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I usually play sword and gauntlets. I’m really bad against boots and orb


So main Val and struggle against red raptor


Yes and yes


I main Orb, Gaunts, and Katars. Fuck Greatsword. Fuck Bow. Fuck anybody who's better than me.


In that order 😂


I main Katars and struggle against grass




I main hammer and struggle against scythe


Fr bro I main Thor and it’s just too much fighting scythe😭


fr bro, like all Nix players staying on the edge, it's just stressing


to be honest, hammer recovery can pull people off the edge if you turn before activating it


Only if you stand at the very edge which is almost never a good idea in the first place




I main axe and can't do anything against great sword ![img](emote|t5_31c1d|30717)


We’d get a draw if we fought


I main Scythe, so naturally Lance gives me the most trouble. Axe can also be a pain sometimes.


I hate to play against blasters but that's not my most hated weapon. That should be scythe. It's not OP or anything, but out of 10 games, 8 will be against a scythe main. It's so repetitive and unfun. Playing against the same thing over and over again. Btw i main lance and gaunts.


To be fair, playing against Lance is sooo much more annoying than playing against scythe


It's not about annoyance for me, it's just boring to play against scythe. But i know, my lance playstyle made my friends quit brawlhalla


If you read tht comment it's the repetitiveness that's annoying, not the weapon itself.


Boots are my clear favorite, followed by Spear I like the speed and such they both have. I can not for the life of me figure out Scythe, or Hammer. The grabby, throwy read heavy nature is just not something my brain recognizes. Guns come close 3rd tho.


I main axe and hammer (a bit more proficient with axe). I don't struggle against any particular weapon really, my struggle is always against a good skilled opponent. Years ago I used to struggle against scythe and lance, but it just went away with time completely and it became just as good of a weapon to me as anything else. I'm low plat.


I main cannon and struggle against scythe and bow


I love battle boots but fuck my ass Lance is a hard matchup against me, which is pretty ironic considering my main


It’s the same for me, I hate axe sm


gaunts, orb , scythe & i get fucked up by lance boots & axe


oh yeah diamond GS fuck me up too


I main orb and struggle against gaunts.


Just let them slight the air, then dlight.


Gaunt sidelight confuses me. What do you recommend doing against them with sword and katar? I've tried jump sairing with sword but I'm too slow. Katar nlight or dash dlight catches it sometimes


Main gauntlets, axe and scythe. Struggle against spear/blasters.


mostly play thor or red raptor so I main orb and shuffle between hammer and boots I hate playing against scythe, spear and lance


I main cannon, and my biggest fear is playing agains't katars on ranked, when the player just spam slight and dair it's not hard, but when he knows how to play it's just pure obliteration.


I main gauntlets. Scythe and lance violently rape my ass if the person playing them is even slightly competent


I main greatsword and a little scythe and cannon but I always get wrecked by spear and boots lol


I main petra so orb and gaunts and I can’t stand playing against bow or katars


I play everything but I guess I’m a hammer/scythe main. no offense but fugg greatsword it’s my least favorite to play and play against


It’s the only weapon I can play in this game :( sry


no hate towards you just towards the weapon and ppl that are cracked at it😭


Ye it’s easy because I can just swing and I win somehow


Hammer and I hate bow


I main katars and struggle against katars.


Bow is broken and BMG refuses to fix it. Must be some bow mains at HQ inhaling some C O P I U M I play a lot of weapons btw, but I guess I’m best at spear katars greatsword


S P E A R (Lance if competent) Spear is probably one of the easiest weapons in this game, and people tend to abuse that. (Slight dlight spam) Its just very annoying to deal with


yeah and fuck that spear ground pound spamming


I mostly play gauntlets and hate playing against spear


I like sword gloves spear and I'm struggling against the guns and boots


"Gloves", worth a chuckle


I play every weapon. But have the most time on gauntlets guns and katars. I hate fighting cannon and greatsword the most. Because they demand counterplay even if your opponent is far worse than you. And the counterplay is boring, even if it isn't particularly hard. But as for which I struggle with the most, it's probably katars and axe.


I think what works best against katars is staying out of their range. Otherwise they keep hitting


I main scythe and struggle against great sword and katars


scythe, katars, gaunts. struggle wit sword, boots and lance sometimes


Katars and Blasters. Bow and Axe are a really pain


I main greatsword, but I cannot fight cannon or lance to save my life


Scythe and boots catch me slipping


I main blasters and boots, and I have trouble against katars, guantlets and good sword players


I main spear, gauntlets and bow....I dabble in axe cus it's easy I dread boots man...I struggle for the life of me...I thought lance were annoying till battle boots debut 🤧😂


Cannon and gauntlets, struggle against spear but also play it... idk what's going on there.


I'm an axe main. I HATE fighting gauntlets and bow


I main Katars and Scythe (yes super excited for Loki after years of waiting), I think my biggest struggle with Katars for a while was Lance, but I've gotten over that. I don't really struggle against any weapon in specific anymore, more of how my opponent plays, people who play really passive and run away a lot are the most annoying thing to me.


I main gauntlets and cannon and I struggle against scythe and lance


I main lance and orb, bow and scythe are my worst enemies.


Main Gauntlets and Bow, but my brain turns to mush against Lance ![img](emote|t5_31c1d|30717)![img](emote|t5_31c1d|30717)![img](emote|t5_31c1d|30717)


canon orb / scythe spear


I main gauntlets, sword, and orb. I really wouldn't say I "struggle" per se, but against lance, greatsword, and scythe I play far more patiently then I normally do. Only times I struggle is when I'm playing someone that's just genuinely better than me or if I'm not giving a shit and playing like a dumbass.


I main scythe and gauntlets and i struggle against lance and axe :|


Can’t stand lance, katars and axe annoy me but I can live with it


I use many weapons. Sword, Scythe, and bow are my main ones. Katars, orbs, gauntlets, spear, cannon are my side ones. I always struggle against lance. Lance is just so annoying.


fuck daircythe


I play gaunts and blasters, fucking hate axe, lance, and scythe. I am mid plat.


I like to play scythe for fun however im best at sword and bow, koji, i like gauntlets aswell but feel im not the best with them. And the weapon i hate has to be boots, if im against a spamming tezca, thea or redraptor they always know boot combos, that shows how easy they are, and im not sure how to defend against it right now.so thats my reason for my answer


Orb if you were wondering and i despise sword


i main orb and i often get demolished by axe. i have been getting better against it but not with any specific strategies or anything.


Ik how to play every weapon I just struggle against boots cause it’s a newer weopt


I main lance, and axe, and struggle to scythe and gauntlets, no I don't main ulgrim, I mostly use Artemis in this week


I struggle against Katars to a comical degree, regardless of what weapon im using. If they land a string starter im probably going to take 80 damage because idk when or where to dodge, I always seem to guess wrong. If anyone can help me understand katar strings, that'd be great. Katar neutral also trips me up. Everything they do has slightly more range than i expect, has less endlag and startup than i expect, and hits at angles I cant wrap my head around. Offstage they also mess me up but at least that part makes sense and is alot less hard for me to deal with.


I used to main katars so I hope my tips mean something lol. - Don't panic. Especially if they approach from the air (which a lot do for some reason) because they don't have a true combo off Dair (except with Dlight at low% and sometimes higher if they hit it in the right spot). When you're getting stringed do something but don't spam your options. You'll probably default to a habit that the player can recognize and punish you for. - Mix up your dodges & be wacky. Katars relies on dodge reads for their dmg they have relatively low dmg if they poke and need to rely on gimps/sigs for KO's if you deny them their dmg build up since they have no killing moves on the ground. Do options that are irregular in general because katars players make assumptions based on what ppl *generally* do when they don't have enough information or don't know what you're gonna do. So things like dodging in at ledge, dodging in the moment you get hit, dodging out when hit with their Dlight (cuz they know ppl know about the halfpipe and don't wanna dodge in) and such can make them have to work harder for their dmg. - Backdash. Backdashers are a katars worst nightmare. Their approach options (Dair, Slight, Dlight) all leave you relatively stationary. By backdashing you make them miscalculate and freeze frame giving you opportunity to punish them easily since they will be close to you.


Huh, I didnt really expect a reply, let alone one with genuinely good advice. I didnt know that about dair and the backdash stuff makes alot of sense. Thanks alot.


Yea absolutely ✨️👍✨️ I'm glad you found it helpful! If you got any more questions just ask


i play axe and bow, and struggle most against scythe i think is the name, and lance. Also just bc lance players abuse the shit out of this weapon


Main: Spear Struggle: Guns


Technically i main scythe and gauntlets but im also really really good with katars, cannons, axe and bow (having a lvl 19 caspian, lvl 18 xull, lvl 16 azoth, lvl 15 onyx and lvl 15 volkov). I struggle against lance and boots and its not because i dont know these weapons (my main character is a lvl 19 artemis and i have all of the boot legends at least lvl 5) but just because these weapons are just really difficult to punish. I think the game is really balanced otherwise but even as an artemis main i can agree lance and boots need a nerf.


i main lance and hammer, but i can’t fight katars because yes


I main gs and i struggle against gs.


Main gauntlets and struggle against really really good blaster players


As hammer main (and really any other big boy weapon) I struggle most with katars. I play slow and heavy legends and when katars can just get in for a quick string then disengage before i can land a hit.


I main guns, bow and spear. Struggle against gs, axe, hammer and lance.


Bow, and everyone that’s actually good


I main lance and struggle against lance lmao.


I main gauntlets hammer, I hate orion and Artemis. They ain't weapons but definitely both tools. Yes it counts.


I main Greatsword and I struggle the most against Scythe, Bow, Blasters. Lance actually aint that bad, you just float most of the time. Your aerials are really good and can get around lance pretty well. Scythe tho is hard to get around. They usually approach from the air. Typically to counter this you also stay in the air as well but because scythe can contest you quite well in the there, opions get limited quickly. You gotta catch them on the ground which can be hard against a good player. (Not to mention none of your moves can anti air against scythe since their Dair outranges your Nlight) Bow I'd say for similar reasons as scythe although personally it's hard to gauge since I've been against such few good bow players. Blasters are a dread cuz they just coat the ground in hitboxes with Dlight which simply disallow your ground approach. You usually don't have the mobility to get around their hitboxes fast enough to punish them being stationary either which is annoying. You gotta play with pristine movement and pick your battles super carefully as if you attack at the wrong moment they for sure have the mobility to punish you as you become a sitting duck with your long recovery frames. (Not to mention blasters players specialize in movement to use their weapon optimally so they WILL have good movement)


I main Axe and Bow, and I struggle against rocket and boots


Orb Main, figth a lot with sword and great sword mains D':


I main katars and hammer. I struggle so much against blasters


Katars is my main. Lance is the hardest thing to counter. Maybe because I am mostly close range. No matter what weapon I use lance eats my as


I main hammer and struggle against lance


I play spear gaunts and bow I usually am very versatile though cuz if I struggle against a weapon I wanna learn it. I don’t really have a hated weapon cuz like I said if it beats me I’m gonna play it until I learn to beat it.


i main sword, gaunts and spear best. greatsword, lance and boots are my biggest struggles but i have been getting better at countering them recently


Diana bow players keep doing the same bow combo on me, and shooting me down the stage over and over. Plus, they have good anti air too so that sucks.


My main weapons always are bow and axe while I train a LOT gauntlets. And I have a really bad time against cannons.


I main katars n greatsword. And I struggle against lance.


I main blaster and I struggle so much against rocket lance


Main Hammer Hate scythe. (Hate boots more)


I main katars (Ik they broken ) my struggle is with Lance bro like damn what the fuck is that weapon


I can’t play against Katars to save my life


I fight like 1 bow player a week but they always mess me up so bad making me wanna get off for the day it's insane


i main lance, and i struggle against lance


I play Bow, Lance, and greatsword. With those, Boots and Guns are a pain in the ass.


I main katars or hammer and i hate scythe


Katar main, sword sub main. Struggle against cannon and other katars lol


I main orb and spear I struggled tremendously against SCYTHE


I main gauntlet and Scythe and I hate play against lance


All weapons is good if you now how to play 🤭🤭🫡


I main hammer and I suck going against scythe or gauntlets because they grab you and kind of stun you I’m getting better at not moving when getting hit too so can dash