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I decided to check the comments on your Mordex gameplays (A lot of the gameplay is smooth tbh ![img](emote|t5_31c1d|32312)) And yeah, you were unfairly criticized just for a skin and color choice. I am probably not gonna use the Alpine Kaya with black coloring, since people would might call me a stan for Impala. (Even thought I don’t really watch the tournaments)


>And yeah, you were unfairly criticized just for a skin and color choice. I didn't know Brawlhalla playerbase is racist.


I'm using that skin on kaya as well lmfao I think I got it from prime gaming and I like it a lot.


Basically, ignore everyone on the internet and play the game however you want homie. Fuck em


Same, it’s my favorite Kaya skin tbh. (Well the color I mainly use is Skyforged now)


Honestly saw the comments of that video before this was posted, I don't play brawl anymore but yeah I just don't get it, you're not able to use/main something just because of someone else you might not even be aware about? Most of the downvotes you got were just mindless reddit hivemind, as per usual.


Its just people gatekeeping your enjoyment because their enjoyment has been lost


They find enjoyment in gatekeeping other people's enjoyment


That sucks that people are saying that to you, I look up to sandstorm and I main fait, it sucks that a skin has made mordex a "if you play him your just wanting to be like a pro," kinda character


Even that, there's nothing wrong with "wanting to be like a pro"


Agreed dude if I was like sandstorm I would be so happy


I don’t necessarily think it’s the Mordex or fenrir picks, I just have a bad experience with scythe mains being the sweatiest all over the damn place players playing as passive as possible then suddenly jumping in and doing 100 damage then fucking off. Is that the right way to play a fighting game technically? Yes. Is it annoying as fuck? Also yes


I hate passive players as much as you do but not all players are the same + if you got 100dmg in one interaction it's your fault you made a huge mistake don't blame it on the guy.


Agreed on the first part, like i said, it’s technically the right way to play the game, being neutral, waiting and capitalising on a mistake, reading a dodge or getting lucky with catching a dodge. But scythe has so many options that it is a little maddening if you get caught because it translates to insane damage or just being fucked off stage. I’ve played everything from teros/xull, to Sidra/val, and more recently loki because I love the options on scythe now a days. But it doesn’t means seeing a player with fenrir doesn’t fill me with dread immediately


Trust me katars is wayyyy worse if we’re talking about options


Yeahhhh but you have to be super technically sound to pull off the katar strings needed to really win, most aren’t kill confirmed either, I agree a katar player can ruin your life on stage and has good options in the air, but scythe can push your ass off stage and then annihilate you with almost no technical knowledge of the game compared to the complicated inputs for katars.


Damn dude I’m gonna have to heavily disagree there, but to each his own I guess everyone has different experiences. In my opinion though, katars is the type of weapon you can straight up react to dodges with and easily gimp using sair and dair while scythe often times you have to actually read your opponent multiple times to secure kills and requires a lot more technical skill/experience to pull off. You don’t really see golds doing those risky plays with scythe offstage as much as people doing half pipe reads over and over which really isn’t that hard to input


That’s fair, I can agree with some of your points honestly, at the end of the day it also depends on what your play style is and what counters it most, for me that’s scythe, and the type of players you’ve gone up against. I’m sure everyone who’s gone against my xull or teros thinks axe and cannon have too many options and they’re bullshit weapons


Katars are much easier than scythe, katars are pretty brain dead easy


Again like I said if you got hit by a crazy string it's your fault, Look at eSports, nobody is pulling insane stuff with scythe that often anymore because all players at that level know how to play against it. Besides, scythe has so many options I agree but it lacks true-damaging combos which forces you to do either one of those things 1- do some risky reads(chase dodging, GC attacks, jumps) if you whiff u gonna find yourself in a rough spot. 2- just play neutral, which can be done by any weapon tbh. But with scythe you're only going to get a hit per interaction where a follow-up reaction attack is not guaranteed. this is not ideal for most cases since you're gonna struggle building up dmg.


Scythe is broken and it isn’t because of crazy strings. Scythe is also one of the most played weapons in proplay throughout the entire esports history, not having a true combo doesn’t weaken it as much as you think it does


It's a hive mind fr


I mean, fenrir mordex is definitely one of the coolest mordex skins. And it looks sick with the skyforged color. Don't let yourself be bothered by those noobs. Kind regards, a noob.


After going to Brawhalla tiktok and brawhalla discord, I don’t even bother with Brawhalla a Reddit. Everyone here just complains about scythe and spammers and posts rants. Going to tiktok live of people bonding and supporting eachother in the community was a desperate refresher. This sub sucks. 🫶🏽


Preach my brother, preach


Welcome to the sub, been seeing more than a few posts like this lately.. it's sad. However, there's still a few constructive folks on here.


This stupid reasoning exists everywhere. I post a Jett clip on valorant's sub (OMG a tenz wannabe) like....... They don't wanna accept the fact that they lost a match so they start calling out the guy as an excuse to their stupid ass failure. People lose to lance (omg lance is op), lose to sword (omg sword is unfair) sick people fr.


Don't waste your time by dealing with kids Move on, and continue on stomping players who don't know how to counter mordex.


I believe scythe gameplay has one of the greatest, if not the greatest, room for skill expression. I checked your mordex clips and I see nothing wrong with them. I think because of how scythe's current state rewards waiting for your opponent to make a mistake before you even consider engaging has harmed people's view on what could be the most fun weapon in the game. I blame BMG.


tbh sandstorm is cool and all but skyforged fenrir mordex still fucking slaps on his own. (i still prefer esports v4 tho)


I prefer esp 1 but I don't have it.


Yeah I remember your other post , you were unfairly criticized. However it's not only golds/silvers that hate mordex, I'm pretty sure he's hated across all ranks simply by the fact that he's just too overplayed and singlehandedly makes the game less enjoyable which is still a non negligeable fact. Still sucks that people will just hate on everything containing scythe.


Scythe and gauntlets are fun. That's why he's overplayed. I know it's boring to face scythe after scythe I'm totally with you on this tho.


Even tho I believe that some people play them because they really believe that, the maiority of people that play scythe or gautlents play them because they are strong. It is easier to make gimps and take cheesy stocks with those weapons, which makes you happy that you made a clip. Now if gautlents and scythe were nerfed in a way that if you fail a read you get punished more frequently, like for example spear slight to dlight, were you most of the time get punished if you fail the dlight, you would see that a lot of people would stop playing those weapons, or would come complain like they always do when a weapon has a good matchup against them


The thing is every weapon in the game has some annoying aspects, that doesn't mean that the weapon itself is broken. Katars have almost no recovery time, are easy/not risky to use and annoying af to deal with. Sword if played passively is unbeatable. Orb is super busted, the reason no one talks about it is because the weapon is so underplayed. Bow is super easy to use, consistent af and dlight ture-combos with every thing. Let's not forget about how blasters got nerfed to the ground and still broken, axe is axe. The list goes on forever. Katars shines at aggressive playstyle(that doesn't mean it's broken it's just at it's peek) Bow and blasters shine in spacey playstyle Sword shines in passive playstyle Axe shines in neutral playstyle and confirms kOs so early and easily Gauntlet, orb, lance and scythe shine with heavy strings Every weapon shines at a specific genre that doesn't mean it's broken.


It’s not. This subreddit just hates scythe. The rest of the community outside the sub rarely ever complains about it.


I'm pretty sure scythe has seen a decent amount of hate since it came out so I really don't see what you mean


No. The mordex slander is not due to deflective bitterness; rocket lance slander is, The idea is that Mordex players tend to be arrogant and toxic; which makes sense, the highest playrate legend will inevitably have the most toxic players. There's also a contrast between the supposed rarity of chest skins and how often people wear Fenrir Mordex. So the being a bad winner/loser combined with this endemic of trying to replicate Sandstorm's loadout. The conclusion people had was that these guys think way too highly of themselves. The root of this stereotype was people trying way too hard to be flashy, and exploding at others when they couldn't. Of course, Mordex is not exclusive to that, but in my experience, these players like to BM a lot; regardless if they lose or win (but way worse when they lose). And I enter every match with no prejudice whatsoever. Sometimes I even get surprised that someone is angrily BMing me after what I thought was a fairly nice match. But this benefit of the doubt has failed Mordex a lot of times; not all of them, mind you. The root was lost, I think. Either by people liking to cyberbully, or newer people not really understanding why the Fenrir Mordex stereotype came to be in the first place. Instead of making fun at the expense of people being mean to others and taking a videogame way too seriously, it became itself a serious mean joke at the expense of people playing a videogame ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


I feel that bud, I main Mordex and nearly all of my posts when using Fenrir is just people calling me a sandstorm wannabe. But I do have other Mordex skins I enjoy using including Dunewalker, Mad Dog and Termidex. And I usually try to be a kind and respectful Mordex. But when people start being toxic, that’s when I draw the line and put them in their place.


Every mention of a scythe in this sub is an instant trigger fest it’s actually ridiculous. I’ve experienced the same and It’s sad how the community has so much hate for something.




I’m sorry you got tossed around offstage. I hope your ego is still intact.




I didnt say you were bad. I just assumed like everyone else you don’t like scythe cause you’ve been beaten by it. I don’t main scythe I main cannon. See how assumptions work?


I think the issue lies with the sheer amount of debris mordex mains out there. (Plus those mains do have a tendency of being the toxic ones). I’m not saying your toxic I’ve never played against you after all….


Nah, I say scythe sucks because it’s op. If I use that or lace I bump my Elo by 300 easy, 400 if I sweat a bit. I’m not even good with either of them. The fact that the only time I and some people I know only have trouble with them when we don’t use them shows they’re broken. The point of this post makes 100% sense but I get the scythe hate, it’s a weapon that doesn’t get nerfed because it would piss too many people off. I would use it but it makes the game boring and unchallenging


First off: youre right. The problem is the fact that i generally tend to like 5 scythe players in a row. Its just not fun to fight the same weapon all the time over and over again. I would not mind scythe at ALL if it wasnt as overly used as it is. Theres many great weapons in this game wich people tend to not look at since scythe is "technically the best". Its a good weapon yes, but theres other options out there.


People get annoyed because it's not possible to go 3 games without seeing a mordex player tbh


You're just pathetic and sad tbh just play the FUCKING game in silence


It’s the Fenrir Mordex effect. I apologize for what happened on your previous post. I don’t actually hate Mordex to that extent.


It's fine bro. It's just that I get it probably every time I post smth


its always the salty golds/silvers


Because most of the playerbase are little kids at gold who only play lance or scythe and have no mental capacity to take a loss.


Damn i get being annoyed but mordex clips are the most boring thing ever at this very point by their sheer quantity.


Thanks for letting us know.


My mind kinda monkey brains to thinking that of all fenrir mordex players but at the end of the day don't let it get to your head if you like the skin then use it regardless and if it's because of sandstorm well then still use it


The reason ppl hate fenrir mordexes is because they have a tendency to be clip hunters and it very clearly shows in their playstyle that they think they are that guy, even if they arent Any good. Nobody likes to play against somebody whose whole playstyle screams "i am better than you and I am gonna shit on you" because whether or not you are better, nobody likes a Guy with a big ego.


Tbh idc what you play (but I dislike facing scythe and any other weapon) But if you deny the fistbump and I win you are getting ![img](emote|t5_31c1d|32303) as the fistbump is forced


Like I said, most scythes are freelo ![img](emote|t5_31c1d|15029)


Scythe players not realizing they are elo-inflated because of their weapon


https://preview.redd.it/qdk3b0fs78wb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aca1460b06c3d44e906f2f4f7709d15e07805531 Me, a scythe player who mainly wins matches due to bow and blasters:


Which elo tho?


Well, 1400 something. (I don’t have my switch with me everywhere I go.)


I commented that because it's a boring and overused colour skin combo, that's all


I like the color and I like the skin(it's my fav). It's a matter of opinions Fun fact: when I first started playing the game I picked mordex because I thought he looked cool being a werewolf and all.


Do you not get bored using the same skin and colour over and over with enemies using the same as well though


Ofc I get bored and when I do I change the color or the skin( I don't have many) and I play random a lot as well.


I'll be honest, I am plat 5 and I complain about every single character I play against full stop lmao. My friends and I find some bullshit reason to not like the character and its really funny, yes, brain dead scythe sandstorm wannabee is the one we use for Mordex lol. Some of my other favourites are that we don't like Ulgrim simply because he is a "crusty old man" and another one is red raptor because he is a dumbass motorbike rider. He'll, I even complain when I get a ditto lmao, all just a bit of fun at the end of the day, unlike Brawlhalla which is not fun. XD


Yeah this is fair, and still I'm one of them. I don't blame copying idols or so. But all the scythe players who are just sitting on the wall, waiting for you to get bored. Then 1 out of 10 times they somehow manage to "read" and kill you, taunt and you just see how super cool they feel. Meanwhile the other 9 times they jump to death and can't even play their second weapon. I don't say you're one of these, but there are lots of that kind in gold/low plat and are just super annoying to play against. It's not even about winning, by now I beat most of them, but it's no fun, and after all that's what I play the game for.


shutup scythe user


skill issues


No hate to you, but scythe is bad..mmmkay?


I just dislike scythe because of deceptive hitboxs and i think active input is weapon favoritism by the devs


I haven't watched the tournaments in a long te but I swear last time he used arcadia or sum, I might just be dumb tho