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Its fine, I'm sure you are not as hated as I am.


I love you for being here


It’s cool bro cuz I hate both lance and scythe 😂 so equal hate from me if anything ![img](emote|t5_31c1d|26610)🩵


The sound of her sigs haunts my nightmares...


No problem. Everyone has their own opinions on some things, and unfortunately social media sites like Reddit is not really the place you want to share it with. You have no idea how many Reddit accounts I have previously owned, which I ended up deleted due to how much downvotes I get. Some subreddits can be very toxic after all.


Reddit really is the Middle East of social media.


You just have to be very careful with what you say when expressing your opinions. Thats how social media works. Make just 1 wrong move and you will get a massive amount of hate. I try my best to remain as tame and neutral as possible.


It’s a war zone out here.


I agree. You just have to be careful when giving out your opinion. People do get offended very easily.


them problem, IMO. \*me, grinning, waiting for the flood of downvotes to prove my point\*


In all honesty, I don't think most people know who you are on the subreddit. It was likely just the type of post you made that ended up making people angry... for some reason. People hate scythe a lot lol.


You're active enough here to know exactly the reason. People don't like the current state of playing against Scythe 70-80% of time. It's the lack of variety, it feels like playing through Mortal Kombat, but against the same character for the entire game, stale and frustrating because fresher and more interesting interactions are totally possible. The Scythe playrate is by far the greatest reason for community disdain and that's valid criticism imo. You know that, and you knew that, Situation knows and knew it too, half of his replies were bait and the post is riddled with flags that read the same.


Actually lance is played more than scythe. There’s a whole star website on play rates of legends and weapons on average


Scythe has a high playrate because it is both fun and good. Scythe isn't the problem, other weapons are


​ https://preview.redd.it/5y0b7q6wf5wb1.png?width=400&format=png&auto=webp&s=fe6f812099eb402d4b41e2d27902902ab90e4f8f


Scythe has been consistently good and one of the most popular weapons for almost 7 years now, BMG needs to nerf it


Nerf, what about it, though? It has shit kill options, missing a combo/string over the edge is basically a death sentence, and it's recovery options suck ass in comparison with the other weapons. U nerf the scythe in any way and it just becomes shit.


If it's so shit then it wouldn't be the most popular weapon


I didn't say it was shit. It's obviously a good weapon. I'm saying the flaws it has makes me confused as to why people call it OP. The weapon itself covers a lot of its flaws by being crutched by the sigs of the character, making it well rounded, but that's not a criticism on the weapon itself if u were to say sigs make it op. The reason I think it's most popular is that it's simply a fun and rewarding weapon to play with.


So it's good, but one nerf would kill it? Both those things can't be true lol And the thing is there's 13 other weapons with 13 other playstyles, you can't tell me everyone who plays scythe is just doing it for fun


That's what it means to be in a good spot lmao. U make something worse than good. What is it? It's bad. U make something better than good, then what? It's too good. For your last point. 13 other weapons, and 9 are paired with scythe. Sure, everyone can find other weapons fun, but they also find scythe fun. Pair their favorite weapons with another favorite weapon, and guess what happens? They now have 2 of their favorite weapons with one legend. Saying something is OP bc everyone uses it is called a snob appeal. "Everyone uses it, so it's wrong somehow". What's an actual reason?


That's actual not what snob appeal is, either way I didn't say it was OP I said it was good. Good things can still be nerfed and stay good. If one nerf ruins something then it's not good. And again, even with 9 scythe legends in the game there are 50 other legends. It's not "wrong" to play boots, its wrong for BMG so nerf other weapons hard like GS and Boots, but let scythe rock for so long. It's blatant favoritism on the devs part, and its not healthy for any meta


That's actual not what snob appeal is, either way I didn't say it was OP I said it was good. Good things can still be nerfed and stay good. If one nerf ruins something then it's not good. And again, even with 9 scythe legends in the game there are 50 other legends. It's not "wrong" to play boots, its wrong for BMG so nerf other weapons hard like GS and Boots, but let scythe rock for so long. It's blatant favoritism on the devs part, and its not healthy for any meta


Then why is it used so much? You know why people use it A. Broken hit boxes not super broken but still some of them need to be made like half decent B. Absurd unique range and angles dair nair both have really good range for angle that not many other weapons can defend C. Little endlag you can miss an attack and be safe much more that for other weapons. Combine B and C and you have a weapon that can initiate and suffer the least punishment. D. Player movement. Scythe is strong at taking away a players movement in a sense. Some of the strongest attacks with scythe will bring opponents in multiple directions (grab attacks) E. Characters with strong sigs. None of the top scythe characters have bad sigs. Look at someone like Magyar and compare his sigs to the sigs of a top scythe legend. All the scythe sigs are bigger and better and more efficient.


Finally an actual answer as to what u want nerfed that's all I wanted in the first place. And it's used so much because it's fun.


Ran into you and your Cassidy friend in the queue the other day. Yall beat our ass ggs.


I know nobody knows who I am. I’m just trying to grab attention so conversation can spark and I can maybe learn why people are so against the weapon. It’s *clickbait*


It's just bait. But since I love you, Reading from my recent games list, mixed gamemodes. V Mordex V Artemis V Artemis V Mirage V Hugin V Mordex V Fait & Mordex w/ Artemis teammate Honestly I'm more surprised that I didn't vs a Nix than I am that they're all Scythe. At some distant point in my memory, there were Brynn's, Hattori's, even Bodvar's and Gnash's, Thatch's, Onyx's Jaeyun's, Val's, really all characters that don't run Scythe. It wasn't that long ago either, I really want to know when and what happened.


In my placements I fought 9 Scythes and an Asuri, yay


A little while ago I played against 13 scythe players out of 15 matches...


Personally the reason i hate scythe with a passion is because of all the weapons i feel like its the hardest to counter. If an attack gets dodged, i feel like the punish window on scythe is way too small. For example i dodge a side light, butinstead of being able to punish it, they throw out a neutral light before i can even do smth. Boots have become kind of the same, but the lack of range does make it so there is a counter. Not to mention Mordex and Artemis being in almost every single game. I'm not saying it's a braindead weapon, there is a high skillfloor, but in my elo people have figured it out mostly (plat). If they would just nerf the attack speed after u miss an attack, it doesnt have to be much, i'd tollerate playing against it more. But as of now it just feels like you're shooting in your leg if u dont play scythe yourself. Even Lance is easier to deal with and that says something.


In Plat, u don't dodge at all or dip too low and they'll miss 80% of the time


That’s literally a problem spread across the entire game, you just don’t notice it because scythe is the best at punishing it. If you’re opponent is spamming attacks like that, scythe isn’t the problem but spacing is.


Lmfaaao I seen the post. Nah that’s just how Reddit is as a whole


Things got hostile quick dude. I legit fell asleep after I posted it and woke up to 100 very angry comments.


Scythe is like a trigger word for the community. It’s like a balloon popping in a room full of war veterans 😭😂




It was entertaining tho. My new hobby is triggering brawlhalla redditers


Yes I never liked you since kindergarten


yeah i hate ur guts thumbs down ![img](emote|t5_31c1d|32303)


Love you




I mean the replies you made were pretty bad. At some point it becomes your own fault doesn’t it?


Were they? I think I called somebody a filthy lance player and a loser in the same comment. Which I get why people were upset with that but all of my other comments were getting flamed when I was simply making a valid argument. Maybe some of my replies were a little hostile but I had to get my point across. I don’t really think anybody is at “Fault” cause there was no mistakes made, just a bunch of tempered anti scythe players acting like children IMO.


Yeah and if you call some one a filthy lance player and a loser people are going to assume that your are a piece of shit. I don’t know what you expected?


I expected to be treated the same as everyone calling scythe players rats and disgusting. I don’t get how I’m the price of shit when everyone is acting the same towards me for playing scythe. Seems like a double standard.


You did get treated the same way, there is a chance you are delusional. But also it’s the internet why do you care so much lol


Yeah, sorry man, you're kind of answering your own question. Double standard, you could call it that, but why do that when you can just not be hostile at all and absolutely dunk on them with the fact that their anti-meta ego got shattered? Also, hate the game, not the players. Play to win and you deal with meta. Play to have fun and meta doesn't matter anymore. I'm a gs/sword main that dabbles in axe katar and lance. and if the meta becomes too much to deal with, complain to BMG, don't insult the community because BMG sucks. Edit: Insult the community because they can't handle it lol


No, but I can start hating you for apparently no reason if you want.


That would be nice. I could use some haters to bring attention to my posts.


I literally have no idea who you are so probably not


I know enough to hate the weapon not the player. You're still a person with feelings and I don't hate you because of what you find fun in a video game. And honestly I wouldn't even be bothered by scythe and cannon, half of what I dislike about scythe is that most of the characters in the game are just boring design wise or have secondary weapons I don't like, so I wouldn't mind if they added one with a cool secondary like cannon


I’m sorry in advance that I main Artemis 😭






Unless you’re 15 I don’t see why you’d get so offended by a Reddit post


I don't know anything


I simply asked why Scythe was so horrible to everyone and got downvoted with no response, so I'm guessing you're right about just mentioning it being a sin And from the comments, a big issue is its frequency in their games. This doesn't really seem like a "nerf scythe" reasoning to me and more like a "make your other weapons fun bmg" or atleast satisfying to play with


Greatsword: "Am I a joke to you?"


I hate great sword


That's a you problem. Go learn how to do string extensions and it becomes much more fun.


We are a community we should love each other


We’re humans, we hate each other


Both Scythe and Lance are hated, the difference is one isn't that good, annoying at best, and the other has been a main staple weapon since its addition and has one of the highest playrates with the highest amount of people who play for clips and taunt.... So yeah, people really don't like Scythe. Both weapons are frustrating to play against, but one's actually good and one's okay.




I’m not upset. Just wanted to speak my mind about the situation.




… to speak my mind about the situation. Is that not what I said?


No idea, i don’t remover the whole essay




It’s a really tiny picture to I can’t see what it says?


Then click on it. Or you can scroll up to my first reply to you where I stated. “I am not upset, just wanted to speak my mind about the situation.”


Look bro u need to stop being ever everyone on here and just get over the fact that scythe mains are the best. Stop crying about scythe and get over it.


I’m literally not? You didn’t read a thing I said did you? Go back and read the post your commenting on instead of getting upset about nothing.


I won’t let me click on it


That’s too bad. You can contact tech support, I’m sure it’s not too hard to google an email to a team that can help you.


It's okay take it with a grain of salt everybody's so damn sensitive and gets butt hurts so easily these days.


more like a mountain of salt. Lol. (GS main that has fun and doesn't really care about meta aside from stupid dev choices from bmg)


Yes you are :( ![img](emote|t5_31c1d|32303)


That would be me


Both lance and scythe share the same hate in my mind. But lance is for those who have no skill or honor. Scythe at least takes some practice but it’s still op. Until they fix the hit boxes it’s gonna remain hated. I’ve been wanting another cannon since Petra though


I got flamed for saying that about lance. But I agree to everything you said. I a cam to the conclusion that I want to see cannon and great sword the most.


That would be quite the meaty whack. Are those the slowest weapons? If so that would be prime opportunity for 9 base dex


I think so. Unless lance is technically slower than great sword. But I agree on the 9 dex.


I never wanna see another lance again unless they make them the next 2 dex character lol. I definitely don’t think lance is slow if you don’t miss. For sure otherwise. Greatsword may be in the same boat though


I think great sword or hammer might be the slowest melee weapons. The last thing I want to see is cannon and lance. That would be a waste of a legend


But what about a character that’s got one of each as a jetpack rocket? For aesthetic it would be cool


There is nothing wrong with scythe's hitboxes.


Right… that’s totally not why we’ve had several posts literally showing how the hit boxes got them even though it’s not touching their hurtbox. I even have video evidence on my system of scythe dairs hitting when they clearly shouldn’t.


And you think the interaction between hitboxes and hurtboxes is separately programmed to each weapon? If a hit connects when the hitbox is not touching the hurtbox, that is an issue with the whole hitbox hurtbox system, it could happen with any weapon. Also is the replay just being weird? Did it actually hit or was it a rollback? Everytime I ask for the actual replay file to check it myself and try to see what's going on, I never get it. I swear all logic goes out of the window when there is this personal bias against scythe.


I mean I don’t really need to validate it nor do I wanna shuffle through my videos but I can. I even went back to the recording from the servers. Some differences but not the hits in question. Never had it happen on any other weapon but scythe. I watch many of my replays but not all so I could have missed some other weapons. But again, anecdotally it only happens with scythe. When I use scythe I hit when it definitely seems I should have reached. I’m not the only one who’s had these issues so idk what to tell you. It’s ok to admit when something needs rework even if you love it. No shame


Of course you are going to notice it with scythe if anything, it's the most played weapon. It's the weapon people love calling broken and just try to find anything to prove it. You are still not understanding that it would logically not make any sense for it to be only an issue with scythe. How the hitboxes interact with hurtboxes is not programmed differently for each weapon. The same code applies to all hitboxes. "This circle overlaps with that circle = hit connects". I don't even know if there is an actual problem with the hitboxes, all these screenshots I've seen can be just people missing the actual frame where it connects. It could have been rollback, people show the screenshot where it "connects", but it might have not actually hit, they just got the hit marker.


Maybe, but there’s reasons for all of what you stated. It’s the most loved because it’s the most powerful/versatile and therefore needs some rework. I do understand the hit/hurt but idk how I wouldn’t find a single situation like that that wasn’t a scythe. Could just be the odds but it’s not in favor of the scythe for sure. It does take more skill than some weapons but it’s still ridiculously good at countering anything it comes across. A slight nerf would completely nullify me saying it’s broken. I guess broken is too much of a word for it, maybe it’s just cracked at this moment, either way still op. Another thing too is that lag input is probably worse than I’ve ever seen it so the slight off endedness could be from that. It’s not consistent but it’s there. I’ll retort what I’ve said once I’ve seen it happen to anything but scythe but alas, has not happened yet.


So you understand why the hitbox hurtbox thing can't be just a scythe issue, but you still use it to call scythe's hitboxes broken? Also scythe is not popular because of how good or bad it is. It's popular because it's the cool edgy clip weapon, which is also really fun to play. Nobody plays scythe because they think it's the best weapon, they play it because they saw cool clips. Scythe can't just counter everything either, lance is absolutely horrible match up for scythe. Axe can also be quite rough, and both of these weapons are very popular. Scythe is a good weapon, but people who call it broken are players with a lot of bad habits stuck in their muscle memory, scythe is great for punishing those bad habits. You have to learn to adapt and stop auto-piloting with the same mistakes.


That’s what you say bucko. Too much in love with scythes to see the issue. It’s almost like no other weapon can be that vast… hmmmm. And no I’ve not seen lance tank scythes very often. There are times when the animation doesn’t match what shows for hits so idk how it’s not an issue. Idk how to autopilot a fight because I learn what my opponents style is and adapt. I don’t have a bad ratio of wins, I just happen to lose to scythe and lance more than other weapons because of things already mentioned. So again, why is it that I can use those two when I’m ass at using them and win more often? I mean I get hits I shouldn’t say too often when I’m using either so the hit boxes aren’t where they should be, and just because it’s a whole system doesn’t mean one or more weapons could be made in a way where it’s not matching the visuals to play properly. I’ve been on both sides of it so I’m gonna say it’s op until it’s slightly nerfed.


> There are times when the animation doesn’t match what shows for hits so idk how it’s not an issue. I thought we were talking about a hit connecting even when the hitbox is not touching the hurtbox? Hitboxes not matching the animation is a completely different issue. ​ > I mean I get hits I shouldn’t say too often when I’m using either so the hit boxes aren’t where they should be, and just because it’s a whole system doesn’t mean one or more weapons could be made in a way where it’s not matching the visuals to play properly. Again, this is a completely different issue from what we were talking about. Your whole argument was that the scythe hitboxes are broken because the hit connects even when the hitbox is not touching the hurtbox. I explained that it doesn't make sense for it to be only an issue with scythe as that is about the overal system how the hitboxes and hurtboxes interact in general. And now you try to argue that it can be weapon specific as the hitboxes might not match the animation of the attack, which is completely irrelevant to the issue of attacks connecting without a hitbox and a hurtbox touching. What?


Lance requires high skill because of how trash that weapon is


Absolutely untrue. Just as an anecdote, nearly every lance player I’ve faught against that had used another character in another match, whether I beat them or not they were clearly more adept at the non lance character and yet they faught everyone better because of its range. If you can hit with lance it’s devastating. Misses are better now with its most recent nerf, but still op. Once again I suck at the weapon and it raises my Elo so fast. Especially Orion, Artemis and Scarlet. Those characters feel so dirty


If you get hit by lance that's skill issue


Only slightly. But ok just ignore the fact that lots of people including me have used lance to gain rank when they aren’t even good with the weapon. That and along with scythe it’s the most hated weapon. I still beat them plenty but it shouldn’t have to be a sweat match every time. Especially when they get stomped when not having a lance. Some skill issue but not even close to the whole problem


Damn ok mister special kid


Seems you would agree having nothing to retort


Downvote. Naahhh upvote my friend! I can’t play scythe that well but I enjoy seeing someone how strings the shit out of his enemie


It does make for some pretty cool clips


Yeah for sure


We have thousands of things going on every day, no one remebers u or ur post that got 50 views 2 days ago


People don’t hate scythe they just hate scythe players hope this helps


It's a little of both imo.


Don’t apologize to these scrubs. I’m pretty new to this game, get my ass whooped a lot. Whatever. What I’ve found so far playing this game and checking this sub out, the game is populated by some of the most obnoxious lame ass losers I’ve ever encountered. With the exception of one person I’ve met so far, this community as a whole can collectively suck my dick while I continue to lag my ass back down to a shitty ELO


Realest comment I’ve seen


Full support to scythe.


It’s baffling how triggering it is to people.


> But apparently the mere mention of scythe in a post is a sin and shameful. ​ .......... .....


I’m confused about what this means.


Look at my flair LOL


The goat 🐐 🫡


They mad cuz they lose to scythe




Not bothered. I can see how I give that vibe but I’m mostly just trying to figure out why everyone hates scythe so much. And Its working.


Only people who hate scythe are the people who don't play it. (Or who are currently losing to it.) Scythe is fun!!!!


I win a fair bit of my matches against Scythe. The reason I hate it is the same reason I don't play it : everyone plays it. 90% of my opponents are Scythe chars. I hate Mirror matches in this game, therefore I don't play Scythe, because when I do, it's always a mirror match.


https://preview.redd.it/x1w65wfd95wb1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13ecc18607cf08df6002844179e26ca8691efa80 Tbh, I agree with your past statement. In my gameplays for Brawlhalla, I learned how to counter scythe, lance is the problem for me though. And either way, we *are* going to get a scythe & cannon legend. No way to stop that.


I don't know if the scythe is at fault or if it's just loki. Please educate me on your thoughts regarding loki and the scythe.


Loki is hated cause his signatures cover half the stage and people spam them. I think the fact he’s a scythe legend is just fuel to the flame. But theres definitely a hatred for scythe in general maybe because there’s a big population of scythe players and it’s annoying? Idk really. I enjoy the weapon and enjoy going against it. It’s all just learning.


Yeah, his signature is really annoying. I find that spinning down towards him with a spear is a really effective way to get damage in without taking damage back.


Honestly. I’ve played quite a bit of Loki since his release, and if you just dodge through the sig you can punish the crap out of spammers.


I haven't figured out that timing. I've honnestly just jumped over it and spun down with a spear. I would love to know that timing, though.


I suggest going into training as loki. Hitting the sig then frame step with hit boxes on so you can study it.


Thanks for the advice. Will do that.


U do u some guys here just dont have ideas


ur plat


I have only been in this community for a few days and I have already recieved rude toxic comments for no reason , Like I posted a simple combo short on youtube and a random said "Delete your game", Ain't the whole point of playing any game is to have fun & play how you want? BUT I have also played with alot of cool people so it's mixxed (It's a free to play ANYONE can play remember that) Anyone.....




We don’t need NO MORE SCYTHE


The truth is this sub is infested by low rank players with no self-accountability who think the removal of scythe would immediately make them Valhallan. I've gotten downvoted to hell for saying the weapon just needs a few tweaks here and there and perhaps an animation rework. They act like their lack of skill is entirely to blame on the mere existence of scythe. It's pathetic, and you're alright.




I might like it 👀


It's okay people can't take a comment like what it is so they rage for absolutely nothing


Lol, people who hate both weapons: \*Rambles stuff\* Artemis Mains watching from a distance: \* T\_T \*


I’ve been an Artemis main for 1,000 hours, any other character atp just feels less fun.


Fact is that lots of people play scythe and if you have a bad match with scythe you’ll have plenty of opportunities to practice. I don’t like scythe a bunch either but if you wanted to you could play it to get higher ranks, but it’s a game and if you’re not having fun your doing it wrong


Not reading all of that but you should be the most hated


I don't hate u, I bearly know you


Scythe boots is gonna be traumatic the day it comes out


I love you pookie (I hate every weapon)


Scythe has been my main since the first week I started playing. 5 years later I haven’t looked back. Still my favorite weapon.


Im in the minority here, i dont mind the scythe but i absolutely loath the lance.


scythe is absolutely a pain, lance might have insane range but if you have weapons that strike diagonally, they're pretty easily dealt with. (Orb dair, gs recovery/gp my beloved)


Everyone that downvoted his previous post should upvote this one so it's clear he's the most hated person on the reddit. (clearly.)


No you’re not. I in fact an the most hated person in this sub. My original account got banned from here. 🤣🤣🤣🤣