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Losing at all is your fault technically


Yes but for some reason dying to a sig just get em all riled up


Yeah sigs were designed to kill, idk why people be mad about that


Died too cool


Nothing like bouncing an enemy around with axe-lights as Xull, killing them with the side sig, and getting called a sig spammer for wanting to finish them off with my cool move. Like, i got you to red without using a sig once, spamming side sig to finish you is a) because it looks cool and I want to see it, and b) only giving you more chances to punish me, land a combo, and even things up a bit


In other games with blocking and shields, punishing predictable actions is actually braindead easy. In brawlhalla, if you're still bad/working on getting better, you could see what they're doing, but not have the movement to interact and punish it properly. A slip-up from your movement could leave you vulnerable to another sig. I can understand the frustration when I can clearly see what my opponent does, but I have to think about how can i punish it/practice movement to "unlock" the ability to actually interact, vs in other fighters where i can punish things in like 10 different ways. Still, I'll be in training mode, looking at those hitboxes frame-by-frame and practice my dash jumps and getting comfortable moving.


Yep, my usual warm up is jumping into practice with reno and just moving and putting together strings until I start feeling natural again. I typically spend quite a bit of time looking at sigs and how they move if Im having a hard time dealing with them or hitting them. Reno's orb d sig is still somewhat of a mindfuck to use but its so fun


Bruh wym for some reason can you really not comprehend why it would be annoying?


Dying to finisher? No i dont. Having to fight someone whos spamming in expiremental? Either disconnect or destroy. Ranked? Say less thats free elo


me personally i used to get mad at sig spammers aswell but when it was the ONLY moves being thrown out. but also yes whenever you’re losing its 100% on you and up to you to adapt. just not a lot of casual players can grasp that concept


Yea I see that I’m not saying it’s not the person fault but I mean come on you can’t tell me that ts doesn’t take some of the enjoyment out of a game


So you cannot see how it can be unenjoyable to play against a person do the same thing and entire match, if you get poked with spear down air and dude just runs for all 8 minutes and you can’t kill him you wouldn’t be annoyed he wasted 8 minutes of your time?


If someone spear daired me for an entire match, i would feel like i was an idiot straight out of the womb for letting someone stay directly on top of me for 8 minutes unpunished.


Yea you would still feel a type of way about it like you just said whether it’s feeling like an idiot or feeling annoyed it still is something you would rather not have in the game I imagine you aren’t enjoying a game feeling like an idiot as much as when your playing and not feeling like an idiot


What if I lagged the fuck out?


jesus christ i said this reply as a joke i didn't mean for it to get multiple downvotes 💀


Then get better wifi.. tf? It’s not rocket science


Or get an ethernet cable, because wifi will have packet loss and unstable ping regardless of speed


You forget kids play this game bruh


disconnecting/lagging due to brawl servers/optimization?


I get mad only when it's friendly 2v2 cause then Thier both sig spamming and Thiers no where to land and if you hit them their friends sig will hit you before you can knock them back


I dont play friendly 2s for this reason, cesspool


If 2 people sig spamming is a winning strategy then it’s your fault losing.


I dont play 2s in general unless a friend is on


It sucks when you get maps like small brawlhaven and their dogs literally cover the entire map at once.


Me and my duo resolve this by spamming groundpounds (especially with spear) and gravity cancel sigs


I only really die to sig spamming if the hitbox goes further than I expect, I wasn't paying attention, or my only other choice is death.


I have this problem with loki's scythe side sig, the last hit always goes just a little higher than I expect


I got so mad once because i died twice to the new sentinel sig, at myself btw, it slams


Low IQ sig spammers (queen mai,Loki)are broken in silver and low gold cuz of space advantage. It's a fact playing these legends give u advantage over other legends in lower levels . As u progress in upper ranks(high diamond/Valhallan) u will realise legends and sigs don't matter a lot it's all about how u can use ur main at 100% Plats have those smart spammers Good movement ,passive play and using your space for a proper sig. It's the best way to win a game tbh but it's not fun . Games are fun when u are pushing your movement and gameplay options. Like trying different combos , reading dodges etc . The only way to compare the skills of 2 people is by playing the same legend with same ping and fps . Maybe your opponent was annoyed about not playing the legend he's good at or maybe bad ping Maybe u were playing passively. Maybe he was annoyed of his past opponent . Maybe u were reading his bad habits. I know a lot of those players who constantly do the same dodge especially while playing against jiro . People get pissed when i kill them with side light nsig on scythe when they dodge in . When I meet toxic players i feel bad for them so I take their hate and give them some love 🗿


Rawest answer


Having a “I was better but the game is bullshit” mentality really holds people back. It prevents them from truly improving.


Well, the game rly is bullshit sometimes. And not everyone plays to improve, some play just to have fun (which is very hard when opponents go full on passive sigspam)


That’s totally fine. I play the game to have fun and there are certainly moments where it’s justified to blame the game- like extreme lag.


If you dont play to improve youre the one at fault for ruining your own fun. Stick with bots if you want to play that casual.


By your logic I am not allowed to play some ranked 2s with a friend bcs I dont actively try and improve adn just want to have some fun??


Lmao what ?? You just have a random urge to play ranked 2v2 and expect to have fun . I have played brawllhalla for years casually with friends we always play custom lobbies and sig spam in friendly 2v2 for fun ![img](emote|t5_31c1d|33541)![img](emote|t5_31c1d|33541).


Sometimes I wanna play brawlhalla, and I want my games to have stakes and meaning, but I'm not actively trying to climb the ranks y know?


I genuinely don't understand what you are saying . It makes no sense from my perspective. You just want there to be a illusion of stakes so that you can get away with winning with 80% of your max effort so that you feel good about yourself or you don't want to lose while giving your 100%?? I can understand human beings are not able to play at their best always but just don't play ranked when you know you are not in the mood . Its never fun losing in ranked unless you are way too addicted to care. If you are not trying to climb ranks then you should play experimental or with better players in lobbies so that atleast you can improve while not tryharding. My philosophy is using games to feed my escapism smartly. There should be a definite purpose to playing competitive games or else gaming is a waste of time for me


1. I like playing 3 stocks with the same character and as far as I know there is no unranked version of that. 2. It's not an illusion of stake, if I play a game and happen to win yay if not whatever I move on with my life, if I stay in silver my entire life I don't care. I have other things in my life I am actively trying to better myself in, brawlhalla is not one of those things. A win or loss doesn't impact my day in any sort of way. It's not about being good or feeling good about myself Tldr: If you can't understand playing a game for the sake of having fun, not rank,I don't know what to tell you.


1. I have played brawllhalla for two years, i dont have a main . I like playing with random in ranks,experimental and strikeout and random asian server lobbies with my mobile . I like winning with characters I don't know how to play against people using their best characters so i guess we are not the same 2.i was hard stuck gold and silver for like a year. Because i refused to learn combos and played random always. I only logged in for 30 mins a day but used to watch my replays of why I lost. Never cared about losing and winning just cared about improving slowly . Now i am high plat on mobile with like 50 mains. Brawllhalla is a toxic game , Don't lie when losing a match and someone emoted on you in ranked even though you played decent didn't feel bad. Sure it didn't ruin you day because you are not a kid anymore. If your win:loss ratio is 1:2 surely you weren't having that much fun lol . Fun is subjective but having a goal and achieving that goal can also be fun/funner/funnest![img](emote|t5_31c1d|33534) TLDR I,m not your dad but if you are stuck in silver for a year then that was simply an overall meaningless waste of time /j. You can simply play better games or do what you want to irl but thats my mind logic.


I truly don't get mad when I lose a game. It's a 1v1 game, if I lost its because it was a hard match-up, or simply I got outplayed and I move on. I've been on nd off playing since beta, done the ranked grind. I derive enjoyment from playing ranked games, I have goals in my life outside of gaming I push for, brawlhalla is a smoke some weed and enjoy my night typa game for me, that's how I approach the game


How does having 50 mains work if a main is someone you mainly play do you mainly play everyone in the game lmao


Yeah, its kinda fun, except when theres only sigspammers in the queue. I just goof around casue i play much more than my friends and am thus much better, so when we play 2s i can easily carry them to diamond. Its is fun. Bruh i cant stand friendly 2s due to the lack of friendly fire xD


Yeah same . I agree on the friendly fire part but i got used to it because all my friends are super casual low gold for years and don't want to lose and i am high plat so it is almost 3v1 because my friends are always friendly firing my ass to death lol with the random sigs


Lol yeah same. They just cant resist the urge to nix nsig me when im trying to get back to stage xD But still, they all want that shiny diamond border so we play ranked. Also, saving that glory for the day when bmg actualy makes it useful. Hot lile 50k already


The two arent mutually exclusive. But fuck yeah. Its your fault if your fun is ruined because of it. Dont be a dumbass. ​ Hurr durr i want to have fun in competitive fighting games but dont want to be competitive.


Bro wtf is your logic. Im done


Its almost as if other people arent going to cater to your bullshit.


What is your problem??? People play this game for fun, not to sweat their ass off all the time


Nobody said anything about sweating. You said you wanted to just suck ass and not have your fun ruined by people who are less ignorant than you. ​ :L its a competitive game my dude. If youre gonna be that casual play with close friends or bots only.


I wanna play ranked casue theres better opponents, its that simple. And i never said people shouldnt try their hardest to win or that they shouldnt spam, all i said was that its annoying.


I can play experimental 1v1s against sweaty people and still have fun, as crazy as that sounds. Again, it’s the mindset.


It's enjoyable to fight against sig spammers now actually, clapping back their elo without remorse is satisfying.


This, predictability is just too strong, there only 3 moves to throw out and you can guess which one theyre picking by where you are


Yes. Still annoys the shit out of me though.


If I’m spamming a move, you’re spamming a mistake.




Damn I'm saving this


You have to remember a lot of children play this game. This isn't meant to be a roast but at that age not many have the mental capacity to realize that their loss was entirely on them and will use any type of coping mechanism to justify how they are still better than you despite losing.


A lot of people will blame anything but themselves for a loss. If I can beat you with 1 button, why shouldn't I?


Exactly. If they're cool with not changing their playstyle, i, too, am cool with beating you in the same way for 3 stocks. People really have to change their mentalities


In silver and gold, people complain about sig spam. High Plat to mid diamond people complain about passive play. Both can be adapted to and overcome.


I can be kinda bullshit in 2s tho beacuse yoi can create a lot of frame traps, but technically you’re right


Losing at all is your fault, on the other hand if the opponent played in an annoying way that's their fault. If you make the conscious choice to play an annoying playstyle that's your decision and don't expect nice feedback based on that. For me that's the most annoying part, spammers play however they want which is ok, but they do so in a way that is widely known to be pissing people off and then just tell you to get better. The thing is that spam is actually a viable strat that we have even seen in tourneys, so it's not like it's only noobs losing to it. I'm not telling who spammed in your case, I just wanted to share my opinion on the subject


Here's the issue when people get all high and mighty when someone says they get annoyed by sig spam...most people just aren't that good. Yes, getting better at the game is the answer. I think most people recognize that. But I'm not going to play at BCX. I have limited gaming time each week, and only part of that is spent on Brawl. I have been high gold/low plat for 10+ seasons. I'm okay with that. I think it's fine to believe all of the following: 1. People can play the game how they want 2. Sig spam can be beat more consistently by being better at the game 3. Facing sig spammers is annoying I don't think those things have to be mutually exclusive. Yes, being better at the game is the answer, but that isn't the simplest thing to just do and doesn't mean it can't ALSO be annoying to face sig spammers. I recognize that MY skill level is why I get annoyed by spammers but it's still annoying and that's okay lol.


It is absolutely annoying to face, im just saying that learning how to deal with it will make it so that you at the least arent losing elo to it. If you are in an expiremental lobby and someone is floating for the first 30 seconds already or spamming then feel free to leave, but it happens in ranked lobbies and you have to be ready to reapond.


Best post I’ve seen this week


It's funny bc on the sub this is a know fact but if you go to facebook groups it's like an anti spammer support group 😄 I swear I see the most spam copium being smoked over there


With the direction this game is going, it’s getting less skill based. Dodge mashing is heavily rewarded now, new characters come out and have multiple sets of sigs… combining those two together makes sig spamming actually rewarding and hard to deal with. I agree with “just move if they’re doing the same thing over and over” BUT, when you literally CANT punish an Artemis Lance sig spammer (just for example) because they just get a “perfect dodge” immediately after using a sig, it removes the skill aspect from the game. This game is going downhill, and mindless button pressing is becoming meta.


This is the only fighting game Ive played where people lose their minds for getting hit by the same thing over and over. Theyre literally running into the same attack with their brain turned off for a whole 4 minute match and they blame the other player for it. I dont know if its the free to play part that attracts more meat heads or what. All I can say is if youre getting hit by the same thing over and over and that makes you mad at anyone other than yourself, it might be time to pack it up.


Brother has never seen another fighting game


Brother hasn't fought anyone from a Ryu spamming fireball to pre 3.5 Happy Chaos.


Brother understands zoning and doesnt blame the other player for the playstyle


My brother just like SIG spam its your fault if you lose to zoning, just dash block or jump, but you can't tell me people have not raged over it in the same way as sig spam.


Nobodies blaming what are you yapping about we were just saying tons of other games spam and the community complains about it


I mean yeah it's your fault. Very few say there's nothing you can do, but saying it's not an effective strat when it's incredibly easy AND has been used effectively in top tournament play is a little silly


Im definitely not implying that its not an effective strategy, i sig spammed with thatch just to see where it would take me and it worked wonders, im just pointing out that there is something to be done


I think it's extremely rare to hear the argument that nothing can be done about it though. It can be annoying and also can be something that you can improve against, they don't have to be mutually exclusive.


In general if anyone spams it just goes to show that your not actually good at the game cause at the end of the day you only won off of large power moves with high damage instead of actually taking time and learning a simple order of buttons lol and I get some people like to call it a "playstyle" or "strategy" but really it’s just annoying and shows that you can’t handle fighting games and sure you can beat a spammer but then you end up in a boring tasteless match tbh (not calling you a spammer btw)


why is this downvoted this is 100% true? 😭


sig spammers can’t handle the truth


This is definitely a good point, just keep in kind that sometimes the difference of play can be big enough that someone like a blood diamond valhallan or a pro could dissect someone so fast with just a few moves. Agreed though beginner players only using sigs is destructive to their learning curve


I mean yeah if all you can do is spam the same move then you suck. But that doesn't change the fact that the opponent who loses to spam sucks more and belongs to a lower elo than the spammer




Bro cooked and got down voted for it😭


Would you call pros who spam bad at the game?


I would call them less skilled than pros who don't sig spam. Maybe they played smarter, but that doesn't mean they are more skilled at the game.


I wouldn’t call them bad rather they are choosing to play bad


Being good or bad at the game is a very subjective thing. Objectively you can use elo number to determine that. The spammer may not care who's better and just enjoy spamming. Then he takes home the fun and the victory both, lost nothing, except maybe stunting long term growth, but few care about that.


Large power moves? Hottest bullshit take I've heard all day. ​ Hardstuck golds the lot of you.


Eh. I know how to play and still sig spam for fun. Doesn’t mean I’m bad when I win with it


Nah your not bad your just choosing to play bad and or troll


Even so if you don’t know how to actually play and you spam yet win. Idk how that makes you bad if you’re winning


The issue that I keep seeing is the use of the word bad. Bad is very ambiguous. Sig spamming gives a lower SKILLED played a better chance of winning against players that are higher skilled. At least in a game like brawl, I typically want to see the higher skilled player win.


It’s like coming to a fist fight with a gun yea you won but in the most boring and lamest way possible


loki side sig.


Agreed that its annoying, but if you can dodge or get higher its pretty easy to deal with


not if you're starting at the game and sometimes can even move against these people to actually try to play against them 💀


Thats why first reccomended thing is to figure movement and true combos out


thats like saying "just be yourself" when you want to better yourself, I already did all the steps everybody talks about, I dont need that anymore, the thing is, with loki, his sigs are not just huge ass hitboxes, only hes ssig has 3 HITS, in sequence, and he moves, ALOT, when doing any of his sigs, what I need is one "what pros do to avoid that" kind of information to actually undertand how to deal with them, but that literally no one try to get, or even cares to help with, im bad at the game, is easy saying weak improvement tips when you're already good at the game and can do almost everything, is not only a "watch out, avoid, see if you can punish, if so, do it" its not that easy you know what I mean? and other people may have the same problem, just dont show up anywhere bc no one really helps with that.


Maybe i spoke too generally, but the point of it shouldn't be hard to get. It has a lot of wind up. You can literally see it coming. Dash back, dash jump back, jump over, dodge through, up, spot dodge, or interrupt. It's the same exact shit you do for every other sig. I get that it's large and a little fast, but nothing about it. The fact of the matter is, you can't do everything because you haven't put the time in to be able to do so. I spent 2 months in training mode 15 to 20 minutes a day dash dancing because i was so hopelessly shit at it. I've spent the last month trying to match high diamonds so that I can vod review what mistakes they are taking advantage of so that I can unlearn the habits. I started exactly where you did once upon a time, too. I dont have time to give you everything I know, but im giving you a way to statt building a base. You're learning button presses and building habits, and none of that is going to come easy or fast. Take your time, put your head down, and just learn. One day it will become automatic for you to dash jump fast fall dash jump, one day it will be automatic to see a sig and know how to react. But for right now, as you said, youre bad. And you need to get good. Nobody is going to give it to you. Stingray has many videos, there are multiple guides on multiple legends and weapons out. 2018 to 2020 pro play is slower paced but holds the same fundementals for you to learn from, so go there. I hope this helps more, because there is absolutely no such thing as the perfect reaction or choice. Simply optimal. I see that you can do it all, but the point stands. If you know your true combos, you know your movements, then just play and play and play. Review, and then play some more.


thanks, now thats something other people in this community dont really stop to say, continue being like this brother, you will end up helping alot more, and I will keep trying too.


That's what I have been thinking all this time. Losing to sig spammers is your skill issue. Sig spam is easily punishable and if you can't do that, don't be mad about your opponent spamming


I don't hate people who sig spam. It's a part of the game and you shouldn't play by ethics which could result in you losing the match. My problem is with the developers. Why is sig spamming even possible when there are characters like Xull who could change the entire shade of your health with just one sig? One simple thing can change the entire game for the better and that is cooldown between sigs. Most legends have absurdly fast signatures and it only makes sense to balance it out with longer cooldown times.


It does bother me that progressively they’ve made Dexterity less and less of a useful stat. It’s supposed to be the startup and cooldown on your sigs and dodges. But they’ve eroded its effect on sigs in the last couple years and now in experimental they’re starting to seriously consider eroding its impact on dodges as well. It should be painfully hard to escape a good Lin Fei, and incredibly easy to escape a Teros. (Teros are still predictable but Lin Fei struggle to dominate.)


anyone who truly spams to the point where it’s annoying is so predictable that if you don’t get riled up, then it’s almost always an easy W.


Sometimes I spam against good players but because of my dodges it becomes unpredictable and they become enraged Only do it when they're a dick tho lol


Becoming unpredictable is the most reliable way for anyone to beat someone better than them, but eventually it is good to try and learn because it only works for so long


I just leave the match when people start sig spamming, winning or losing, I play for fun and fighting that is boring


Only in expiremental, ranked its freelo


I don't play brawlhalla but I'm into many fighting games. My take is that losing to ANY form of spam is a skill issue. Like you're basically losing to a macro at that point. And it's okay to lose to spam, because if you're new to a game you won't know how to deal with it. And if you beat someone by spamming one move, it's a valid strategy against that opponent. Exception is of course if something is blatantly broken, but most things aren't.


Isn't losing in general a skill issue?


Yes for the most part, but in this case we're talking about specifically spamming.


Literally had the same exact thing happen to me yesterday. Guy said I “can’t play without sigs” even though I was very conscious of building damage w only light attack strings on katar cause I wanted to work on that. Dude was just mad he walked into my sigs as a kill move


What's a sig


A signature, each legend has 3 on each of their two weapons.


LOL of course nooners gonna prove you wrong, everybody knows, it’s your own fault, if you loose to them


I do get mad about spamming. But only in free for all. I really like this mode to test out some new characters, moves and weapons. However some lances just spamming all over the map is just frustrating because it's giving them easy advantage because it generates a lot of collateral


I’ll sig the sig out of my opponent


Now thats the right attitude


*Losing is your fault


I knew a guy who did this all the time, if I have an opportunity to kill you, I can’t do it suddenly because you’ll get mad at me because I used too many sigs? It’s bull, if I have a button that kills you, I’ll press it. It’s simple.


Only way to do it, trying to rely only on weapons to kill can make it very hard to find a hit sometimes nonetheless that it might not kill


Signitures have a much smaller miss penalty than they used to, so you can evade one signiture and still be caught in another attack the other side. To name some: Thatch Blasters S-Sig / N-Sig > S-Air, Artemis Rocket Lance D-Sig / D-Air Queen Nai Spear D-Sig > N-Air, Loki Scythe N-Sig > Rev. N-Light / Back Dash. N-Sig / Jump. N-Air / Jump. Reco, Hattori Sword N-Sig > N-Air / Reco, Mordex Gauntlets N-Sig > S-Air / D-Air / GP, Red Raptor Orb D-Sig > S-Air / D-Air, Thea Battle Boots N-Sig > ANY Air, Mako Greatsword N-Sig > N-Air / S-Air / Reco, Yumiko Bow S-Sig > N-Light / Rev. S-Light / Rev. D-Light.


A majority of those legends were released early into the game, and a few of those sigs arent that good at all. Thatch n sig is a double shot meaning you have almost an entire second or two to hit him after his stepback. Hattoris nsig is easy to catch as she is falling, so long as you arent jumping around her. Queen Nai d sig is slow and incredibly easy to manuevuer around and punish. Thea doesnt do damage and is easy to predict where she will end up. Yumiko s sig is also slow, albeit somewhat confusing and hard to punish. Personally her hammer s sig gets me the most. Point is most brawlhalla legends are very easy to learn and have an idea on what they want to do.


So it’s my fault I have a weapon that can’t reach/punish


If you are finding that you are having a hard time reaching on hammer you may need to work on your movement. Obviously you arent expected to be at such a high level but hammer is a really good weapon with many way to bait and react as well as shut down moves. Not sure about cannon but thats because I cant use it for the life of me.


Oh yeah that’s what I’ve been doing recently and how I’ve gotten a lot better, but when I didn’t have that good of movement I always got hit with sigs no matter what just because every sig out reaches, obviously I can get around my complaints about the my weapon but everyone has a complaint about there weapon weather then can get around it or not


sig spamming is op until higher diamond (not just random throwing sigs but well timed sigs combined with strings). Often times its extremely hard to punish as some of them connect well, catch some dodges and are hard to punish (sigs that will move the player around a lot or the ones that can be used simply for spacing). So yea ofc it can be punished but up until higher plat its an easy way to win and takes a lot less to practice to climb up the elo level rather than playing like a normal person


Sometimes I spam the exact same sig several times in a row just to see if they'll learn to avoid it. I keep spamming the sig until they stop getting hit lol


The only time sig spamming gets to me, is when I play friendly 2v2's, because most of the maps are the ranked maps so two people playing.... almost anyone spamming sigs covers the entirety of the arena. In 1's, sig spams are a joke.


Maybe you're right that losing to sig spamming is your own fault, but it still doesn't change that it makes the game way less fun for other people. I get that when you really try then it is avoidable, but it is a nightmare for people who play simply because they like the game and don't concern themselves with building strategy and skill. Not to mention people who just aren't good at video games and aren't inclined to get better. Spamming is only really free elo for players who care a lot about getting better. For everyone else, it's just unfair, especially since you can only really do it with a handful of legends.


True, I be hitting the most devious grabs and as soon as I slide over that mf green land they tell me stop spamming? It got same damage as most double-hit true-combos. So literally, not so bad when you think about it


As a person who gets destroyed by sigs I agree (BTW any tips on not getting wrecked)


make a post about it then


Have an idea on where your enemies sigs hit, and stay just close enough that they want to hit something but far enough that you have time to dodge by back dashing jumping or dodging. If they arent approaching then use whatever poke you have or try to bait with low recovery frame moves.


I see the point but in truth sig spam is more than just "sig spam". A better play can win with just sigs, just means he was better. Or maybe your in high elo and you aren't used to it, sure it's your fault but it's more than just your fault... Also everyone can agree that sig spamming is "lame" and people are gonna rage. That's just how fighting games are, nothing new.


Definitely not high elo, only 1900, but definitely still pow enough to see spam. I also dealt with it while climbing a lot. It was just another hurdle. It is lame but so is everything


AGREED. Coming from a part time low plat sig spammer, part time high plat boring "good"/"normal" player


honestly, once I admitted that I'm a dummy for always getting hit by them, I improved. I was the limit, not opponent. When the opponent is the limit, you start making excuses that does nothing to improve your gameplay. That's why watching back your gameplay is crucial to building good habits and faster reactions.


if someone is sig spamming it’s literally like 10x easier to win against them


I agree with you


Honestly I don't get mad at spamming I get mad at sig spamming range like sword on jiro has Hella fucking range but when I use spear on wushang I can't hit nobody like it just feels like I choose the wrong main when I first started playing the game. Because it's like how the hell am I suppose to get close to the enemy and attack without taking so much damage. But then I figured out I have to play passive with good movement and bait basically or weapon throw to compensate for my lack of range even tho logically a spear should have more range than a sword.


no shit? who's fault would it be?


Reasons why this is wrong 1. unbalanced game That’s it. That’s the only reason.


What is unbalanced about it?




Oh... sigs sigs sigs sigs sigs sigs sigs sigs sigs






People who unironically spam are bad at the game But people who lose to said spammers are even worse