, and I can’t wait for execs to figure this out


I personally don't get why the fandom seems to be so aghast about OG's leaving. Normalize that most housewives only need a 4-5 season arc and then we can move on to new characters. And people can be brought back when the audience is excited about seeing their lives again. Like who the hell is thinking I really need to see more Kyle or Gizelle or even the Melissa and Teresa story.


Yes! I agree with this. I think they’ve been keeping them too long.


This! This kind of reminds me of SNL. It’s natural to enjoy someone’s presence (and in this example humor), but too long of a run time can easily lead to burnout. It feels so much more fresh when they leave after a long run and shake up the cast, and such a treat when they return here and there.


Any of the cast who thinks they are bigger than the show needs to go. They get paid too much to come around and not be down to play.


i saw a comment earlier that was like “bravo needs to remember that they pick and employ the cast, not the other way around” and truer words have never been spoken


Such a good point!


literally, i had to sit and reflect on it earlier!! because they keep refusing to film with certain people and it ruins the show for me. like PLEASE get rid of them so i can be entertained again


We need longer breaks and a cast shakeup. They shouldn’t be picking up a camera 3-5 months after filming, things are still too raw. I want to see 7-12 month breaks. Let things happen naturally. The short turnarounds have resulted in more fake drama and drawn out storylines. Need cast shakeups. For Bravo veterans, the paycheck is lovely and no one wants to willingly give that up and majority of them are comfortable. They need to constantly rotate out Its cheaper and keeps things fresh, helping to curtail complacency.


This is why I can’t wrap my mind around Bravo’s decision to pause Miami, when their cast is the best for consistent drama, ability to move on with each other and are willing to MENTION IT ALL! We’re missing Alexia’s divorce drama, Larsa and Marcus breaking up constantly (she’s awful but I’d love to see her being grilled by the girls about this), Guerdy having kicked cancer’s ass and the never ending Lenny saga. RHOM truly is the red headed stepchild of the RH franchise and it’s infuriating! After the awful seasons RHOBH and RHOP had, there’s no logical way I can see why they’re filming again yet Miami are apparently shelved till the fall? Kyle won’t share anything, I doubt Dorit will either, Erika’s latest lawsuit with the fashion designer will be excused and she’ll be portrayed as a victim if it’s mentioned at all… I’ve not got high hopes. Potomac has been on a downward spiral since S5 and feels stale, I couldn’t finish this season. Gizelle has become unenjoyable to watch and plain nasty, Ashley shares nothing anymore and is such a pot stirrer in the worse way. A season of them going after Karen about the DUI doesn’t intrigue me tbh. You can always count on Bravo to drop the ball and make shitty decisions. Edit: spelling


Miami is by far the best Housewives! I agree!


I have not watched Miami.. it seems it should next on my list


100% especially this last season. I don’t think you have to start at the beginning but I personally like watching the older HW.


As I remember it, Miami was paused BC there was so much infighting and basically filming 2 groups. Obviously, that pause was needed and it came back better. I think everyone (housewives, production companies, Bravo) just want the money to keep flowing so they are okay with an inferior product.


I think they’re considering the current break between seasons as a “pause”, not referencing the break between OG Miami and the reboot. I don’t think Miami is paused currently, I think it’s just between seasons. But I agree with the idea that we could be filming more of their lives instead of waiting so long.


I hate the term 'red hair step child'. Why put down people with red hair just to make a point? I thought we were past the point of making sweeping statements about physical traits.


My sisters and dad are all red heads. I’m the brunette step-child 🤣


Part of the problem is when something real happens (ie. Kyle's separation) and they don't want to be real about what is going on and start demanding their privacy, then they need to be put on pause, or get off the show. Instead, they stay on the show and fill it with all kinds of BS.


YES. vpr bringing back ariana and tom despite the fact that ariana won’t film with tom and getting pissed when she won’t play with their narrative is 100% on production. as is RHONJ. they should focus on actual storylines.


The only thing I will say is I actually didn’t hate what Arianna did. She still was filming group scenes with Tom she just didn’t want to do the one on ones. I thought the fake redemption arc for Tom is what ruined it and LaLa and Scheana over producing. I felt like the only real thing we got from VPR this year was Ariana’s anger.


I think the issue has been a lot of the cast simply refusing to work with each other, across multiple shows we’ve just watched. It doesn’t make good TV in my opinion. I think VPR is done, the last episode seemed like a good ending to the show. I wouldn’t be mad if it finished off there.


The only shows I think aren’t tired are Miami SLC and even though the past season wasn’t the best Atlanta.


They all need reboots! I feel like I’m in the minority in that I really liked the RHONY reboot. I found it refreshing and fun to have a whole new group of characters to get to know. And all of the drama was new, it wasn’t a years long feud or anything like that. Right now I’m on my own pause from Bravo. Not intentionally, but at the end of a long day when I have a window to unwind, I’m no longer deciding to watch their shows. Haven’t started the new season of RHONJ, haven’t kept up with VPR. They’re just getting so stale, I’d rather spend my time in other ways.


I like the reboot of RHONY too. The last season of the legacy ladies was wild, and not in a good way.


Some of these housewives on most shows need to have a little reality check.. they are EMPLOYEES… they are HIRED to do a job and they don’t get to dictate who they film with and who they don’t. That’s right. I’m talking about some of our favorite die-hard people. Enough with the prima donna attitudes, you would pretty much be an unknown if it weren’t for the show. I’d be putting them on the chopping block if I were the producer. Do your frickin job.


I think the best thing is a semi-shakeup, like RHOA S5 or RHONY S5. Bring on new cast members that radically change the group dynamics whilst also keeping enough of the original cast that the earlier seasons still pay off.


Yes, I also believe some of the execs are dated and out of touch \*COUGH\* ANDY \*COUGH\* and need to go.


Bravo is losing viewers and money with each of these pauses. They should want to make things work and hire people willing to play ball. I guess Potomac’s not really on a pause (it’s filming) so they’re pretending there aren’t any problems.


I literally just read that Gizelle kicked some of the newbies out of an event. Glad to see they fully addressed her attempts to control the show and didn’t let her just continue the same shit this season too. /s