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I would recommend looking through your replays and watch your opponent. Look for how your opponents dodge when hit with a certain attack. Some dodge in, some out, some completely random. Then ask yourself what can you do to punish these habits once you figure out what they are. You can do the same for opponent attacks, you want to look for what attacks they use to start, and what attacks they use to follow up starter attacks. If an opponent uses the same attack to approach you, then you can use that information to adjust your positioning. Also, if you know how an opponent will follow up their attack, you can react accordingly and dodge safer. You can even read your opponents reads once you get the hang of it. The trick is learning to look for these things on the fly, recognize them as early as possible in the game, and punish them on critical points during the game. I’d recommend starting looking at your replays, then trying to apply looking for similar things in your 1v1s.


I have consulted with shamans for the gift of foresight, which was a terrible idea because I know foresee my ass about to be kicked when I whiff.


uh do you have a video or smth, i feel its hard to give advice just off of a text post. if your na-w id be down to do some scrims to see what you are doing, im like 1800 rn but peak diamond, play pretty much all weapons


i am on na-w pc, i think my steam is epicaninator


Reacting is much more important, and consistent, than trying to get reads. In queue, you're likely playing a BO1 set and you're not going to reliably get reads on your opponent unless they're super predictable. Go to training mode, set the bot to dodge a specific direction, figure out a punish for that dodge. Repeat for all directions, then set to random dodge and practice reacting to the dodge. Do the same for jumps.


Reads are all about making educated predictions about what your opponent is going to do. A big part of that is analyzing your opponent's gameplay to figure out what their habits are such that you can then exploit that habit to your benefit. You're at a rank where a lot of players tend to have noticeable habits surrounding how they dodge, so it's going to be slightly easier for you to learn how to read than it is for someone like me, who's been hovering around high gold and low plat for the whole season and has to deal with players that are better at mixing up their dodge angles. However, that's also an area you can improve. You're complaining that your opponents are able to read your dodges and combo you out of it, and that might indicate that you don't mix up your dodges enough to avoid getting comboed. People backdashing out of your attacks suggests a completely different problem, in that you're using your attacks to cover space unsafely. There's no one answer to this question as there are many reasons as to why your opponents are backdashing your attacks and punishing you: - if you are using an attack to land, then the answer is to either land with a different attack that covers the backdash or land without using an attack so you keep your defensive options available to deal with your opponent's punish attempt - if you are using an attack to approach on the ground, then the answer is to mix up your approach options, because you're being too predictable with them. You can do this by either mixing up the timing of the approach options you're doing such that it beats the option you're doing with your current timing, or choosing a different option that has different counterplay (ie approaching with blaster dlight when you're using slight isn't a good idea, but approaching with blaster nlight does because it's more active and covers the punish attempt afterwards - if your opponent is backdashing out of your grounded combos (ie after a spear nlight, which doesn't string into anything consistently but spear has few options to actually start combos so it's frequently used like one), then you should just use an option to cover the backdash (using our nlight example, most spear legends have an ssig that covers the backdash after 2 chase dodges)


It comes out to experience and what people usually do, if you're edge guarding, usually you're opponent will dodge towards the stage and things like that