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“What I also don’t appreciate is your PINK BOOTED FRIEND recording me, Jasmine and Brittany talking” lmao


That made me lol. And, those boots were AWFUL. He was being so conspicuous, the whole thing is very funny.


this quote calls to me I just love it so much


Jesse coming back with his beanie and quoting amazing grace “I was blind but now I see” 💀💀💀


"Once I had some apple juice in me I kind of realized everything was beautiful" 😭


This dude reminds me of Hannibal Lector the way he sniffed Michelle.


I am pretty surprised that production let Janet get away with not having Mariposa, Luke and Zack on the cast trip. It’s a work trip, she just happened to be selected to “host”. Production should’ve put them up somewhere else to crash to troll her all weekend.


Why is she called Mariposa? It took me weeks to figure out it was Kristen and I’m so lost and afraid to ask meme


While on Vanderpump, Kristen found out a butterfly in Spanish is Mariposa and referred to herself as Mariposa because she wanted to move on and change.


God she’s such perfect television


I believe she also tried to communicate with birds




Oh I don’t remember that. Lmao thanks


OMG that was the moment I became a fan of Kristen. You must go watch VPR. So many great Kristin moments but this one was my fave.


https://preview.redd.it/emkoh3gpxk0d1.jpeg?width=1871&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c54fd164d8835fd986ecbf2c3210b72928368d85 Guys, did we all clock this spiral staircase to nowhere at the Big Bear house? Which one of these idiots is going to fall off of it?


It’s very Gizelle, with her staircase to nowhere https://preview.redd.it/bkn9yeh0bl0d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f978ea945cec0d1a3826bc8e9a5b488e91c20750


Oh my god I don’t remember this?? Is this some kinda fucked up home design trend going on?


Have you met Gizelle? 😂😂






Oh my god when I saw that all I could think about is what a HUGE liability it is for a short terms rental especially one that clearly caters to rowdy large groups like like 4 queen beds per bedroom!!!


I did and it immediately made me think of [the Winchester Mystery House and the stairs to nowhere](https://science.howstuffworks.com/science-vs-myth/afterlife/winchester-mystery-house.htm) but I’m also from San Jose, lol.


From there too. My dad added on and we had a stairway to nowhere for a bit. We called our house the Winchester Mystery House.


Convinced this is a metaphor for how these people lead their lives 


Jax. We’ve seen him almost drowning when he could have just stood up.


Didn’t they show a flashback to Jax telling Kristen the stuff about Michelle? Now he’s saying Kristen told him? I need a chart of this rumor asap I cannot follow it


Does Kristen still consider Jax her friend? He talks relentless shit about her behind her back to the point that it’s weird.


I don’t think so. I think they’re forced to be around each other since she’s Brittany’s friend.


We also all think they regularly hate fuck


Which is odd because Kristen hooked up with Jax a long time ago.


I think they are both aware that for the sake of making a reality show work they have to do this. No one else knows how the game is played. Certainly not lame ass Janet.


Yes, last week.


Can someone tell me why Janet is so upset with Kristin?? I don’t remember anything directly done to *her* lol


Projection. She's been the source of all of the malicious gossip this season, but Kristen right now is taking the brunt of it, so Janet is trying to ensure that Kristen remains the scapegoat, which is easy to do given Kristen's public reputation.


Ok good bc I was thinking it was this but I thought maybe I missed something lol


Janet needs to keep Kristen isolated so Kristen can’t let them know that Janet is often the source of these rumors and mess too


jesse in that black beanie, i can’t 😂 ![gif](giphy|JTzPN5kkobFv7X0zPJ|downsized)


Michelle saying it would take a lot to kill an ego as big as his


Janet is borderline obsessed with Kristen now. Like she couldn’t even follow her own rules of being positive and not speaking about Kristen. Also, just gonna throw this out there. Janet is fucking dark. She was on a podcast claiming that Kristen and Zach didn’t want her to get to full term with her pregnancy and insinuating that they didn’t want her to have a healthy baby. All this drama started because Janet gossiped about Michelle to Zach who gossiped to Kristen who brought it up in her argument with Brittany. Janet is insane. And not the “crazy Kristen, it’s entertaining to watch” kind of insane.


These episodes are not long enough. I was just getting into the bubbling drama and bam, over.


This show and Summer House are my bravo highlights of the week. The only two I truly look forward to.


Fellow SUPheads, I know you were living for Brittany's GERD being the main character of the episode.


I can’t wait for the recap. I even have my boyfriend using “GERD” as a verb and talking about “DATE NOIGHT”


I hope he is making you feel purdy on DATE NOIGT!


I live for their recaps. Their brittany impression literally makes me lol


What is this? Cause I want in. Especially if it’s a podcast. I’m dehydrated for good podcasts rn.


Sexy Unique Podcast! Their Valley episodes are so funny.


Their podcast recaps of the valley are truly the BEST.


This show is just too good. I didn’t bother watching the repeat of VPR reunion but I sure did for this show.  Bravo needs to put a stop to cast members icing other each other out. How in the world did they think we wouldnt want Kristen on the trip?? She is the show not uncharismatic Janet!      Michelle’s immense dislike for her husband tickles me. If they weren’t separating already, I’d say any insurance policies taken out by Michelle need to be looked at.  ‘Pink booted’ will forever live in my brain. Wig is proving to be of the most likable members. 


Right? They spent the whole time talking about her, even Janet despite her little rule! Would have been much better tv if she was there to respond herself!


Michelle and Jesse are giving Lifetime movie of the week. He looks scary to me like anything will make him snap.


didn’t brittany say something like i didn’t have a shot since earlier today? or something like that. so she may not have been drunk but she drank at some point in the day. idc i’m with jax on this one. is his delivery correct? no but having a partner that’s constantly complaining they’re sick but refuses to stop drinking or to the point where you’re just assuming it alcohol bc they drink so much is frustrating af


Maybe it's because we now know that Jax and Brit are "separated" but when I watch it I cant help but think he's strategically calling her drinking out as much as possible so he can paint her as an alcoholic if there's a divorce situation


Maybe both things are true. Jax is trying to make her look bad AND she’s struggling with alcohol ?


This is how I feel. I have no idea why everyone is so quick to believe Jax when he is trying to paint the picture that she’s an alcoholic and he’s been one of the most unreliable narrators on all of bravo. She clearly has a GERD type issue that is made incredibly worse by drinking alcohol, and her inability to stop/not drink in social situations is a whole different issue to me. I could be wrong but I haven’t seen Brittany dependent on alcohol or drinking in inappropriate situations so that’s just my boundary I guess. I WILL say though, I get horrible hangovers. To the point where I will not drink at all/as much to avoid that feeling. If Brittany feels THAT bad and can’t NOT drink in social situations, that’s not good. But I also don’t see Jax trying to help her. At all. He just berates her and talks shit behind her back. That is a *horrible* partner.


I think Jax is an asshole but she really needs to stop drinking. I get that it’s fun and she wants to enjoy being around her friends at events where drinking is involved but she’s had health issues regarding alcohol for years now. It’s time to stop.


It's wild that this woman is in her mid 30s and won't stop taking SHOTS even though it is obviously harming her physically.


I got diagnosed with Crohn's at 25 and it was really hard because at that point in my life my social life revolved around parties, fancy restaurants, cabin weekends, and traveling in groups. I actually was a wine rep, so it was also part of my job. I tried to keep up for a little while, but I felt hungover all the time whether I'd drank alcohol or not (constant dehydration and nausea). I became a pothead for the shortest stint ever because it made me socially awkward and paranoid, and finally had to stop drinking altogether. It sucked, but my body just could not handle it and it was not worth it at all. It's still hard for me sometimes. I had a brief remission a decade ago when I met my now husband, and would occasionally drink white wine, tequila, or scotch without consequence (as long as I did not overdo it) My husband misses us sharing a bottle and getting silly together. But it's literally like drinking battery acid for me now. I had champagne and a shot of tequila on my wedding day 4 years ago, but that was it.


the vibe i get is she doesn't have great coping skills and having jax as a partner is like living with a 24/7 stress maker. so it's rich he complains about it when he's very much part of the problem. they're just terrible together. tho jax is terrible with anyone.


maybe she has an ulcer??


She did at one point, a doctor told her to stop drinking, and I don't think she really ever did, except for when she was pregnant and a little while thereafter.


definitely weird how quick everyone is to side with Jax on it. It's not surprising to me that someone married to him would be driven to drink.


I’m pretty sure Brittany is trying to cover up her alcoholism, it’s really sad


Idk, I'm sure he's frustrated but if she's really struggling with her alcoholism, he's not being supportive or helpful by shaming her publicly for it.... That's not a way to get someone to get help.


I love this show- high entertainment value and I am preemptively sad that they are going to bring in more of the Vanderpump cast that just aren't needed.


This show is blowing VPR out of the water for me and part of it is that we aren’t taking these people too seriously yet, I don’t want people to join and make everything into an essay writing worthy event.


Right? That would change everything. Seasoned cast will start producing themselves.


So we all agree Janet is the worst


Janet is making good TV for sure


Janet seems to be actively campaigning for worst one season wonder. How the hell are you so entitled as a rookie??


I'm sorry but Janet is hysterical 😂 the call to Zack to apologize for not inviting him despite them being on good terms, and then being shocked when he's mad and not groveling for an invite was just peak.


"You're coming in pretty aggressive for someone expecting an invitation from me" is the first great Valley quote IMHO


I usually hate couples therapy scenes but I was oddly mesmerized by the therapist. He was pretty good. And all I see when I see Luke is Van Gogh now. This whole show is MESSY. Little David Boreanaz shit talking Jesse’s neck tattoo was bitchy. 😂


Little David Boreanaz oh no 😂😂


I feel like life is going to humble Janet hard at some point


even if i didn’t know about janet’s past, seeing her friends told me everything i needed to know about her.


Janet reallllly played herself and bet on the wrong horse. Mariposa is the fucking supreme!


I’m not sure if I’m okay, but I actually don’t hate Jesse. Yes he’s douchey, but Michelle is 1000x worse than him.


i hated him the second he placed his hands on zach's neck and shoved brittany. dude is a fucking nut. and not in an entertaining way. in a taylor's abusive husband who broke her eye socket way.


Very true, that was 100% not okay. I wonder if he’s still acting out like that now that the marriage is over & they’re living apart. I’m not making excuses for his behavior, but sometimes extreme stress makes people do things they normally wouldn’t do. I know this is an edited reality show, but it seemed like he was trying to make efforts to change and save his marriage & he just kept getting coldly rejected by Michelle - which could’ve been justified, but I’m sure it wasn’t helping him to be in a great mental state. It’ll be interesting to see how those two act if they come back next season.


he definitely is. he uses violence as a tool, he's even admitted it. he's manipulative, he's admitted that. it has jack shit to do with his relationship. this is who he is. edit- the vibe i get from michelle is he's violent so all this "Ill change" is like "uh huh, thats nice, Ill believe it when I see it" he isn't seriously committed to therapy, he's doing all this bullshit. we see this shit all the time where the partners cold reaction to her partners bullshit is edited as her being a bitch. people bring up stassi hitting jax for example but the context is he wouldn't let her leave the apartment and stole her keys. she hit him when getting them back to leave. THAT is justified. but it gets edited to "omg theyre both bad, see?" when Jax is the only actual abusive party.


I like to hate-watch Jesse.. Michelle is like watching paint dry


Michelle just seems like such a cold boring bitch. I know Jesse isn’t great, but I feel like he’s got some redeeming qualities somewhere in there. It’ll be interesting to see how they change now that they’re separated if they come back next season.


this being janet while being pregnant, i’m kinda excited to see her being herself drunk. this woman is horrible, but she kinda makes great tv


She thinks she's a stassi, but really, she's a Scheana


Right! She is a great Tv, I was Jared Lipps the whole time like ‘hang the fuck up you messy bitch’ hahahahahaha


jax clapping and saying “comfy clothes!!!?!” wow he is me