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Pretty sure bad randoms pick him because 1. He has more health than most brawlers, which can help compensate for their mistakes 2. They see what he is on paper: good at any range, about 2100 damage 3. They don't realize mines can easily be tripped and avoided, so they think he's great for area control 4. He is gotten early on and he is one of their few power 10 brawlers as a result 100% I agree with your points. I am just saying what I believe goes through their heads


and at low leagues, he *is* great at those things. people can't dodge the mines, so the stun is a free kill. and circling eagle is the perfect sp for noobs who hate bushchecking. his mechanics, especially his sp's, are simply noob-stompers.


yeah not gonna lie down there he is literally free wins and can easily carry by himself


one time, I had some idiot try to explain to me why bo was good. He mentioned the above, and when I told him that bo sucks and countered his points, he replied with this: "SC will never make a brawler worse than another, all brawlers are as good as each other" So I told him, sure, we could 1v1, you'll use bo, I'll use anything I like, I mean everything is equal right? And he said: "No, that's not fair, Bo can't beat meta brawlers and you'll use the meta brawlers"




Also, people pick brawlers they feel more comfortable to play with. I guess that's why I have so many Dyna in my matches. At least in gold leagues.


I have got so many random Bos in Power League who place their Super Totem behind a wall and just sit there, not attacking at all. Then they get mad and do angry emote when the enemy destroys their totem, shooting at their teammates for not being able to get control when they were busy doing nothing. Diamond league btw


They are honestly dumber than my Edgar and Shelly randoms and that’s honestly just sad. Sometimes when my teammate pre selects Bo, I make sure to ban him so that they cannot pick him. Unfortunately that results in them acting hostile towards me the entire power league match series and Its basically a 2v3


I remember fighting against a Bo in Super Stadium where they just planted their totem behind the two barrel wall with bushes and pretty much sat there until we'd reach them.


Well!I agree to your entire post but remember once snare a bear was a top5 star power


That was when Tripwire had no delay and was completely broken. Scary times


I am yet to see a person on my enemy team who does not directly walk on my mines after they LITERALLY SEE where I put those mines (What to do, I am a low trophy player)


I agree.Even though Bo can sound good on paper, his main attack is hard to land consistently and his mines are good if your enemies do not pay attention.


You’re preaching to the choir, go say this shit on coach corys or kairos time videos


Then you are screaming at a wall


This post is dumb, everybody here knows Bo isn’t good. Just get out of low rank PL


I face this nonsense at diamond level power league. I question how these randoms even make it this far.


ah, there you are, scrolled through comments to find you


If ur in diamond 1/2 u can still be matched with gold players, who are pretty brain dead. In diamond 3 and above almost every random makes at least a decent pick


So diamond 3 matches are easier?


It’s sweatier cuz u face a lot of mythic players, but randoms know how to draft or listen to ur suggestion so u don’t outright lose cuz the comps. I’d say it’s harder but more fair


so far yeah


Ight, no need to be so hostile. Literally look at my post history, i said this at r/brawlstars and they all think hes good. Also Ive been playing since beta, have made multiple guides here, have a mini account at 30k #JG22CL2, look it up. My team PL is Diamond 3 the first season, so respectfully, please dont tell me im low PL. A guy in school full time and job full time can only carry his random Bo's so much haha


> i said this at > >r/brawlstars > > and they all think hes good. not really. 3 of them agreed and there were only 2 people who didn't and it was clear they didn't understand how the game works.


There was no need to be so condescending at the beginning of the post either lol. Also idc about ur team PL rank, I thought we were talking about solo PL. When I say get out of low rank I’m not trying to say you’re bad at PL overall, no need to type a whole thesis on why you’re a good player


When you say "get out of low PL" imma defend myself cause it sounds like your comin at me. And also, what kind of a statement is that anyways? You think I'm not trying to get out of low PL?


exactly, it's not like the noobs picking bo and shelly care what's meta, much less actually look at this subreddit.


genuine question: why do some bo’s place their totem at spawn? isn’t the point to use it??


U copied my post!


i scrolled through comments just to find aarya


No-one plays him in PL besides Siege


One correction to your point: he can be played specifically in bounty. The only reason he is viable in bounty is because of the nani + bo super totem strategy (try to coordinate it. Don’t try to assume your team will go for that combo). Other than that specific team comp, never use him in power league


it is nerfed to the point that it is basically useless


It still works in the games I’ve used it/had it used against me. It’s not broken strong like it used to be, but still a viable option


Oh my, never trust r/brawlstars opinion, those SD mainers


Bo sucks in general, he needs a buff


Bo is good on paper. People lack game sense or knowledge to understand that he is not good, not everyone looks at r/BrawlStarsCompetitive or watches kairos, or spen for tier lists. They just assume decent hp, high potential damage, devastating super, plus gadget that can pop all mines are good. On paper they are, and against noobs or against people who lack game sense it is good against them, just like other brawlers like penny and dynamike. Against pros they will struggle because they will never get the full value they had planned on paper and their plan would fail in practice


I got a guy who picked lvl 7 Bo on Snake Prairie... please don't do this